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Standards failure for embarcation/disembarcation


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The September 11 sailing from Vancouver was a disaster!


There was no crowd control. All 2000 of us were packed together in one

big mass. The signs were chest high so where the groups were supposed

to gather was a mess. And then there were no divisions or separations so

everybody pushed and shoved. Three hours to board!


The poor suites people were treated like stowage!


None of the representatives knew where the lines were supposed to form.




Then came leaving the ship. Just as bad. They called for too many to leave too

fast so that the baggage area was much to crowded. No signs as to where the

luggage groups by tag number were located. TOO MANY PEOPLE.


The supervisors on the ship were communicating with the shore staff so they

likely knew what they were doing.


No crowd control...shoving many people falling.


Celebrity showed here no RESPECT for passenger safety and comfort.


After the fact apologies are insulting. These are so basic and so experienced processes that there should NEVER be such negligent mistakes as these,


Some staff needs to leave because of this. How to retrain an IN-competent?

Answer, you don't. Sounds like the president not doing her job too!



Cruising since Carla C in 1950s. So many cruises. I call this Modern Arrogance.

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The September 11 sailing from Vancouver was a disaster!


There was no crowd control. All 2000 of us were packed together in one

big mass. The signs were chest high so where the groups were supposed

to gather was a mess. And then there were no divisions or separations so

everybody pushed and shoved. Three hours to board!


The poor suites people were treated like stowage!


None of the representatives knew where the lines were supposed to form.




Then came leaving the ship. Just as bad. They called for too many to leave too

fast so that the baggage area was much to crowded. No signs as to where the

luggage groups by tag number were located. TOO MANY PEOPLE.


The supervisors on the ship were communicating with the shore staff so they

likely knew what they were doing.


No crowd control...shoving many people falling.


Celebrity showed here no RESPECT for passenger safety and comfort.


After the fact apologies are insulting. These are so basic and so experienced processes that there should NEVER be such negligent mistakes as these,


Some staff needs to leave because of this. How to retrain an IN-competent?

Answer, you don't. Sounds like the president not doing her job too!



Cruising since Carla C in 1950s. So many cruises. I call this Modern Arrogance.


What's your point?? . Is it the cruise lines problem or the port authority?:mad:

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Sorry you had trouble - often issues beyond X control intervene - security screening, late disembark from cruise just ended, delayed boarding for extra noro cleaning, boarding ramp complications, etc..


In the US at least I understand X has sub-contracted boarding processing to a third party vendor - of course X should oversee their performance.


Of 26 X cruises, only had a couple with major boarding trouble.

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I must say that our embarkation at Southampton on July 25th '15, was the best we ever had. Porters taking your luggage out out of the boot and directed us where to park. Far, far better than the queues we encountered in Oct 2010 for Eclipse's inaugural season.

Likewise, disembarkation was so smooth on August 8th, no immigration or customs to hold up the process, that I commented that illegal immigrants would find it very easy to get into UK. I just could not believe that our passports weren't checked! So different from arriving by 'plane into UK.

Edited by upwarduk
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I really find this surprising/hard to believe. We have not stop talking about how wonderful disembarkation was from Millennium in Vancouver this May. It was by far the best we have ever experienced. Can standards really have dropped so much?

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Sounds like OP traveled with a bunch of animals, if they were trampling each other.


Blame your fellow passengers - they are the ones who were doing the shoving and trampling and not helping each other.

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Sounds like OP traveled with a bunch of animals, if they were trampling each other.


Blame your fellow passengers - they are the ones who were doing the shoving and trampling and not helping each other.


Spare us the "celebrity can do no wrong view". As you very well know, celebrity spaces out disembarkation...they are in constant contact with the shore and they normally try to avoid mass confusion caused by everyone looking for their bag at once or being in very long queues. I've had the pleasure of those types of experiences....but when this "mess up" does happen, it is squarely Celebrity's fault. Someone on the ship is responsible for activities on the pier...even if it's subcontracted. They should have held folks on board and worked with the dock personnel, subcontracted or not, to assure a reasonable disembarkation.


Let's just call a spade a spade....Celebrity (actually the officer in charge of disembarkation) apparently blew this one.

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We had a very poor embarkation in Amsterdam in early May - I thought it was because it was the first Baltic sail for the season but sounds like it was on-going from what the earlier poster noted. Not sure how many people involved are X employees or if there is some sub-contracting involved but nothing like a scrum at one port to make you appreciate a smooth process at another. The experience in Amsterdam was by far the worst ever, and we were also in a suite.

