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The OP admittedly made a mistake. It is understandable that one could forget to transfer wine from checked to carry-on after flying, for instance.


Unfortunately for the OP, the mistake cost her the wine because of the smuggling committed (and bragged about) by others for so long. I'm glad Carnival is cracking down on smugglers, even though there will be 'collateral damage', to innocent passengers as in the case of the OP.


OP, I am sorry you had to suffer the consequences of others' misdeeds.:( But I appreciate you starting this thread - it helps spread the word.:)


So many smugglers have insisted for years on these boards that their selfish rule-breaking doesn't affect the rest of us. This is just one more example of how they are wrong.:mad:



Would you feel different if the OP took 2 bottles of wine in their carry on and decided to smuggle more in luggage and got caught. I know the OP did not say this but with 3500+ posts and someone in the roll call specifically saying that it needs to be in the carry on right before they left leaves the door open that this is more likely what happened and they thought it would be no big deal if they got caught because they mistakenly thought they would get it back at the end of the cruise. (JMO)

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The OP admittedly made a mistake. It is understandable that one could forget to transfer wine from checked to carry-on after flying, for instance.


Unfortunately for the OP, the mistake cost her the wine because of the smuggling committed (and bragged about) by others for so long. I'm glad Carnival is cracking down on smugglers, even though there will be 'collateral damage', to innocent passengers as in the case of the OP.


OP, I am sorry you had to suffer the consequences of others' misdeeds.:( But I appreciate you starting this thread - it helps spread the word.:)


So many smugglers have insisted for years on these boards that their selfish rule-breaking doesn't affect the rest of us. This is just one more example of how they are wrong.:mad:



I truly agree.


On everything here.


Well put.


OP I really think you deserved an up to date explanation of why things have changed..an easy detail to miss and as one becomes a seasoned cruiser as well, but not every month..easy detail to miss...


A one time miss of new rules should be allowed or ability to have your wine back at end of trip..not a slap in face like a high school under age kid. Some of us just can't carry on lots either...as our bones move along with time. So we have to make the more expensive decision...but not before we know...and for 2 bottles of wine for a couple on a long cruise..come on.

Edited by sjn911
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Its your perogitive to sail with whom you want to. But the rules were made to be followed. On our last cruise I packed a bottle of champagne in my carry-on. When we went through TSA at MCO it showed on the scan and confiscated. I packed it for the cruise scan and forgot about the TSA rules. I goofed and accepted my loss. Had a good laugh with the TSA agent.

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Its your perogitive to sail with whom you want to. But the rules were made to be followed. On our last cruise I packed a bottle of champagne in my carry-on. When we went through TSA at MCO it showed on the scan and confiscated. I packed it for the cruise scan and forgot about the TSA rules. I goofed and accepted my loss. Had a good laugh with the TSA agent.


Agree ...in the end and final equation...we all have to recheck rules because they change often...and you do have to laugh.

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a lot of hyenas on a feeding frenzy.

Pretty sad actually the way the OP is being treated.


I remember when Mr. Calgon1 had his own web site back in the beginning. Back when CC was only available to AOL subscribers.

Man was I greatful to find his postings when I first joined the cruising fraternity. He helped a lot.


Sad to see him treated this way

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Who would pack wine in their check baggage anyway? Too much risk in them breaking and ruining your clothes!




we did on our last celebrity cruise because we took a plane.

We had 4 bottles and we put them in the carry on before we checked in on the ship. Cant forget to make the switch

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On my last cruise we mistakenly packed our sunscreen, aloe and bug spray in one of the carry-on bags. They confiscated it at ATL and said it would not be returned to us on our return flight. I am considering not flying out of ATL again. That has not happened to me at any other airport.


Did you miss the whole 3-1-1 thing for flying? All liquids, like sunscreen, aloe, and bug spray, have to be in containers 3 oz or less (100 ml, more specifically) and have to go in one quart sized baggie per person. If you were within these limits and had your stuff in the baggie, you have a complaint. If you had big bottles, well, if you've managed to sneak those through security at other airports, maybe you want to consider not flying out of those other airports.

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I truly agree.


On everything here.


Well put.


OP I really think you deserved an up to date explanation of why things have changed..an easy detail to miss and as one becomes a seasoned cruiser as well, but not every month..easy detail to miss...


A one time miss of new rules should be allowed or ability to have your wine back at end of trip..not a slap in face like a high school under age kid. Some of us just can't carry on lots either...as our bones move along with time. So we have to make the more expensive decision...but not before we know...and for 2 bottles of wine for a couple on a long cruise..come on.



Having your wine in your carry-on is not a new rule, a seasoned cruiser should know to check before going on the cruise.

