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how strict are they on age in the bars?

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You missed my point....you claim that your daughter at the time was 17 but looked 21+. My question was intended to be taken what if she was 17 and looked 12....if that is to much of a stretch, lets say she looked 14.....she looked younger than her age at the time which was 17....I may be reading into your post incorrectly, but i am taking it that since in your mind she "looked" 21, its ok for her to be there? Where i am going with this is, your daughter being on the Serenity deck for 90 minutes, did it shake the rule structure of the cruise industry, of course not. You do have to take it to the other side of the spectrum tho....another cruiser has a 16 yr old that is well behaved....what about the 14 yr old that is exceptionally mature, they ok to? Oh heck, my 10 yr old will just sit on his ipod in a seat and not bother anyone.....and so on and so on....to the extreme, there is essentially no Serenity deck anymore. We can debate that the Age limit/restriction is arbitrary, but i will answer that there are many rules/laws are based on a number, Age. This isnt just limited to Cruise ship rules, this is society in general


All that being said....I personally am a Serenity fan....i love it....when i cruise, i am up at 7 am on sea days securing 2 spots, typically 2 prime spots and that is where we hang out all day. Honestly, if you and your mature 17 yr old daughter walked over and said are these 2 seats taken, would i ask for her ID....lol.....no. If we struck up a conversation and you said "well my daughter isnt 21, dont tell anyone", am I calling over the Carnival Serenity police.....nah, that aint happening. I guess we just differ on the mindset of how this played out


I think I've covered this already, but what the heck. I don't believe my daughter at 12 would have been like you know I would really like to lay out quietly, in the area full of old people. Nah she would been like I wanna go down the slides and play at the pool with the other kids around my age. And then we would have done that, as we did when she 7 and wanted to do stuff that 7 yr olds want to do. AGAIN 17 and 21 are not only close in age, but close in maturity (for some), and enjoyment of the same type of things. 12 and 21 are not.

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My apologies Gold Mine....i didnt realize my back and forth banter with KC had this subliminal power to make you click on and read this thread....i didnt realize i was forcing you to be here ;)


THIS :') BAHAHAHA! Love it!

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Perhaps CC should set up a section for all threads that fit the category "Here's why and how I'm going to break a rule; please pat me on the back for my ingenuity and ability to rationalize, please don't break any rules yourselves that might negatively impact me, and please don't respond if you don't agree with me."


The pattern is amazingly consistent and all such threads could be grouped together and easy to find when someone just wants to browse the site for the sake of being entertained.


Maybe CC could conduct a poll to see what to name the section. Some ideas might include:


*Entitled Cruisers

*It's My Vacation

*My Kids Aren't Your Typical ___ Year Old Kids

*I Paid My Money and Expect the Cruise Line to Abide by It's Obligations But Everything Else is Merely a Suggestion.


Other ideas are welcome.





Oh my dear! Oh my! ( I say this because OMG is so overrated).


I related to this as an offended person and as a guilty party😅


I laughed (out loud) at your post. 👍🏼

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Perhaps CC should set up a section for all threads that fit the category "Here's why and how I'm going to break a rule; please pat me on the back for my ingenuity and ability to rationalize, please don't break any rules yourselves that might negatively impact me, and please don't respond if you don't agree with me."


The pattern is amazingly consistent and all such threads could be grouped together and easy to find when someone just wants to browse the site for the sake of being entertained.


Maybe CC could conduct a poll to see what to name the section. Some ideas might include:


*Entitled Cruisers

*It's My Vacation

*My Kids Aren't Your Typical ___ Year Old Kids

*I Paid My Money and Expect the Cruise Line to Abide by It's Obligations But Everything Else is Merely a Suggestion.


Other ideas are welcome.


Seriously thanks for joining in! This made me chuckle. :') I am here on this thread bc I enjoy a good debate. Not that I'm seeking one out for said purpose, not like I've done this continually all day, every day for the years I've been a member. Just on occasion when someone likes to try to convince me I'm wrong.

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I've been to quite a few of the comedy routines and I cannot say I've ever heard any of them say something in gross detail or about things they didn't already know at 16. As I already said we have always picked seats in the back, as I would at comedy show off the cruise.



I will speak first hand to this....I have been to many Cruise Ship R rated comedy shows. You would not believe the range of comics. There have been some tame ones where they may have used a 4 letter word in a joke to the act that stands out to me is think of Dice Clay to the 10th power....let me digress and throw out a piece of advice for the comedy club newbie. If you embarrass/offend easily or have an attractive spouse (wife if its a male comic)....Never, i repeat NEVER sit in the first 2 rows by the stage (i cannot reinforce this enough as KC has stated in her post)....the comic was both hysterical and vile and he picked on her (she had it coming, she heckled him first) to the point of this woman left on the verge of tears....i was both embarrassed for her and literally falling out of my chair laughing he was so funny

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Seriously thanks for joining in! This made me chuckle. :') I am here on this thread bc I enjoy a good debate. Not that I'm seeking one out for said purpose, not like I've done this continually all day, every day for the years I've been a member. Just on occasion when someone likes to try to convince me I'm wrong.




