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HONESTLY....How you feel about scooters on cruise ships.


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Self-absorbed people do what they want, when they want (either handicapped or not). The problem is not the scooter, it is the way the person uses the scooter. In fairly tight quarters, a person who takes up a lot of space should exercise caution and try to avoid imposing others. In a similarly ideal fashion, a fully mobile person should show courtesy, and sometimes deference, to those less mobile. The sad, simple fact is that there are people who do not care if they impose on their neighbors: either by flaunting their disability, or by failing to be courteous to others who are disabled.


My experience is that about 10% of passengers (able-bodied or not) impose on their fellows one way or another.

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Here is my take, like it or not.


1. leave your scooter or wheelchair in the gangway or elevator lobby and I will call security and have it removed. period.


2. ram into me in line and I will call you out loudly.


3. cut ahead of me in line and I will, in turn, step right back in front of you, you DO NOT have any right to be first for ANYTHING. There will be times when disabled passengers will be asked to gather in a seperate area for disembarking


4. I will give you all the space you need in an elevator, but I will NOT leave it so you and your party can get on, there will be another elevator coming along soon.

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I will give you all the space you need in an elevator, but I will NOT leave it so you and your party can get on, there will be another elevator coming along soon.


Sometimes people just have no bit of kindness left in them. That's fine, I understand you don't want to give up your spot nor would I outright expect it... however if someone is clearly having problems with getting their scooter and their help into the elevator during a peak time I would hope that someone would find a moment to sacrifice and help out. Last cruise I was starting to have leg problems and couldn't go a few floors without the elevator, we were having problems getting room for both of us in the elevator. People offered to help out but my husband chose to run up 3 flights of stairs and meet us there instead of cause more issues. Now that my leg problem has turned out to be cancer and progressed I'm more likely to need a scooter in the future if we can find the time/money/energy to cruise again and I would be very upset if no one would even offer to assist. I know that before I was in this situation I would have certainly have made that gesture.


Everyone is so busy thinking about only themselves these days... that is what has become wrong with society.

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DH has used a scooter on the last 2 cruises, he laughs because he says if he could walk those distances it would be faster than the scooter at times. I usually walk ahead of him and end up waiting for him to catch up as he goes at a turtles pace. The biggest problem he comes across is people who don't watch where they are walking and cut in front of him as he is moving. He has even had a few people yell/cuss at him to watch where he is going, when they were the ones who stepped 5 feet in front of him. While the scooters do stop quickly, sometimes it is not quick enough to avoid someone who cuts you off.

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No, legitimate medical reasons are often NOT fairly obvious. You can't see the state of a person's joints, the quality of a person's nervous system, or the health of a person's respiratory system from looking at them for a few minutes (or even a few hours). Yes, I have no doubt that some people fake a disability, but unless you see someone getting out of their scooter to go dancing, there's really no way you can tell.


This is correct, no one can see the 22cm massive tumor that is in my right pelvic region and how it is physically wrapped around blood vessels and nerves. Aside from that issue I look pretty normal when standing. They have no idea the actual pain that is going on in the inside. Sadly sometimes I feel like I'm obligated to limp so that no one would give me a dirty look or question me using the elevator for just one flight of stairs.

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I am as vigilant of scooters as I am of automobiles as a pedestrian on the street. Some are aggressive and inept in using them and are a danger. It's the same at the supermarket.


Aside from that, I am intrigued by use of the scooters by multiple members of a family, husband, wife, parents, etc. Yes I know disability can affect more than one member, but it does seem to be a fairly common occurrence which is just a thought as I take care maneuvering around them or they around me.

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There's quite a lot of people who use wheelchairs of various sorts who can actually walk quite normally. For a short distance. But over say 200 yards, and they're exhausted and/or in pain. Ships are more than 200 yards long, so they need wheels - though even a trained medical eye may not be able to spot why.

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A scooter/wheelchair is a LARGE machine, If a forklift or riding lawn mower or even a bicycle.. needed to move would people crowd around it? Of course not they would give it room so it could move and they would not get hurt.




have a great one!


Actually, a lot of people are just as rude when it comes to bicycles! Walkers meandering down the path three or four abreast so you can't get around them. Or they walk out right in front of you! Stopping a bicycle isn't as quick as people think!

