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Carnival Liberty Evacuation


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Mistake #1: with a new president at the helm, Carnival had a perfect opportunity to show they are/have changed the PR nightmares that have plagued them since Cahill took over, and rodent into the ground ever since the Triumph debacle (as Arison did with the Concordia disaster.


Instead, she was doing photo ops in Italy with John Heald.


Mistake 2: the communications coming out of Carnival was so slow. Info was actually being dispersed by a customer. And not only delays in then getting the word out, the mob culture over on JH and CCL was doubting the words reposted over there, and those posting that info were being called all kinds of nasty names.


Mistake 3: telling passengers that they could stay on board through Sunday, as the ship was going to be going back to San Juan, before anyone even stated the ship was seaworthy. With a refund and 50% off a future cruise, that would have been my biggest disappointment. Not everyone is sitting back salivating on what compensation they may or may not be getting. Sme just simply want a vacation.


Mistake 4: Csrnival still seems to have problems with preventative care. Although it's still premature, when your main business is moving a vessel, that vessel should be in top top shape. At least we didn't have a repeat of the Splendor, where it turned out the manual for the fire retardant equipment didnt match the equipment.


Boy, people only read what they want to. I'll direct you to previous posts, where it clearly said people could stay on ship until Sunday IF the ship was able to set sail to San Juan. If it didn't set sail by a specific time, THEN everyone would be flown home from St. Thomas. So mistake 3 is invalid.


Mistake one -- the president flew to St. Thomas to be with the passengers. Was she to know the fire was going to happen and that she shouldn't be in Italy?


Mistake four -- prove this was caused by a lack of preventative care before you claim that to be the truth.

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My partner has a co-worker on the Liberty now and this is his and his wife's first cruise. I've been wondering how they're reacting to the change in their vacation plans and how they feel Carnival has handled everything. He sent my partner an email last night and at that point there was still the possibility of sailing back to San Juan and staying on board for the rest of the week, which he was quite happy about. Now of course they will be coming home early but it seems that his view of how the situation has been handled is positive. In his words: "Carnival is doing a great job of working through this despite many people making their lives very difficult."


Just another view from a first-time cruiser on board.


JPM, thank you for posting this.

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Letters stating which passengers are leaving today are currently being delivered. Originally we were told last night that we would be flown home based on "zones", but I spoke to a a Carnival Care Specialist, and was told that they are disembarking those guests that have indicated that they want to leave as soon as possible. The Fun Times for the rest of the day is being distributed as I type this. We are still waiting for clearance to go ashore.

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Unfortunately, a couple of years ago, I was scheduled to sail on Carnival's Pride out of Baltimore (which I had to fly to). It happened to be the week that Hurricane Sandy was charging up the east coast. For days prior, I watched the website and called Carnival to see if it would be cancelled and was told it would sail. So, the morning of the cruise, we flew to Baltimore and got to the terminal. We boarded the ship, got our luggage, unpacked and at 2:15 pm, the trip was cancelled. (I personally did not want to sail in the hurricane). Carnival had brought the cruise before us in a day early due to the weather. This ended up in mayhem since now we had to all get off the ship and make other arrangements on the fly. Could not get a flight since airlines were cancelling flights in anticipation of Hurricane Sandy. We ended up having to rent a car and drive 8 hours to get home. It was very stressful and could have been avoided if they cancelled a day or two before knowing the weather situation. I hope for passengers on the 9/13 cruise that they cancel before so many people fly to San Juan.

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Let me see if I understand all of this via the posts from our original OP:


Those who embarked in Barbados, 100 souls or so, have been flown to Barbados and are disembarking on schedule. The flight paid for by Carnival.


Those who boarded in San Juan are being flown either to San Juan to continue their vacation and using their own scheduled flight out or they can chose to fly "home" on Carnival's dime sometime Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.


Prior to their flight all passengers are invited to stay on their floating hotel in St. Thomas and have the use of $150 (each) for onboard expenses.


