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We have not yet gotten to the part where I was unable to return to work after the cruse till a week later and that I am still on Antibiotics due to a chest infection caught from a member of the bar staff who was coughing all over my drinks. When I queried whether she should be working in her condition I was told, "It's nearly the end of her shift". More was said but it appears people here will probably say it was my fault for drinking there!

The never ending story...


Knowing that the bartender had coughed all over your drinks, why on earth would you accept them, let alone drink them? Clearly she shouldn't have been serving, and you have a legitimate complaint, but whatever possessed you to drink them?

Edited by Fouremco
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We have not yet gotten to the part where I was unable to return to work after the cruse till a week later and that I am still on Antibiotics due to a chest infection caught from a member of the bar staff who was coughing all over my drinks. When I queried whether she should be working in her condition I was told, "It's nearly the end of her shift". More was said but it appears people here will probably say it was my fault for drinking there!

That is an absolutely valid complaint, in my opinion. There is no excuse for putting someone to work who is contagious and getting others sick. We are germaphobes and that would have gotten upset too. It is not just cruise staff, we know that some people lie about not being sick when they board the ship. They pass their germs around to others. Some of us have a hard time recovering from germs that we pick up.

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So the lesson I have learned from this thread is that I ever have a cautionary tale for fellow cruisers to keep it to myself. It seems that nobody should dare say anything negative about Celebrity on this forum without getting skewered, so I will keep my experiences to myself.



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Agree totally. OP had a series of unfortunate incidents. It happens. He shared his experience for whatever reasons and got trashed. I have also see this happen before. I think some people come to these boards because they enjoy being cruel and they can do it here anonymously . Shame on those that do this !!! We are all people with feelings!



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The OP's many issues appear to result from difficulty communicating with others. He doesn't bother asking what the bingo prizes are before hand and then is annoyed later and lashes out at Celebrity when it turns out that his assumptions are wrong. For the birthday surprise, it appears that there was no clear understanding as to what his TA was going to order or if he did in fact order and pay for any of the special packages. Had he communicated with Special Needs and clearly articulated his requirement for both an extension cord and a multiple outlet power bar to meet his CPAP equipment needs, he would have avoided the issues that he experienced.


Given his multiple tales of woe, the OP reminds me of Joe Btfsplk,, a character many years ago in the satirical comic strip Li'l Abner. He's the world's worst jinx, bringing disastrous misfortune to everyone around him. A small, dark rain cloud perpetually hovers over his head to symbolize his bad luck.


I agree. I was disagreeing with PP regarding his need for power for his CPAP machine. No matter how rude he is, they need to supply what he needs to run the machine, that's all.


And I too am still wondering what his TA actually ordered for the birthday surprise. He can say he's answered it all he wants, but he absolutely has not.

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From the OP responses to having such a terrible cruise, they might be like some of those cruisers who think they are the only ones on the cruise and deserve special treatment, etc. and can be rude to staff although they think they are not rude. I have seen all types on cruises. I am sorry the cruise did not live up to their expectations and do not want to reiterate some of their complaints, etc. I am sure that some of the things they expressed were legitimate and could have been rectified (not the bingo).


I was not on their cruise, however, would like to relate on a B2B cruise I did January 2017 on the Equinox. Seated at a table of 8 for both cruises. First leg -- had some very nice tablemates although two sisters were quite loud but they did keep us laughing at some of their antics.


Second leg -- Couple #1 - when showed to the table they said they did not want to sit at this table (apparently they had also been on a B2B). They were loud, rude and obnoxious to the head waiter. Ultimately the M.D. came and said that he would arrange for them to be seated in another area the next evening. Then ... came the meal -- they complained about everything and I mean everything. The head waiter offered politely to get something else but they just berated him for the terrible food.


Couple #2 - wife very nice but husband also quite rude to waiters. Wife finally said on the third night-- 'ignore him -- he is always like this". He was on a scooter and the assistant waiter and head waiter always helped him and to and from his chair.


