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how strict are they on age in the bars?

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perhaps cc should set up a section for all threads that fit the category "here's why and how i'm going to break a rule; please pat me on the back for my ingenuity and ability to rationalize, please don't break any rules yourselves that might negatively impact me, and please don't respond if you don't agree with me."


the pattern is amazingly consistent and all such threads could be grouped together and easy to find when someone just wants to browse the site for the sake of being entertained.


Maybe cc could conduct a poll to see what to name the section. Some ideas might include:


*entitled cruisers

*it's my vacation

*my kids aren't your typical ___ year old kids

*i paid my money and expect the cruise line to abide by it's obligations but everything else is merely a suggestion.


Other ideas are welcome.




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Keep cherrypicking steve, back to stalking just my posts i see....If you kept reading, the reason I dont like the "speed limit" defense on why its ok to ignore ships rules is the speed limit is a "law", laws and rules are not the same. But you already knew that, right ;p


Actually, rules and laws are the same from some (admittedly ultra-modern) legal theoretical perspectives. Maybe you should spend more time in the library before you make statements like that. Most of us have been to 7th grade or dealt with 7th graders so we understand what you are going for, they just don't add anything to the discussion. Maybe if you wanted to get technical and look at things from a more traditional view, you could have said that rules interpret laws but that really wouldn't have anything to do with your argument against why it is irrelevant that those who follow all of Carnival's rules also exceed the speed limit.

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Actually, rules and laws are the same from some (admittedly ultra-modern) legal theoretical perspectives. Maybe you should spend more time in the library before you make statements like that. Most of us have been to 7th grade or dealt with 7th graders so we understand what you are going for, they just don't add anything to the discussion. Maybe if you wanted to get technical and look at things from a more traditional view, you could have said that rules interpret laws but that really wouldn't have anything to do with your argument against why it is irrelevant that those who follow all of Carnival's rules also exceed the speed limit.


Now you are getting insulting....take note bro, i havent insulted you at all...."Most of us", so now you want to assume you speak for most of the posters on CC? I will stick to my original statement being rules and laws are not the SAME thing....if you want to say they can be similar, yes, but not the SAME

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Can we all agree that breaking a law is typically worse than breaking a rule? Being that laws carry more serious and potentially long lasting consequences. If I break a Carnival rule what is the worst that will happen? I have to leave the area. If I break the law of speeding for example, I may get a ticket that affects increase in my insurance premium and has a financial fee associated. Not to mention my speeding could cause an accident that could injure someone majorly for life or take a life.

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Now you are getting insulting....take note bro, i havent insulted you at all...."Most of us", so now you want to assume you speak for most of the posters on CC? I will stick to my original statement being rules and laws are not the SAME thing....if you want to say they can be similar, yes, but not the SAME


My use of most of us wasn't to say you hadn't been to 7th grade, it was to say that we've all been there and done that and understand your pedantic argument but it is just that, pedantic with no substance. Let's get past the linguistics shall we?

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Can we all agree that breaking a law is typically worse than breaking a rule? Being that laws carry more serious and potentially long lasting consequences. If I break a Carnival rule what is the worst that will happen? I have to leave the area. If I break the law of speeding for example, I may get a ticket that affects increase in my insurance premium and has a financial fee associated. Not to mention my speeding could cause an accident that could injure someone majorly for life or take a life.


Nothing happens most of the time when rules and laws are broke. Nobody is hurt most of the time and no one notices usually. People just need to police themselves and their loved ones and we'd all be better off. I don't go around killing people are stealing from people because it is illegal, I do it because it would bring great shame to my loved ones to know that someone they love is engaged in behavior that is looked down upon by society. If my niece or nephew is smoking too much weed I don't call the police, I talk to them about why they are doing it and make sure they are ok mentally, spiritually and emotionally. We'd all be better off with fewer rules and more love for one another.

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My use of most of us wasn't to say you hadn't been to 7th grade, it was to say that we've all been there and done that and understand your pedantic argument but it is just that, pedantic with no substance. Let's get past the linguistics shall we?