I suspect that no one could ever convince you that you were wrong [emoji23]

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I suspect that no one could ever convince you that you were wrong [emoji23]


:D:p You are not far off. LOL I know my faults, I do like to think I'm always right.


How does that go....Someone convinced me once that I wasn't right, but I was wrong.


Shockingly I have had to admit that I wasn't right a few times in my life....

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Enuf of this debate on who's old enough to enjoy what entertainment, carding or no carding.


OP, It's very simply. Just bear in mind that your party may or may not be carded entering the dance club. Tell everyone in your party this may happen. Have an alternative plan laid out and agreed upon by your party as to what you/they will do if carded and some are refused entry. Then, if not carded, have a great time dancing. If carded, have a great time at what ever you decide to do. No squabble, no whining, no "so-and-so said they were allowed on the (name ship) last week".


Gonna messup and ruin your cruise, I doubt it.

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I have seen them carding and turning away under age at the disco and escorting out of the 18+ comedy shows. Some teens are more mature than others but if it states those are the rules then that is what it is.


That being said, I was raised by my grandparents so I was way more mature than your typical one month shy of 14yr old (I think I've reverted at this point LOL) and I remember on my first cruise in 1992 on now non-existent Commodore Cruise Lines hanging out in the disco without my parents. I'm pretty sure I even got drinks from Rohan the bartender. I can't remember what I had for lunch Wednesday, but I can remember a bartenders name from 25yrs ago ha!

At 38 I sure as heck don't want to hang out in the nightclub with teenagers though.

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Oh my dear! Oh my! ( I say this because OMG is so overrated).


I related to this as an offended person and as a guilty party


I laughed (out loud) at your post.


Happy I could bring you a chuckle.


This sort of thread is amusing and I would be willing to bet as much as a nickel that not one person's mind has ever been changed because of anything posted on them.


I particularly remember a thread started by a woman who wanted to wear her baseball cap to the MDR.


After pages and pages of debate her final post was something to the effect of "I'll be the lady in the baseball cap."


I typed the reply, "No, you'll be the woman wearing the baseball cap because a lady wouldn't do that." My left hand physically stopped my right hand from hitting the Submit Reply button.


We are who we are.


Happy sailing.

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So your expectation is Carnival put in stopgaps and checks in essence to lockdown and enforce the rules as opposed to people being mature adults and just following the rules....and if you get away with breaking the rule, its on Carnival for not "catching" you....C'monnnnnnnn, seriously?



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I would hope they would throw both of them out. 18 means 18. In fact, I think they should scan S&S cards at the door to make sure the people that are underage aren't there taking up a spot for those that are old enough to be there. The lines are horrible enough to get a seat and it's not right for them to be taken up by kids that aren't allowed there in the first place.


Agree ^

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Enuf of this debate on who's old enough to enjoy what entertainment, carding or no carding.


OP, It's very simply. Just bear in mind that your party may or may not be carded entering the dance club. Tell everyone in your party this may happen. Have an alternative plan laid out and agreed upon by your party as to what you/they will do if carded and some are refused entry. Then, if not carded, have a great time dancing. If carded, have a great time at what ever you decide to do. No squabble, no whining, no "so-and-so said they were allowed on the (name ship) last week".


Gonna messup and ruin your cruise, I doubt it.


There ya go OP, in the future, any questions you may have you can email crewsweeper....He/she apparently can decipher all points of view and he/she and he/she alone will determine the right answer :rolleyes:


I may also add this this is crewsweepers board and he/she gets to decide how long an open dialogue goes on and when it should end :D

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I'll say it again louder for those in the back :p


I think it is pretty easy to see say 16 and 18 would enjoy similar entertainment. Probably not that way with say a 16 yr old and 6 yr old.


And even more odd for a 40 year old wanting to partake in elementary age children entertainment.


See, I agree with you for the most part but this is the two way street thing with this. My DW is nearly 40. In fact, our next cruise is for her 8th annual 32nd birthday as she calls it. But she constantly wants to do that stuff because she loves arts and crafts. There's a whole market for those with those art and wine things.


The real issue is entitlement. Yes, those of us that go, is it a big deal that the 17 year old is there are infringing on rules and feel like we should be entitled to do so because we paid for out cruise. But those that want the rules strictly enforced are acting just as entitled. People get turned away so you shouldn't let your underage child in and I could be one of them. But it may just be full of adults. All apples are fruit but not all fruits are apples.


It honestly is rules in place to protect Carnival nothing else. Its so some parent doesn't sue when they're underage kid is hit on or anything further if they are in the Serenity area. Or if the parent sues or says something because they're underage child was at the comedy show. Its honestly because of how litigious our society has become. The same with the age limits placed for the kids activities.


It would be better if we could all get along or at least agree to disagree with out attacking others.



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Perhaps CC should set up a section for all threads that fit the category "Here's why and how I'm going to break a rule; please pat me on the back for my ingenuity and ability to rationalize, please don't break any rules yourselves that might negatively impact me, and please don't respond if you don't agree with me."


The pattern is amazingly consistent and all such threads could be grouped together and easy to find when someone just wants to browse the site for the sake of being entertained.