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Spare us the "celebrity can do no wrong view". As you very well know, celebrity spaces out disembarkation...they are in constant contact with the shore and they normally try to avoid mass confusion caused by everyone looking for their bag at once or being in very long queues. I've had the pleasure of those types of experiences....but when this "mess up" does happen, it is squarely Celebrity's fault. Someone on the ship is responsible for activities on the pier...even if it's subcontracted. They should have held folks on board and worked with the dock personnel, subcontracted or not, to assure a reasonable disembarkation.


Let's just call a spade a spade....Celebrity (actually the officer in charge of disembarkation) apparently blew this one.


Really, a passenger who tramples another or shoves in line isn't responsible for their own personal behavior? Unless Celebrity staff were in the back of line physically pushing people forward onto others thus causing the congestion and pushing, passengers themselves need to take responsibility for their own behaviors.


To me the trampling of another human being is something I as a person can not do if I choose to do so, and isn't caused by a corporation.


It's possible they blew it, but we have all experienced disembarkation, there must be more to this story than is told by OP, as X never just calls "all call get in line", and I do find it hard to believe they would just rush everyone out all at once, based join my sailing experience anyway. Perhaps many people and early flights and just decided to jam the lines and not follow the process. or Customs in Vancouver suddenly slowed clearance down after groups had been called, and of course if X announces, sorry folks, group 12 go back and wait, no one actually would leave the line.


That X can clear a ship everyday all over with little issue, has to mean something was up with the Pier folks in this instance, and they have little they can do once it gets to 9:30 am, as they need the ship cleared ASAP, or then get the drama fro those looking to board being delayed in the embarkation hall.


My guess on the circumstances, disembarkation started well and in order, then the border agents became stuffy and started to hassle those leaving midway thru the process, and that caused the logjam for the last groups leaving. My January sailing disembarking FLL, all customs desks were occupied initially About 1 hour in, half the officers left with no explanation, and thus the balance of the line moved at half the clip it had been moving.


As to the OP comment no one knew where to form line,s we all leave thru a single door, it's pretty obvious where the line should be. I'd be embarrassed if i couldn't figure that out on my own. Likely people just didn't LIKE where the lines were and how long they got and how disorderly they became, due to guests pushing themselves ahead in the line as they find friends standing there, thus making th e line longer and more out of order. Animals who can't self-police a line up system and require staff to tell them how to behave.....


And can anyone believe that the baggage hall literally had NO signage to direct people to baggage numbers? Does that make ANY SENSE to ANYONE? I admit never passing thru Vancouver, but have to assume that they handle more than this single sailing each year, and would have figured out how the luggage numbering works with luggage. Many baggage halls just have the numbers painted right on the wall or floor in fact, but as I say, I haven't been to VC, so I guess there is a possibility they just stick all the luggage out there with no organization, since this is what the OP reported :confused:


No water after hours of standing, disembarkation lasts from 7 to 10, 3 hours. SO OP was 1st in line and it never moved? Clearly more exaggeration. Lines in Customs hall, that's on Customs and Immigration, All need to be off the ship by 10 regardless of what's happening with the locals, which means waiting in the luggage hall.


And who really can't go for 3 hours with no water, who wouldn't have just sent a friend or SO to go find a beverage if it was so important, and anyone with medical issues would have thought ahead to have something at hand just as a matter of daily routine.


Complaining about no Handicap assistance, well X does tell anyone who needs assistance to request it the night prior and meet in specific locations at specific times, failing to follow that direction again is the fault of the individual for not reading their materials and taking personal responsibility for their personal needs.

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Other than issues in Bayonne when they had the busses, embarking on first cruise after ship's return from Europe, and San Pedro in the rain with port labor issues, we have had fairly smooth boarding experiences over many yrs of Celebrity cruising......never been to Vancouver


Disembarkation on the other hand has always been weakly executed by Celebrity over the yrs...poor procedures and communication......our group Elite always had priority lounges,...but there have been many instances of chaos by uninformed staff, lack of coordination, too few seats in waiting areas, no one seemingly in charge....etc.. Luggage collection often a mass of confusion!


we try mostly to self disembark /use luggage valet if offered to avoid the mess...

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Cle-guy, unless you were there, and experienced things the OP did, you absolutely cannot say that anything is an exaggeration. You say that the passengers shoving and pushing were the problem, but if Celebrity didn't allow so many to disembark at the same time, there wouldn't have been any pushing and shoving.


We experienced similar things at a Vancouver Canada Place disembarkation. There were too few Agents in the terminal to handle the many passengers, and there were too many who were afraid they would miss their flights.


