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Spending a day in isolation


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We are currently on Journey, docked in Muscat. A few days into the cruise, Captain Johannes started mentioning a few cases of gastrointestinal virus on board, and urging all passengers to wash our hands, use the gel, and to be sure to report to the Medical Centre if we didn't feel well.


I was doing fine until early this morning when my luck ran out and I knew I had caught the virus. I rang the nurse and she asked me to come to the Medical Centre. While I was there, I overheard another passenger explaining that he had been feeling terrible and having symptoms for FOUR DAYS, and was just now getting around to reporting it!


No wonder these things spread! I just can't get my head around this man going all over the ship, doing his normal things, but feeling really bad. Who knows how many cases he helped to cause?


So since I'm sensible, and I would hate for anyone else to feel as bad as I do, I reported my symptoms and I'm in isolation today. My husband feels fine, so he can go out and about as he wishes. He cancelled his excursion today, though, as he's worried that he might come out with symptoms while ashore, or carry the virus to someone else.


Our cabin steward will be in to carry out special cleaning, and my shore excursion ticket has been refunded. Room service will bring me a special meal (if I ever feel like eating again,:p) and I can watch the films for free. So I'm not having much fun today, but I'm being treated really well, and I hope the virus isn't spreading any further.

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Well done Lisiamc for being a considerate and conscientious passenger. As for that other person who wondered around the ship for four days, potentially infecting hundreds of crew and passengers....well words fail me. It's a shame Captain Johannes can't put him in The Brig instead of his cabin!


I hope you are out of isolation and feeling better soon.

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Feel better soon. I've done a few of the Suez cruises. I really like them, but on one in particular we had days of elevated sanitation measures. There were people reporting it two or three days later and saying they'd been in the buffet whilst unwell. The message from Capt Johannes became "if you don't report immediately you won't complete the cruise in Athens". Of course then everyone with even a slight sniffle descended on the Med Centre!

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It's the season...


Well done for confining yourself. Get well soon!!


As for the passenger that was sick for 4 days, I doubt it was noro, as that lasts only 24-36 hours.




I'm afraid there has been an outbreak for a few days now. I also am not convinced guests have been honest. How shall I put it sounds when using the conveniences... It is just not fair there are too many selfish folks onboard.

That said I have to use my own foam not the ships gel but I am surprised the high % who have my allergy. Difference is they dont seem to carry alternative sprays as I do :)

I hope the OP gets better soon and I applaud her for her actions

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It's the season...


Well done for confining yourself. Get well soon!!


As for the passenger that was sick for 4 days, I doubt it was noro, as that lasts only 24-36 hours.




Sorry Floris, but that is not the correct information at all....and that false information and belief is one of the reasons Norovirus can take such a hold on a ship.


A person usually develops symptoms of Noro about 12-48 hrs after exposure. That's when the acute onset of vomiting and diarrhoea with nausea and abdominal cramps begin. Some people also get a fever, headaches and myalgia (generalised body aching). The symptoms themselves can last up to 72 hours and not everyone infected with Noro get symptoms....but they still shed the virus in their stool and can infect others.


It is also possible to clear the symptoms and then get reinfected a few days or weeks later. Norovirus has six recognised different genogroups and three of them affect humans. People can shed Noro before they have any symptoms at all and can continue shedding viral particles for up to two weeks after infection.


So your belief that the man would not have Norovirus after 4 days is incorrect. It is a commonly held belief, even among other medical professionals....but it is wrong. That inconsiderate man may actually have infected many passengers and crew in his four days wandering the ship before reporting to the medical centre.


Noro virus is one of the most highly contagious diseases known to man. It can take just 100 viral particles to infect another human and anyone with Noro will be shedding millions of viral particles a day.....just about 30 million particles are shed in one vomiting incident. If you ever go into a public washroom and hear someone vomiting.....back out fast!


Generally on cruise ships, someone is released from cabin isolation after they have been COMPLETELY symptom free for 48 hours. However it is possible to become reinfected, particularly if your partner has been free to roam the ship, and then 48 hours after you become symptom free, they develop symptoms of their own. Personally, if I was the medic onboard, I would isolate both partners in the cabin, but that wouldn't be a popular decision with either the passengers or the cruise line.


Lisiamc, I hope you feel better soon and once again, thank you for doing the right thing.

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I'm afraid there has been an outbreak for a few days now. I also am not convinced guests have been honest. How shall I put it sounds when using the conveniences... It is just not fair there are too many selfish folks onboard.


That said I have to use my own foam not the ships gel but I am surprised the high % who have my allergy. Difference is they dont seem to carry alternative sprays as I do :)


I hope the OP gets better soon and I applaud her for her actions



Thank you for the update. I hope it doesn't impact your cruise too much. Stay healthy!






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I am so sorry that you are unwell lisiamc and hope that you feel better soon.