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I think that the problems with scooters are magnified because people have to maneuver them in such small spaces. In the grocery store I can give scooters a wide berth or even skip an aisle if it is crowded, but on a ship there may be no place to go.


I read a message board for distance race participants, and there are the same issues between runners and walkers (especially those walking more than two abreast). Each group accuses the other of being rude and inconsiderate, and the accusations are worse for the more crowded races.

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It bothers me that some people rent a scooter for delivery on the ship and use it the whole cruise for convenience and not for a serious physical need.


So true. Some cruise lines require certification to book a handicap room....the same should be true for a scooter.


Cruise before last there were two (unprintable) women on scooters....all over the ship.


On debarkation they were briskly walking with their carryon bags the loooonnnng walk to customs/immigration. No scooters in sight.


Probly the same two that I saw having scooter races in the local WalMart.


Note: Scooters are great for those who need them.

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Actually, a lot of people are just as rude when it comes to bicycles! Walkers meandering down the path three or four abreast so you can't get around them. Or they walk out right in front of you! Stopping a bicycle isn't as quick as people think!


Bicyclists are a huge pet peeve of mine. Our city has bike paths all over yet the bicyclists ride in the street ten feet from the path. They totally ignore stopsigns and ride across streets in front of you, sometimes they ride three abreast. They're like a bunch of rude children who know mom's not going to discipline them. Lord knows if you hit one, you'd be sued for everything you own but the cops don't ticket bikes because the politicians want to tout how we're encouraging bike riders.

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So true. Some cruise lines require certification to book a handicap room....the same should be true for a scooter.


Cruise before last there were two (unprintable) women on scooters....all over the ship.


On debarkation they were briskly walking with their carryon bags the loooonnnng walk to customs/immigration. No scooters in sight.


Probly the same two that I saw having scooter races in the local WalMart.


Note: Scooters are great for those who need them.



I cannot understand this.

Why would someone able to walk use a scooter? Who would prefer riding a scooter if their legs and back are able to make them mobile on their own?


I just don't get it.


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As long as someone has a medical need for the scooter, a wheelchair, cane, walker, dog...I have no complaints. Happy to assist you if you ask me to. I hope everyone will be considerate of me when/ir I develope a mobility or other issue.


But, don't let me run into a stroller when the child is perfectly capable of walking.

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This is the the point of MY original post, not to imply that I run people over, but if it wasn't for people like you giving us a little bit of needed help..we when never go anywhere.


Accidents happen and it takes TWO, so people need to not just blame the wheelchair/scooter operator but also their own actions.


A scooter/wheelchair is a LARGE machine, If a forklift or riding lawn mower or even a bicycle.. needed to move would people crowd around it? Of course not they would give it room so it could move and they would not get hurt.


Yet when it comes to a wheelchair..people think it is okay to crowd around it...example.. in the elevator and they get frustrated when the door opens and the wheelchair CANT move..in cases like that we have two options..wait..and piss people off..or move and run someone over..great options..


I have been in a chair about 8 years now, I think I have run people over twice..once on a cruise (last year the guy was drunk) and once at Disney (exactly the same incident you had happen to you) But I know I have pissed off ALOT, the elevators --- please just stop crowding us if we are in the elevator with 5 other people and you want to cram 4 more in..then someone is going to get hurt. WAIT another elevator will come along...(I have waited more times then I can count for an elevator that was not full of people can you imagine how I WOULD be treated if I crammed my wheelchair in an elevator..?? OYE!)


anyways..thats my story..



have a great one!


While accidents of all kinds involve more than one person, it does not then follow that both parties are at fault. It does not "take two" to cause an accident when one party is already doing everything possible (short of not being there at all) to avoid a problem and the other party causes an accident anyway. Do you honestly expect everyone to get out of your way or give you a big cushion of space at all times? On a cruise ship with its tight quarters? With 1000s of people onboard?


