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Worst Cruise Packing Mistakes

Brittany C

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My daughter and her friend packed their formal night dresses and a number of pretty tops into a shared garment bag. It made it safely to our pre-cruise hotel but no one noticed as we were leaving for the ship that it wasn't among the bags. We realized on the first sea day that we'd left it behind.


We called the hotel and they said they'd located the bag.


It cost about $100 to detour back to the hotel on the way to the airport at the end of the cruise, only to get home and discover that all but two of the items had been removed from the bag at the hotel. My daughter was crushed. The hotel eventually sent us a check for a couple hundred dollars, but she is still sad about those blouses and dresses that she'd never worn and can't replace.


Sorry, not a funny story.

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Our story is not funny either.


Packing on board, I packed everything with a mind to the weight of the suitcases. But. :o I forgot my own rule of packing all my wife's jewelry in our carry-on with our medication, instead putting the jewelry in one of the checked suitcases. It was costume jewelry, except for gold bangles, but still worth about $1500 (about $2500 replacement value). TSA Miami took off the TSA approved lock (and did not return it), and left us a note that that suitcase had been searched. But we were missing the gold bangles, and some of the jewelry and a bottle of perfume.


I learned two things.


I learned to keep my mind on what I am doing when packing. Anything that would have possible value (jewelry, camera, Swarowsky evening bag etc. goes in the carry-on).


And, I learned that the insurance premiums for our house would rise for three years if I claimed the $1000 jewelry coverage and/or the specific jewelry coverage that we had paid extra for, for years, in riders to the policy. In the end, I would have been ahead by $129! :eek: I cancelled the riders immediately, and then went and bought my wife new bangles They had almost quadrupled in price since I had bought them originally, but Rosemarie was happy. :)



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Our story is not funny either.


Packing on board, I packed everything with a mind to the weight of the suitcases. But. :o I forgot my own rule of packing all my wife's jewelry in our carry-on with our medication; instead I put the jewelry in one of the checked suitcases. It was costume jewelry, except for gold bangles, but still worth about $1500 (about $2500 replacement value). TSA Miami took off the TSA approved lock (and did not return it), and left us a note that that suitcase had been searched. But we were missing the gold bangles, and some of the jewelry and a bottle of perfume.


I learned two things.


I learned to keep my mind on what I am doing when packing. Anything that would have possible value (jewelry, camera, Swarowsky evening bag etc.) goes in the carry-on.


And, I learned that the insurance premiums for our house would rise for three years if I claimed the $1000 jewelry coverage and/or the specific jewelry coverage that we had paid extra for, for years, in riders to the policy. In the end, I would have been ahead by $129! :eek: I cancelled the riders immediately, and then went and bought my wife new bangles They had almost quadrupled in price since I had bought them originally, but Rosemarie was happy. :)



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With two teenagers at home we each packed a bag. DW and I one each for the cruise and teenage son and daughter one each to go on a 2 week school field trip. All piled into the car and off to the airport. Dropped son and DW at the curb and they said they would check the bags. That they did - thru to the destinations.

The children arrived in Washington DC with our bags and we in San Juan with theirs! We did not notice until after we boarded. Did lots of shopping in Barbados. Learned teenagers were really different clothing. The good news is our son was about the same size as DW and myself so we did have interesting T shirts to wear. LOL

Had some really funny photos to share after we all returned to Arizona.


This is hilarious!!! Love it. Would love to see photos of you dressed in your kids clothes!!


I packed for my kids when they were younger, but made the mistake of taking a ohone call mid packing one year, consequently my eldest (most grumpy) son had no pyjamas, swimwear, trousers or belt when we arrived on cruise. Bad mummy!!

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As usual, I overpacked our two large suitcases with clothes. When we got to our pre-cruise hotel the night before, I realized that we left one of these at home. Decided to wing it and buy anything we didn't have onboard or at ports.


Thankfully, we had enough of clothes for each of us in the one suitcase we had had with us in addition to our carryon suitcase and beach bag.


You would think that I would have learned from that experience...No...still overpack!

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My husband and I were packing furiously on the last night, after having a few last drinks. I finished my suitcase and put it outside the door just before midnight. I went to take a shower while my DH finished packing. While in the shower I heard a knock on the door that got louder and louder. I finally got out of the shower and threw on a robe. I found my husband missing, so opened the door and there he was, wearing nothing but a pair of underpants and a sheepish grin. I burst out laughing when I realized that he must have gone out with his suitcase and got locked out. He said he had gotten a few raised eyebrows by people passing by. :D


We still laugh about it on the last night of any cruise. I always remind him to stay dressed and keep your Seapass in your pocket.

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Not a cruise but anyway...

I was leaving for a holiday and had packed everything exept -of course -the clothes I would wear on the trip. They hanged newly ironed over a chair.

In the morning I was quite stressed, with a lot of last minute things to do, but finally I was ready to change clothes.