As someone who has suffered Noro (twice on one cruise) I know how unpleasant it is.


Am not at all surprised that you are being treated well by Azamara but must admit I would have thought a nurse would have come to your cabin when you reported your symptoms rather than asking you to go to the Medical Centre

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Is it usual to be asked to visit the medical centre with the risk of continuing to spread the sickness, rather than the nurse or doctor visiting you in your room?


I read that too and thought it odd. Whenever there has been an outbreak when I've been on the ship the directive if feeling unwell with noro like symptoms is to ring the medical centre and a nurse would visit.

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I am so sorry that you are unwell lisiamc and hope that you feel better soon.


As someone who has suffered Noro (twice on one cruise) I know how unpleasant it is.


Am not at all surprised that you are being treated well by Azamara but must admit I would have thought a nurse would have come to your cabin when you reported your symptoms rather than asking you to go to the Medical Centre


I've never had this happen to me before, so I didn't question it, but I also didn't touch anything on the way down there, or the way back!

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Is it usual to be asked to visit the medical centre with the risk of continuing to spread the sickness, rather than the nurse or doctor visiting you in your room?


My immediate thought too.

Sounds likely there will be a deep clean of the ship before LCV voyage.

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everything I have been taught they come to you. If I was told to go to them i think i would of called the front desk and tell them i was concern about walking there and i wanted someone to come to me. Ann, you are there now have you ever heard of this on this cruiseline or any?Johanness been on sick ships and i was ok but i lock my self up until they came to me. i think he should be made aware of this.

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Sorry Floris, but that is not the correct information at all....and that false information and belief is one of the reasons Norovirus can take such a hold on a ship.


A person usually develops symptoms of Noro about 12-48 hrs after exposure. That's when the acute onset of vomiting and diarrhoea with nausea and abdominal cramps begin. Some people also get a fever, headaches and myalgia (generalised body aching). The symptoms themselves can last up to 72 hours and not everyone infected with Noro get symptoms....but they still shed the virus in their stool and can infect others.


It is also possible to clear the symptoms and then get reinfected a few days or weeks later. Norovirus has six recognised different genogroups and three of them affect humans. People can shed Noro before they have any symptoms at all and can continue shedding viral particles for up to two weeks after infection.


So your belief that the man would not have Norovirus after 4 days is incorrect. It is a commonly held belief, even among other medical professionals....but it is wrong. That inconsiderate man may actually have infected many passengers and crew in his four days wandering the ship before reporting to the medical centre.


Noro virus is one of the most highly contagious diseases known to man. It can take just 100 viral particles to infect another human and anyone with Noro will be shedding millions of viral particles a day.....just about 30 million particles are shed in one vomiting incident. If you ever go into a public washroom and hear someone vomiting.....back out fast!


Generally on cruise ships, someone is released from cabin isolation after they have been COMPLETELY symptom free for 48 hours. However it is possible to become reinfected, particularly if your partner has been free to roam the ship, and then 48 hours after you become symptom free, they develop symptoms of their own. Personally, if I was the medic onboard, I would isolate both partners in the cabin, but that wouldn't be a popular decision with either the passengers or the cruise line.


Lisiamc, I hope you feel better soon and once again, thank you for doing the right thing.


Thanks for a detailed, well-informed and thus very useful post.


Since most (many?) of us will. we hope, never personally encounter the problem, it's helpful and appropriate to have current information. It addressed some of the misconceptions I held. Thanks to the OP for raising the issue.


Should this information re:protocol be shared at the Captain's Welcome or on the interactive TV? I know that encouragement for proper hygiene is stressed but, frankly, I hadn't thought about whether we should contact the Medical Centre for a stateroom visit as opposed to attending the Centre itself. Perhaps we've just missed that advice.


Or would raising these issues simply drive more to hide the problem?


Also, Lottie A, are there any steps we can take, besides the usual personal hygienic ones, to help deal with an outbreak of coughing on board. Our cruise last autumn had a significant percentage of victims, and the ensuing infection lasted for months.


Thanks for any thoughts. Since the coughing issue is rather off-topic would you consider a separate thread?


We'd appreciate your professional opinion.

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"A person with norovirus is most infectious from when their symptoms start until 48 hours after all their symptoms have passed, although they may also be infectious for a short time before and after this."




Edited by florisdekort
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The nurse was describing this as a suspected gastrointestinal virus, but apparently it wasn't exactly Noro. I got the impression that no one was reporting vomiting, just diarrhoea and stomach cramps, which were bad enough. I was released when 24 hours had passed since my last "episode". As far as I know, I was the last person reporting it, and cases had been declining, with only one case the day before.

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The nurse was describing this as a suspected gastrointestinal virus, but apparently it wasn't exactly Noro. I got the impression that no one was reporting vomiting, just diarrhoea and stomach cramps, which were bad enough. I was released when 24 hours had passed since my last "episode". As far as I know, I was the last person reporting it, and cases had been declining, with only one case the day before.


