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Anthem keeps docking us around


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Panic sells advertising. I say shame on NBC News for reporting opinions not facts. "The ship listing at 45 degrees", I don't think so. The damage and injury reports are indicative of much less. At 45 degrees there would be major injury to most passengers as standing would be nearly impossible on a carpeted floor and the ship would have lost most anything not bolted down on the upper decks. A scary situation for all on board I'm sure, but lets live in reality. To the guy on the Today Show who said he will never use his 50% off voucher from this "cruise from hell", I'll take it. When I think of cruise from hell I think of the Triumph floating adrift for a week with no services, not a leisurely stroll back to New Jersey with food, hotel services, and entertainment. But I guess its all relative to an individuals previous experiences in life.

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...I am going to hang a weather instrument from the eve of our house today, one of those weather strings, if it moves etc.:D
I have a friend who had the pleasure of spending several years at Eareckson AF Station, Shemya, Alaska. He swears that their wind sock often blew away within a few minutes, and that they ended up using a very large orange painted tree trunk attached by a strong chain to another buried tree. Pilots could get ground wind direction from the location of the tree, and knew that if the tree was airborne they were in for a difficult landing:eek:
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Posted from a Cruiser on my Celebrity Eclipse Roll Call...


From a passenger on the Anthem of the seas


It was around 5 p.m. on Sunday when I began contemplating whether or not I should start composing goodbye messages to the people I love, as well as one to the friend dog-sitting my golden retriever to ask her to find him a good home for me in the event I didn’t live to see another day.


The Wi-Fi aboard the Anthem of the Seas, billed by Royal Caribbean as “the fastest Internet at sea,” had remained remarkably resilient up to this point — fading in and out at times but largely functional — but I was worried that it wouldn’t be so for much longer. The ship was rocking back and forth so violently that I’d been tossed off my bed a few minutes before. I’d begun plotting my evacuation, contemplating what I should wear, what should I bring with me, and would it even matter?


Just a few minutes earlier, the ship’s cruise director had made an announcement to the 4,000 or so passengers on board stating that “things are going O.K.” and asked for everyone to “remain in your rooms and enjoy the complimentary movies.”


Things did not seem to be going “okay.”


At the time we were sailing through a winter storm in the Atlantic, a few hundred miles south of Cape Hatteras in North Carolina, that reports say produced hurricane-force winds of up to 150 m.p.h., in addition to 30-foot seas. The first sign I saw that something was seriously amiss on the Anthem of the Seas, reported to be the third largest cruise vessel ever built, came a few minutes before 3 p.m., when I walked into the ship’s solarium and saw that we were rocking back and forth significantly enough that the water in the Jacuzzis was spilling over the sides of the pools and hot tubs housed within, causing the Jacuzzi jets to shoot water straight into the air. At 3:40, Captain Claus Andersen made an announcement asking everyone onboard to “go back to your state rooms until further notice.”


There we would all remain for what turned into arguably the longest seven or eight hours or so of my life, an experience that ranged from scary to downright terrifying. Below is a sampling of the notes I took on my phone during that time.


— “Surrounded by the sound of things crashing all around. Glass breaking ... sound of pipes clanking. Boat is shaking.”


— “Boat feels like it’s tilting severely to the right. No idea how I haven’t thrown up.”


— “Trapped in a small room, all by myself. Broken glass everywhere. I’d secured most of the breakables in the room but forgot about two cocktail glasses in the bedroom. Boat is shaking. Sound of swirling wind is constant.”


— “No other sounds. Eerily silent. No human voices other than the occasional announcement from the captain. The only sounds are those of rancor, things breaking, clanking, etc.”


— “This is terrifying. Super Bowl pregame show is on. Had to mute because it was stressing me out. God, please don’t let us lose power.”


— “Just when I think the worst is passed something new happens to scare the s*%t out of me.”


— “Meanwhile, I’m getting texts from friends sending me Mardi Gras pics and asking me to come to their Super Bowl parties. God, how I wish I were there. Anywhere but here.”


— “I have to go to the bathroom. No idea how I should go about doing this. Boat is rocking like nuts and there’s broken glass all over the bathroom floor.”


— “An announcement from Captain Claus, just as the Super Bowl coin flip was taking place: ‘This storm turned out to be much more violent than anyone could have anticipated ... I know many of you are very worried and very afraid ... I want to assure you that the situation is stable.’ ”


— “Rotating between sitting crouched at the end of my bed with two hands on the bed and my feet firmly planted on the floor to maintain a stable position.”


