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NOW I'm really nervous about sailing Royal

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Well, there are some crusty, grumpy people on board as well. :rolleyes:



Two instances spring to mind:



1) A D+ couple on Oasis that hated the ship because the boardwalk was a 'tenement' and they had to look at it from the concierge lounge! :D



2) A Pinnacle couple on Liberty that were pissed off because they never got free upgrades anymore. They felt that once they hit pinnacle they were ignored. AND, to make matters worse, when Richard Fain had his dinner for pinnacles he had the audacity to schedule it for when they were at sea so they wouldn't be able to go! Geez, c'mon, you're pinnacle! You're always at sea! :cool:



Anyways, 99% of the people I meet board are wonderful people and quite a few of them are close friends now.



So don't worry about your cruise, go and have fun. If you meet someone grumpy, crusty folks just blow them off and still enjoy yourself! :)

Got to reply to 1). The CL on the Oasis is fantastic. The best CL in the fleet. We would go back on that ship just for that alone never mind all the other facilities. The views were great. Like others have said, CC members are going to be a very small % of guests so go and have a blast.
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Got to reply to 1). The CL on the Oasis is fantastic. The best CL in the fleet. We would go back on that ship just for that alone never mind all the other facilities. The views were great. Like others have said, CC members are going to be a very small % of guests so go and have a blast.


Oh, that's the definite truth! My point was that there are gonna be crusty and grumpy people regardless. After that particular comment I decided I didn't want to socialize with them and still had an awesome time!

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Cruise Critic can be both a blessing and a curse when preparing for a cruise. One thing to keep in mind is that the population on CC is an extremely small percentage of the cruising population.


Also, people find it easier to make rude comments from behind the security and anonimity of a computer screen. There is no real retribution for what they say as there would be in person. :)


Relax and enjoy your cruise!! :D


Very well said, Agree completely.

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I agree with the OP.


On Cruise Critic, I frequently read Royal Caribbean, Princess, and sometimes NCL and Carnival.


While there are some rude posters on all 4 of those, It does seem Royal Caribbean boards here have more nasty posts. I hadn't read NCL for awhile and a few months ago decided to catch up on what was happening over there. I remember thinking "wow, these people are nice". LOL


I chalk that up mostly the number of posts. There might be other reasons, there are double and triple the number of posts on RC than on Princess or NCL. I can't speak to Carnival as I don't frequent that board very often. With double the amount of posts (and seriously, maybe 10 times as much as princess. I imagine it's about the same with Celebrity. I would be curious to know the difference). Anyway, it would go to reason that there would be that many more rude posters.


I have never noticed the difference in the types of cruisers on these 3 lines when actually sailing. I have seen rude people and very nice people in all my cruises so I don't think it's specific to the line and those that post on the board.


I do wish some who posted here realized that their words can actually turn someone off of cruising and or a specific line, but alas, if the cared they wouldn't be posting that way to begin with.


I've been around here for a long time. Some years I participate more than others. Overall it has gotten worse with the comments then several years ago,..but there are a lot more people too! I wouldn't correlate the rudeness on this board compared to what you see on Princess/Celebrity to reflect the same when actually being onboard.

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People take what is said on a online forum way too seriously. These are for the most part people you will never meet and if you do, you would never know they are the same people posting some of the things they do. Some people post negatively on here just to vent, others are just negative about everything and the rest just want to stir the pot. I can bet that even if you met one of what you see as "mean and ugly" people, you'd never, ever know it.


It's not personal usually. How can it be, most people here have never met. :rolleyes:


Anyone who is "afraid"' to cruise RCI because of some posts on an online board is interesting.


BTW, I've been on Princess and Carnival and the people on RCI, Princess, Carnival and a few others lines are the same people. There really isn't a difference.

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only a small number of posters are rude , the majority are on here to give good advise and banter but also remember the amount of people on board ship will probably be at least 80% non cruise critic users. just go and enjoy your cruise and remember - dont let what others do affect your enjoyment.



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I find that rude people are often much more brazen with their comments when they can stay anonymous, like here on CC. Onboard, my guess is they are probably the more sheepish type. Based on the thousands of posts many of the ruder folks seem to have, I'm guessing they are more vocal online than in-person. At least we all hope so...

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OP -- will you run across rude people on an RC ship? Of course -- they're everywhere! But, probably no more than you've encountered on other cruiselines.

Will you encounter some very nice people on RC? Yes, if you look for them, they'll be there! :cool:

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My first RCCL cruise was on Rhapsody in Alaska. I found the staff very personable. I found the passengers equally personable. The children were all well behaved. I can't think of a single time I witnessed any rude passengers.