Maybe CC could conduct a poll to see what to name the section. Some ideas might include:


*Entitled Cruisers

*It's My Vacation

*My Kids Aren't Your Typical ___ Year Old Kids

*I Paid My Money and Expect the Cruise Line to Abide by It's Obligations But Everything Else is Merely a Suggestion.


Other ideas are welcome.


Yes - every day I read threads/posts that have one of these statements! Great post.

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There ya go OP, in the future, any questions you may have you can email crewsweeper....He/she apparently can decipher all points of view and he/she and he/she alone will determine the right answer :rolleyes:


I may also add this this is crewsweepers board and he/she gets to decide how long an open dialogue goes on and when it should end :D


LOL...you would have thought the first reply to this type of response would have shown that isn't change what I do, after all I'm a rule breaker :')

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See, I agree with you for the most part but this is the two way street thing with this. My DW is nearly 40. In fact, our next cruise is for her 8th annual 32nd birthday as she calls it. But she constantly wants to do that stuff because she loves arts and crafts. There's a whole market for those with those art and wine things.


The real issue is entitlement. Yes, those of us that go, is it a big deal that the 17 year old is there are infringing on rules and feel like we should be entitled to do so because we paid for out cruise. But those that want the rules strictly enforced are acting just as entitled. People get turned away so you shouldn't let your underage child in and I could be one of them. But it may just be full of adults. All apples are fruit but not all fruits are apples.


It honestly is rules in place to protect Carnival nothing else. Its so some parent doesn't sue when they're underage kid is hit on or anything further if they are in the Serenity area. Or if the parent sues or says something because they're underage child was at the comedy show. Its honestly because of how litigious our society has become. The same with the age limits placed for the kids activities.


It would be better if we could all get along or at least agree to disagree with out attacking others.





Well you are making it hard for me to disagree with you :) All I got is I doubt that your 40 yr old wife wants to do crafts with children. She may enjoy arts and craft...I've been know to scrapbook, but it is really hard to fully enjoy creativity with kids trying to use the paper, tools, etc. If you do arts and crafts with children in my experience you have to go with doing it for their enjoyment not yours. So I'm betting she won't want to go to Circle C to craft with the kiddos.

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Yes - every day I read threads/posts that have one of these statements! Great post.


Thank you. I enjoy cruising, believe Carnival still offers a fairly good value for the cost, and have learned many things here at CC.


I read this sort of thread only for the guaranteed entertainment value. They are so predictable but it's fun reading.:evilsmile::evilsmile:

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Well you are making it hard for me to disagree with you :) All I got is I doubt that your 40 yr old wife wants to do crafts with children. She may enjoy arts and craft...I've been know to scrapbook, but it is really hard to fully enjoy creativity with kids trying to use the paper, tools, etc. If you do arts and crafts with children in my experience you have to go with doing it for their enjoyment not yours. So I'm betting she won't want to go to Circle C to craft with the kiddos.


I should say that she'd want to do the arts and crafts that they are doing. But you'd be shocked. On our last cruise, she looked more than once at the Circle C activities and complained that she didn't get to make things. When we go on vacation, we like to be kids since the kids are old enough to be adults now. At least by the 18+ standard.

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The "speed limit" argument as defense for breaking rules cracks me up. At least one chucklehead always uses it :')


I don't understand how that is not a valid defense? Rules are rules. Most of my anarchistic tendencies come from the fact that no one follows all of the rules, it would be impossible so why try? I look to my own personal moral compass to guide me. Guess what? I'm an egoist so I look out for numero uno!

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I should say that she'd want to do the arts and crafts that they are doing. But you'd be shocked. On our last cruise, she looked more than once at the Circle C activities and complained that she didn't get to make things. When we go on vacation, we like to be kids since the kids are old enough to be adults now. At least by the 18+ standard.


Maybe your wife is a rarity that would enjoy crafts with children. I don't mean that as an insult. Some people are just kid people...kid's are drawn to them and vice versa.


As I stated before you wouldn't get any complaint out of me if your wife was allowed to go art and craft in Circle C. I'm sure some wouldn't like it with adults there when their kids are, but I for one never put my small children in Circle C. Thing is every person has a clean record until they don't. I didn't risk my children's well being so I could do what I wanted on family vacation, but to each is their own.

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I don't understand how that is not a valid defense? Rules are rules. Most of my anarchistic tendencies come from the fact that no one follows all of the rules, it would be impossible so why try? I look to my own personal moral compass to guide me. Guess what? I'm an egoist so I look out for numero uno!



Me either Steve, me either. So far I concluded it isn't valid bc they do it and they want your rule breaking to be bad and evil and theirs ignored.

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I don't understand how that is not a valid defense? Rules are rules. Most of my anarchistic tendencies come from the fact that no one follows all of the rules, it would be impossible so why try? I look to my own personal moral compass to guide me. Guess what? I'm an egoist so I look out for numero uno!


Keep cherrypicking steve, back to stalking just my posts i see....If you kept reading, the reason I dont like the "speed limit" defense on why its ok to ignore ships rules is the speed limit is a "law", laws and rules are not the same. But you already knew that, right ;p

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