— “I just texted a friend saying that I think the worst is over, but now the boat is shaking and rocking arguably worse that it has all day. I jinxed us. Not thinking or saying anything to anyone now.”


Eventually, things began to settle down a bit. During the Super Bowl halftime show the captain made an announcement saying that the winds had calmed down to 60 to 70 m.p.h. He added, “We are being put to the test, and I apologize for you having to experience something like this.” He concluded by announcing that all guests were welcome to help themselves to anything in their room mini-bars free of charge. I took this opportunity to help myself to some M&Ms, some Pringles and, of course, some alcohol.


On the bright side, the Anthem of the Seas never lost the Super Bowl satellite signal throughout the storm. I turned off the television in my room right after Peyton Manning announced that he’d be celebrating the Broncos’ victory by downing a slew of Budweiser, and actually slept surprisingly well through the night.


This morning, as the ship’s crew — who, by the way, have been outstanding throughout this entire ordeal — hustled around to clean up and return some semblance of normalcy to the ship, the captain made an announcement thanking everyone for cooperating and remaining calm throughout the ordeal. He added, “It was one of my worst days at sea.” A few hours later, just after noon, Captain Andersen made another announcement: because another storm system appeared to be developing ahead of the course we were on, he decided to turn the ship around and head back to New York (passengers will get a full refund as well as a 50 percent discount on a future cruise with the company).


“I am not prepared to ask you to go through more than one storm,” Captain Andersen said. “One storm is enough.”


And how.



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Panic sells advertising. I say shame on NBC News for reporting opinions not facts. "The ship listing at 45 degrees",


It just shows how they will say anything, without looking at the facts. At 45 degrees there would have been major damage and injuries. Classic example of bad news reporting. So if they got this news story wrong, how many others they broadcast daily are just as bogus or made up?

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Panic sells advertising. I say shame on NBC News for reporting opinions not facts. "The ship listing at 45 degrees", I don't think so. The damage and injury reports are indicative of much less. At 45 degrees there would be major injury to most passengers as standing would be nearly impossible on a carpeted floor and the ship would have lost most anything not bolted down on the upper decks. A scary situation for all on board I'm sure, but lets live in reality. To the guy on the Today Show who said he will never use his 50% off voucher from this "cruise from hell", I'll take it. When I think of cruise from hell I think of the Triumph floating adrift for a week with no services, not a leisurely stroll back to New Jersey with food, hotel services, and entertainment. But I guess its all relative to an individuals previous experiences in life.


costa should be most of cruise to hell. No [rp[er evacuation. Captain was not helping and being selfish person.

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To reiterate what I said in the NBC thread, there are far better ways to educate yourself than watching any news programming. The news is really just a way to sway the public to feel one way or another about a particular issue. You're far better off not watching the news at all. Don't fall this garbage.

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Panic sells advertising. I say shame on NBC News for reporting opinions not facts. "The ship listing at 45 degrees", I don't think so. The damage and injury reports are indicative of much less. At 45 degrees there would be major injury to most passengers as standing would be nearly impossible on a carpeted floor and the ship would have lost most anything not bolted down on the upper decks. A scary situation for all on board I'm sure, but lets live in reality. To the guy on the Today Show who said he will never use his 50% off voucher from this "cruise from hell", I'll take it. When I think of cruise from hell I think of the Triumph floating adrift for a week with no services, not a leisurely stroll back to New Jersey with food, hotel services, and entertainment. But I guess its all relative to an individuals previous experiences in life.
When one of the passengers stated that the ship was listing at 45 degrees....can you say moron!:rolleyes: Then CBS first reported it was the largest cruise ship in the world, amazing that such a company can broadcast the WRONG information so quickly!:eek:
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Neither the captain or Royal Caribbean are saying that the storm wasn't predicted. It is the strength of the storm that was not predicted. The storm was supposed to have winds up to 75 mph and much smaller in size than it ended up being. At the original prediction they could have sailed around the main part of the storm and even if they couldn't have avoided it the ship could have withstood 75 mph winds without any serious issue. All these articles talk about that they had predicted the storm. Yes they did. They don't mention how far off these professionals were on the strength and size.

You may choose to drive when some snow is predicted and you know you can handle that safely. Are you at fault when you get caught in a blizzard that wasn't predicted.


No disagreement with this! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Now, just what are "hurricane force winds". What speed? Anyone, anyone?


