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Spring Break Lesson Learned

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I also retired after 29 years in a major west coast city working in the night club district. I have had just as many older people who were obnoxious as young ones. Those who have been successful in life who have never heard the word NO. If you allow them to influence your trip, thats on you.



Sorry ansore but that's a boat load of crap. I'm not comparing old to young here. I'm talking about kids who have no clue what they're doing to themselves and others. Kids that code from alcohol poisoning and are right back at it the next weekend. Kids that throw furniture out dormitory windows. Large brawls, sexual assaults, falling out windows and down stairwells. Sorry but if an innocent passenger gets caught up in that, how is it on them. Again, I reiterate not all Spring breakers are the same but for many it's a no holds barred mentality.




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Ever attend an AA meeting? Mostly older gentlemen and women poisoning their bodies? Ever attend a convention in Las Vegas? Grown adults acting immaturely. Maybe your life experiences have not allow you to see it. ITs not just kids, adults do it also


But we're talking about college Spring break, not Skid Row, not Vegas. Your examples are irrelevant to the topic.

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I have to admit, I have booked a last minute seven night on the allure leaving on march 29th. I am a little worried about the crazy crazy people.. but I am hoping they mostly do the four or five nighters, and my seven nighter will be relatively peaceful.


If your on the allure considering it's size you should easily be able to avoid all the spring breakers.

Edited by mattmax11
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Only because you cannot comprehend that Older people are obnoxious on cruise ships and older people drink to oblivion on cruise ships and poison themselves. You are just using your life experience on a college campus. Ever read drink package threads with older people saying they get their monies worth or the ship loses money on them.. Hmmmmmmm wow mind blowing


Unlike college kids, I've never seen older people drink themselves into oblivion on 28 out of 28 cruises. I'm not saying it never happens. I've also read plenty of threads on drink packages and I'm sure those people will be happy to hear that you think because they're 'getting their money's worth' they must be drinking themselves into oblivion. That's just nonsense.

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I also retired after 29 years in a major west coast city working in the night club district. I have had just as many older people who were obnoxious as young ones. Those who have been successful in life who have never heard the word NO. If you allow them to influence your trip, thats on you.


WOW! That's a truly cringe worthy statement - "If you allow them to influence your trip, thats on you." So it's the cruisers fault that their cruise is ruined if their Grade school or High school daughter is sexually harassed by some drunken morons? Is it their fault too if their little kids can't get away from the F-bombs dropped by drunken morons? I don't give a rat's backside if these drunken morons are 21, 41, or 61 those idiots own their obnoxious behavior, not me or even you. As an Adult I can choose to ignore them, let them ruin my cruise, or put them on their backside. An 8, 10, 14 or 16 year old kid doesn't have all those options do they? :rolleyes:

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Only because you cannot comprehend that Older people are obnoxious on cruise ships and older people drink to oblivion on cruise ships and poison themselves. You are just using your life experience on a college campus. Ever read drink package threads with older people saying they get their monies worth or the ship loses money on them.. Hmmmmmmm wow mind blowing


Yes, but they're so much easier to catch, with the wheelchairs and walkers and such, when they bang on your doors racing down the corridors.


"If you allow them to influence your trip, that's on you"??? Mind blowing, indeed.

I'll remember that if those geriatric drunks are ever pounding on my door in the middle of the night. I hear that's a common prank Older drunken passengers play. And if it influences my night's sleep, I'll now know that's on me. Brilliant comes to mind.

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Coming back to the ship at the end of the day, we were on a tender with a group of college boys that had been drinking heavily during the day and decided their fight song needed to be sung at the top of their lungs.


On a happier note: this reminds me of my son and a HUGE group of his elementary, junior high, high school, and college friends (been besties for 33 years now), were all sitting at the center table at one of the group's wedding about 15 years ago. They were pretty imbibed, and were singing Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" at the top of their lungs. The caterer came up and quietly said that they were planning to feed people by table number, but considering the "need to eat" by the center table, was it OK if they went first? We laughed, and said most of the people at this wedding were the PARENTS of the "singfest" in the middle table, so go right ahead.


It was certainly a happy wedding! I mentioned this to my son about a month ago, and he has no memory of it..... DUH!!