Glad you have been released, hope you can still enjoy Dubai

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Floris please see my detailed post above. I do not wish to reiterate the points I made about Norovirus....and they were made from a professional, medical knowledge of the condition. The quote you use is generalised....but noted for "most infectious" and not "NON infectious" and for "48 hours after ALL their symptoms have passed". This can mean that a person can potentially be infectious for well over a week and if they have self medicated by taking Imodium for example, the virus can stay in the GI tract for much longer and then re-occur. There are many reasons why Norovirus can be infectious for much longer than your previously stated 24-36 hours, as I have previously advised.


I know Journey sadly now has more cases of Noro.... And is presently undergoing the Noro protocol of a full deep clean of the ship. I feel so sorry for the poor crew who have to do this, apart from their normal duties. I also know you are boarding the ship for the LCV cruise. So I hope you stay healthy and of course, enjoy your cruise.


We shouldn't get too obsessed with Norovirus, as it is a common infection in the Winter months but boy, if you get in on a much anticipated cruise....it can ruin it for you.


Nordski, respiratory infections are another common illness aboard cruiseships. Quite a few are contracted before boarding....from the airplane recycled air for example. Then you are in a crowded environment where coughs and colds can spread easily. People often sneeze unexpectedly and if you don't have a tissue to catch the droplets, well you have just infected everyone in a 10 metre radius.


If you are vulnerable to respiratory problems then make sure you have the Flu vaccination at least two weeks before you travel. Take any prescribed or over the counter medication with you. A cold will usually last at least 7 days if you take medication....and the same amount of time if you don't! However fever and aches and pains are better treated and more comfortable for you.


Any ship can have respiratory viruses living in hot tub pipes, shower pipes and even rarely, potable water supplies. I always run my shower/bath for at least 5 mins before I get in and I don't use the hot tubs onboard any ship. Yes, I know running taps and shower heads waste water before anyone jumps in....but I would rather do that than risk inhaling Legionnaire's Disease organisms. I do the same in any hotel I stay in. I'm sure Azamara is very vigilant with checking and cleaning their water pipes....I have never been unwell on any Azamara ship, but it never hurts to be extra careful.


My advice to my patients with coughs, colds, fever etc is to drink plenty of water....I can hear Spursgirl laughing about now! Also, take mild pain relief that has anti fever properties, such as Paracetamol and before going to bed, rub Vick's inhaler ointment on the soles of your feet and then put on sock's. It's an Old Wives Tale....but it works! :)


My last thought nordski is if your past respiratory infection lasted for months after you returned, then it was something more than a common cold or general URTI. I hope you consulted your doctor and that investigations were carried out?


I am sure this is more than enough medical advice from me now, so all I can say is I wish everyone good health on all their future cruises. However, if you are unwell on an Azamara cruise, then consult the Medical Centre immediately. They are an excellent group of Doctor's and Nurses generally and I would have complete confidence in them.

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Also, take mild pain relief that has anti fever properties, such as Paracetamol and before going to bed, rub Vick's inhaler ointment on the soles of your feet and then put on sock's. It's an Old Wives Tale....but it works!


I read this out to my DH who has been suffering with a bad cough since his flu injection, which he had 2 weeks ago.

The Vicks advice made me smile, we put it on a hankie , which we put under our pillow.

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I read this out to my DH who has been suffering with a bad cough since his flu injection, which he had 2 weeks ago.

The Vicks advice made me smile, we put it on a hankie , which we put under our pillow.


Jackie, tell him to put it on the soles of his feet, then put socks on overnight. Much better treatment for coughs than just breathing it in from underneath the pillow.

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I know Journey sadly now has more cases of Noro.... And is presently undergoing the Noro protocol of a full deep clean of the ship. I feel so sorry for the poor crew who have to do this, apart from their normal duties. I also know you are boarding the ship for the LCV cruise. So I hope you stay healthy and of course, enjoy your cruise.


The Captain didn't mention any new cases today, and I haven't heard about any on the grapevine, so I hope that if they do a deep clean it is just a precaution.

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I agree with you on all medical. but as far as AZ and the medical center I could scream 20 months later. i got sick on the Quest. .Knew it was more than a cold. it was sinus. I went to the dr twice. he refuse to give me antibodics. i had Philip involved too.


In the end I was told to go to the Mall of Asia by crew. Ruby knew I was going and she did not want me to go alone. she told me she would take me. She told Philip she was and I told him she was. I went to a very good ENT there. In 48 hours I knew the meds were working. Philip even said i sounded better. I took the drug for a week.


I was so sick that my ears were blocked. I could of been better 2 weeks sooner but the day was a total waste of time. there were ports i could of found the drug.


so now I really do not want to go to the drs on the ship. Yes, i would call if i thought Noro. and i want them to come to me. not sure why i would go there.

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