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A Question about the most heated subject on CC


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There are actually numerous research studies that support the OP's statement.


Sorry but there are studies that show nicotine and other chemicals in the vapor.


"Although e-cigarette vapor is likely less toxic than cigarette smoke, calling it safe is a stretch. Preliminary testings shows the vapor conatins number of toxins, including carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) and diethyline glycol, a substance commonly found in antifreeze."


It may be that the amounts are not enough to be harmful but this is still being studied. At one time the tobacco companies claimed that cigarettes were healthful. It would be wise to be skeptical of the claims of the marketers of electronic cigarettes.

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As a child of a 40 year smoker who almost died last year due to complications of bladder cancer brought on by smoking, I applaud anyone trying to kick the habit.


It still threw me off several months ago when someone asked to have one in a nail salon getting a pedicure.


Again, I applaud her, but she would never ask to use a regular cigarette sitting at the pedicure chair, so the fact that she asked about the e-cig seemed odd. But the person doing her nails didn't mind.


I don't remember smelling anything and I was sitting right next to her.

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Sorry but there are studies that show nicotine and other chemicals in the vapor.


"Although e-cigarette vapor is likely less toxic than cigarette smoke, calling it safe is a stretch. Preliminary testings shows the vapor conatins number of toxins, including carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) and diethyline glycol, a substance commonly found in antifreeze."


It may be that the amounts are not enough to be harmful but this is still being studied. At one time the tobacco companies claimed that cigarettes were healthful. It would be wise to be skeptical of the claims of the marketers of electronic cigarettes.


Citation please.

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as long as it doesnt smell I dont care.


The question was driven by my wife. She works with a team, who have all quit and are using these new devises at their desks and in a conference room....She says the give off nothing! Nada! Zilch! Zero!


That is what drove me to ask here.....Per my wife, if you did not see them taking a puff on the devise, you would never notice anything.


Thanks for raising that point.

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If you are a sincere anti-smoker and you observed someone using one of those new smokeless electronic cigarettes indooor....Note, it releases only water vapor, no chemicals and no nicotine into the air, would you still demand that person not use the devise?


Would you have any compassion for the person attempting to quit smoking?


That's not smoking. I'm great with that! It doesn't threaten my (or your) health and doesn't leave me stinking.


Quitting is a nightmare, no doubt. But as someone who listened to her father hack every morning for a few years, before he passed away (while I was still pretty young) and who is now, 25 years later watching her mother struggle with changes in the weather using oxygen and still gasping for breath I cannot encourage a smoker more strongly to quit sooner, rather than later.



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a smoker at work decided that he'd try to quit using the e-smoke. He light up at his desk - right across from mine. There is an off smell to it and there was an obnoxious cloud of vapor that swirled over my desk.


The inserts for the e-smokes do contain chemicals including nicotine and there is no FDA overview as to what the inserts can contain.


The fact that the largest manufacturers are located in China - home of melamine-tainted food - makes me a little leery as to what is actually in e-smokes.


As an ex-smoker (since 1998) yes, I'd ask them to put it out or move to an sanctioned smoking area.

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So here is the question:


If you are a sincere anti-smoker and you observed someone using one of those new smokeless electronic cigarettes indooor....Note, it releases only water vapor, no chemicals and no nicotine into the air, would you still demand that person not use the devise?


Would you have any compassion for the person attempting to quit smoking?




Please, if you choose to answer, stay on topic.....




No issue from me....

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There are those who are trying to quit via electronic cigs and there are those who use them where smoking is a no-no just so they can "smoke". I don't know that much about e-Cigs but I'm pretty sure there is nicotine involved otherwise why would smokers use them? It's the nicotine they are after.


I'm a reformed smoker, stopped 21 years ago and I'm very proud of it. Does smoke bother me? Sometimes. Sometimes I enjoy it (not very often though). If I don't want to be bothered by smoke, I stay away from smoking areas. I made a choice. Those who smoke make their choices. Who am I to argue w/their choice to smoke?


When we were on the Liberty in February, a couple came into the Schooner Bar and took a seat at the bar (where we were seated). They pulled out their e-Cigs and asked the bartender if they could light up. He said no. I loved that! We were in a non-smoking area on the ship. Non-smoking is just that.... non-smoking. I'm sure there are people out there who aren't familiar with e-Cigs and would be put out by seeing someone smoking in a place on a ship (or anywhere for that matter) considered to be smoke free.



