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Can't bring soda on board anymore


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I haven't seen anything yet that says how NCL will handle the confiscated sodas and water. Will they take it onto the ship and return it the last day ??


Policy states you will have to take it back to your car, otherwise it will have to be left at the port.

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Just seen this, is it REALLY going to be the end of the world if you have to pay for some drinks?


End of the world, of course not. We usually cruise Celebrity where cans of soda and bottled water are included in their free drink package. NCL already have a crap free drink program as it includes neither, they charge you the 18% on a highly inflated drink package price and now highly inflated prices on Soda and Water which I drink a lot of. Will it break me? Of course not. But there's no incentive to cruise NCL over Celebrity so we'll pick a Celebrity cruise instead.

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I haven't seen anything yet that says how NCL will handle the confiscated sodas and water. Will they take it onto the ship and return it the last day ??



If they are concerned about the contents of the bottles they would need to properly dispose of them is my guess


But we know what will happen....port workers and crew will take them because Ncl is absolutely not concerned at all with the bottle contents.

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I haven't seen anything yet that says how NCL will handle the confiscated sodas and water. Will they take it onto the ship and return it the last day ??



Maybe they'll sell it for more profit.

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Calling and threatening to cancel your certificates, but not canceling them, only weakens your position going forward. In the game of life don't threaten to do something you are not prepared to do otherwise you come off as an easy target in the future.

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I haven't seen anything yet that says how NCL will handle the confiscated sodas and water. Will they take it onto the ship and return it the last day ??


Nah, they'll confiscate them and then sell them in random beverage grab bags. You can buy 10 drinks for $30 but you don't know what sizes, flavors or types you're getting! /s

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Correct me if I am wrong but none of the Beverage packages include Canned soda or bottled water ... and that the sodas available on NCL is "fountain" and along with juices (non-canned) are only available through bars, lounges and restaurants. So the only thing you can stock in your stateroom mini-bar if you empty it is the bottled water packages that NCL offers.


So if a 12-pack 1-litre Aquafina goes for $39.95 + $7.19 SC for a total of $47.14 USD or $61 CAD (for us), then a 1 litre bottle goes for $5.10 CAD which is a 361% mark-up over $1.41 CAD which buys me 2 500 ml bottles here in Canada.


So each time you want something to drink in your stateroom, you either have to go out ... or buy their water package (remember no access to canned sodas) ... or pay for their high-priced mini-bar beverages ... or drink from the tap. With something as basic to the necessity of life as water, the premium charged is quite high for the convenience of having a bottle of water in your stateroom.

Edited by FM
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You know even if the poster you quoted does report back as unsuccessful that shouldn't deter other from calling and asking for a refund


Tie up their lines with requests for refunds


Let them know that is how we are fighting back


Of course none of this means we actually must cancel those certs....but just calling to say you might be doing so if they continue this policy will get their attention


Strength in numbers....and verbal arguments too

No, it shouldn't stop others from trying, but it would be beneficial to others to find out what NCL is saying, so that they can tailor their responses to them.


To me, there is a big difference in cancelling something to prove a point, rather than threatening to cancel to prove a point. When Celebrity made some changes to their loyalty program, there were many, many that said on Cruise Critic that they were taking their business elsewhere if Celebrity didn't modify their changes. Well Celebrity didn't and guess what, all those folks are still posting on roll calls for their cruises...they never left. Celebrity was smart enough to know that when someone threatens, there is only the slightest chance they will cancel and I'm sure NCL thinks the same way, but cancellations will actually prove a point.


My take on the issue and what I think should happen: I think NCL should reduce the price of their water to a reasonable amount and charge folks the equivalent of what the amount of soda they bring on would cost on the ship. To me that would be a win win for everyone, as folks have said they would purchase Coke if it were on board the ships.

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Calling and threatening to cancel your certificates, but not canceling them, only weakens your position going forward. In the game of life don't threaten to do something you are not prepared to do otherwise you come off as an easy target in the future.