Edited by declansdad
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we did on our last celebrity cruise because we took a plane.

We had 4 bottles and we put them in the carry on before we checked in on the ship. Cant forget to make the switch


Same here. And when we fly back, bottles HAVE to go in checked luggage.


Good to know the rules in this case though. And if you didn't learn them before you made the mistake, definitely be aware of them before you come on this board and vent or warn or whatever, because people will be quick to check you. Especially when your original post is full of caps and emoticons and a declaration about never sailing Carnival again. Unnecessary dramatics when you knew you was wrong.....in hindsight at least.


Carnival did the right thing. We all learn lessons. Most of them the hard way.

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Same here. And when we fly back, bottles HAVE to go in checked luggage.


Good to know the rules in this case though. And if you didn't learn them before you made the mistake, definitely be aware of them before you come on this board and vent or warn or whatever, because people will be quick to check you. Especially when your original post is full of caps and emoticons and a declaration about never sailing Carnival again. Unnecessary dramatics when you knew you was wrong.....in hindsight at least.


Carnival did the right thing. We all learn lessons. Most of them the hard way.


Yes. we always bring back 6-8 bottles of booze. Its dirt cheap

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Would you feel different if the OP took 2 bottles of wine in their carry on and decided to smuggle more in luggage and got caught. I know the OP did not say this but with 3500+ posts and someone in the roll call specifically saying that it needs to be in the carry on right before they left leaves the door open that this is more likely what happened and they thought it would be no big deal if they got caught because they mistakenly thought they would get it back at the end of the cruise. (JMO)


Yes, of course I would feel differently. I don't think I've left any doubt as to my feelings about smuggling.:cool: But I give people the benefit of the doubt and generally take them at their word unless I have reason to believe they might be lying. I have no reason to believe OP was lying. I don't automatically assume the worst about people.


Anyone can make a mistake, yes, even those with a lot of posts on CC.;) OP came here, and although angry about how it ended up, admitted his mistake and posted his story not only as a minor rant, but also as a PSA for others. And I for one, am glad he did. Not because I'm likely to make the same mistake, but so that the smugglers here will know they won't be getting their contraband back, anymore.:D

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Yes, of course I would feel differently. I don't think I've left any doubt as to my feelings about smuggling.:cool: But I give people the benefit of the doubt and generally take them at their word unless I have reason to believe they might be lying. I have no reason to believe OP was lying. I don't automatically assume the worst about people.


Anyone can make a mistake, yes, even those with a lot of posts on CC.;) OP came here, and although angry about how it ended up, admitted his mistake and posted his story not only as a minor rant, but also as a PSA for others. And I for one, am glad he did. Not because I'm likely to make the same mistake, but so that the smugglers here will know they won't be getting their contraband back, anymore.:D



i am not for one minute accusing the OP of lying. there is no lie... just omitting a part of the story. it would not fit the innocence of the story if they added that part. (JMO).


if they made this mistake (its possible) it would have been within a few days of a post in the roll call that the OP started made by someone else telling everyone to make sure the wine is in the carry on. that raises some doubt .

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i am not for one minute accusing the OP of lying. there is no lie... just omitting a part of the story. it would not fit the innocence of the story if they added that part. (JMO).


if they made this mistake (its possible) it would have been within a few days of a post in the roll call that the OP started made by someone else telling everyone to make sure the wine is in the carry on. that raises some doubt .


The existence of OP's roll call mate's post, which your sleuthing (and for the record, I'm with Richstowe on not knowing whether to think such sleuthing impressive or creepy:p) revealed, does not prove the OP's reading of said post, Watson.;)


But even if the OP did read the post, the mistake could still have been an honest mistake. My DH, for example, sometimes forgets to do thingsthat I have just recently, clearly, and politely requested of him. Now it's possible that he's faking the forgetting in order to not comply with the request... but I choose to give him the benefit of the doubt (at least most of the time) when he says it was a mistake. But then, maybe I'm just a gullible wife.

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The existence of OP's roll call mate's post, which your sleuthing (and for the record, I'm with Richstowe on not knowing whether to think such sleuthing impressive or creepy:p) revealed, does not prove the OP's reading of said post, Watson.;)


But even if the OP did read the post, the mistake could still have been an honest mistake. My DH, for example, sometimes forgets to do thingsthat I have just recently, clearly, and politely requested of him. Now it's possible that he's faking the forgetting in order to not comply with the request... but I choose to give him the benefit of the doubt (at least most of the time) when he says it was a mistake. But then, maybe I'm just a gullible wife.


you point is valid and I understand what you are saying. we can agree to disagree.