Couple #3 - a very nice couple, who did not complain, and excused themselves before coffee saying they liked to go to the casino before the shows. I later saw them several times on the cruise and they invited me to join then in the buffet. It came out they left early because they could not stand the complaining of the other two couples.


Now -- second night couple 1A --they were not happy that they had been moved. They had obviously made arrangements as every night, they had a fruit plate and soft drink waiting for them. Again, the waiter helped the wife to get into the chair from her scooter. She asked for a cushion which was either too soft, too hard, or not in the right position. Several times they asked for different mains as they did not like what they had selected and complained about others. In general, they were not happy with the cruise - period - not just the dining room.


In all of these instances 1, 1A & 2- the head waiter and assistant waiter were very courteous and tried to assist them and offer to get them other menu choices, adjust their chairs, pillows, etc.


After three nights of this, I went to GR and asked for a comment card. I explained how these three couples were rude and obnoxous. Also I indicated that the Head and Asst. waiters were polite and tried everything to be courteous and offer suggestions.


That night (4) the M.D. came to my table and thanked me for the comment card. He said that all too often people only write negative comments. He said that the comments would be placed in their personnel files. The two waiters also thanked me after dinner when the others had left. The other couples asked me at the table why the M.D. had come and talked to me in a whisper and I only said that it was a personal matter. (of course, these two couples did not leave any extra tips -- and no I do not want to get into a tipping discussion).


All too often -- as cruisers, we do not think to get a comment card during the cruise to give a special thanks to a staff member. It can really make a difference. Too often it is the cruisers who complain that get a comment card. Speaking out when a staff member does an excellent job can be very beneficial to them.


Although I have not cruised as much as others on this thread -- I do enjoy Celebrity. I have had some things that went wrong but I did not let that stop me from enjoying my cruises. I spoke courteously to a staff member and in all cases it was recitified. I have never had a rude staff member, although I am not saying it could not happen.


I am just thankful that I am able to cruise and will continue to cruise as long as I can.:D

Edited by Safety Squirrel
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I am just thankful that I am able to cruise and will continue to cruise as long as I can.:D



Thanks for posting your thoughtful comments. And, we would gladly share a table with you anytime. :)

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From the OP responses to having such a terrible cruise, they might be like some of those cruisers who think they are the only ones on the cruise and deserve special treatment, etc. and can be rude to staff although they think they are not rude. I have seen all types on cruises. I am sorry the cruise did not live up to their expectations and do not want to reiterate some of their complaints, etc. I am sure that some of the things they expressed were legitimate and could have been rectified (not the bingo).


I was not on their cruise, however, would like to relate on a B2B cruise I did January 2017 on the Equinox. Seated at a table of 8 for both cruises. First leg -- had some very nice tablemates although two sisters were quite loud but they did keep us laughing at some of their antics.


Second leg -- Couple #1 - when showed to the table they said they did not want to sit at this table (apparently they had also been on a B2B). They were loud, rude and obnoxious to the head waiter. Ultimately the M.D. came and said that he would arrange for them to be seated in another area the next evening. Then ... came the meal -- they complained about everything and I mean everything. The head waiter offered politely to get something else but they just berated him for the terrible food.


Couple #2 - wife very nice but husband also quite rude to waiters. Wife finally said on the third night-- 'ignore him -- he is always like this". He was on a scooter and the assistant waiter and head waiter always helped him and to and from his chair.


Couple #3 - a very nice couple, who did not complain, and excused themselves before coffee saying they liked to go to the casino before the shows. I later saw them several times on the cruise and they invited me to join then in the buffet. It came out they left early because they could not stand the complaining of the other two couples.


Now -- second night couple 1A --they were not happy that they had been moved. They had obviously made arrangements as every night, they had a fruit plate and soft drink waiting for them. Again, the waiter helped the wife to get into the chair from her scooter. She asked for a cushion which was either too soft, too hard, or not in the right position. Several times they asked for different mains as they did not like what they had selected and complained about others. In general, they were not happy with the cruise - period - not just the dining room.