Nope it doesn't work that way for me as I'm an excellent negotiator



I would clearly and concisely and intelligently explain what I'm planning to do....I would tell them to write all this down on my account....I would suggest that when their supervisor asks why they were on the phone with me for much longer than their per pax allotted time....that they tell them exactly why....


I would mention the CC hoopla


I would mention the fb hoopla


I would would tell them I was just putting them on notice of my intent to cancel....and will decide with a week or so


I would remind them I may well dispute my credit card charge if they give me a hard time



The point is....I would let them know exactly what my plan is


I would keep them tied up on the line so their supervisor questions the extended length of the call that DID NOT furnish any additional $$$$ to Ncl.....but cost Ncl $$$$ in cust service rep time...salary....and benefits.....comes to a significant cost to Ncl....with no return to Ncl....


Now multiple that out by even 10% of cert holders making the call.....



It called strategy.

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Calling and threatening to cancel your certificates, but not canceling them, only weakens your position going forward. In the game of life don't threaten to do something you are not prepared to do otherwise you come off as an easy target in the future.


I am not cancelling anything, I don't drink the bottled water and if I did I can get it from the casino along with my canned sodas. I am more curious to see if enough people do it will they rescind the policy. I have been very surprised that no one has been screaming that you cannot get any to go orders from O'Sheehans since April.

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If they are concerned about the contents of the bottles they would need to properly dispose of them is my guess. But we know what will happen....port workers and crew will take them because Ncl is absolutely not concerned at all with the bottle contents.

It will likely patterned after USA airport security theatrics ... giant 55 gallon barrel drums at the checkpoint - "travelers" will stand here & drink up, holding up the lines (been there, seen it & done it overseas that "comply" with US-DHS guidelines) for screening, not moving it faster as proclaimed.


Some/many will simply "voluntary surrender" them by dropping these water b0mbs & tin cans, etc. into these giant drums (for those that subscribe to the notion of enhanced security ... better rethink your risks assessment about gallons of "unknown" liquid inside the drum in evil fashion, for a moment) with those long lines of sheeps standing all around in a hurry to grab those Vibe passes, etc. & early boarding, etc.


Crew members should have absolutely no access to these at all, period - from a security standpoint. Port workers can probably do whatever they want, like all those pocket knives "seized" by TSA at airports, they get "recycled" in bulk sales (shocked, I bet some of you didn't know that).


Showtime come the weekend of July 15th when the new NCL sailings on "enforcement" as I am visualize some water/soda dumping parties at the piers ... could be a media circus of sort.

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It will likely patterned after USA airport security theatrics ... giant 55 gallon barrel drums at the checkpoint - "travelers" will stand here & drink up, holding up the lines (been there, seen it & done it overseas that "comply" with US-DHS guidelines) for screening, not moving it faster as proclaimed.


Some/many will simply "voluntary surrender" them by dropping these water b0mbs & tin cans, etc. into these giant drums (for those that subscribe to the notion of enhanced security ... better rethink your risks assessment about gallons of "unknown" liquid inside the drum in evil fashion, for a moment) with those long lines of sheeps standing all around in a hurry to grab those Vibe passes, etc. & early boarding, etc.


Crew members should have absolutely no access to these at all, period - from a security standpoint. Port workers can probably do whatever they want, like all those pocket knives "seized" by TSA at airports, they get "recycled" in bulk sales (shocked, I bet some of you didn't know that).


Showtime come the weekend of July 15th when the new NCL sailings on "enforcement" as I am visualize some water/soda dumping parties at the piers ... could be a media circus of sort.


I don't see it like this at all. As far as I am aware, at least in the US, there is no government TSA type restrictions about liquids being brought onto cruise ships. It is purely cruise line/port controlled. Therefore I see little regulation on what is basically going to be considered trash.

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Seriously you don't want to understand why asking for a refund of a cruise next is valid do you?



The point is as a previous pax you gave ncl your cash up to 4 years in advance ....the obc is meaningless...you gave them $150 to help their cash flow.....