Around 75 mph and above, that's where the Beaufort scale leaves off (force 12).


Thus, Anthem could easily manage "hurricane force winds". Problem became that she had to handle twice what was forecast.


Hurricane force winds does not necessarily mean 100, 130, 150, 160 mph. Even 80 mph is hurricane force.


Again, it starts at ~75 mph or so. I have sailed several times in "hurricane force winds", but these were only around 80 mph or so.


Welcome to the Beaufort scale:



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This is my first post to this board. I have been reading the posts on here for the past couple of days. My family came off of this cruise last night (Thank God!) and now that we are safe and back on solid ground I would like to say a couple of things.


This experience was the absolute worst thing I have ever been through. I have never feared for my life or my family's lives in a way that I did on Sunday. I have read on here that It couldn't have been that bad, that some would have enjoyed the ride! Absolutely not. If you did not experience it you cannot even begin to know what it was like.


Royal Caribbean and the captain should not be praised, they should be held accountable for putting us in that situation at all. I don't really care what anyone on the boards say about the weather, the reports were out there, we knew Saturday that there were hurricane strength winds of the coast of NC. We talked about it on the way to the ship. My husband said not to worry as they would never sail in the direction of a storm. Ha! Alternate plans should have been made before we found ourselves in the middle of the mess. We were not informed of anything during the periodic announcements that could be found reassuring or comforting. It didn't help the glass and belongings flying all over the cabin and breaking, watching the balcony furniture fly around the balcony hitting the door, etc. Then we were given false information regarding what was going to happen next. Regarding guest services, if you could get a hold of them at all you were told that more information would be forthcoming. They were no help at all.


We had no food for hours. I see somebody said that food was brought to the cabins, not true, at least not in our case. If you are going on a cruise be sure to bring something that you can eat in your cabin in case of an emergency like this. When we were allowed out the next morning it was still not easy to find something to eat. When Windjammer finally opened it was so packed (understandably so, but still) it was overwhelming.


As far as what Royal Caribbean is being praised on this board for "giving" the passengers for having been put through this horrible experience, a full refund, the least they can do as we did not have any sort of vacation, 50% off of another cruise, what a joke, first there are not many that I have spoken to that will be cruising anytime in the near future, if ever and that is just a way for Royal to try to get people to spend money on their flawed product again, it is not a benefit or a reward the us. The free wifi after the incident, a lot of us had wifi anyway, it was nice that everyone could use it to make alternate arrangements but then Royal changed the schedule again and messed up a majority of the alternate plans made, open bar.. what a joke. Not everyone drinks and I guess they think those that do will get drunk and forget they feared for their lives he day before! I don't even understand that one. What they do OWE us is an explanation of how we were put in the situation we were in in the first place and to make sure it never happens to anyone again.


I have read a lot of comments here. To all that are defending Royal just because you love Royal, you were not on this cruise. Posters such a Katrina and bedazzled are truly in the minority in how they feel about the experience. I have not heard much "positive" response as it was in know way a "positive" experience. The only positive is that we are here to tell about it. Who would think that would be the positive we came home from our long awaited so called vacation with??


So there are my comments. This is the 12th cruise that we have been on and will be our last. One thing that I learned from this experience is that the passenger has absolutely no control over what happens to them on a ship. You are at the mercy Royal Caribbean. Royal Caribbean's main concern is keeping everything hush hush to avoid bad press and making as much money as they can instead of the health and well being of the paying customers on the vessel.

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This is my first post to this board. I have been reading the posts on here for the past couple of days. My family came off of this cruise last night (Thank God!) and now that we are safe and back on solid ground I would like to say a couple of things.


This experience was the absolute worst thing I have ever been through. I have never feared for my life or my family's lives in a way that I did on Sunday. I have read on here that It couldn't have been that bad, that some would have enjoyed the ride! Absolutely not. If you did not experience it you cannot even begin to know what it was like.


Royal Caribbean and the captain should not be praised, they should be held accountable for putting us in that situation at all. I don't really care what anyone on the boards say about the weather, the reports were out there, we knew Saturday that there were hurricane strength winds of the coast of NC. We talked about it on the way to the ship. My husband said not to worry as they would never sail in the direction of a storm. Ha! Alternate plans should have been made before we found ourselves in the middle of the mess. We were not informed of anything during the periodic announcements that could be found reassuring or comforting. It didn't help the glass and belongings flying all over the cabin and breaking, watching the balcony furniture fly around the balcony hitting the door, etc. Then we were given false information regarding what was going to happen next. Regarding guest services, if you could get a hold of them at all you were told that more information would be forthcoming. They were no help at all.