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I am a confirmed anti-smoker (cigarettes) but would personally have no problem with anyone using the electronic cigarettes as long as it is not giving off an awful odor or smoke. That being said, there are some inaccuracies in this thread. There are now some studies showing that these devices cause harm to the lungs of the user (nothing about any secondary issues). Time will tell.



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Yes indeed there are a ton of inaccuracies being floated here.


The fog you see from an ecig is created by propylene glycol. This is NOT the same type of glycol used in regular antifreeze. It is used as a food additive. It is used in cosmetics. It is used in asthma inhalers. It is generally recognized as safe by the FDA. It is also a primary ingredient in theatrical fog, so if you've been to the Quest or one of the ice shows, attended one of the parades or events in the Promenade, or danced in the club, you've been bathing in it.


Yes, most e-cig vapor contains nicotine. One of the big issues with ecigs is that the nicotine absorption rate is poor compared to that of cigarette smoke. Basically you have to smoke it as if you were smoking a joint just to get 65% of the nicotine you'd get from a normal puff of cigarette. So ask yourself this: Just how much nicotine do you think you'd get from a whiff of secondhand vapor? I'd be willing to bet you're getting more pollutants in your lungs from the smokestack exhaust.


True, the jury is still out because there is inadequate data as of now. But I think it's safe to assume that ecigs are much less harmful than cigarettes to the smoker and virtually no risk to the non smoker especially when you factor in the trace pollutants that all are exposed to daily.

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I have an e-cig.

Not because I want to give up smoking (that choice is mine alone) but for places where smoking is banned or inappropriate, such as on an aircraft or in a sports stadium.


The big problem, as another poster has found, is that e-cigs are banned in pretty-much the same places as smoking is banned.

And that will continue to be the case even if an e-cig is proven irrefutably to be harmless.


A steward at a soccer match explained the problem - the e-cigs are too realistic. Even (from a distance) those that are bright pink instead of white, & with a blue rather than a red light at the tip.

Someone is noticed to be "smoking", mebbe noticed by a steward, or mebbe reported to the steward by a complainant.

The steward investigates - no problem, it's an e-cig.

Two minutes later there's another complaint about someone else.

Steward investigates - again it's an e-cig.

Another complaint, another e-cig. And again. And again.

The venue decided to ban e-cigs because of the confusion & wasted time - and that policy is widespread, certainly across the UK.


Albeit on a different level, it's the same as carrying imitation firearms.

I can understand the difficulties.

But I can't offer a solution.


A side issue.

We all know that tobacco contains many tars & chemicals, which can be harmful to the user & the "second-hand" smoker.

And that nicotine is addictive to the smoker.

But medical evidence is that the nicotine is neither addictive nor harmful to the health of those who receive it second-hand. I don't know what other chemicals are released by e-cigs or how harmful they are to others, but nicotine is not a problem for the non-user.


JB :)

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So here is the question:


If you are a sincere anti-smoker and you observed someone using one of those new smokeless electronic cigarettes indooor....Note, it releases only water vapor, no chemicals and no nicotine into the air, would you still demand that person not use the devise?


Would you have any compassion for the person attempting to quit smoking?




Please, if you choose to answer, stay on topic.....




I would not "demand" that the person not use the devise.

But I would probably just move to another area as I am not certain about what these new devises give off.

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Yes indeed there are a ton of inaccuracies being floated here.


The fog you see from an ecig is created by propylene glycol. This is NOT the same type of glycol used in regular antifreeze. It is used as a food additive. It is used in cosmetics. It is used in asthma inhalers. It is generally recognized as safe by the FDA. It is also a primary ingredient in theatrical fog, so if you've been to the Quest or one of the ice shows, attended one of the parades or events in the Promenade, or danced in the club, you've been bathing in it.


Yes, most e-cig vapor contains nicotine. One of the big issues with ecigs is that the nicotine absorption rate is poor compared to that of cigarette smoke. Basically you have to smoke it as if you were smoking a joint just to get 65% of the nicotine you'd get from a normal puff of cigarette. So ask yourself this: Just how much nicotine do you think you'd get from a whiff of secondhand vapor? I'd be willing to bet you're getting more pollutants in your lungs from the smokestack exhaust.


True, the jury is still out because there is inadequate data as of now. But I think it's safe to assume that ecigs are much less harmful than cigarettes to the smoker and virtually no risk to the non smoker especially when you factor in the trace pollutants that all are exposed to daily.


