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Solstice had to return to Melbourne last night


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A couple of points:


1. the times and routes in the sounds are tightly controlled and approved in March the year before. So the odds are Celebrity could not have changed their times even if they wanted to


2. From what I recall of this trip, when I was on the Solstice last year. The trip through the Fjords goes through Milford Sound first. Then enters north of Resolution Island, goes through the Acheron Passage, then exits through Dusky Sound. The entire route through Milford, then the Acheron Passage, exiting through Dusky takes all day. So while you were off Dusky Sound just after the time when the ship would have normally been exiting, the ship cannot just decide to turn into the sound.


If anyone is interested in reading the agreement concerning cruise ship access




The number of cruise ships transiting the Fiordland National Park is causing some concern amongst the Environmental fraternity. One has to understand that the agreement was drawn up 6 years ago and is due to expire in October this year although it will continue in force for a further two years whilst a new one is negotiated. SInce 2012 cruising in and around New Zealand has exploded with more and more ships, larger ships and more and more cruises occurring all the time. More ships and larger ships mean a greater risk of possible damage to the environment especially in isolated places like the Sounds. Should heaven forbid a fuel spill or a ship run aground in these pristine areas the damage would be catostophic as there is generally no way in apart from by sea and the Regional Council and Dept of Conservation are not equipped to cope with such a tragedy. To say that such an incident is unlikely , so was the sinking of the MIkael Lermantov in the Marlborough Sounds and the Rena off Mt Maunganui. Don't be surprised if over the next couple of years severe penalties and increase in costs are made part of the new agreement. The task is going to be to find a balance between costs and also keeping this fatted calf interested in continuing. The extreme greenies would say stay out but the practical ones will find a balance (I hope)

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"If you read the posts (or for that matter knew geography) that the cruise was from Sydney. Perth is on the opposite side of Australia. Cruise lines usually do not give compensation for missed ports due to medical emergencies or for that matter weather that occurs during the cruise. They will often give compensation if they have a problem which can be considered to be the fault of the cruise line (engine issues, etc). They will on occasion give compensation if there is a string of issues that arise to the level of a major deviation (2 or more ports missed and replaced by sea days)."

RDC1 - thank you for the geography lesson. Unfortunately you have absolutely NO IDEA what you are talking about!:rolleyes:

This cruise sailed from Perth to Adelaide to Melbourne (twice) and then was scheduled to go on to the Sounds and various other NZ ports before docking in Sydney. Get your facts straight and don't bully others when your lack of knowledge is showing. I was ON this cruise for gosh sakes - I know where it sailed from. We spent 5 wonderful days pre-cruise in Perth and another week in Sydney before returning. I just got back and although my sense of time is off, I apparently know where we visited much better than you.


Some times just because people post a lot doesn't mean they have any knowledge to impart. Just sayin.



My error on that since the Solstice usually sails the Sydney to Melbourne to the Fjordlands several times The Perth to Adelaide is a usually once a year thing. As such I did make an assumption that the route was the far more frequent route. I believe that you were the first to mention the Perth starting location in the stream.


Still the statement on normal cruise line behavior about normally not paying for medical emergencies is still correct as far industry practice, As well as the tie in the the minor vs major deviation.


So are the issues about the control of the entry into the fjordlands area and the agreements between the cruise lines and the groups controlling access.

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The number of cruise ships transiting the Fiordland National Park is causing some concern amongst the Environmental fraternity. One has to understand that the agreement was drawn up 6 years ago and is due to expire in October this year although it will continue in force for a further two years whilst a new one is negotiated. SInce 2012 cruising in and around New Zealand has exploded with more and more ships, larger ships and more and more cruises occurring all the time. More ships and larger ships mean a greater risk of possible damage to the environment especially in isolated places like the Sounds. Should heaven forbid a fuel spill or a ship run aground in these pristine areas the damage would be catostophic as there is generally no way in apart from by sea and the Regional Council and Dept of Conservation are not equipped to cope with such a tragedy. To say that such an incident is unlikely , so was the sinking of the MIkael Lermantov in the Marlborough Sounds and the Rena off Mt Maunganui. Don't be surprised if over the next couple of years severe penalties and increase in costs are made part of the new agreement. The task is going to be to find a balance between costs and also keeping this fatted calf interested in continuing. The extreme greenies would say stay out but the practical ones will find a balance (I hope)


I would expect an increase in fees to be a given. I also would not be surprised to see a tighter cap on the number of visits/ship sizes.


There is certainly insufficient infrastructure in place if an accident were to occur, from both the environmental, as well as emergency response.


You had not only the surge in cruise ship visits, but according to some relatives in Queenstown there is also concern about day visits, overnight and day tour boats, flight seeing, etc.. Even the the hiking paths are getting increased use and there is talk of more limits.


Any thoughts on any change that the new PM is going to take on such issues?

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If you buy a TV you expect ALL the channels to work or you would return it.