We do our best to not interfere with others and we will give help to anyone who needs it, but we do not believe that our needs are any less important then yours or anyone else's. Of course we are aware of the special needs of those in wheelchairs, on scooters, using walkers, or needing a cane. (That last one can be either or both my hubby and me, depending on how our health is at the time.) When we have decided we are just too tired to take the chairs, we don't crowd an elevator regardless of who is onboard; we never push ourselves on before those exiting can get out; we wait patiently for our turn; and we will ask anyone who looks like they need assistance if they would like assistance. My hubby will also go into "protective" mode if he sees something like someone in a chair or scooter who is being run over by able bodied people rushing over and in front of them. But we will not tolerate rude people, regardless of whether they are on feet or wheels.


Uh.. NO. I have an autoimmune disease, and unless I am walking around barefoot and you see my deformed feet, there is no way in hell anyone can tell just by looking at me that I can barely walk. I am also only 45 so don't look 'old enough' to have my issues( FTR I was diagnosed when i was FIVE.) with mobility, let alone the pain I can sometimes have.


I am going to expand as well on my prior comment about never using one my own self.. because of my condition, my neck is pretty much fused, I cannot turn my head at all, giving me what amounts to zero peripheral vision which means, It would not be safe.. for ANYONE if I used a scooter.


Oh boy, do I understand that. There have been days that I swore if just one more person said, "Oh, you're too young to be so sick..." I would scream. I finally came up with my two answers of (1) "No, apparently I'm not." or (2) "Really? What age do you think is old enough?" Argh!



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Sometimes people just have no bit of kindness left in them. That's fine, I understand you don't want to give up your spot nor would I outright expect it... however if someone is clearly having problems with getting their scooter and their help into the elevator during a peak time I would hope that someone would find a moment to sacrifice and help out. L


not really.


if the situation was this: full elevator shows up on Floor x, one person gets off but a group of 5 AB people want on, do you expect that 4 others who want to go up to floor Y get off just so your party can get on together?!.


if the elevator is full NO ONE should expect to get on the elevator regardless of their situation. you wait for the next one that is NOT full. period.


if you know you take up the space of 3 people and there is only space for 2 when the elevator shows up, you wait for the next one.


you also wait for EVERYONE TO GET OFF before barreling your way on.. whether you are in a scooter, a WC or your own two feet.


actually quite often DH will take the stairs while I ride. and he usually beats me to the floor.

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if the elevator is full NO ONE should expect to get on the elevator regardless of their situation. you wait for the next one that is NOT full. period.


Absolutely......someone in a wheelchair or scooter is in no more immediate need of an elevator ride than someone who is not, and so there should be no expectation of express service. If someone takes up more room (as I do when I'm toting luggage, for instance), they should wait until sufficient room is available.....it would never occur to me that someone was being "unkind" to expect me to wait for an elevator that has enough room. If a group wants to ride together, they should wait until there is room for all of them or reassess their desire to ride together.

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I cannot understand this.

Why would someone able to walk use a scooter? Who would prefer riding a scooter if their legs and back are able to make them mobile on their own?


I just don't get it.


I definitely don't understand it either.

I'm in my mid40s, and over the last 15 years have had times where I've had to use a cane or a wheelchair due to neuromuscular and spinal conditions, although thankfully it's never been on a cruise yet. Everything takes more effort with a disability, using a cane, a walker or wheelchair pushes that effort even more. I would get so frustrated about it, because I wanted to be able to just stand up and walk to do what I wanted to do. I know there may come a day where using a mobility device will be a must for me, and I dread the very thought! :(

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After so many responses, and some that are very negative I need to add still more to my story. Yes I am the OP.


I’m going to echo many others. My disability can not outwardly be seen. At this date 18 and a half years ago, I became very sick and needed a life saving kidney transplant. Because of that I needed to take some very strong meds to keep from rejecting my new life. I too became autoimmune. Than over the years I needed more meds added to my pill arsenal for other reasons. As I said before about 8 years ago I started have tremors in arms and very painful cramps in my fingers. My leg started to twitch and jump violently. Tests found nothing wrong. Then came the extreme leg pain while walking. After I couldn’t walk in malls or large store with my wife. After sitting for awhile, like a car ride or a movie or just at home it became very difficult to stand without a great deal of pain and making sure my legs would hold me before I tried to take some steps. Again every test showed nothing wrong. I was finally told it must be drug toxicity from all the years of strong meds and or fibromyalgia, which basically we don’t know what is causing the pain. So sometime I need to wear braces when my legs don’t want to hold me and might buckle. So I walked with a cane. Then the pain became constant and very bad so pain pills that I need to take all the time were added to my list. And then more pain pills to take only when the pain brought tears to my eyes. Walking got real bad so a scooter was now added to my long list of medical help. Sometimes you’ll see me on my scooter, sometimes just my cane, sometimes with my cane and one or two braces.