We had no food for hours. I see somebody said that food was brought to the cabins, not true, at least not in our case. If you are going on a cruise be sure to bring something that you can eat in your cabin in case of an emergency like this. When we were allowed out the next morning it was still not easy to find something to eat. When Windjammer finally opened it was so packed (understandably so, but still) it was overwhelming.


As far as what Royal Caribbean is being praised on this board for "giving" the passengers for having been put through this horrible experience, a full refund, the least they can do as we did not have any sort of vacation, 50% off of another cruise, what a joke, first there are not many that I have spoken to that will be cruising anytime in the near future, if ever and that is just a way for Royal to try to get people to spend money on their flawed product again, it is not a benefit or a reward the us. The free wifi after the incident, a lot of us had wifi anyway, it was nice that everyone could use it to make alternate arrangements but then Royal changed the schedule again and messed up a majority of the alternate plans made, open bar.. what a joke. Not everyone drinks and I guess they think those that do will get drunk and forget they feared for their lives he day before! I don't even understand that one. What they do OWE us is an explanation of how we were put in the situation we were in in the first place and to make sure it never happens to anyone again.


I have read a lot of comments here. To all that are defending Royal just because you love Royal, you were not on this cruise. Posters such a Katrina and bedazzled are truly in the minority in how they feel about the experience. I have not heard much "positive" response as it was in know way a "positive" experience. The only positive is that we are here to tell about it. Who would think that would be the positive we came home from our long awaited so called vacation with??


So there are my comments. This is the 12th cruise that we have been on and will be our last. One thing that I learned from this experience is that the passenger has absolutely no control over what happens to them on a ship. You are at the mercy Royal Caribbean. Royal Caribbean's main concern is keeping everything hush hush to avoid bad press and making as much money as they can instead of the health and well being of the paying customers on the vessel.


In my opinion (we all have one and this is only my second post on this subject all week) you have your explanation. The forecast the ship/company had was not as severe as what actually happened. The article on CC news said they predicted 12ft seas and 40-50mph winds. Now being an understanding person, I believe them. Whatever system they are using obviously was flawed, but I tend not to care what other "meteorologists" all over the county/coast have said. They operate over 20 ships throughout the world. They have to have technology in place for this and they reacted and said, well maybe a second check would've been nice so they are putting that in place now.


I'm sure each passenger on the ship has different feelings and I wouldn't belittle anyone for their views on the situation. However I do feel your comments about their main concern is absurd.

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Good comment lou I was getting ready to say something similar. People keep bringing up the gale force winds, or hurricane force winds but don't actually understand the range. It starts at 64 knots or around 75 mph. Usually the highest reading is sustained gusts rather than a constant 64 knots. As someone who has been through numerous typhoons (hurricanes in the pacific), I actually do understand the difference. I've never been on a ship during hurricane season for that very reason. Their strength is always unpredictable. That's not a shot at anyone just my preference. I figure I would get seasick in rough waters so I just don't go. Regardless, you hope that those that get caught in Mother Nature are safe and I'm glad in this instance that all made it back and actually were lucky enough to not be severely injured, never lose power or Internet. Glad anthem is back and wish everyone a safe trip home.



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I really like RCCL. I have 5 cruises booked with them in the next 12 months and plan on going on all of them.


But I will never understand the almost religious defense people here seem to get worked up with when anything negative is portrayed about RCCL or the cruise industry.

Edited by bouhunter
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Yeah, I'm a grammar nerd too, but:


In some cases I would break with a semi-colon.


Now, don't correct me! ;)


We're a vanishing breed! :D

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In my opinion (we all have one and this is only my second post on this subject all week) you have your explanation. The forecast the ship/company had was not as severe as what actually happened. The article on CC news said they predicted 12ft seas and 40-50mph winds. Now being an understanding person, I believe them. Whatever system they are using obviously was flawed, but I tend not to care what other "meteorologists" all over the county/coast have said. They operate over 20 ships throughout the world. They have to have technology in place for this and they reacted and said, well maybe a second check would've been nice so they are putting that in place now.


I'm sure each passenger on the ship has different feelings and I wouldn't belittle anyone for their views on the situation. However I do feel your comments about their main concern is absurd.