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We were on a 4-night Enchantment cruise last week--full ship with a lot of college kids. Very few younger kids, to my surprise (DH is 12). He didn't want to spend much time by the pool because of "all the drunk kids." I will say that we did not observe much bad behavior, but we weren't out late wherever they were hanging out. They did take over the bars to some extent, but we were always able to get drinks without much wait. The St. Patricks's Day 70s & 80s party in the centrum was actually fun with the mix of ages (we observed from one deck up)--same for the piano bar. That said, I would not book another spring break cruise (nor another RCCL for that matter--the value/quality just wasn't there for the price and the crowds). Live and learn!

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OP, I'm sorry you had that experience! Thankfully you enjoyed yourself and achieved your (Tortuga) goal despite the Spring Break crowd!:)


DH booked a surprise cruise for my birthday on Serenade out of NOLA, leaving one day before Easter (BD on 8th). We sailed the same ship last year and loved it--one of our favorites! It only dawned on me a couple of weeks ago that it would be Easter week and still Spring Break when we sail this time. Fortunately, I don't think Serenade is one of the "in demand" ships for spring breakers (We are in our late 50s--"Old"), EXCEPT Serenade is currently in NOLA until 4/11/15 (sadly leaving), AND in checking Spring Break schedules, looks like LSU will be on Spring Break the week we sail. Hopefully most will opt for Carnival or NCL since they are in NOLA as well (or opt for Galveston)....Not to mention, we and the couple sailing with us are die-hard Bama fans and LSU is one of our TOP rivals! (just kidding, we like them....except when we are playing them, lol). We are hopeful for a fairly calm, relaxing cruise. I have no problem, however, with WELL BEHAVED childen--unlike the ones I read about the other day who were on Serenade running around, playing hide and seek at 2-3am.


Wow! I'm really surprised to learn any college has their break that late. I think you'll be OK though. Generally speaking, shorter cruises are more appealing to college Spring Breakers. We did have some college kids from Mississippi on the Serenade a couple weeks ago, but they were well-behaved in that they looked like they had a great time without their fun negatively impacting their fellow passengers.



I also retired after 29 years in a major west coast city working in the night club district. I have had just as many older people who were obnoxious as young ones. Those who have been successful in life who have never heard the word NO. If you allow them to influence your trip, thats on you.


Totally disagree, and also wonder what your issue is with those of us who expect our fellow passengers to follow the policies that are established for everybody. There comes a point where other passengers' behavior, (regardless of age) has a negative impact. Whether that behavior is collegians staggering drunkenly around the ship using foul language, young children running through the halls playing hide and seek and screaming, or a mobility challenged individual charging at people in a scooter, it is the cruise lines' responsibility to put a stop to it if it's either dangerous or a detriment to the ability of EVERYONE to enjoy what the ship has to offer. Yes, people of any age can be obnoxious, but that's not the topic of this thread. This thread is about large groups of college students and their behavior on a recent cruise. If you want to discuss obnoxious older people, then start a new thread for that.

Edited by Cindy
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I wonder if anyone here realizes that these young people having fun are say, 1. What a bunch of old fuddy duddys on this ship, or two they dont even notice you because they are doing what on vacation, having fun....


So there is no need whatsoever for common courtesy or decorum when someone is having fun? Singing lewd songs and dropping F bombs in front of children is perfectly ok with you because they're on vacation?


I guess the drunken knuckleheads who brought my 14 yo niece to tears by asking about her virginity, etc were just having fun on vacation too, right?

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I wonder if anyone here realizes that these young people having fun are say, 1. What a bunch of old fuddy duddys on this ship, or two they dont even notice you because they are doing what on vacation, having fun....


it is not necessary to get stupid drunk for days straight, and run around acting like idiots to have fun.


Had PLENTY of fun in my college days and NONE of it involved singing my fight song at the top of my lungs on a tender back from Belize and using the f word in front of small children.

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So there is no need whatsoever for common courtesy or decorum when someone is having fun? Singing lewd songs and dropping F bombs in front of children is perfectly ok with you because they're on vacation?


I guess the drunken knuckleheads who brought my 14 yo niece to tears by asking about her virginity, etc were just having fun on vacation too, right?


Wow...did you bring up this sexual harassment of a minor to security?

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Rules without enforcement consequences are merely suggestions.