A good friend turned up to pick me up and drive me to the train and as we were in a bit of hurry I grabbed my suitcases, handbag and went from home.


It wasn't before I sat down on the train I looked down at my self and realized that I was wearing a nice shirt and a pair of very, very baggy, threadbare blue pants with bright blue flowers on... :eek: The neat trousers where still hanging over the chair...


No way of unpack and change either - but at least it gave my a good laugh...

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My husband and I were packing furiously on the last night, after having a few last drinks. I finished my suitcase and put it outside the door just before midnight. I went to take a shower while my DH finished packing. While in the shower I heard a knock on the door that got louder and louder. I finally got out of the shower and threw on a robe. I found my husband missing, so opened the door and there he was, wearing nothing but a pair of underpants and a sheepish grin. I burst out laughing when I realized that he must have gone out with his suitcase and got locked out. He said he had gotten a few raised eyebrows by people passing by. :D


We still laugh about it on the last night of any cruise. I always remind him to stay dressed and keep your Seapass in your pocket.



You're in contention as a winner.

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It was not until getting dressed for the second formal night of a 7-day cruise that DH realized he had only packed one shirt to go with his tuxedo. And the one that he wore the first formal night had gotten sweaty and was in a wrinkly ball in the dirty clothes, so re-wearing it was not an option.


The only collared shirt that was still clean was an orange Tommy Bahama. To this day, he gets mad when we remind him of the night he went to dinner dressed as The Great Pumpkin!

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Before our first cruise, I researched extensively what to bring and how to pack it best, what was needed to make the rooms most useable (shoe organizer for extra bathroom storage, extension cord, sticky notes to leave messages to room attendant, rubber band to hold down button on in-room hair dryer, wrinkle releaser, etc.), and emergency items you might need (duct tape to keep drawers from opening in rough seas, small flashlight in case of nighttime emergency, etc.). Being OCD, I combined all of these lists into one master list of the excellent advice and promptly packed it all. Living in the home port of our ship, it was just a lovely taxi trip from our house to the port where we handed our bags to the cruise personnel and off we went.


At the end of the five-day cruise, we packed up to head home with the requisite extra "expansion" bag of goodies and a bag of laundry... only to discover that getting out of the port with our original SEVEN bags plus our expansion bags is no easy feat when there aren't attendants or porters! It's quite a long walk through the port terminal with that much stuff!


We pack a little lighter now... :D

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Last night of cruise. Cases almost ready to close. Back from slightly alcoholic dinner. Not late. Strip-off. Go for shower. Wife finishes packing. I put cases outside - after putting on dressing gown. Sleep.


Morning. Shower. Put on underwear. Put on shirt. Put on socks. "Where are my trousers?"


Wife rushes off ship after explaining to all and sundry "Husband's trousers packed." Forgets to take key so had to haul suitcase back up the gang plank.


Arrives at security. "Sorry madam but you can't board yet."


Fortunately at this point the Cruise Director, who was aware of the problem (wish I could remember who he was), intervened. And when we finally disembarked stood at the top of the gang plank creased-up with laughter.

Edited by Balloon Man
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The last night I packed all my pants, leaving me nothing to wear off the ship the next day. Brain apparently not in gear as I cruise rather frequently and know better. Luckily I happened to look in the closet and noticed my mistake. They hadn't picked up the suitcases yet, so I was saved. I now hang the clothes for the next day together so I won't pack them the last night.



Same here. Almost made the same mistake, so I now set out the next day's clothes at one end of the closet and leave a space from the others.

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These are all great stories and a fun thread!


On the last night, the ONLY thing left in the closet or overhead storage is our clothing for the next day. . .checked and double checked. . .


We leave for a 14 night then 15 night cruise on Tuesday, plus some land days in between. I hate to be the packing N**I, but based on DH's past packing issues, I will have to be. It's hard enough packing for my own self!!!


Thankfully, as Elite, we will get laundry coupons on both legs, and the apartment we have rented in the middle has a washing machine, so I am going to try to pack EXTRA light. I got my shoe issue sorted today, that's always the hardest part for me, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. . .I ordered a pair of walking shoes this morning, it's next to impossible for me to find shoes but I was desperate, paid $15 expedited shipping. Then as I pawed around in my closet, I found a brand new pair of (much cuter) walking shoes that I didn't even know I had! Quickly cancelled the order, sure hope these work out! Okay, back to packing. . .;)

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Not funny like some of the other stories, but classic rookie mistake. First cruise, sailing out of San Juan in September (It was very hot!). Packed my one & only swimsuit in my checked bag, which did not land in San Juan with me and the plane. Finally got my bag the next day in St. Thomas, but I missed a whole day of pool enjoyment. Now it's always part of my carryon along with a few sets of clean underwear, a fresh t-shirt, and my nightgown.


On a side note, I always underpack and run out of clothes, husband brings his entire closet.

