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Silversea Water Cooler: Part 3, Welcome!

Host Dan

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OK, seriously??? Optimistic, pessimistic, realist??? Fence sitting now? :) The larder can be filled with whatever moves us. Prerequisite is the wine though!


That doner kebab I prepared for Sunday BBQing is burning a hole in my munchi-gnomes. It is calling me from the fridge. It is saying "eat me, eat me, no one will notice a slice or two gone ..."


Armagnac is doing well but I don't feel tired and it is nutty not feeling tired at 3:45 am.


Is everone else in the cooler slumped and asleep? Wake them up M, tell them to start arguing otherwise we'll turf them all out in to the cooler Cooler air.

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I was napping on the plane. 2h to go until SFO.


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You are forgiven JP.


You are a man of letters and science JP. Do you think those shallots I pickled and put in the fridge a few hours ago are ready for trying yet? I love pickling but can't stand the wait. They look like they are thinking of pickling, but it's difficult to tell whether they actually feel that they are genuinely pickled,


What do you think?



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Should I sound the gong J? They may not react well to be awaken just for the argumentative pursuits we are looking for. And eviction is a little harsh, don't you think? Many of them have been staunch Cooler supporters.

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The suggestion of me having any virtues is entirely misplaced. I take a pride in being sans-virtue. Virtue is debilitating. It wears you down.


However. I am going to show that I do have self-control. I am going to leave the first pickled shallot for another day. And I do feel smug. It can look at me all it wishes. That shallot will remain uneaten for another day! HOWZAT!:)

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Hello To All......


Good to read the after hours chatter from the night owls.......l fell asleep with the kindle and a furry babe!


The offspring are happily enjoying the lounge at Manchester airport before their Mallorca flight....and I'm enjoying a quiet day before another busy week beckons....interviewing a new cleaner on Monday who also offers an ironing service...yay!



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If I may weigh in here. Respectfully I would suggest that those of us in the last quartile of our lives are not completely responsible for the world as it stands. it is indeed a mess of epic proportions and we may have contributed but we are not solely responsible. Once again I raise the flag that critical thinking is missing. Not just among the more aged of us. The younger folk voting are not schooled in thinking for themselves and they buy into sound bites. If we could escape the madness I think we would all leave the island. Unfortunately we cannot. We are not all responsible for the mess and we are all responsible for doing our part to fix it.



Very well said, Mysty. I agree with you about younger folks buying into sound bites. Look what is happening with the printed word and in depth news reporting. Mind you, both are better in Canada and the UK. Everywhere you go you see folks staring at their IPhone. So much has been lost through the runaway speed of technology...Now, I am showing my age....


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A whole lotta words to read thru.


Right now my biggest fear is that the North Koreans will launch the ICBM with a nuclear warhead towards the USA. Trump will stand to gain if the USA is at war, he clearly wants it as he surrounds himself with generals. Millions may die, certainly many will die.

Clearly North Korea wants it too. It's not just saber rattling.


We have two insane megalomaniacal leaders in charge of nuclear weapons. Both have serious personality disorders. Both have no regard for human life and are treacherous.


Bleak thoughts.


I believe people are inherently good. But some are inherently bad.

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Greetings Coolers! Sobering thoughts this morning!


Penny, thanks! If you are showing your age, it is a badge of honour! I am truly thankful that I am not in the much younger cohort. Maybe I have many fewer years to live than they do but I can read, write, think for myself, research issues and understand what I am reading.


Spins...I agree with your analysis of the current threat! It is a very scary time! Saner minds may yet prevail although they do not seem to be in evidence at the moment. Underestimating the determination of your opponent is a dangerous game and not likely to end well!


Live long and prosper all!

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On a lighter note, airline tickets to Athens just arrived. 53 days to go...����


Have a great time Spins! I'd be envious but I'm embarking on the Whisper in 24 days ...


Your comment on Wes's thread about the curry brought back wonderful memories - looking forward to the Sep '18 TA.

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Love the conversation so far. Terry has the history of VA correct AFAIK. Have not worked there that long, only about 25y between school and real work. So I didn't live through that part of its history firsthand. Terry, Paul Starr's political leanings aside...I love the book for its history. Fascinating. We used it as a textbook for a Health Policy class I took in the late 1990s for my MPH program. We also did a big project to pick apart why health care reform failed under the Clintons. Off to SFO shortly.