Thanx for the 'cool head' response. I won't get into a 'tangent', but seriously, there are people all over, not just those anti smoking cruisers that are so adamant, who have all the answers that even the professionals don't yet. There are also those who love trying to have 'some control' over others behavior so it is 'just like theirs'. Let them rave. Same goes for the answers on what the FDA says, etc. Once again, $ is involved ... trust me, that's the main reason the FDA wants control, it has nothing to do with the health of anyone, but more to do with tax revenue, at least from what I've read. And, let us not forget all the carcinogens that are not only being inhaled daily, but ingested in so much of what we all eat and drink on a daily basis. And, the alcohol ... it's not just the 'alcoholic' or 'heavy' or 'problem' drinker that causes issues, but also the 'vacation over drinker' that certainly STINKS and causes problems ... but once again, let it go!


That being said, my doctor told me that using an e-cig is no more harmful than drinking coffee. It's the 'burning of the tobacco' that creates all the toxins and health risks, not the nicotine itself. Depending on what 'brand' of e-cig one chooses, the amount of nicotine can be controlled from high to zero ... and there are flavors. Some people just like the 'flavors' and don't even use the nicotine (i.e. do zero nicotine level)! Why? I don't know, why do some people like Pina Coladas? For some it's not even the nicotine addiction, but the 'habit' of doing the smoking thing.


That also being said, I totally understand the 'confusion' where it so looks like a real cigarette and what message that gives to young people. I also understand how difficult it is for the staff to deal with when so many people minding other people's business are constantly whistle blowing and the staff is trying to keep everyone happy. So, although I hear the e-cig smokers when they say they aren't smoking and shouldn't have to follow the rules for 'smokers' .... BUT, until it's accepted as appropriate, I think they have to just go with the flow and follow the rules. Even an e-cig in this day and age, IMO, is inappropriate in eating venues, shows, large crowds, etc. I would think smokers, after following these rules for years now would understand that as well. However, there is also an element of 'I can do what I want now' out there.


So, again I really think it comes down to take care of ones own behavior, not everyone else's ... and if it's bothering you ... move, don't have a 'henny' over it! :)

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So here is the question:


If you are a sincere anti-smoker and you observed someone using one of those new smokeless electronic cigarettes indooor....Note, it releases only water vapor, no chemicals and no nicotine into the air, would you still demand that person not use the devise?


Would you have any compassion for the person attempting to quit smoking?




Please, if you choose to answer, stay on topic.....




most lines explicitly state that E cigs are on the banned list.


compassion has nothing to do with it. it's not allowed., so yes i would make staff aware of the issue.

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To the OP: Yes, I would tolerate someone smoking an e-cigarette in the same room as me, although I would prefer them not to do so at the meal table.

MY DH was a smoker for over 50 years. He tried everything to help him stop, with no success. Thanks to e-cigs, he has now been a non-smoker for 6 months.


To those who are worried about the small amount of nicotine that may escape in the vapor from an e-cig: Nicotine will not give you lung cancer. It is the tar products in cigarettes that do this.

Yes, there is a slight smell from the e-cigs my DH uses. It isn't as strong a smell as weak perfume. I only smell it if I am standing right beside him. From a yard away, you can't smell it.



MY DH does not smoke his e-cigs anywhere that ordinary smoking is not allowed on cruise ships. That is a requirement of most of the cruisd lines and he complies with it. Most airlines also prohibit smoking e-cigs on board their planes.



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There still seems to be some question as to the absolute safety of electronic cigarettes. So far as I understand, FDA has not yet declared them safe and there is on going research. I read about the 'it's just vapor' and that sounds fine but it is also nicotine.... that's the point of them, isn't it?


I would not want to be sitting beside someone using an electronic cigaratte, particularly indoors, until science proves them safe. I would prefer that for verandah smoking on a ship over regular cigarettes.

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Hubby and I walked past a man smoking an e-cig on the Prominade of a ship. He was perfectly within his rights where he was located. But we both mentioned the chemical smell around him. It definitely didn't smell like smoke. Actually it was more like bad or stale perfume.

We were both surprised by this because we thought one of the advantages of e-cigarettes was the lack of odor and the so-called harmlessness of the water vapor.


If an e-cig is only water vapor I might not mind, but if I were in a restaurant with someone whose e-cig put out that chemical smell, I would be opposed to it.


Maybe it was! :confused::confused::eek:

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If there are chemicals or noticeable odors involved, there would be some of the same objections as apply to cigarettes. If it is really just water vapor, who really wants to discuss second hand water vapor? After all, everyone breathes second hand air every day and thinks nothing of it.

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