I am trying to figure out your angle....multiple people have commented to the OP, some in favor some against, yet you single me out....hmmmmm, interesting

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Nothing happens most of the time when rules and laws are broke. Nobody is hurt most of the time and no one notices usually. People just need to police themselves and their loved ones and we'd all be better off. I don't go around killing people are stealing from people because it is illegal, I do it because it would bring great shame to my loved ones to know that someone they love is engaged in behavior that is looked down upon by society. If my niece or nephew is smoking too much weed I don't call the police, I talk to them about why they are doing it and make sure they are ok mentally, spiritually and emotionally. We'd all be better off with fewer rules and more love for one another.


Cannot argue with showing more love and understanding would be a plus to everyone. I don't kill or steal because to me it is gravely wrong. Morally I would suffer with the guilt. But I don't feel guilt ridden from taking my older "kid" to the Serenity deck or comedy show. My point is most laws that are broken have the possibility of affecting someone else to a greater level than rules. Which is why I find it so humorously entertaining that some people think speeding isn't valid comparison to going to an "adult" area underage. Or that it is somehow more acceptable behavior.

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I think it's safe to say you guys can stop addressing the OP directly. Only 2 forum posts to his name, but ole Bill was smart enough to get the heck out 10 pages ago. :')


Perhaps CC should set up a section for all threads that fit the category "Here's why and how I'm going to break a rule; please pat me on the back for my ingenuity and ability to rationalize, please don't break any rules yourselves that might negatively impact me, and please don't respond if you don't agree with me."


The pattern is amazingly consistent and all such threads could be grouped together and easy to find when someone just wants to browse the site for the sake of being entertained.


Maybe CC could conduct a poll to see what to name the section. Some ideas might include:


*Entitled Cruisers

*It's My Vacation

*My Kids Aren't Your Typical ___ Year Old Kids

*I Paid My Money and Expect the Cruise Line to Abide by It's Obligations But Everything Else is Merely a Suggestion.


Other ideas are welcome.

If they're going to do it, then they might as well do it right. Create another one for "This is how I cruise and if you do things differently, you're wrong. I know my way is the only way because I have been on XX cruises over the past XX years. If you dare do things differently, even though it doesn't actually affect me, I'm still going to demand everyone conform to my ways. KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!"


Every Yin has its Yang. ;)

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I think it's safe to say you guys can stop addressing the OP directly. Only 2 forum posts to his name, but ole Bill was smart enough to get the heck out 10 pages ago. :')


If they're going to do it, then they might as well do it right. Create another one for "This is how I cruise and if you do things differently, you're wrong. I know my way is the only way because I have been on XX cruises over the past XX years. If you dare do things differently, even though it doesn't actually affect me, I'm still going to demand everyone conform to my ways. KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!"


Every Yin has its Yang. ;)


Amen! Everyone thinks he or she is right re: everything. I've yet to encounter an omniscient being...other than my life partner of course:D

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I think it's safe to say you guys can stop addressing the OP directly. Only 2 forum posts to his name, but ole Bill was smart enough to get the heck out 10 pages ago. :')


If they're going to do it, then they might as well do it right. Create another one for "This is how I cruise and if you do things differently, you're wrong. I know my way is the only way because I have been on XX cruises over the past XX years. If you dare do things differently, even though it doesn't actually affect me, I'm still going to demand everyone conform to my ways. KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!"


Every Yin has its Yang. ;)


Absolutely! Great idea.

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thats almost right... I'll help you (in red)



I think it's safe to say you guys can stop addressing the OP directly. Only 2 forum posts to his name, but ole Bill was smart enough to get the heck out 10 pages ago. :')


If they're going to do it, then they might as well do it right. Create another one for "This is how I cruise and if you do things differently and break the rules, you're wrong. I know my way is the only rule abiding way because I have been on XX cruises over the past XX years. If you dare do things differently, even though you think it doesnt affect me but it does, I'm still going to demand everyone follow the ships rules. KNEEL BEFORE THE CAPTAIN!"