All gratuities paid are being returned to passengers (if pre-paid) and no gratuities for their time on the ship will be charged. All pre-paid excursions will be reimbursed. Passengers who had private excursions will have to work directly with those excursions for any reimbursements just like they would have to do if the ship "missed ports" in the normal course of any cruise. (Every "private" excursion I have ever booked has a clause that if the cruise ship doesn't "show-up" they reimburse their customer).


All passengers will have the cost of this particular cruise reimbursed and will receive 50% off of any future cruise.


So for the cost of transportation to and from San Juan a passenger is getting from 3 to 5 days free on a floating hotel (and St. Thomas isn't a bad port). They are being reimbursed for the cruise and this money can be used at their discretion.


No one missed work, no additional expenses have been incurred, no one went hungry. I'd trade places with the OP anyday.


I couldn't agree with you more! I would still be having a great time. St. Thomas is a great place to be stranded!

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Boy, people only read what they want to. I'll direct you to previous posts, where it clearly said people could stay on ship until Sunday IF the ship was able to set sail to San Juan. If it didn't set sail by a specific time, THEN everyone would be flown home from St. Thomas. So mistake 3 is invalid.




Mistake one -- the president flew to St. Thomas to be with the passengers. Was she to know the fire was going to happen and that she shouldn't be in Italy?




Mistake four -- prove this was caused by a lack of preventative care before you claim that to be the truth.



Some people only hear or see what they want and are here for one purpose.

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Mistake #1: with a new president at the helm, Carnival had a perfect opportunity to show they are/have changed the PR nightmares that have plagued them since Cahill took over, and rodent into the ground ever since the Triumph debacle (as Arison did with the Concordia disaster.




Instead, she was doing photo ops in Italy with John Heald.




Mistake 2: the communications coming out of Carnival was so slow. Info was actually being dispersed by a customer. And not only delays in then getting the word out, the mob culture over on JH and CCL was doubting the words reposted over there, and those posting that info were being called all kinds of nasty names.




Mistake 3: telling passengers that they could stay on board through Sunday, as the ship was going to be going back to San Juan, before anyone even stated the ship was seaworthy. With a refund and 50% off a future cruise, that would have been my biggest disappointment. Not everyone is sitting back salivating on what compensation they may or may not be getting. Sme just simply want a vacation.




Mistake 4: Csrnival still seems to have problems with preventative care. Although it's still premature, when your main business is moving a vessel, that vessel should be in top top shape. At least we didn't have a repeat of the Splendor, where it turned out the manual for the fire retardant equipment didnt match the equipment.



Well, the way you put it, Carnival is a greedy big corporation that makes every dime they can regardless of safety or customers experience.


I choose to believe that they are not as complicit as that.

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As the cruise line spokesperson, he sometimes tells things on his blog (granted to keep interest up) that end up being ....at best only partially true (not true in this case), because things do change. John is a great guy, the real deal and trust me when I say this (although I know there are some here do dislike him), he is one of Carnival's best assets. If you ever get the chance, have a conversation with him, he will tell you he has the best job.



I agree with you about John, but he has to spout the company line. I don't have a dog in this fight, but I really think CCL has no idea if the ship is going to be able to go next week or not.

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Mistake 4: Csrnival still seems to have problems with preventative care. Although it's still premature, when your main business is moving a vessel, that vessel should be in top top shape. At least we didn't have a repeat of the Splendor, where it turned out the manual for the fire retardant equipment didnt match the equipment.


how will preventative care prevent this? A ship is like your car. You do all of the regular maintenance work at a regular interval, yet they will always be that one part that will fail at random or something unexpected happen.

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Giving 9/13 cruisers an option to cancel, or at the least credit to use for a different cruise is reasonable.


While Carnival has been good to the passengers on the current sailing and providing adequate information, information has evolved nearly every time. As noted in the updates from the OP, plans have been changed several times over the course of 24-48hrs. They generally have started out very optimistic only to be slowly retracted later.


I just would not have the confidence that everything is going to be all set to go by Sunday and would much rather be presented with an option now. Those who don't waiver and the cruise goes as planned could be rewarded with a less crowded ship. While others with anxiety are able to find a cruise that allows them to feel better.