In all of these instances 1, 1A & 2- the head waiter and assistant waiter were very courteous and tried to assist them and offer to get them other menu choices, adjust their chairs, pillows, etc.


After three nights of this, I went to GR and asked for a comment card. I explained how these three couples were rude and obnoxous. Also I indicated that the Head and Asst. waiters were polite and tried everything to be courteous and offer suggestions.


That night (4) the M.D. came to my table and thanked me for the comment card. He said that all too often people only write negative comments. He said that the comments would be placed in their personnel files. The two waiters also thanked me after dinner when the others had left. The other couples asked me at the table why the M.D. had come and talked to me in a whisper and I only said that it was a personal matter. (of course, these two couples did not leave any extra tips -- and no I do not want to get into a tipping discussion).


All too often -- as cruisers, we do not think to get a comment card during the cruise to give a special thanks to a staff member. It can really make a difference. Too often it is the cruisers who complain that get a comment card. Speaking out when a staff member does an excellent job can be very beneficial to them.


Although I have not cruised as much as others on this thread -- I do enjoy Celebrity. I have had some things that went wrong but I did not let that stop me from enjoying my cruises. I spoke courteously to a staff member and in all cases it was recitified. I have never had a rude staff member, although I am not saying it could not happen.


I am just thankful that I am able to cruise and will continue to cruise as long as I can.:D


You have just confirmed my WORST fears about traditional dining. We have never had it, and will never accept it.

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There are free celebrations, you simply notify customer relations when and what kind of celebration. At the time of dessert at dinner they will bring you a cake and sing the song.


A few cruises ago, there was a couple seated at the table next to us. A cake was brought out & placed in front of the wife, & the birthday song was sung to her.


When the staff left, I leaned over & wished the lady a happy birthday. Her husband then told me that it was their 10th wedding anniversary, & the staff got it wrong. But they took it in stride, didn't mention it, & enjoyed the cake.


And my last birthday was a milestone year. A cake was requested, but forgotten. I didn't let it ruin my birthday, because after all...I got a cruise for my gift! Who could be upset about that???:)

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You have just confirmed my WORST fears about traditional dining. We have never had it, and will never accept it.


It is what you make it. In over 30 cruises using traditional dining, only twice have we encountered someone where we felt we needed to leave a table. On the other hand we have also met people that have become long term friends. Some of which we have shared additional ocean and river cruises with (for example, we will be joining one couple on the Solstice in Australia in March), and others that we continue to communicate with years after meeting them in traditional dining.

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You have just confirmed my WORST fears about traditional dining. We have never had it, and will never accept it.

DH and I, when dining in the MDR always request a table for two unless we're travelling with friends and in that case, ask for a table to fit the size of our party. It's not that we're anti-social, but had an awful and very embarrassing experience in the UK many years ago dining with strangers. Since then, we prefer our own company and socializing in places other than the dining room. We do like our table to be waiting for us and wait staff that know us and our preferences. When dining in Blu, even though the tables are close, you can choose to converse with your neighbors or not.

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Upcoming chapters:

Shower Mold as black as coal and smelled moldy

Balcony Rust on the left-hand side of the cabin next to mine

Lost Luggage that was soak and wet and refused to dry

Inferior Cocktails due to warm ice

Unfair Gratuity Practices for free

Inflated Final Bill at customer service, as he had too much to drink the night before...


sorry Richsea, but I could not help myself!

Edited by Lastdance
Just Kidding, Richsea...haven't we cruised together during your first novel?
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You have just confirmed my WORST fears about traditional dining. We have never had it, and will never accept it.


We try to avoid fixed time dining because we do not want to be locked into a specific dining time. However, there have been times when we had no choice but fixed time dining. We have never made any post cruise friendships with any of our table mates but I can also say that all of them have been pleasant to dine with.