Now my last Carnival Western Caribbean cruise, Lord, I can still remember all of the rude people on board. :eek: I don't know if it is an east coast/west coast thing or differences in the two cruise companies, or I just hit the jackpot of having been lucky enough to been around so many rude people.


Don't cancel.


Did you really think so? Maybe it was just your Carnival cruise....because we tend to find people from the East and Southern states to be much politer than many from the west coast. Or maybe it's just a metropolitan California issue. We are getting sort of tired of local arrogance.


One thing I notice, that it is frequently mentioned that "I talk fast" . Perhaps that is true, but people on the west coast have sort of flat accentless speech.


We cruised with 800 Australians in April. Several of them mentioned that it was hard to understand me because I spoke too quickly. They could understand the people from Georgia. I was a little frustrated by that. :D:):D

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OP -- will you run across rude people on an RC ship? Of course -- they're everywhere! But, probably no more than you've encountered on other cruiselines.

Will you encounter some very nice people on RC? Yes, if you look for them, they'll be there! :cool:


And you really don't have to look very hard to find them.

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My wife never found it amusing, but I used to carry business cards I would hand to the really over the top, whiner/complainer/everything is horrible type people. I'd hand it to them and say "here, maybe this is the answer for you"......The card said Dr. Kovorkian and had a 1 800 number. Of course it doesn't quite work so well nowdays, but it usually got thier attention.

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Let me say something....you and only you can determine if RCI will meet your expectations. Comments good or bad can be highly subjective. Do you really think RCI would still be in business if it offered an inferior product? They would be out of business a long time ago. I've been sailing with RCI for a long while and I wouldn't necessily call myself a RCI cheer leader as I like Princess and Celebrity. But I do know what my experiences have been with RCI...incredible. My first cruise was 1980 on Song of Norway and my last cruise was two years ago on Mariner of the Seas and although the product has change over the years RCI still offers a very outstanding product. Their ships are works of art, the service outstanding, shows fantastic and food very good to outstanding. It is mass market cruising catering to wide variety of taste. No, their food isn't gourmet...never has been. But whatever the case some people come on board with unrealistic exceptions with white gloves and champagne and caviar tastes paying beer and pretzel cruise prices and expecting a 5 star luxury cruise. Nope, sorry, not going to happen. Yes, some people do have legitimate complaints and I do believe RCI does try hard to fix problems; but not all problems can be resolve to satisfaction. Remember RCI is not considered a luxury cruise product although still considered an extreme good product for the price. Please go on your cruise and have a great time, come back and write a review and please don't worry. You are going to have a great time. If you don't then next time try another cruise line. You are going on vacations; not having brain surgery. :)


Oh by the way...did you know RCI owes Celebrity cruises. It's all the same company just different cruise products. :)



I wasn't worried about the company, just the people who cruise on RCL. The comments that I have..rather had read could be biting.

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I have cruised before on Princess and Celebrity and wasn't nervous about trying RCL. But I have to say that after spending some time on the RCL boards here on Cruise Critic, I am NOW very nervous. Not about the cruise (Alaska) itself, but about the folks who will be cruising with us. Some of the comments that I have been reading are just down right mean and ugly. At first I thought maybe just one or two ships attract grumpy travelers, but it's consistent. Please don't get me wrong, not all nor a majority of the comments are rude, mean, demeaning or ugly but there are enough to make me reconsider my cruise. The lastest one really was the "OMG maybe I should cancel" comment. ('You nor your little lapdog bandwagon amuse me.' ) Please tell me that once on the cruise that the mean, ugly and disparaging talk disappears and folks are just happy that unlike a majority of the world they get to go on a fab vacation with few worries about where their next meal is coming from. Pretty please....


It's just the internet effect I'm pretty sure. People will type the nastiest things from the safety of an internet forum. I've been on a bunch of RCCL cruises and the people on board are fun. I've seen a few I wouldn't want to be around for long, but no more than I see anywhere. Ignore the asshats on forums. Some of them exist for nothing other than to have interwebs fights.

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Friends of ours have saile on a number of RC cruises and have had great people at their dinner tables. Then, they went on Princess. They wound up sitting with a couple who argued about anything and everything. Then, the husband got a hold of the interim bill and saw how much his wife had spent in the casino, as well as the number of drinks she ordered.


It got to the point that my friends left dinner early, because they didn't want their son listening to the argument.


We have been on several RC cruises and never had a problem, other than our being upgraded to a junior suite, and the couple who had booked the suite wasn't advised at check-in of their upgrade. They were livid. Granted, it's a pain to run down to the purser's desk and find out what your new cabin number is, as well as track down the bags and excursion tickets. But, it should have dawned on them that they were being ugraded to a Grand Suite.