As for "all can get in line" comment, I've absolutely experienced Celebrity doing that kind of call after an Equinox cruise, and believe me, there were a whole lot of us still waiting on the ship to disembark. It was terribly crowded in the terminal, with very long lines.


Perhaps your Celebrity advocate employment is showing here?

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So sorry that the OP experienced these difficulties. I hope that Celebrity will take note so that they can do whatever is in their control to prevent this.


So sorry that some posters on the forum cannot accept that others experience difficulties and in reaction try to downplay them or even deny the possibility. It makes one reticent to post when it is only helpful to hear about these experiences.

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The two worst embarkations I ever experienced were Vancouver and Buenos Aires. Vancouver couldn't even coordinate the back to back cruiser's instructions -- we were sent down dead end hallways, told to take wrong stairways, none of the local personnel had any idea where our group (led by a Celebrity Officer who was new and had never been there either). My worst disembarkation was Vancouver. Again, we were given incorrect directions, the signage was useless. I feel the OP's pain.

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I've embarked twice and disembarked three times in Vancouver this year. The last was on Sept 22 from the Solstice. Just walked off at 730 and was at YVR at 800. Actually changed our 1245 flight to 1100. They don't do formal customs checks in Vancouver for disembarkation. They stop you long enough to check the declaration. If required they will take you aside for a more detailed check.

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Cle-guy, unless you were there, and experienced things the OP did, you absolutely cannot say that anything is an exaggeration. You say that the passengers shoving and pushing were the problem, but if Celebrity didn't allow so many to disembark at the same time, there wouldn't have been any pushing and shoving.


We experienced similar things at a Vancouver Canada Place disembarkation. There were too few Agents in the terminal to handle the many passengers, and there were too many who were afraid they would miss their flights.


As for "all can get in line" comment, I've absolutely experienced Celebrity doing that kind of call after an Equinox cruise, and believe me, there were a whole lot of us still waiting on the ship to disembark. It was terribly crowded in the terminal, with very long lines.


Perhaps your Celebrity advocate employment is showing here?


Darci, unless you were there, and experienced things the OP did, you absolutely cannot say that anything is NOT an exaggeration. Another poster in this thread in fact has come to say they WERE there and some information was inaccurate as the suite guests. So we have already disproven stated facts by the OP by another who experienced the same. This leads me to further believe OP has dramatically exaggerated things, as can be human nature when things don't go perfectly. Anyone who reads my posts sees I'm a "just the facts" kind of guy, and once you lie, I consider anything else you claim to be tainted. OP has been caught in an outright untruth based on another PAX experience the same day.


And pushing is caused by individuals trying to beat the system en masse, unless company representatives physically push people form the back, in which case those in the back would be suing Celebrity for assault and touching them. Again, I wasn't there, but I have to imagine no one with Celebrity was at the end of the lines pushing people. That's just simple physics. Blame PEOPLE for pushing and causing falls, not long lines. People can stand in long lines and not push others to the ground, at least in my experience. Pushing is caused by moving when the line is not.


As to the "all call" to clarify, I assume that come 9 or 9:30 or so an all call is made as they have limits on clearing the ship to get ready for the embarkation. If they delayed the "all call" not only would they have 2000 ticked off disembarking passengers, there would be another 2000 ticked of because of boarding delays. So in true hospitality form you tick off the fewest you can when circumstances dictate, in this case 2000, not all 4000. However for this to have been an important part of the OP's analysis the "all call" would have had to be made far earlier in the process.


I still believe the issues were in the terminal on the ground, and still believe that I can't imagine there were no luggage numbers in the luggage hall. There has to be more to this story.


And no my Advocacy isn't showing here (and it's not employment it's a subcontracting arrangement), common sense is showing here. Again I refer you to my posts from the beginning of time and ask to see if you can find a change in my tone since the program started (and of which I have not participated in for about 4 weeks now due to other commitments). Continue to call me out on advocacy if you desire relative my "bias" as some inappropriately assume, it really doesn't hurt me in any way.


Let me ask, if X got all these people off the ship to a stranglehold in customs due to customs agents leaving their posts for a break all of a sudden, do you honestly believe they would have had any chance of asking the 500 or so in line down the gangplank to turn around and go backwards and rebound the ship? Would the mass mentality of that group of passengers have listened especially given that they are already trampling over their fellow passengers leaving and not following comment decency towards their passengers? It's clear a All FOR ME mentality was in play with no regard for those around them. I truly doubt they would have listened to a "back up" and wait order.

