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EQUINOX DEUX - 11 Night Ultimate Caribbean - PV Trip Report 3/13/17


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If you want this one, it had better be Powerball. I don't think Lotto Max is going to cut it :D


Hi CruiserRob,


I hope when I strike on Lotto Max or Lotto 649 it is one of those high 50's. LOL! You can't win if you don't buy a ticket. It is you guys in Ontario that win not us Maritimers.



Kevin Reid

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Hey, Kevin! So glad I found this new trip review! You do such an amazing job with the editing of you videos. Sure would be nice to see you guys on a ship again. Was Beth the person to actually call you Frumpy?


Hi Mark & Beth,


Hope the needle was small today? LOL!


Yes! It was Beth who first called me FRUMPY at least the first to my face.


We also would love to cruise with you guys again. So here are our details for the next two years. 1) March 23, 2018 - 10 Day Reflection . Eight already in our group four of which you already know, My sister husband and our first cousin and Husband. When we add you and Beth that makes 10. 2) March 3, 2019 - 12 Day Silhouette just Donna and I so far.


So glad you found the Trip Report and joining in on the ride.



Kevin Reid

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Before our first evening of dining I had some time to kill so I went up to the gym around 5:00 PM to do my Physio Exercise Routine and was able to walk on the treadmill for about 15 minutes. This seemed to be a good time to be here because it was not busy at all with lots of machine availability. Back down to the room for a shower and get ready for our first of five Specialty Dining.


One of the things that Donna and I really enjoy is the Specialty Dining experience on Celebrity. When you think about it... It is kind of silly to pay extra for food when there is already so much free food provided? Lets face it there are different ways that Celebrity has convinced you/us to pay extra whether it be booking Aqua Class to get the Blu Dining Room or book a suite to gain access to Luminae. I am a strong believer that one can convince/justify oneself of anything in their own mind. Mine on Specialty Dining is simple... We cruise once a year with flights and Hotel we are looking at a minimum of $7000 for both of us. I am NOT going scrimp and save on a couple of hundred extra dollar during my cruise to fully enjoy ourselves. After our 2014 Equinox Blu experience, which really wasn't for either of us, we said we would spend the extra on Specialty Dining rather than Blu. So as a Christmas gift we upgraded Donna's Beverage package to Premium and purchased the Four Specialty Dining Package. I really like how Celebrity has changed the Specialty Dining program where you pick venues you want to experience rather than set by Celebrity. Personally we really don't care much for Murano that's okay because I know there are others who love it. Being an accountant I just have to give you the breakdown/averages. First CDN$ $168.75/4 = $42.19/Special Venue I believe at the time Celebrity was using approx. a 1.35 exchange rate so that average is approx. $31.25 USD$. We also had full intentions on making our 4 dining package into a 5 by requesting a discount while on board for the first evening. Follow my logic here... we were offered a 30% discount on any venue so we picked the cheapest Silk Harvest with discount it came in at net $25 USD$ which was $6USD cheaper than our average. Not Bad!



I think Silk Harvest is the "poor red headed step child" (It is okay for me to say that because I have red hair) of the Specialty Dining in the Celebrity fleet. From what I have seen over the years is that Silk Harvest is the least busiest of the Speciality Dining venues. We have tried Silk Harvest on Solstice 2012 and Equinox 2014. We can honestly say that Silk Harvest was our favourite Specialty Dining this trip and this is coming from a big fan of Tuscan. Donna and I both like Chinese Food or should I say we like "North American Chinese Food". If you have not yet tried Silk Harvest we highly recommend it.



(Sorry! stole both photos above from our 2014 cruise.)


The four of us arrived at Silk Harvest for our 6:30 PM reservation. We had our choice of tables and was greeted by our waiter Maike (pronounced Mikie) from Columbia. Maike was a very pleasant gentleman and he was obviously very happy this cruise because he was going to meet his family in Cartagena in a few days. I don't think too much has changed in the Silk Harvest menu since 2014. Maike spent lots of time with us explaining the menu and serving us for the rest of the evening.













Kevin Reid


Up Next Silk Harvest food porn.