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Toes in the water, Ass in the sand, Not a worry in the world, a Cold Beer in my Hand, Life is Good Today!!! Zac Brown Band!!




Perhaps we tend to get a little crankier when we are NOT on a cruise?:D


In any event, I have to say I have avoided the roll calls from time to time, skipped a meet n greet due to "those People" arguing on cc boards...but, the ships are USUALLY big enough to avoid the people I think are rude, etc. Just ignore them & the "attitude" fizzles out faster than a hurricane meeting drought farm land. Negative energy breeds more negativity...as is the reverse. Usually.

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There are rude people everywhere.



And a far greater percentage of them are on the internet where they say what they want behind semi anonymity with only an occasional bad boy point from the moderators. Relax, cruising on Royal is far more pleasant that spending time here.

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I think that what I see here on the regular RCL (or the other cruise lines as well) boards are mainly 3 types of folks:

1- those who post questions hoping for experienced replies

2 - those who want to vent some grivence or some source of irritation

3 - those who are bored and stir up stuff for the fun of it.


I find it rare that those who are delighted with RCL (or other cruise lines) post "rave threads" :)

Of course there are exceptions ... but that's my take on it


The folks I "meet" on my cruise Roll Calls are a "kinder & gentler" breed and great fun to exchange with.;)

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We have been on several RC cruises and never had a problem, other than our being upgraded to a junior suite, and the couple who had booked the suite wasn't advised at check-in of their upgrade. They were livid. Granted, it's a pain to run down to the purser's desk and find out what your new cabin number is, as well as track down the bags and excursion tickets. But, it should have dawned on them that they were being ugraded to a Grand Suite.


Did you tell them you'd take the GS? Normally at checkin they tell you of upgrades.

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I have cruised before on Princess and Celebrity and wasn't nervous about trying RCL. But I have to say that after spending some time on the RCL boards here on Cruise Critic, I am NOW very nervous. Not about the cruise (Alaska) itself, but about the folks who will be cruising with us. Some of the comments that I have been reading are just down right mean and ugly. At first I thought maybe just one or two ships attract grumpy travelers, but it's consistent. Please don't get me wrong, not all nor a majority of the comments are rude, mean, demeaning or ugly but there are enough to make me reconsider my cruise. The lastest one really was the "OMG maybe I should cancel" comment. ('You nor your little lapdog bandwagon amuse me.' ) Please tell me that once on the cruise that the mean, ugly and disparaging talk disappears and folks are just happy that unlike a majority of the world they get to go on a fab vacation with few worries about where their next meal is coming from. Pretty please....


In my experience cruising, a small percentage of cruisers I've met even know what Cruise Critic is.


I think you may be worried about nothing.


Enjoy. :)

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I have cruised before on Princess and Celebrity and wasn't nervous about trying RCL. But I have to say that after spending some time on the RCL boards here on Cruise Critic, I am NOW very nervous. Not about the cruise (Alaska) itself, but about the folks who will be cruising with us. Some of the comments that I have been reading are just down right mean and ugly. At first I thought maybe just one or two ships attract grumpy travelers, but it's consistent. Please don't get me wrong, not all nor a majority of the comments are rude, mean, demeaning or ugly but there are enough to make me reconsider my cruise. The lastest one really was the "OMG maybe I should cancel" comment. ('You nor your little lapdog bandwagon amuse me.' ) Please tell me that once on the cruise that the mean, ugly and disparaging talk disappears and folks are just happy that unlike a majority of the world they get to go on a fab vacation with few worries about where their next meal is coming from. Pretty please....


Sounds like someone's just looking for a little attention here. What a silly thing to say.

So you read comments from some people on here .. and you're going on a ship that holds thousands. Do the math. :rolleyes:

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Cruise Critic can be both a blessing and a curse when preparing for a cruise. One thing to keep in mind is that the population on CC is an extremely small percentage of the cruising population.


Also, people find it easier to make rude comments from behind the security and anonimity of a computer screen. There is no real retribution for what they say as there would be in person. :)


Relax and enjoy your cruise!! :D


Internet fact. They are called "forum trolls", and they are everywhere on the Net!

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I agree with the OP.


On Cruise Critic, I frequently read Royal Caribbean, Princess, and sometimes NCL and Carnival.


While there are some rude posters on all 4 of those, It does seem Royal Caribbean boards here have more nasty posts. I hadn't read NCL for awhile and a few months ago decided to catch up on what was happening over there. I remember thinking "wow, these people are nice". LOL



I can only speak to Royal, Carnival, & Celebrity boards. In a rude race, the Carnival boards smoke the competition. On Celebrity, they're so damn nice it can be annoying sometimes. Like others have said, you have to take it with a grain of salt just like the dog food and/or nickel and dime threads.

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