Yes, but the more correct analogy would be if you had weather interference causing snow on a channel, or a cable cut losing a channel one day, you wouldn't return the tv as the fault of the tv.

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Perfect yoshikitty. My thoughts exactly. Have noticed Merriem has removed profile photo. Probably a good idea as I am on this cruise and her thoughts/rants are not what the majority of passengers are saying. Some people are always unhappy and whingeing and that is life. We are enjoying the cruise and no complaints here. With luck Meeriem internet package has run out . Cheers



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My apologies to other posters on this thread. I thought that this site was called "Cruise Critic" and was a place where people could express disappointment about poor service, bad food and unscheduled changes to a long-awaited itinerary. My bad - I didn't know it's really "Cruise Unicorn" where people can only say magically wonderful and colorful things about every cruise they have ever taken.


To those who chose to be snosty to other posters, I feel sorry for you. You obviously have lots of pent up travel aggression that you are trying to take out on others. What horrifies me is that you may be representing my country and others may be judging ME by your rudeness. Perhaps only those who were on this cruise can truly be mindful of the disappointment of missing the Sounds. The majority of passengers WERE unhappy with the decision to skip them according to Guest Relations so if others were passive about it, that's great. I just don't think it's necessary to berate or belittle others to make your point. And RDC1, I'll assume there was an apology in there somewhere for your snosty comment about Perth and knowing my geography. It must be hidden deeply but I'd like to believe you feel pretty stupid about now for berating me on where the cruise traveled from since you called me out not once, but twice about it.


I guess this is why many of us choose to read but not post. Posting just to inflate your numbers isn't helpful to anyone, especially when you have nothing to offer.

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My apologies to other posters on this thread. I thought that this site was called "Cruise Critic" and was a place where people could express disappointment about poor service, bad food and unscheduled changes to a long-awaited itinerary. My bad - I didn't know it's really "Cruise Unicorn" where people can only say magically wonderful and colorful things about every cruise they have ever taken.




To those who chose to be snosty to other posters, I feel sorry for you. You obviously have lots of pent up travel aggression that you are trying to take out on others. What horrifies me is that you may be representing my country and others may be judging ME by your rudeness. Perhaps only those who were on this cruise can truly be mindful of the disappointment of missing the Sounds. The majority of passengers WERE unhappy with the decision to skip them according to Guest Relations so if others were passive about it, that's great. I just don't think it's necessary to berate or belittle others to make your point. And RDC1, I'll assume there was an apology in there somewhere for your snosty comment about Perth and knowing my geography. It must be hidden deeply but I'd like to believe you feel pretty stupid about now for berating me on where the cruise traveled from since you called me out not once, but twice about it.




I guess this is why many of us choose to read but not post. Posting just to inflate your numbers isn't helpful to anyone, especially when you have nothing to offer.




I’ve been a member of Cruise Critic since 2000, and originally, CC was designed as a board where people could obtain information and guidance, regarding cruising. We didn’t complain, or berate our fellow passengers. Boy, have times changed.


RDC1 was giving you an reasonable explanation for his/her post, and apparently that isn’t good enough for you.


We can all express our viewpoints, but continually rehashing can only be counterproductive. Write or call Corporate office. You may get some resolution. Constant complaints will not achieve anything on this board.



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Having been a contributor to a number of travel blogs over the years a common thread appears concerning people who complain about a company's service in particular to alleged non performance. This is particularly relevant with car rental companies and of late cruise lines are becoming more and more under fire. The issue I am referring to is the Terms and Conditions of hire or in a Cruise Lines instance the "Cruise Contract" which clearly spells out the conditions under which one undertakes a cruise and the obligations on both parties. We all tick the box on the Express Box that we have read the contract but in reality how many have actually done so, or if one did 10 cruises ago have read the updated copy pertaining to next months cruise. My guess is very few as it is a document about 12 pages thick and most of us don't bother. The issue comes when something goes awry and the cruise line enforces the contract and then we complain that we are disadvantaged because of it. Missing ports for whatever reason, levels of compensation paid, connections missed are all explained in the Cruise contract, even to the level that one is recommended to have suitable travel insurance. Of course no one leaves home on an overseas cruise holiday without adequate travel and medical insurance in place Do they !! - Yeah right.

If one hasn't done so before I suggest one reads and understands the Cruise Contract before their next sailing and know what you are liable for and what the cruise line is liable for and degrees of compensation if any. The Crusie contract can be downloaded off the website or get your travel agent to download it for you.