Just FYI, the reports we were getting were reported by meteorologists. We were diligently following the weather for the path of our cruise (as I'm sure many do, especially this time of the year).

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Best part is that many of the news stations local and national mentioined " The Carnival Ship" lol. GMA even had a picture of a Carnival ship when talking about the story at 7 AM.


They never want the positive - I remember teh Carnival Triumpf when it was returning after that fiasco - and someone called into the news and started praising the staff - they were imnmediately cut off from CNN. Sad!

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Just reread my post, sounds judgy as it is now not following the post I was responding to, but that was not my intent. So for anyone I offended. Sorry, I was just try to talk in general about hurricanes/ gale force winds not this situation with anthem so much. Anyway I'll go back to "lurking"



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This is my first post to this board. I have been reading the posts on here for the past couple of days. My family came off of this cruise last night (Thank God!) and now that we are safe and back on solid ground I would like to say a couple of things.


This experience was the absolute worst thing I have ever been through. I have never feared for my life or my family's lives in a way that I did on Sunday. I have read on here that It couldn't have been that bad, that some would have enjoyed the ride! Absolutely not. If you did not experience it you cannot even begin to know what it was like.


Royal Caribbean and the captain should not be praised, they should be held accountable for putting us in that situation at all. I don't really care what anyone on the boards say about the weather, the reports were out there, we knew Saturday that there were hurricane strength winds of the coast of NC. We talked about it on the way to the ship. My husband said not to worry as they would never sail in the direction of a storm. Ha! Alternate plans should have been made before we found ourselves in the middle of the mess. We were not informed of anything during the periodic announcements that could be found reassuring or comforting. It didn't help the glass and belongings flying all over the cabin and breaking, watching the balcony furniture fly around the balcony hitting the door, etc. Then we were given false information regarding what was going to happen next. Regarding guest services, if you could get a hold of them at all you were told that more information would be forthcoming. They were no help at all.


We had no food for hours. I see somebody said that food was brought to the cabins, not true, at least not in our case. If you are going on a cruise be sure to bring something that you can eat in your cabin in case of an emergency like this. When we were allowed out the next morning it was still not easy to find something to eat. When Windjammer finally opened it was so packed (understandably so, but still) it was overwhelming.


As far as what Royal Caribbean is being praised on this board for "giving" the passengers for having been put through this horrible experience, a full refund, the least they can do as we did not have any sort of vacation, 50% off of another cruise, what a joke, first there are not many that I have spoken to that will be cruising anytime in the near future, if ever and that is just a way for Royal to try to get people to spend money on their flawed product again, it is not a benefit or a reward the us. The free wifi after the incident, a lot of us had wifi anyway, it was nice that everyone could use it to make alternate arrangements but then Royal changed the schedule again and messed up a majority of the alternate plans made, open bar.. what a joke. Not everyone drinks and I guess they think those that do will get drunk and forget they feared for their lives he day before! I don't even understand that one. What they do OWE us is an explanation of how we were put in the situation we were in in the first place and to make sure it never happens to anyone again.


I have read a lot of comments here. To all that are defending Royal just because you love Royal, you were not on this cruise. Posters such a Katrina and bedazzled are truly in the minority in how they feel about the experience. I have not heard much "positive" response as it was in know way a "positive" experience. The only positive is that we are here to tell about it. Who would think that would be the positive we came home from our long awaited so called vacation with??


So there are my comments. This is the 12th cruise that we have been on and will be our last. One thing that I learned from this experience is that the passenger has absolutely no control over what happens to them on a ship. You are at the mercy Royal Caribbean. Royal Caribbean's main concern is keeping everything hush hush to avoid bad press and making as much money as they can instead of the health and well being of the paying customers on the vessel.


Thank you For your post

I have no idea what you and your family went through ,I was not on the ship. You have every right to your feelings/opinions.

Don't let anyone tell you different :) I just want to say I am glad you are home safe.



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I'm sure each passenger on the ship has different feelings and I wouldn't belittle anyone for their views on the situation. However I do feel your comments about their main concern is absurd.


+1. Why is that the the folks that condemn RCI for leaving port also think that the captain and RCI are suicidal?

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Glad you made it home safely. Certainly not going to discount your feelings, I was pretty sure I was going to die in a tornado day after Christmas where as my husband was not worried at all. No one knows what it was like unless they were there and just like in day to day life some handle stress better than others and come out of traumatic moments differently.