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We started off with few "small" plates.. spring rolls, Wonton Soup, and Asian Salad. I was little slack here in the food picture taking area at the start because I forgot to take photos of the "small" Plates. Gee! you take one year of from cruising and you forget about the little details.


Very tasty Asian Salad



Some wine for the ladies. I stuck to Coke!



Speaking of "WE" here we are at our first evening of eating.








Maike in the Background




Kevin Reid

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For the "large Plates" we ordered six (4 chicken/beef, Rice, and 1 shrimp). Donna and I do not like seafood. Yeah! I know we live on PEI the home of Lobster, and Shellfish. We left the shrimp plate for Norma Jean and Ken. There was lots for the four of us with very little going to waste. I think I was partial to the "Blackened Chicken" We finished up eating around 8:45 PM.



















Kevin Reid

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What does Ken thinks he is doing digging in before I get the final photo?







I always have room for dessert and the Asian Treasure was delicious. Forgot again to take photo.




In celebration of "EDGE" day a special dessert was served to everyone. I would also think it was probably served in all eating venues this evening.





I wanted to make it to the Celebrity Theatre this evening by 8:45 PM because they were showing a special video on the new EDGE. It is the same video that is now available from YouTube. I missed the first few minutes but have latter rewatched it on YouTube. I will not say anything yet on Edge I will leave that for the end of Day 1 wrap up.


Tonight's show is comedian Tom Cotter who was introduced by Cruise Director John Grantham. Personally I could not care less who the CD is or Captain is. I find it funny how some folks make you believe that the cruise personnel will make or break their cruise. John Grantham as the CD impressed me. Why? Because he did not try to be the centre of attention like some past CD's who think they are comedians and want all the attention etc.





Tom Cotter was quite clean and funny with his comedy. Don't get me wrong generally I like my comedy dirty but, this venue is for a clean audience. Speaking of "dirty comedy" what was Celebrity thinking when they introduced SIN CITY held late night in Celebrity Central? How did this possibly fit in with modern luxury? The comedy was quite abrasive and the pre-show... lets face it was quite sexist. Is the person who brought this onto Celebrity still with the company? I am not sure if SIN CITY disappeared before or after the new president? All that said I still liked Sin City but, knew it did not belong on a Celebrity Ship.


After Tom Cotter's comedy show we wanted to go to the Main Dining Room and talk to the Matre D' about our Select Dining reservation. There was mistake in that Celebrity had us locked into Traditional Dining at 6:00PM. We have not chosen 6:00 PM dining since our first cruise in 2005. As a matter of fact I even had our travel agent confirm with the Canadian broker that our dining preference was in deed Select Dining in February while we were booking our 2018 cruise. Like most men I let my DW, Donna, do the talking. This is where we meet/introduced to .. let me call her, "My Lady" because that is how she addressed Donna. Donna was very nicely trying to explain that someone at Celebrity made a mistake and we wanted to be switched from 6:00PM Traditional Dining to Select Dining. Well! Miss "My Lady" was going to have nothing do with that and basically said, "Sorry My Lady but, there is NOTHING we can do as we are booked up in SELECT." Donna did not give up either and tried to explain... "Just because of what you have in your records does not make it correct". "My Lady" was still having none of this. Then I the big man of the family here will give it a go with "My Lady". I tried to give my input to "My Lady" by trying to explain that I had confirmation from our Travel agent and Broker in February that we were indeed booked on Select. "My Lady's" response... " do you have that in writing?" My response, "Of course not I am in the middle of the ocean how can I provide that?" To end the conversation she said, " I am not the correct person to talk to you must talk to "Sam" in the main dining room ". We leave try to find "Sam" no "Sam" so we leave this battle until tomorrow morning. So here I am sitting in the stateroom writing up my notes and I think to myself what "My Lady" said to me. VOILA! BOOM! JUST LIKE THAT! I remember that I do indeed have "it" in writing and "it" is underneath the bed in the front of my suitcase. I did have a print out and plain as day it says "SELECT" dining. I will skip ahead to Day 2 morning for this story and Donna and I did find Sam in the main dining room. He apologized for the error after seeing it in writing and asked for a couple of hours to see if he could sort it out. Long story short Sam accommodated our request for the change to Select dining. That is Modern Luxury! "My Lady" fell very short of providing and type of good customer service in our opinion.