Every Yin has its Yang. ;)



thats almost right... I'll help you (in red)

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I think it's safe to say you guys can stop addressing the OP directly. Only 2 forum posts to his name, but ole Bill was smart enough to get the heck out 10 pages ago. :')


If they're going to do it, then they might as well do it right. Create another one for "This is how I cruise and if you do things differently, you're wrong. I know my way is the only way because I have been on XX cruises over the past XX years. If you dare do things differently, even though it doesn't actually affect me, I'm still going to demand everyone conform to my ways. KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!"


Every Yin has its Yang. ;)


:loudcry: YES!!! This is classic good! I didn't know this board could be so funny.

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:loudcry: YES!!! This is classic good! I didn't know this board could be so funny.


Yeah, finish the day's work, open a cool one, and some days this site beats everything on tv.


I particularly like it when it gets passionate without getting nasty or filled with personal insults.


There are posters on both sides of this thread that would be fun to meet on board.

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Yeah, finish the day's work, open a cool one, and some days this site beats everything on tv.


I particularly like it when it gets passionate without getting nasty or filled with personal insults.


There are posters on both sides of this thread that would be fun to meet on board.


I'm going to have to totally agree here :)

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If we are sticking to your example of the comedy club (and not extending it to bending the rules regarding underage drinking for which I'm not in favor of), I do have some thoughts on why a parent may opt to "disregard" the 18+ guideline (because unlike the drinking age, which is a law, the age restrictions on the comedy club are a guideline): parents differ in the content that they allow/prefer their children to be exposed to. I'm thankful that there is an 18+ callout on the comedy clubs as I take it to mean that there will be adult content/language and that gives me, as the parent, the ability to make my own decision about whether my child should stay to hear it or not. However, I take it as little more than a heads up vs. a "rule" or a "law". Granted, my son is only 12 now so he would never be allowed (by me or anyone else) to be in an environment where adult language/content was being presented at this age. However, at 16 or 17 depending on his maturity and ability to handle it at that time, I may allow him to stay if he wishes and his presence is such that he's not standing out as being obviously underage. Afterall, I am his parent and I know better than anyone what content he should/has been exposed to and is able to handle. With that being said, if he were ever asked to leave, we would not resist.


This is where we should be. Parents should know their offspring. There is a duel edge sword - protect those under a certain age from society, and to protect society from those under a certain age.

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Ok just gone chime in here even though I've only read upto post 120.

I just want to let parents, guardians, whomever know we have attended many of the adult comedy shows on Carnival and though most were R-rated, a few NC-17, and at least 3 that were X to XXX-rated.

Now since you have no clue as to which of the comedians might have the perchance to range more into the X ranges of comedy, would you really feel comfortable having >18 yo sitting next to you.

Acts we have seen that did go that extreme included one that demonstrate graphically how a BJ for her BF turned in to a comedy of errors, another dropping draws pulling an NYPD Blues move, and finally one whip out his d*ck to shut up a heckler.



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So, where were we [emoji16]

Let's see...."laws" and "rules" may or may not be different (and if they are different, it may or may not really matter). In any case, "laws" and "rules" are certainly different than "suggestions." 18 years olds may be mature enough for comedy, but probably not mature enough to handle drunk 40-year-olds hitting on them on the Serenity deck. Even if they are....ew, gross. One poster has a really mature (now) 21 year old and keeps offering to send people pictures. Some of us break no rules, some break some rules, but one guy (just one) may break all the rules. Rule are black and white, while at the same time being gray. I believe we all agree its a shame we can't do sand paintings with the 10-year olds (or was that shirt painting). And, we lost the OP about 20 pages back.


Did I miss anything?

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Let's see...."laws" and "rules" may or may not be different (and if they are different, it may or may not really matter). In any case, "laws" and "rules" are certainly different than "suggestions." 18 years olds may be mature enough for comedy, but probably not mature enough to handle drunk 40-year-olds hitting on them on the Serenity deck. Even if they are....ew, gross. One poster has a really mature (now) 21 year old and keeps offering to send people pictures. Some of us break no rules, some break some rules, but one guy (just one) may break all the rules. Rule are black and white, while at the same time being gray. I believe we all agree its a shame we can't do sand paintings with the 10-year olds (or was that shirt painting). And, we lost the OP about 20 pages back.


Did I miss anything?