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I know people were bringing on 2 bottles in their carry on and then packing 2. when called down they said thats there 2 bottles of wine so they had 4. i think that could be one of the reasons they stopped give people their bottles back out of the checked luggage.

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Did you miss the whole 3-1-1 thing for flying? All liquids, like sunscreen, aloe, and bug spray, have to be in containers 3 oz or less (100 ml, more specifically) and have to go in one quart sized baggie per person. If you were within these limits and had your stuff in the baggie, you have a complaint. If you had big bottles, well, if you've managed to sneak those through security at other airports, maybe you want to consider not flying out of those other airports.


🤔 I think you missed the sarcasm of the post you're replying to...

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You know we should be grateful that they allow us the 12 pack of soda and the one bottle of wine. With all the smuggling they could just stop everyone from bringing anything on.


Lesson learned from the smuggling, people are not getting it back. Have they included that in the contract? I haven't looked yet. But I don't have anything booked. Carnival could go as far as removing people from the cruise for breaking the contract. Not trying to stir the pot just saying they could.

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a lot of hyenas on a feeding frenzy.

Pretty sad actually the way the OP is being treated.


I remember when Mr. Calgon1 had his own web site back in the beginning. Back when CC was only available to AOL subscribers.

Man was I greatful to find his postings when I first joined the cruising fraternity. He helped a lot.


Sad to see him treated this way

I was going to say I respectfully disagree with you on the way OP has been treated but you called me a " hyenas-laugh-2.jpg." :p I do respect the fact that Calgon titled the post as a warning concerning what he did . He did inform us that they Carnival has now changed their policy and are now confiscating illicit alcohol and not just holding it . This was news to me . He is certainly justified in being annoyed .


I suppose there has been some blowback concerning the final paragraph

" Bottom Line? Over two bottle s of mediocre wine, Carnival lost two cruisers. We have NEVER experienced this with any other cruise line, including Holland America, Princess, Costa and Cunard (all Carnival Corporation subsidiaries)!".

I considered it over the top but no mortal sin .

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Have they included that in the contract? I haven't looked yet. But I don't have anything booked. Carnival could go as far as removing people from the cruise for breaking the contract. Not trying to stir the pot just saying they could.



Indeed, they have:




From their Liquor and Beverage Policy:


"All liquor, beer, other forms of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages outside of the exceptions referenced above are strictly prohibited in both carry-on and checked luggage and such items will be confiscated and discarded and no compensation will be provided."



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For the life of me I don't understand anyone taking the risk of placing any type of alcohol in their luggage with all their clothing and personal belongings. I have a lot more money invested in my clothing and such rather than a bottle of alcohol. We feel like if we can't afford to purchase our drinks onboard the ship we should just stay at home. I don't feel sorry for anyone that places these bottles in either place and happens to have an accident with breakage. Everyone should consider the fact that their spillage could affect another person's luggage also. I read all the time about the savings but is it really worth the risk? Don't feel like a couple of bottles of wine are worth any of it, and definitely not worth all the back and forth discussion of this topic that has gone on with this thread.

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For the life of me I don't understand anyone taking the risk of placing any type of alcohol in their luggage with all their clothing and personal belongings. I have a lot more money invested in my clothing and such rather than a bottle of alcohol. We feel like if we can't afford to purchase our drinks onboard the ship we should just stay at home. I don't feel sorry for anyone that places these bottles in either place and happens to have an accident with breakage. Everyone should consider the fact that their spillage could affect another person's luggage also. I read all the time about the savings but is it really worth the risk? Don't feel like a couple of bottles of wine are worth any of it, and definitely not worth all the back and forth discussion of this topic that has gone on with this thread.

You're contributing to the back and forth by posting yourself so what's the difference?


No the OP shouldn't have packed it in their luggage but when you fly and bring home duty free, you have no choice but to pack it in checked luggage. So the idea is not outrageous or unheard of. Pack it carefully and usually you're ok. The issue here is more about the OP not following the rules, getting busted, then coming on here belly aching about it.


Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk

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On my last cruise we mistakenly packed our sunscreen, aloe and bug spray in one of the carry-on bags. They confiscated it at ATL and said it would not be returned to us on our return flight. I am considering not flying out of ATL again. That has not happened to me at any other airport.



TSA RULES: You are allowed to bring a quart-sized bag of liquids, aerosols, gels, creams and pastes in your carry-on bag and through the checkpoint. These are limited to travel-sized containers that are 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less per item. Placing these items in the small bag and separating from your carry-on baggage facilitates the screening process. Pack items that are in containers larger than 3.4 ounces or 100 milliliters in checked baggage.


Don't be upset for breaking a rule. I'm not trying to sound rude, but that's been a rule for a while now. Don't give ATL a bad wrap just because of your mistake.

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