Our ship is headed west and the clocks are going to GO ahead by two hours over the next three nights. First hour is tonight and second hour is on Day 3. Before calling it an end to Day 1 Embarkation/FLL/Sail Away/Silk Harvest/EDGE day we took a walk up on deck 14 & 15 which was pretty windy up there. Back to the room to get caught up on my notes before I fell off to sleep.



Kevin Reid


Up Next, Even though the day is over I will share my EDGE scans and thoughts!

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So I had no idea that March 13, 2017 was the scheduled announce day for some major EDGE release news. Some Celebrity self proclaimed Fan Boy I am when I don't even know about this EDGE news. The first I realize that today is EDGE day is at the check-in / registration counter and they are handing out this little gem. This handout is printed on legal size paper and sorry I could not keep it from getting a fold in it. Had to fold for the trip back home.




As you can read above 12 noon in Equinox Theatre for the live reveal. Missed it! Busy eating lunch in the Main Dining Room. 15 Minutes before the 7:00 PM show Captain reveals first look. Missed it! Eating at Silk Harvest. So I guess you can say eating was more important than going to EDGE news to me?


So the balance of the EDGE handouts I am going to share I picked up at the Future Cruise sales office. I was very careful to make sure I got every one and not bend/fold/crease them. Not sure if anybody else has shared these yet? If so? Just pretend that you have not yet seen them and also pretend to love them.


Where will we go? Looks like the Caribbean starting in December 2018. Bookings start today March 13, 2017.



What are the onboard booking deals offered by Future Cruises? Funny you would ask that question because that answer is right here in the next two handouts.







Ready to book yet? Oh! You would like to see more first. Okay!


The EDGE facts.



More EDGE facts.



" ...have you had enough or are you thirsty for more?" Kevin McCalister - Home Alone



Kevin Reid

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Will I be ON THE EDGE or OVER THE EDGE? cont'd


Magic Carpet Ride or Gimmick?



Okay so the Lawn Club is gone.



Martini Hot Tubs



aah! Solarium




What I am most impressed with...




Kevin Reid

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Will I be ON THE EDGE or OVER THE EDGE? cont'd


Smart Design! Looks like they are using the top of the bridge and bridge wing.



Lets no longer innovate.. Lets just copy others with a suite's only area.






So there you have it... all you wanted to know about EDGE but scared to ask. Of course we have no idea yet what the outside of the ship will look like. I did see some deck plans on an iPad at the Future Cruise sales shop.


Okay so what are my thought? My first viewing of the EDGE details was from the partial video I saw in the Equinox Theatre. First impressions... NOT IMPRESSED. Why? I don't like idea when LARGE public areas of a ship are no longer accessible to the vast majority of their guests. Lets face it at least 80% of the Celebrity fleet is booked by passengers like Donna and I while the minority is the "suite class". I feel to much attention and design of this new class of ship is catering to this "suite class" segment. The Magic Carpet Ride as I like to call it might be a neat idea. But, I figure they (Celebrity) will some how work it that only "suite class" will be able to use it on days that require a tender. I am pretty sure the staterooms directly behind this moving/sliding monster will not be very desirable.


What do I like? I really like the new concept of the veranda stateroom. A very clever idea to expand the room and balcony. Here is my question on this. So if you have your balcony window down and your stateroom entry/exit door open how do prevent that hurricane force wind thru your stateroom?


Looks like EDGE's new pay per use Alcoves are facing out to the water. But, from the video looks like people still walk between the Alcove and the water. Why wouldn't you put the walking path behind the Alcoves so nobody would walk between the Alcove and water? I guess that's why I am an accountant and not a cruise ship designer. So this facing out to the water theme was honoured on Equinox today by facing the loungers around the pool out towards the water rather than the pool. Which was quite awkward.


For what it is worth we did book a Back to Back cruise for March 2019 on EDGE but we changed our minds a couple of days later after thinking about all of the things we disliked about EDGE and changed it to a 12 Day Silhouette Cruise. So I guess... I AM OVER THE EDGE. The above comments are just my opinion and may even change in the future.