As J.P. and Chris travel to wonderful San Francisco, appreciate this follow-up and confirmation as to my rough history on the V.A. being fairly correct. On professor Paul Starr, I just placed a reserved for our library for his 2011 book titled: "Remedy and Reaction: The Peculiar American Struggle Over Health Care Reform". Will read more as to his his views and perspectives. This later book focuses more on the 1990's when the Clintons tried and failed to "nationalize" the healthcare system in America. Lots of details and twists with this topic. It's not simple or easy!! Much of "it" is about who pays, how much, who profits, etc.??!! It is COMPLICATED!!


Lots of factors involved, including as to what is the "basic" health care that should be covered and paid by the government . . . versus . . . all of the other added services and needs, timing when it is done and how, etc. Then, there are the debates about late-in-life health care, how to spend there, etc.


Personally, our family has been fairly fortunate for health care situations and not having too many serious problems. BUT, in May, I had my kidney stone situation that brought home the huge confusions/complexities on the inflated "retail" sticker prices that hospitals and doctors bill out versus what insurance companies actually pay. In 1993, our then 16-year-old-son went through a complicated, six-hour scoliosis back surgery at the excellent University of Michigan hospital with a top national specialist in that medical area. There were many "lessons learned" in seeing first-hand the values of having skilled healthcare and the confusions as to how our insurance/payment system works. At that point, we were very happy to choices and access to the best experts to gain this specialized area of medical care. Great sharing at the Cooler! Always looking to learn more.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 183,986 views for this posting.

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On a lighter note, airline tickets to Athens just arrived. 53 days to go.


Great news for Spins and DH. Refresh our memory on this trip, where you will travels, etc.?? Have you been to Athens and/or Greek Isles previously?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For Athens and nearby, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples from this city that is so great for seeing its great history, style and architecture. This posting is now at 17,264 views.


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Right now my biggest fear is that the North Koreans will launch the ICBM with a nuclear warhead towards the USA. Trump will stand to gain if the USA is at war, he clearly wants it as he surrounds himself with generals. Millions may die, certainly many will die. Clearly North Korea wants it too. It's not just saber rattling. We have two insane megalomaniacal leaders in charge of nuclear weapons. Both have serious personality disorders. Both have no regard for human life and are treacherous. Bleak thoughts. I believe people are inherently good. But some are inherently bad.


For Spins and others on the North Korea question, do NOT forget the role of China and Russia as to how they "play" in this dangerous situation. China has very direct and important powers and potentials to make this situation worse or better with North Korea and their crazy leader. Both China and Russia love to have "client states" do things to impact and distract the United States and other western countries.


The "Cold War" is officially over, but not really. We are now having new variations of these East versus West battles happening. That is much about what is currently happening involving North Korea, Iran, etc. Then, there are questions about how in the 1990's and at other periods as to how we "handled" questions with North Korea and hoped that they would behave and be civilized. It's a long and complicated history!! Am I right or wrong?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from this live/blog at:


Now at 33,454 views for this visual sharing including Cape Town, along South Africa’s coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.

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Nice to hear from you Jolly. That was a delicious meal. The chef did provide me with all the recipes should you want them. Yes I recall that you have an upcoming trip with a terrific itinerary! Please keep us posted on your voyage, and fair winds and following seas. We are also looking forward to 2018 crossing!


Terry, we are on voyages 5727 b and 5728 on the Spirit. We have been to all the ports numerous times with the exception of Koper, Slovenia, Trogir, Croatia and Brindisi, Italy. For us this trip is unwinding time...

Although we have booked some excursions and a private guide.

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As J.P. and Chris travel to wonderful San Francisco, appreciate this follow-up and confirmation as to my rough history on the V.A. being fairly correct. On professor Paul Starr, I just placed a reserved for our library for his 2011 book titled: "Remedy and Reaction: The Peculiar American Struggle Over Health Care Reform". Will read more as to his his views and perspectives. This later book focuses more on the 1990's when the Clintons tried and failed to "nationalize" the healthcare system in America. Lots of details and twists with this topic. It's not simple or easy!! Much of "it" is about who pays, how much, who profits, etc.??!! It is COMPLICATED!!


Lots of factors involved, including as to what is the "basic" health care that should be covered and paid by the government . . . versus . . . all of the other added services and needs, timing when it is done and how, etc. Then, there are the debates about late-in-life health care, how to spend there, etc.