This is my first post to this board. I have been reading the posts on here for the past couple of days. My family came off of this cruise last night (Thank God!) and now that we are safe and back on solid ground I would like to say a couple of things.


This experience was the absolute worst thing I have ever been through. I have never feared for my life or my family's lives in a way that I did on Sunday. I have read on here that It couldn't have been that bad, that some would have enjoyed the ride! Absolutely not. If you did not experience it you cannot even begin to know what it was like.


Royal Caribbean and the captain should not be praised, they should be held accountable for putting us in that situation at all. I don't really care what anyone on the boards say about the weather, the reports were out there, we knew Saturday that there were hurricane strength winds of the coast of NC. We talked about it on the way to the ship. My husband said not to worry as they would never sail in the direction of a storm. Ha! Alternate plans should have been made before we found ourselves in the middle of the mess. We were not informed of anything during the periodic announcements that could be found reassuring or comforting. It didn't help the glass and belongings flying all over the cabin and breaking, watching the balcony furniture fly around the balcony hitting the door, etc. Then we were given false information regarding what was going to happen next. Regarding guest services, if you could get a hold of them at all you were told that more information would be forthcoming. They were no help at all.


We had no food for hours. I see somebody said that food was brought to the cabins, not true, at least not in our case. If you are going on a cruise be sure to bring something that you can eat in your cabin in case of an emergency like this. When we were allowed out the next morning it was still not easy to find something to eat. When Windjammer finally opened it was so packed (understandably so, but still) it was overwhelming.


As far as what Royal Caribbean is being praised on this board for "giving" the passengers for having been put through this horrible experience, a full refund, the least they can do as we did not have any sort of vacation, 50% off of another cruise, what a joke, first there are not many that I have spoken to that will be cruising anytime in the near future, if ever and that is just a way for Royal to try to get people to spend money on their flawed product again, it is not a benefit or a reward the us. The free wifi after the incident, a lot of us had wifi anyway, it was nice that everyone could use it to make alternate arrangements but then Royal changed the schedule again and messed up a majority of the alternate plans made, open bar.. what a joke. Not everyone drinks and I guess they think those that do will get drunk and forget they feared for their lives he day before! I don't even understand that one. What they do OWE us is an explanation of how we were put in the situation we were in in the first place and to make sure it never happens to anyone again.


I have read a lot of comments here. To all that are defending Royal just because you love Royal, you were not on this cruise. Posters such a Katrina and bedazzled are truly in the minority in how they feel about the experience. I have not heard much "positive" response as it was in know way a "positive" experience. The only positive is that we are here to tell about it. Who would think that would be the positive we came home from our long awaited so called vacation with??


So there are my comments. This is the 12th cruise that we have been on and will be our last. One thing that I learned from this experience is that the passenger has absolutely no control over what happens to them on a ship. You are at the mercy Royal Caribbean. Royal Caribbean's main concern is keeping everything hush hush to avoid bad press and making as much money as they can instead of the health and well being of the paying customers on the vessel.

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One thing that I learned from this experience is that the passenger has absolutely no control over what happens to them on a ship. You are at the mercy Royal Caribbean. Royal Caribbean's main concern is keeping everything hush hush to avoid bad press and making as much money as they can instead of the health and well being of the paying customers on the vessel.


I won't ever downplay what people felt onboard this cruise, I've been there more times than I care to think about, and yes, in weather and ship motion more severe than you and the others describe. Its my job. And for someone who is not used to the sea, this first experience is of course shattering. No denying.


My question is: Do you fly? Are you any more in control in an aluminum cylinder at 35,000 feet than you are onboard a cruise ship?


Doesn't seem that RCI is trying to keep things "hush hush", when they've admitted to a mistake, and have come up with an action plan.


Do you really think that Corporate is so short sighted as to knowingly place a $billion+ dollar vessel, and the lives of passengers and crew at risk for the sake of a single cruise's revenue? Loss of the vessel would involve the litigation over injuries and loss of life, possible pollution remediation, the value of the ship, and even the loss of years of future revenue from this ship.


I am not a RCI loyalist. As stated, I try to be the impartial arbitrator, pointing out the realities of the sea, the maritime industry, and international law. I have castigated as well as defended the same cruise lines, when the facts demand it.

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That is all kinds of wrong! So only the two of you were left out of the piece it seems? :/ I do have to say that the segment was actual pretty good and upbeat. I didn't think there was any unnecessary drama.


Yea I saw it as well..nothing bad about the ship.. I think they just didn't want to go with those 2 people.

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