So the question to you are you 1) On the EDGE or 2) Over the EDGE?



Kevin Reid

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I can't help but wonder what having the Magic Carpet in front of my cabin would be like. Wouldn't that contraption make a lot of noise as it grows older, as it rusts? I can hear it now, screeeeeech!

Kind of like having an amusement park ride outside your cabin.

It's just... dumb.



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I'm over the Edge. Prices are astronomical. Itineraries are boring. I'll wait until the dust settles and they develop more interesting itineraries. How are they going to control the AC if everyone has their balcony doors open all the time?

As for the suites only space, I think they had to do this to keep up with the other lines. MSC is eating their lunch with its Yacht Club. MSC is actively poaching Celebrity customers by granting them equivalent status in MSC's club. Like it or not, it's the future. I think there will still be plenty of space for ordinary mortals. And the suite customers will no longer be looking for space at the regular pool, thus leaving more room for the rest of the people on the ship.

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Wish we had a LIKE button Linda!

I totally agree with you, in fact when EDGE was launched it left me ' unimpressed.'

We have now booked on Silhouette- a first for us, as she will be sailing from Southampton next year, instead of Eclipse. Our last 3 cruises have been from Southampton- packing is SO much easier when flying isn't involved.

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I can't help but wonder what having the Magic Carpet in front of my cabin would be like. Wouldn't that contraption make a lot of noise as it grows older, as it rusts? I can hear it now, screeeeeech!

Kind of like having an amusement park ride outside your cabin.

It's just... dumb.



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According to the info sheet, it can only stop on decks 16, 14, 5 and 2, not in front of any cabins.

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I can not believe it is 2 years since I was reading your last report before we sailed on Eclipse in 2015. So sorry for the turmoil that 2016 brought you.



Thank you so much for your 'new' report, which I have only just found, since we booked for next year on Silhouette (2C 6243)

I have been searching for pictures of cabins with the bed by the balcony, as we have always had the bed nearest to the bathroom.

I found access to the wardrobe restricted, as there is little space between the bed and the wardrobe doors.

Is it easier to access the wardrobe when it is stand alone?



Edited by upwarduk
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I can not believe it is 2 years since I was reading your last report before we sailed on Eclipse in 2015. So sorry for the turmoil that 2016 brought you.



Thank you so much for your 'new' report, which I have only just found, since we booked for next year on Silhouette (2C 6243)

I have been searching for pictures of cabins with the bed by the balcony, as we have always had the bed nearest to the bathroom.

I found access to the wardrobe restricted, as there is little space between the bed and the wardrobe doors.

Is it easier to access the wardrobe when it is stand alone?



I'm not Kevin, but I'll chime in with my 2 cents worth. In my view, it's marginally easier to access the wardrobe if that dreadful couch is next to it instead of the bed. Only because it doesn't stick out as far as the bed. Access in either case is difficult. Also, the wardrobe (or closet, as we would call it) is not deep enough. All in all, clothing storage is difficult on S class. Allegedly they have remedied that on the Edge. That remains to be seen.

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Will I be ON THE EDGE or OVER THE EDGE? cont'd


Smart Design! Looks like they are using the top of the bridge and bridge wing.



Lets no longer innovate.. Lets just copy others with a suite's only area.






So there you have it... all you wanted to know about EDGE but scared to ask. Of course we have no idea yet what the outside of the ship will look like. I did see some deck plans on an iPad at the Future Cruise sales shop.


Okay so what are my thought? My first viewing of the EDGE details was from the partial video I saw in the Equinox Theatre. First impressions... NOT IMPRESSED. Why? I don't like idea when LARGE public areas of a ship are no longer accessible to the vast majority of their guests. Lets face it at least 80% of the Celebrity fleet is booked by passengers like Donna and I while the minority is the "suite class". I feel to much attention and design of this new class of ship is catering to this "suite class" segment. The Magic Carpet Ride as I like to call it might be a neat idea. But, I figure they (Celebrity) will some how work it that only "suite class" will be able to use it on days that require a tender. I am pretty sure the staterooms directly behind this moving/sliding monster will not be very desirable.