Oh ya than I completely tore one acl and partially tore the other. But because of what’s going on medically in my life they don’t want to do a reconstruction until much later. So I need braces for that too. Hey but I’m alive and can still get around with help. “But the the grace of God, and Medical help”.


So don’t look down at me and others the have disabilities that can or can’t be seen.


Thank You


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Sometimes people just have no bit of kindness left in them. That's fine, I understand you don't want to give up your spot nor would I outright expect it... however if someone is clearly having problems with getting their scooter and their help into the elevator during a peak time I would hope that someone would find a moment to sacrifice and help out. Last cruise I was starting to have leg problems and couldn't go a few floors without the elevator, we were having problems getting room for both of us in the elevator. People offered to help out but my husband chose to run up 3 flights of stairs and meet us there instead of cause more issues. Now that my leg problem has turned out to be cancer and progressed I'm more likely to need a scooter in the future if we can find the time/money/energy to cruise again and I would be very upset if no one would even offer to assist. I know that before I was in this situation I would have certainly have made that gesture.


Everyone is so busy thinking about only themselves these days... that is what has become wrong with society.


How do you know that the others in that elevator don't need it just as much? No one should ever be expected to leave an elevator so someone else can get on. The people being discourteous are the ones who think that they should own the elevator just because they are in a wheelchair or on a scooter or using a stroller or rollator or whatever else. The only exception might be a mother trying to take an obviously sick or upset child back to the cabin.

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After so many responses, and some that are very negative I need to add still more to my story. Yes I am the OP.


I’m going to echo many others. My disability can not outwardly be seen. At this date 18 and a half years ago, I became very sick and needed a life saving kidney transplant. Because of that I needed to take some very strong meds to keep from rejecting my new life. I too became autoimmune. Than over the years I needed more meds added to my pill arsenal for other reasons. As I said before about 8 years ago I started have tremors in arms and very painful cramps in my fingers. My leg started to twitch and jump violently. Tests found nothing wrong. Then came the extreme leg pain while walking. After I couldn’t walk in malls or large store with my wife. After sitting for awhile, like a car ride or a movie or just at home it became very difficult to stand without a great deal of pain and making sure my legs would hold me before I tried to take some steps. Again every test showed nothing wrong. I was finally told it must be drug toxicity from all the years of strong meds and or fibromyalgia, which basically we don’t know what is causing the pain. So sometime I need to wear braces when my legs don’t want to hold me and might buckle. So I walked with a cane. Then the pain became constant and very bad so pain pills that I need to take all the time were added to my list. And then more pain pills to take only when the pain brought tears to my eyes. Walking got real bad so a scooter was now added to my long list of medical help. Sometimes you’ll see me on my scooter, sometimes just my cane, sometimes with my cane and one or two braces.

Oh ya than I completely tore one acl and partially tore the other. But because of what’s going on medically in my life they don’t want to do a reconstruction until much later. So I need braces for that too. Hey but I’m alive and can still get around with help. “But the the grace of God, and Medical help”.


So don’t look down at me and others the have disabilities that can or can’t be seen.


Thank You




Thank you for sharing this with us. It is very generous of you and certainly a learning opportunity for all of us.


All we can do is know that but for the grace of God goes any of us and to wish you the very best. Hopefully new treatments and/or therapies will be developed that can give you relief and perhaps more mobility.


You are in my thoughts.


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Let me be perfectly clear, I was ONLY referring to people on scooters or in wheelchairs, if I see a disabled person on crutches with a walker or using one or two canes, I would certainly make room or even leave an elevator for them. These people have a hard time standing and deserve all the courtesy we can give them. Disabled people in wheelchairs or on scooters are seated and, therefore, do not need to move ahead of anyone else in lines and in elevators. That was my point.

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