Good point DaveKathy...Smoking on balconies might be against the rules, so is chair hogging, line cutting, saving seats in the theater, heck I think even profanity is illegal in some states and cities and likely against the rules on CC forums but I see plenty of it. That's my entire point, just like drunken disorderly spring breaker behavior is against the rules, if the ship staff won't enforce certain rules, then complaining is a worthless waste of precious vacation time I guess.


We had two side by side balconies with the divider open so a lot of space on deck 8 forward and I really couldn't tell where the smoke was coming from but seemed multiple directions on different days. It would be hard for me to even suggest to crew where to look for the offender. I wonder if anybody has successfully had that complaint (I smell smoke on my balcony) addressed if you couldn't look right at the person on the balcony next to you and see them smoking??? My guess is the complaint to ship crew would likely get only lip-service just like the OP's complaint of the obnoxious behavior on the tender from Belize got nothing but lip-service.



I've had success with this. It was completely enforced, twice on my cruise in December. They were extremely helpful and took care of it right away.

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THIS JUST IN... Spring Break is where college kids act stupid.


I know it's only been since 1958 when the book Where the Boys Are (followed in 1960, by the movie) came out, but we'll all just have to get used to this new normal.


It's only been 57 years, in a few more we'll all get used to it.

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Wow...did you bring up this sexual harassment of a minor to security?


Absolutely. They were brought into security and told if they spoke to her again or stepped out of line at all they would be put off the ship. They did a good job of avoiding us the next 4 days, no further issues.

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Just finished Grandeur March 13th cruise. Many college students. They were very well behaved. They made the trip a lot of fun. So there are all types of kids on spring break:)


No doubt. I would never paint them all with a broad brush. ;)

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So now you are the person who is telling people what to do with their lives..Interesting.. Ever see a Naval ship come into port after a long deployment? Do you realize there are people , young and old getting drunk and acting stupid on every cruise...thanks for being the MORAL COMPASS


Well you have me there. I've never seen a naval ship pull into port after a long deployment and the crew get on a family cruiseship during SPRING BREAK only to get drunk and stupid. When did you see that happen?

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Fun is a relative term. I worked for a university public safety department for a couple of years after retiring as a career police officer. It was then I decided I would avoid sailing short Spring break cruises. I'd never seen the volume of conduct so detrimental to oneself in all my years as a police officer. Granted, not all Spring breakers are alike but sometimes their fun can be extreme. Fuddy duddy or not, it can still ruin your cruise.



You have to admit though, it is funny watching them try to re-enact Weekend at Bernie's on their way back down the pier after a day boozing in a port:D:eek:;)

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Well you have me there. I've never seen a naval ship pull into port after a long deployment and the crew get on a family cruiseship during SPRING BREAK only to get drunk and stupid. When did you see that happen?


Pffft, spit out my coffee. I have been nodding in agreement to your replies here. Having done several cruises during spring break, I've found the shorter ones to have more college kids with some alcohol related loudness on the lido deck. Security had stepped in and corrected the behaviour, which didn't carry on for long.


So in my experience, I have winced a few times at guests acting out, have never needed to move, have witnessed security doing a great job, and yes had to remind the kids that some people use words that we don't. I won't accept the obvious posters comments that it's on me to have a good time regardless of others. Overtly drunk passengers can create a safety risk and I count on the cruise line security to maintain that, as well as the behaviour rules of conduct that are listed on our cruise documents.


OP, like you, we now avoid that spring break time of year, but sometimes, warm weather and feet in the sand calls out!:D

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So now you are the person who is telling people what to do with their lives..Interesting.. Ever see a Naval ship come into port after a long deployment? Do you realize there are people , young and old getting drunk and acting stupid on every cruise...thanks for being the MORAL COMPASS



been there, done that MET MY HUSBAND IN PORT. newsflash.. 98% of the crew are mature individuals who have no need to get stupid drunk. just like 98% of cruise ship pax are respectful of everyone around them and have no need to act like morons.

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So now you are the person who is telling people what to do with their lives..Interesting.. Ever see a Naval ship come into port after a long deployment? Do you realize there are people , young and old getting drunk and acting stupid on every cruise...thanks for being the MORAL COMPASS


Sorry but I feel that anyone's right to enjoy their vacation and have fun stops just short of my right to do the same.

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