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A rookie mistake: packed a bottle of wine in dirty clothes for the trip home. After picking up the luggage at the airport, smelled merlot all the way home...hmm...the red wine bottle had broken and all our good clothes soaked up the liquid. :o


Oh no!! Wine Diapers would have been a big help!!

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My husband and I were packing furiously on the last night, after having a few last drinks. I finished my suitcase and put it outside the door just before midnight. I went to take a shower while my DH finished packing. While in the shower I heard a knock on the door that got louder and louder. I finally got out of the shower and threw on a robe. I found my husband missing, so opened the door and there he was, wearing nothing but a pair of underpants and a sheepish grin. I burst out laughing when I realized that he must have gone out with his suitcase and got locked out. He said he had gotten a few raised eyebrows by people passing by. :D


We still laugh about it on the last night of any cruise. I always remind him to stay dressed and keep your Seapass in your pocket.


That is hilarious!! I actually LOL'd!!!


My worst packing mistake was not for a cruise, but when we were evacuated from our home due to wildfires! In the rush to get DH, myself and 3 kids packed along with our dog, turtle, lizard and bird....oh and all our photos and keepsakes....I forgot to pack DH's underwear!! So he was forced to go commando until we could get to a store and get him some more! LOL! He wasn't that amused!

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Fast Forward to night before disembarkation. DH and I finally got into our cabin a little after midnight to quickly pack our suitcases and place them outside the door to be taken below by our room steward. Unfortunately, my DH packed ALL his clothes. When he woke up in the morning and realized he had NOTHING but the underwear covering his butt, he was not amused. I had to run around frantically on the ship looking for room stewards of about his same size to "purchase" their personal clothing from them. We ended up with some very fancy pointed toe shoes, a freshly pressed white guayabera shirt (think white Latino shirt) and some less than attractive golf shorts. I so wish I had taken a picture of him that morning. I don't recall ever laughing so hard in my life as he scowled miserably. I think the $40 purchase is one of my favorite memories of all time.

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Fast Forward to night before disembarkation. DH and I finally got into our cabin a little after midnight to quickly pack our suitcases and place them outside the door to be taken below by our room steward. Unfortunately, my DH packed ALL his clothes. When he woke up in the morning and realized he had NOTHING but the underwear covering his butt, he was not amused. I had to run around frantically on the ship looking for room stewards of about his same size to "purchase" their personal clothing from them. We ended up with some very fancy pointed toe shoes, a freshly pressed white guayabera shirt (think white Latino shirt) and some less than attractive golf shorts. I so wish I had taken a picture of him that morning. I don't recall ever laughing so hard in my life as he scowled miserably. I think the $40 purchase is one of my favorite memories of all time.


OMG, that is hilarious!

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One year our oldest daughter, who was 19 at the time, forgot to pack her bathing suits! Luckily we always fly in a day early, and this was discovered at the hotel. Instead of a relaxing pre-cruise afternoon poolside, we were at a mall.

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Fast Forward to night before disembarkation. DH and I finally got into our cabin a little after midnight to quickly pack our suitcases and place them outside the door to be taken below by our room steward. Unfortunately, my DH packed ALL his clothes. When he woke up in the morning and realized he had NOTHING but the underwear covering his butt, he was not amused. I had to run around frantically on the ship looking for room stewards of about his same size to "purchase" their personal clothing from them. We ended up with some very fancy pointed toe shoes, a freshly pressed white guayabera shirt (think white Latino shirt) and some less than attractive golf shorts. I so wish I had taken a picture of him that morning. I don't recall ever laughing so hard in my life as he scowled miserably. I think the $40 purchase is one of my favorite memories of all time.


That happens more often than you would think. I've been on cruises where the cruise director used the story as a joke or reminded people not to do it.

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Just finished a 17 night with a few days in San Francisco, both cool & very hot weather.


Didn't know about the 2 laundry coupons you get from Celebrity (full bag $20). Brought way to much white's. Didn't know our special hot humid clothes would clean so easy in the shower, go figure. Came home with so much clothes never worn.


Eddie Bower is a God, thanks' to North Face for the hot/humid jackets (worked GREAT).





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My wife tends to begin thinking about packing at the last minute -- literally an hour or two before the cab arrives to take us to the airport. Almost every vacation, something gets overlooked. We were on a 29-day Hawaii-to-Sidney on the Mercury a few years ago when she completely forgot to pack a single bra or slip or pair of socks. The morning we left for Honolulu I got out her suitcases, she tossed in what seemed like 40 or 50 pairs of shoes, lots of lightweight clothing, and six nights worth of formal wear. But nothing to wear under that filmy formal wear. The absence wasn't discovered until we were on the ship and at sea. After several days at sea, the first stop was Tahiti, where the sights we saw were mostly limited to clothing stores.


For myself, I pack everything about two weeks beforehand and leave everything in a spare bedroom. Every morning I take my coffee into the room and think about what I can eliminate. By the time that last morning arrives my suitcase is only 2/3 full, leaving room for another 10-15 pairs of Sara's shoes.

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