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It is a matter of whether one sees things as a glass half empty or half full. Many things can go wrong and do go wrong.


There was food, you did not get sick and the ship did not sink. To me that was a good cruise.


My glass is always empty. Then anything positive to any degree is a feel good.


I have on a number of occasions complained in an extreme manner on issues that I believed to be of such significance. Celebrity staff and passengers told me as much to shut up.


Just for example, with one MDR issue no corrective action was taken for two days. On the third day a gentleman at one table away from us died at dinner. The issue was very much related to the man's horrible experience based on my direct observations.


Fortunately such extreme issues are reasonably rare. But they are not addressed in my experience. The death

was not reported as most are, for some reason. Guess!. Like the possible careless bus driver, no monitoring of

performance or behavior.

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And I too am still wondering what his TA actually ordered for the birthday surprise. He can say he's answered it all he wants, but he absolutely has not.




I have been waiting too. But OP’s response was that he did not know and was only told It would be a surprise.


Perhaps the agent just checked off a box online said there was a birthday celebration onboard..



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The never ending story...


Knowing that the bartender had coughed all over your drinks, why on earth would you accept them, let alone drink them? Clearly she shouldn't have been serving, and you have a legitimate complaint, but whatever possessed you to drink them?


I didn't, the senior bartender took over when I commented but I guess the germs were already around the bar.

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Upcoming chapters:

Shower Mold

Balcony Rust

Lost Luggage

Inferior Cocktails

Unfair Gratuity Practices

Inflated Final Bill


Actually no, none of those.


If you want a new instalment.....


So I have already commented on the DND issue but not saidwhat happened when I complained about it. This is a classic example of how theytotally ignore the guest’s wishes. I visited GR to complain about room servicebypassing the DND sign and they were (I admit) very apologetic, they offered tobook me into a speciality dining experience in compensation but I declined. Ipointed out that I had brought the transgression to their attention, not to geta freebie but to hopefully ensure that other guests didn’t have to put up withthis kind of thing. I actually had to get quite insistent that I did not wantany freebie so imagine my amazement when I got back to my room to find amessage waiting telling me I had been booked in to one of the specialityrestaurants against my wishes. I spent 20 mins in the queue for GR the next dayto see the person I had dealt with to ask why and cancel the booking (someoneelse may have wanted to go). Why couldn’t they listen to me and respect mywishes, I wasn’t there for a freebie but they tried to give me one anyway!

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All too often -- as cruisers, we do not think to get a comment card during the cruise to give a special thanks to a staff member. It can really make a difference. Too often it is the cruisers who complain that get a comment card. Speaking out when a staff member does an excellent job can be very beneficial to them.


We did drop a comment card for the cabin steward, He was excellent and deserved praise!

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I have been waiting too. But OP’s response was that he did not know and was only told It would be a surprise.


Perhaps the agent just checked off a box online said there was a birthday celebration onboard..



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I'm not about to start grilling my TA who IMHO did an excellent job just because people here want an answer. I may want to use them again.

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Interesting that it's been 11 hours since the OP started this thread, there have been 32 responses and 11 direct questions to the OP, but no responses or additional posts..... What was the purpose of this thread, stirring the pot?


Some of us (myself often included) only have time to check and post once per day.

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Oh the horror! How dare Celebrity try to compensate you for a minor irritant! Did this occur after all the other “incidents”? If so, it was probably their attempt to shut you up. Also, could you not have simply just called down to the specialty restaurant to cancel? It certainly would have saved you that 20 mins in line!



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I'm not about to start grilling my TA who IMHO did an excellent job just because people here want an answer. I may want to use them again.


So, you're not really interested in getting an answer to your complaint at all. The whole cake disaster may well be because your TA who "did an excellent job" actually did nothing of the sort, but rather failed to book a special package, just hoping that Celebrity would do something.





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