I didn't offer to send u pictures, really? Note of my several reviews in past I haven't posted any pics of my kids. I would think my clear point is and was if I posted a pic of my daughter at 17, 18, and 21 I bet Noone could tell which is was 21 in. For that matter on one cruise when my son was 14 we were chatting with couple and they asked where he went to college at...he was in 8th grade.

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Let's see...."laws" and "rules" may or may not be different (and if they are different, it may or may not really matter). In any case, "laws" and "rules" are certainly different than "suggestions." 18 years olds may be mature enough for comedy, but probably not mature enough to handle drunk 40-year-olds hitting on them on the Serenity deck. Even if they are....ew, gross. One poster has a really mature (now) 21 year old and keeps offering to send people pictures. Some of us break no rules, some break some rules, but one guy (just one) may break all the rules. Rule are black and white, while at the same time being gray. I believe we all agree its a shame we can't do sand paintings with the 10-year olds (or was that shirt painting). And, we lost the OP about 20 pages back.


Did I miss anything?


As for old men hitting on 17 yr olds maybe those blinders extend further than I thought. I've had to stare down and even verbally say a few times she's underage in public places minding our own business before she was 16. No she wasn't dressed provocatively for the dense that assume that. The problem is some are pervs like u said eww even at 21. If ur old enough to be their Dad move along and look away. Why is it that most women don't have an issue with this and young boys yet many men do? Bomb drop ...new debate likely coming.


You cannot avoid older men hitting on young girls by not going to serenity or comedy underage. If u truly think that u must not get out much.


Think u did somehow after reading all this thread miss my main point is some are self righteous, judgemental, Hippocrates that break more important laws or rules frequently yet act like a lesser rule breaking that didn't affect them like it ws murder.

Edited by kc58ab
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Think u did somehow after reading all this thread miss my main point is some are self righteous, judgemental, Hippocrates that break more important laws or rules frequently yet act like a lesser rule breaking that didn't affect them like it ws murder.




This is my issue with this part of the post. How do you know the people that are disagreeing with you are breaking more important laws or rules? You don't. You are ASSUMING they do. You have your opinion, it differs than mine. So am I to understand and accept that your opinion is lucid and logical, but because I am on the other side of the fence, that makes me "self righteous, judgemental and hypocritical"? [emoji848]

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Think u did somehow after reading all this thread miss my main point is some are self righteous, judgemental, Hippocrates that break more important laws or rules frequently yet act like a lesser rule breaking that didn't affect them like it ws murder.


I think there is a different reasoning... I am not perfect and I have broken rules. most of the time not intentionally. Have I gone over the speed limit? yes but I try not to . I know breaking the rules is wrong and I do feel guilty about it.


The people who break the rules on these boards flaunt it... seem to think nothing is wrong with it, and knock others that say they should follow the rules.


I don't flaunt my mistakes and shortcomings, I don't teach others how to do things that are wrong , I dont post and brag about my shortcomings and things that are wrong and I don't berate others because I posted on a public forum about breaking the rules and they jumped on me.


Thats the biggest difference... If you publicly post about how you did something wrong (breaking laws OR rules is wrong on face value) and are happy about it, you deserve to get all the heat from people that DON'T think like that and will state it is WRONG and you should stop.


For the people compare the speeding as the same thing... If I speed AND I posted on a driving forum and I told people how to do it... I deserve to get the heat that I will definitely get.

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This is my issue with this part of the post. How do you know the people that are disagreeing with you are breaking more important laws or rules? You don't. You are ASSUMING they do. You have your opinion, it differs than mine. So am I to understand and accept that your opinion is lucid and logical, but because I am on the other side of the fence, that makes me "self righteous, judgemental and hypocritical"? [emoji848]


How I know? Well let me see, bc some are pretty vocal about it in their post. If they weren't being self righteous, judgmental, or a hypocrite then they would acknowledge that while they don't like what I do it isn't any worse than what they do. But some instead seem like bc they don't supposedly ever break a rule/law on a cruise that makes them somehow more moral, which is totally absurd.


Did I specifically say First and Ten is who I'm talking about? No I didn't. I said "some". But hey, if you feel like it applies to you, feel free to apply to yourself. ;)

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