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Unfortunately, a couple of years ago, I was scheduled to sail on Carnival's Pride out of Baltimore (which I had to fly to). It happened to be the week that Hurricane Sandy was charging up the east coast. For days prior, I watched the website and called Carnival to see if it would be cancelled and was told it would sail. So, the morning of the cruise, we flew to Baltimore and got to the terminal. We boarded the ship, got our luggage, unpacked and at 2:15 pm, the trip was cancelled. (I personally did not want to sail in the hurricane). Carnival had brought the cruise before us in a day early due to the weather. This ended up in mayhem since now we had to all get off the ship and make other arrangements on the fly. Could not get a flight since airlines were cancelling flights in anticipation of Hurricane Sandy. We ended up having to rent a car and drive 8 hours to get home. It was very stressful and could have been avoided if they cancelled a day or two before knowing the weather situation. I hope for passengers on the 9/13 cruise that they cancel before so many people fly to San Juan.


At least you were able to rent a car and drive home. Living on the West coast would have been more difficult for us. Reading this whole thread is just another reason to carry trip insurance. Anything can go wrong on a ship as well as on land. We take chances every day and 99% of our plans go accordingly. I don't worry too much about the 1%, stuff happens.

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Unfortunately, a couple of years ago, I was scheduled to sail on Carnival's Pride out of Baltimore (which I had to fly to). It happened to be the week that Hurricane Sandy was charging up the east coast. For days prior, I watched the website and called Carnival to see if it would be cancelled and was told it would sail. So, the morning of the cruise, we flew to Baltimore and got to the terminal. We boarded the ship, got our luggage, unpacked and at 2:15 pm, the trip was cancelled. (I personally did not want to sail in the hurricane). Carnival had brought the cruise before us in a day early due to the weather. This ended up in mayhem since now we had to all get off the ship and make other arrangements on the fly. Could not get a flight since airlines were cancelling flights in anticipation of Hurricane Sandy. We ended up having to rent a car and drive 8 hours to get home. It was very stressful and could have been avoided if they cancelled a day or two before knowing the weather situation. I hope for passengers on the 9/13 cruise that they cancel before so many people fly to San Juan.


Had just the opposite experience.


Last summer we cruise NCL out of Boston on July 4th. July 4th/5th was the time period Arthur was expected to head up the east coast and pass by NYC and Boston. We were able to board and depart a couple of hours late, we spent the night cruising in circles between Boston and Cape Cod, woke up to a beautiful day and continued on to Bermuda. If NCL had have pulled the plug based on the midweek forecast they would have cancelled a cruise that they didn't need to.

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Letters stating which passengers are leaving today are currently being delivered. Originally we were told last night that we would be flown home based on "zones", but I spoke to a a Carnival Care Specialist, and was told that they are disembarking those guests that have indicated that they want to leave as soon as possible. The Fun Times for the rest of the day is being distributed as I type this. We are still waiting for clearance to go ashore.



Paul - What reason are they giving for preventing those passengers who are not flying out today from leaving the ship? I would be getting annoyed if they had stranded me next to a beautiful island, but wouldn't let me get off to enjoy it. Are there any activities taking place? I guess that would be pointless if the Funtimes hasn't been distributed to let people know about the activities. I hope they aren't trying to recoup some of their losses by forcing people to stay on board to drink and gamble.


Thanks for your factual and level headed reporting.

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how will preventative care prevent this? A ship is like your car. You do all of the regular maintenance work at a regular interval, yet they will always be that one part that will fail at random or something unexpected happen.


For some people, it's easier to place blame than to think it through logically. There was a fire started on the Star Princess from a cigarette. As a result of that fire, Princess took steps to prevent it from happening again by banning cigarette smoking on balconies. The wailing and gnashing of teeth that occurred on this board when Carnival banned smoking on balconies was just another way Carnival took steps from a disaster happening again. People here blamed the nonsmokers, but in reality it was for safety reasons. But, it was easier to blame passengers.

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how will preventative care prevent this? A ship is like your car. You do all of the regular maintenance work at a regular interval, yet they will always be that one part that will fail at random or something unexpected happen.