What do I like? I really like the new concept of the veranda stateroom. A very clever idea to expand the room and balcony. Here is my question on this. So if you have your balcony window down and your stateroom entry/exit door open how do prevent that hurricane force wind thru your stateroom?


Looks like EDGE's new pay per use Alcoves are facing out to the water. But, from the video looks like people still walk between the Alcove and the water. Why wouldn't you put the walking path behind the Alcoves so nobody would walk between the Alcove and water? I guess that's why I am an accountant and not a cruise ship designer. So this facing out to the water theme was honoured on Equinox today by facing the loungers around the pool out towards the water rather than the pool. Which was quite awkward.


For what it is worth we did book a Back to Back cruise for March 2019 on EDGE but we changed our minds a couple of days later after thinking about all of the things we disliked about EDGE and changed it to a 12 Day Silhouette Cruise. So I guess... I AM OVER THE EDGE. The above comments are just my opinion and may even change in the future.




So the question to you are you 1) On the EDGE or 2) Over the EDGE?



Kevin Reid

I agree with you, too much emphasis on suites, that said I trotted over to Hal and booked a suite for the same price as a veranda on Celebrity

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I'm not Kevin, but I'll chime in with my 2 cents worth. In my view, it's marginally easier to access the wardrobe if that dreadful couch is next to it instead of the bed. Only because it doesn't stick out as far as the bed. Access in either case is difficult. Also, the wardrobe (or closet, as we would call it) is not deep enough. All in all, clothing storage is difficult on S class. Allegedly they have remedied that on the Edge. That remains to be seen.






I have a differing viewpoint. I find the closet easier to access when the bed is next to it. The arm of the sofa is bothersome when next to closet. Another plus with bed by bath is I don't have to be concerned about running into the coffee table if I use the bath during the night.



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Originally posted by Happy Cruiser 6143

I'm not Kevin, but I'll chime in with my 2 cents worth. In my view, it's marginally easier to access the wardrobe if that dreadful couch is next to it instead of the bed. Only because it doesn't stick out as far as the bed. Access in either case is difficult. Also, the wardrobe (or closet, as we would call it) is not deep enough. All in all, clothing storage is difficult on S class. Allegedly they have remedied that on the Edge. That remains to be seen.



I have a differing viewpoint. I find the closet easier to access when the bed is next to it. The arm of the sofa is bothersome when next to closet. Another plus with bed by bath is I don't have to be concerned about running into the coffee table if I use the bath during the night.



I've intentionally booked a cabin this year with the bed by the bath, but for another reason. I hate having the bath, closet and dressing table within 6 feet of each other when getting ready for dinner. I'm hoping having me, my makeup and blow dryer over by the balcony, we will not be right on top of each other.

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Hope everything is ok, its been over a week since you last posted. I know when we met on board that you hadn't had the best of health in recent times, so hoping all is good, and you have been too busy to come on here...:D



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Hope everything is ok, its been over a week since you last posted. I know when we met on board that you hadn't had the best of health in recent times, so hoping all is good, and you have been too busy to come on here...:D








I've been a little worried too and was enjoying the review. Hoping that all is well.



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Love your reviews. I hope all is well. I live in the Tampa area, but I spent some time down in FLL. The 17th Street bridge is great, as you know. Next time you're there, check out the Dr. Von Johnson State Park. If you pay the few dollars to get in, you can drive to the far end and can access the pier. This is the pier across from the apartments/condos as the ships exit port. I, too love taking shots of the ships and this is an amazing angle. I can give you more information sometime if interested. Thanks for your reviews!

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WOW! Love the sail away video. Appreciate the time and effort you put into making this. Looking fwd to more of your report and videos.

We will be on this ship Sept 25. Different itinerary. We will be leaving out of Miami though. Not my favorite port. My aunt that lives in Toronto will be joining me on this trip. We did get all 4 perks included when we booked. So I'm

looking fwd to seeing pics of the ship and what the premium beverage package entails. Thanks

Kfoot we will be on the same sailing. It will be our third time on Equinox. Thanks for the amazing trip report, Kevin.

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