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And can anyone believe that the baggage hall literally had NO signage to direct people to baggage numbers? Does that make ANY SENSE to ANYONE? I admit never passing thru Vancouver, but have to assume that they handle more than this single sailing each year, and would have figured out how the luggage numbering works with luggage. Many baggage halls just have the numbers painted right on the wall or floor in fact, but as I say, I haven't been to VC, so I guess there is a possibility they just stick all the luggage out there with no organization, since this is what the OP reported:



Friday, May 1st - I arrived in Vancouver from a Hawaiian cruise. At that time, they had baggage signs and you just found which number you had on your disembarkation slip.


Now -- getting a taxi was another thing -- however -- this was not Celebrity's fault. Many passengers were complaining and saying that it was all Celebrity's fault. I am sure that some missed their flights. I was joining family at a hotel in Vancouver so had time. When I finally got a taxi (almost two hours later) -- the taxi driver informed me that his company did not know that there were three ships in harbour that day and hence the long wait. Also -- for some drivers who were going to the airport - they got fares at the airport and did not come back to the pier right away.


I am sailing from Amsterdam in May 2016 and from some of the comments on these boards -- will be interesting to see what happens with customs and immigration. However -- it will not affect my cruise:D


Whenever I travel with my aunt and we have requested pier assistance - it has always been efficient in various ports in USA & Europe and to date we have had no problem.


Sometimes things just happen and it is not under the control or fault of Celebrity. It seems that many times on these forums -- so many are very quick to criticize. I know that the cruise line is not perfect but things happen.

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The two worst embarkations I ever experienced were Vancouver and Buenos Aires. Vancouver couldn't even coordinate the back to back cruiser's instructions -- we were sent down dead end hallways, told to take wrong stairways, none of the local personnel had any idea where our group (led by a Celebrity Officer who was new and had never been there either). My worst disembarkation was Vancouver. Again, we were given incorrect directions, the signage was useless. I feel the OP's pain.



My one Celebrity (Infinity) trip so far started and end in Buenos Aires. Embarkation took about 45 minutes from curb to bar on deck. Disembarkation took about 30 minutes from lounge to curbside. Sometimes stuff happens I am sure, I won't assume my good experience is universal, but you needn't assume that your bad experience is universal either.

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Darci, unless you were there, and experienced things the OP did, you absolutely cannot say that anything is NOT an exaggeration. Another poster in this thread in fact has come to say they WERE there and some information was inaccurate as the suite guests. So we have already disproven stated facts by the OP by another who experienced the same. This leads me to further believe OP has dramatically exaggerated things, as can be human nature when things don't go perfectly. Anyone who reads my posts sees I'm a "just the facts" kind of guy, and once you lie, I consider anything else you claim to be tainted. OP has been caught in an outright untruth based on another PAX experience the same day.


We have pax reporting different experiences at a port you have not visited. I wonder what is the basis for your judgement that the OP is not telling the truth?:confused:


I must say that our embarkation at Southampton on July 25th '15, was the best we ever had. Porters taking your luggage out out of the boot and directed us where to park. Far, far better than the queues we encountered in Oct 2010 for Eclipse's inaugural season.

Likewise, disembarkation was so smooth on August 8th, no immigration or customs to hold up the process, that I commented that illegal immigrants would find it very easy to get into UK. I just could not believe that our passports weren't checked! So different from arriving by 'plane into UK.


Totally agree that Southampton have really got their act together and our check-in on 30 August was a breeze. We arrived by taxi, the driver went round to get the cases out of the boot and they were just whisked away! Boarding was quick and easy, there were no queues and so the passengers were relaxed and happy.


The lack of any apparent checks does make for a very smooth disembarkation, but I agree it is surprising. However, the ships' security system logs arrivals and departures from the ship itself and I imagine there must be some low profile surveillance going on at Southampton port (I certainly hope so)!

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I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that there was some sort of slow down on the land side and the celebrity officer in charge made a decision that the most important thing was to board the new passengers and leave on time....so get the folks on the ship at the end of their cruise off at any cost. That type of situation would lead to almost exactly what the OP said happened. It is definitely a Celebrity priority to get the folks off the ship so they can get ready for the new passengers and their revenue....so just get them off the ship and let the ground folks worry about the crowds, etc.


It's a guess....but it's probably a very good guess at what caused that situation..

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We had a terrible embarkation out of Vancouver in May on the Solstice. Long wait times, long customs lines, and everything seemed disorganized on the land side. I believe there was water available for us, though, prior to heading customs. I personally got the impression that X was trying very hard to move everyone as fast as they could on their end, and it seemed the issues were with the Port.


I'm sorry that OP also had a terrible time. I loved Vancouver and would like to return, but I will think twice before sailing from there again on any line.

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