Just because something is random or unexpected doesn't mean it could not have been prevented with a thorough PM and inspection policy.

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I wont go into a debate but feel the need to correct your inaccuracies (there are many but ;))

1. Where Christine Duffy is has no relation to what gets done, same can be said for Cahill before and Mickey (on a grander scale). BTW, she was already in Italy. There is not PR issue there at all (it's not her job to do anything with what happened). As a matter of fact, if you can recall, Cahill greeted people individually as they came off of the Splendor and the Triumph.

2. Information comes out when it can. It they were quick to shoot, with anything inaccurate, some here (we don't have to look to far to see who:confused:) would be bashing them for doing just that. The way to handle problems is in a controlled manner...which they did...when the facts are known. Mob culture....really?

3. I have no idea what you point is in 3, is it just a ramble?

4. Do you any facts on their preventative care? Do you know of any issues brought up that were not handled correctly? Did the manual on the Splendor cause anything to happen?


In order to cut to the chase, the answer to all of your items (in number 4) is no. Easy to sit back and throw stones.....harder to back it up.;)


We don't need a tirade back and forth and we can move on.




Wow... Great response jimbo! I guess it is just another day and another screen name for that person

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Thank you Pauleydm for another update!!


Also, keep in mind there are many members here only reading or seeking out replies created by you. So please keep the updates coming no matter how many debates, speculation & novels are written within your post by others.



Letters stating which passengers are leaving today are currently being delivered. Originally we were told last night that we would be flown home based on "zones", but I spoke to a a Carnival Care Specialist, and was told that they are disembarking those guests that have indicated that they want to leave as soon as possible. The Fun Times for the rest of the day is being distributed as I type this. We are still waiting for clearance to go ashore.
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Guests that received the letters stating they are flying out today are asked to pack their luggage, place it outside their cabin and then follow the instructions for disembarkment. Guests who did not receive the letter will be able to go ashore in St Thomas now. All guests must be back on board by 7:00 pm.

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The Liberty was my home for 4 months, I however do notwork for CCL anymore, but I still have a lot of friends that do and I know exactly what is happeningon that ship minute for minute.


Yes there was a fire, was it really a small one? They don't know.


Yes they are letting people of the ship to enjoy St. Thomas more.


Yes they are flying people home on chartered aircraft, because there are not a lot of commercial flights that come in to St. Thomas on a daily basis that could accommodate over 3,000 pax. Today 800 guests will be flown home,and this will continue until all the pax are off the ship. How long that will take, I don't know.


The compensation package is $150 on the SS Card, refund of the cruise and 50% off of another cruise in the future.


As far as crew, they are staying put and working altered shifts to entertain the guests that remain.


The ship will not leave St. Thomas until all guests are cleared. That's also if the USCG allows the ship to sail back to San Juan. I have heard that they will be tugged back to San Juan for further repairs. Nobody knows how long this will take and if the crew will stay on board or be sent elsewhere until the ship is fixed.


Latest: the engine that caught on fire also has 3 more engines in the same fire zone as the one that went up, so it is not safe for them to use the 3 engines in case another one goes up, then all 3 remaining engines could go up at the same time which would be catastrophic


These are the facts as I know them coming from crew members that are on board..

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I believe they were being held onboard until everyone was notified of who would be flying out. It would be bad to be on the island only to come back later and see you missed your flight.

I think Carnival is damned if they do and damned if they don't. People want information NOW. Carnival puts out information. This is a fluid situation and things are ever changing and evolving. Now Carnival has to make a change from what they said. People are now complaining that Carnival "lied" or shouldn't have said anything at all.


This has to be stressful trying to get the passengers in St Thomas accommodated and home. Trying to get the ship repaired (I know separate people doing this) and then trying to keep next set of guests informed.

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For those of you who have been asking me I am very happy to tell you that the Carnival Liberty’s next cruise departing this Sunday is indeed scheduled to operate as normal.

Cheers and have a brilliant time


Thats from John Heald..

Edited by Cruiseboy06
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