In return not only will they give you an extra $100 when you book in the future which means even more $$$$ for them they will provide a product that you wanted when you bought

So the pax has a Valid argument to request a refund.....something ncl doesn't want you to do....because they don't want to give it back to you....



It doesn't take a genius to see a few things....


1. a cruise next holder has leverage

2. There are lots of cruise next holders

3. Ncl doesn't want to give you back your cash


4. Requesting a refund of a cruise next cert is not something ncl expected with this water change


5. Ncl will listen because it's just another item of leverage the pax has found to use...






Sent from my iPad using Forums


I'm not being argumentitive but honestly: No, I seriously don't understand why someone is entitled to a refund for something they purchased that was a specific benefit to the purchaser beyond the refund terms of the T&Cs because things changed 4 years later.


Actually, you gave them $150 to lock in the perk to put $250 down per stateroom instead of $250 per person - that's a substantial benefit to you and an actual loss of cash flow to NCL on your booking date.


Here are the CruiseNext T&Cs where it does not LOCK in prices, itineraries, ships, specialty restaurants (hey, I bought a CruiseNext certificate when Margaritaville was free but didn't book until a year later - NCL I call FOUL! and expect a refund... hey, I bought CruiseNext certificates during a promo that paid DSC but I booked later and sailing this November and had to pay DSC - NCL FOUL!! ), policies, decor (hey, I bought a CruiseNext certificate when the Dawn didn't have crazy art like it does now - NCL FOUL!!), checkin process (I bought a CruiseNext certificate and BOOKED a trip on board when staggered check-in wasn't being enforced but now it is - NCL FOUL!!) .......



BTW: refunds are allowed 30 days from purchase


Go for the refund or contest it with your credit card company and see how that goes..... Oh, wait..... You will pound your chest about how stupid I am but you are trying to solicit someone else to get on NCL FB page to pursue it..... ARE YOU SERIOUS?


I respect your opinion..... I just do not agree.....

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I don't see it like this at all. As far as I am aware, at least in the US, there is no government TSA type restrictions about liquids being brought onto cruise ships. It is purely cruise line/port controlled. Therefore I see little regulation on what is basically going to be considered trash.


And... NCL is still allowing wine to be brought aboard --> as long as the corkage is paid.


This certainly isn't a security "fix" :rolleyes:


So... why not have a smaller fee for carried-on smaller containers of beverages (factory sealed, as with the wine)?

Then we could all at least have the opportunity to bring on board the brand that we prefer... especially when NCL won't sell it to us directly.


There are three issues, at least:


One is the very high price they charge for simple bottled water (and that is even more dramatic when compared with the charge for bottled water on some other cruise lines that charge for it).


Second is the fact that there are some VERY commonly consumed beverages that NCL doesn't even have available for purchase - at any price.


Third is the fact that soft drinks from a "fountain dispenser" just are not the same as those in bottles (or cans). And a glass of hours-old soda sitting on a bedside table is even more unappealing.

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I'm not being argumentitive but honestly: No, I seriously don't understand why someone is entitled to a refund for something they purchased that was a specific benefit to the purchaser beyond the refund terms of the T&Cs because things changed 4 years later.


Actually, you gave them $150 to lock in the perk to put $250 down per stateroom instead of $250 per person - that's a substantial benefit to you and an actual loss of cash flow to NCL on your booking date.


Here are the CruiseNext T&Cs where it does not LOCK in prices, itineraries, ships, specialty restaurants (hey, I bought a CruiseNext certificate when Margaritaville was free but didn't book until a year later - NCL I call FOUL! and expect a refund... hey, I bought CruiseNext certificates during a promo that paid DSC but I booked later and sailing this November and had to pay DSC - NCL FOUL!! ), policies, decor (hey, I bought a CruiseNext certificate when the Dawn didn't have crazy art like it does now - NCL FOUL!!), checkin process (I bought a CruiseNext certificate and BOOKED a trip on board when staggered check-in wasn't being enforced but now it is - NCL FOUL!!) .......