Personally, our family has been fairly fortunate for health care situations and not having too many serious problems. BUT, in May, I had my kidney stone situation that brought home the huge confusions/complexities on the inflated "retail" sticker prices that hospitals and doctors bill out versus what insurance companies actually pay. In 1993, our then 16-year-old-son went through a complicated, six-hour scoliosis back surgery at the excellent University of Michigan hospital with a top national specialist in that medical area. There were many "lessons learned" in seeing first-hand the values of having skilled healthcare and the confusions as to how our insurance/payment system works. At that point, we were very happy to choices and access to the best experts to gain this specialized area of medical care. Great sharing at the Cooler! Always looking to learn more.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 183,986 views for this posting.


Terry, I had a kidney stone last summer........:eek:........and that led to other issues......I don't normally mention but since

we are talking health.......I had to take myself to the emergency room when that happened........we do have good

insurance where I work.......anyway, I told them the symptoms and they gave me an IV and I had a CT scan......

for them to check everything.......ok, this is in the middle of the night (July 2016).....when they bring me back from

the scan I thought I was ok (the pain had passed so the stone must have passed)....but the ER folks told me they

really could not release me because my white count was "slightly high"..........Ahhhemmm......when I think of white

counts/red counts/etc.....I think of cancer......and the normal white count number should be between 7,000 and 11,000.

Well, mine was 180,000.............so more than SLIGHTLY..............I had to be admitted to the hospital and a Hematologist

was called in and yes, I find out I have a form of Leukemia....it is called CHRONIC MYLOID LUEKEMIA.......and

the one good thing, it is NOT terminal........the Dr said if someone is going to get cancer, this would be the kind to get.

I am on an oral chemo...........take 4 pills a day.........No side effects.....(THANKFULLY).....will take them for the

rest of my life. I had to go for a Bone Marrow Biopsy too.........that was not fun.......


If I had not had that kidney stone, I would not have known about the CML.........I don't feel any differently.........this disease

didn't make me feel sick (thankfully) and the pills don't either....I know I am thankful for that for sure.


As for those MEDS..............I am on a co-pay plan with the drug company. If not for that plan? Even with my insurance

I wouldn't be able to afford these pills.......seriously, they are 10grand per month:eek::rolleyes:...........my co-pay card picks

up all (with my insurance)..........I don't know what will happen if the co-pay goes away........they just renewed it for me

for another year...........thankfully!!!!

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Terry, I had a kidney stone last summer........:eek:........and that led to other issues..

If I had not had that kidney stone, I would not have known about the CML

As for those MEDS..............I am on a co-pay plan with the drug company. If not for that plan? Even with my insurance

I wouldn't be able to afford these pills..

if the co-pay goes away........they just renewed it for me

for another year...........thankfully!!!!


Appreciate these added details and background from Lois. YES, it is complicated and gets very costly. That's part of the challenge as to how to manage these issues and pay for the care. The great news, especially if you are in a larger city with good docs and hospitals, is that it is easier get better care. That is another aspects with these complex healthcare issues.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 226,488 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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I hear a kidney stone (the pain) for a guy is even worse............it was pretty damn bad for me...I can't recall the last time

I had to go to the ER........:eek:

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Terry, we are on voyages 5727 b and 5728 on the Spirit. We have been to all the ports numerous times with the exception of Koper, Slovenia, Trogir, Croatia and Brindisi, Italy. For us this trip is unwinding time...Although we have booked some excursions and a private guide.


WOW!! Just looked at these cruise stops. Many, many wonderful locations and super sights. Have been in a few of these places, but most would be desired, new locations for me. Hope you post many pictures and share details as you travel. I notice that both of these cruises are now listed as "sold out". Popular and with good reason!! Need me to travel along as your personal "official photographer"?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Wonderful Kotor and nearby Montenegro? Check these postings. Have had over 37,338 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and commented.:


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I hear a kidney stone (the pain) for a guy is even worse............it was pretty damn bad for me...I can't recall the last time. I had to go to the ER........:eek:


YES, my pain was very bad. BUT, don't know if men get worse pain that what hits women. My expert urologist did share that men are twice as likely to get kidney stones compared to women. Seems unfair, but I don't want to get into debating about other medical challenges that hit/affect men versus women. That's a slippery slope for discussions!!


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Super loved Dubrovnik!!! See more details and lots of great visual samples/examples at this link. Have had over 37,764 views on this posting and appreciate those who have tuned-in and dropped by.


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