BTW: refunds are allowed 30 days from purchase


Go for the refund or contest it with your credit card company and see how that goes..... Oh, wait..... You will pound your chest about how stupid I am but you are trying to solicit someone else to get on NCL FB page to pursue it..... ARE YOU SERIOUS?


I respect your opinion..... I just do not agree.....



You don't get it


Asking for a refund is just another way to show you're dissatisfied with Ncl


It has been reported here that refunds have been given well after 30 days


I'm all for calling and suggesting a refund might be what you want as it will get Ncls attention



Additionally calling and asking when the last day to make final payment is....and suggesting you might cancel


Calling and downgrading your cabin to save $$$ is another negotiating tool



Point is let Ncl know that you can fight fire with fire...


I personally took the free wifi...as I wasnt paying ubp Dsc .....


When my TA said he thought I would go for the ubp....I told him to tell Ncl that I wasn't taking it because of the $dsc


It doesn't matter that I rarely drink on cruises....what matters is that Ncl is told I didn't take it because I'm protesting the 18%

Edited by luvtheships
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I can just see it now, port workers clocking off and opening a local 'soft drinks and swiss army knife' stores on every corner.


Relax, and don't like sugar water destroy your vacations.


There is plenty of hydration opportunities available on the ship. There won't be any spike in infirmary admissions. Have water with tea, herbal tea, with cordial, in a filter bottle, with ice, in lemonade or my favourite way in a frozen pina colada.


I paid $12 for a can of diet coke the other day in France, I didn't give the bar owner a lecture about the wholesale cost of his product nor did I ask him to lug a pre-purchased 24 pack of the drink next to my table for me.

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This might be the news of the century to you, but trust me, the world in general doesn't give a fat rat's ass and shouldn't. HAHAHAHAHA! Funniest post ever.




"Twenty hostages killed in attack in Bangladesh, and in other news - self-important woman has to suffer a 7 day cruise without her Diet Coke."




Come on man. What you posted comes off kind of heartless.


I don't disagree mind you, but dang too soon on that one.




Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I can just see it now, port workers clocking off and opening a local 'soft drinks and swiss army knife' stores on every corner.


Relax, and don't like sugar water destroy your vacations.


There is plenty of hydration opportunities available on the ship. There won't be any spike in infirmary admissions. Have water with tea, herbal tea, with cordial, in a filter bottle, with ice, in lemonade or my favourite way in a frozen pina colada.


I paid $12 for a can of diet coke the other day in France, I didn't give the bar owner a lecture about the wholesale cost of his product nor did I ask him to lug a pre-purchased 24 pack of the drink next to my table for me.

Is cordial available on the ship?


Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk

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It will likely patterned after USA airport security theatrics ... giant 55 gallon barrel drums at the checkpoint - "travelers" will stand here & drink up, holding up the lines (been there, seen it & done it overseas that "comply" with US-DHS guidelines) for screening, not moving it faster as proclaimed.


Some/many will simply "voluntary surrender" them by dropping these water b0mbs & tin cans, etc. into these giant drums (for those that subscribe to the notion of enhanced security ... better rethink your risks assessment about gallons of "unknown" liquid inside the drum in evil fashion, for a moment) with those long lines of sheeps standing all around in a hurry to grab those Vibe passes, etc. & early boarding, etc.


Crew members should have absolutely no access to these at all, period - from a security standpoint. Port workers can probably do whatever they want, like all those pocket knives "seized" by TSA at airports, they get "recycled" in bulk sales (shocked, I bet some of you didn't know that).


Showtime come the weekend of July 15th when the new NCL sailings on "enforcement" as I am visualize some water/soda dumping parties at the piers ... could be a media circus of sort.


That scenario pretty well covers the stuff that is carried on, but what about the sodas and water that are in checked luggage. I don't believe they check that until it is on the ship, do they ??

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The outcome will probably not be favorable....but the point is to call and keep calling with the threat to cancel the certs


A previous poster reported a cancel of cert success months after she purchased them.

What did they say when you threatened to cancel?
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