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Having been a contributor to a number of travel blogs over the years a common thread appears concerning people who complain about a company's service in particular to alleged non performance. This is particularly relevant with car rental companies and of late cruise lines are becoming more and more under fire. The issue I am referring to is the Terms and Conditions of hire or in a Cruise Lines instance the "Cruise Contract" which clearly spells out the conditions under which one undertakes a cruise and the obligations on both parties. We all tick the box on the Express Box that we have read the contract but in reality how many have actually done so, or if one did 10 cruises ago have read the updated copy pertaining to next months cruise. My guess is very few as it is a document about 12 pages thick and most of us don't bother. The issue comes when something goes awry and the cruise line enforces the contract and then we complain that we are disadvantaged because of it. Missing ports for whatever reason, levels of compensation paid, connections missed are all explained in the Cruise contract, even to the level that one is recommended to have suitable travel insurance. Of course no one leaves home on an overseas cruise holiday without adequate travel and medical insurance in place Do they !! - Yeah right.

If one hasn't done so before I suggest one reads and understands the Cruise Contract before their next sailing and know what you are liable for and what the cruise line is liable for and degrees of compensation if any. The Crusie contract can be downloaded off the website or get your travel agent to download it for you.


I stopped reading cruise contracts because they are very depressing. They essentially say that cruise lines have no obligation to deliver a single thing promised in advertising. Not even a trip aboard a ship.

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I stopped reading cruise contracts because they are very depressing. They essentially say that cruise lines have no obligation to deliver a single thing promised in advertising. Not even a trip aboard a ship.


That is as it may be, but if one doesn't read and understand the contract before signing up to one doesn't have the right to come to forums like this and then complain because it is being enforced.

I understand that the contract is probably weighted in favour of the company, but then we also have the choice to take up what the company offers or not

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I’ve been a member of Cruise Critic since 2000, and originally, CC was designed as a board where people could obtain information and guidance, regarding cruising. We didn’t complain, or berate our fellow passengers. Boy, have times changed.


RDC1 was giving you an reasonable explanation for his/her post, and apparently that isn’t good enough for you.


We can all express our viewpoints, but continually rehashing can only be counterproductive. Write or call Corporate office. You may get some resolution. Constant complaints will not achieve anything on this board.


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It wasn't an explanation I was looking for. A simple apology for his/her rudeness would have sufficed.

And the purpose of this board is what? I saw plenty of compliments about the food and drink on this thread but it began with a statement of the ship having to return to Melbourne for a medical emergency. I actually had a wonderful time despite missing the Sounds but thought I could share the disappointment with other folks who were on the cruise.


So when did CC change, since you seem to be positioned on the gangway berating fellow passengers as well now?

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I actually had a wonderful time despite missing the Sounds but thought I could share the disappointment with other folks who were on the cruise.


So when did CC change, since you seem to be positioned on the gangway berating fellow passengers as well now?


Weren't you whining about not getting any compensation for missing the Sounds? :rolleyes:

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It wasn't an explanation I was looking for. A simple apology for his/her rudeness would have sufficed.

And the purpose of this board is what? I saw plenty of compliments about the food and drink on this thread but it began with a statement of the ship having to return to Melbourne for a medical emergency. I actually had a wonderful time despite missing the Sounds but thought I could share the disappointment with other folks who were on the cruise.


So when did CC change, since you seem to be positioned on the gangway berating fellow passengers as well now?


You certainly are a bundle of contradictions or maybe you just like to pick a fight.:confused:

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It wasn't an explanation I was looking for. A simple apology for his/her rudeness would have sufficed.

And the purpose of this board is what? I saw plenty of compliments about the food and drink on this thread but it began with a statement of the ship having to return to Melbourne for a medical emergency. I actually had a wonderful time despite missing the Sounds but thought I could share the disappointment with other folks who were on the cruise.


So when did CC change, since you seem to be positioned on the gangway berating fellow passengers as well now?


What is really hilarious is while I did make an error and have stated both opinions and in some cases fact, such as including the contract document governing cruise line access to the fjordlands I have not used the language anywhere nearly as rude and aggressive as you have.


Even the post you have such a problem with started out with the question "Not sure how Perth enters into the discussion since it is on the entire other side of Australia and the cruise left from Sydney. Anyone flying from the US to Perth, would be doing a far far more extensive vacation than just the cruise portion."


To be perfectly my thought at the time was that the trip started in Sydney, as was clearly stated. When Perth was mentioned a trip that is very popular came to mind. One that is actually on my to do list The flight into Perth, then the train across Australia.


But I get the feeling that the very audacity of someone disagreeing with you is enough to get the type responses you are posting.

Edited by RDC1
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What is really hilarious is while I did make an error and have stated both opinions and in some cases fact, such as including the contract document governing cruise line access to the fjordlands I have not used the languag anywhere nearly as rude and aggressive as you have.

This is 100% true. You’ve been one of the voices of reason on this thread, which I, at least, have appreciated.

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Nothing supersedes a medical emergency. Especially if it is reversible. That said, many people cruise knowing they may be one of the few or many that have acute or chronic illnesses. A life is a life. A missed opportunity is just that. You can’t have a missed opportunity without life. Think about this. And the person who was medically evacuated



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So when did CC change, since you seem to be positioned on the gangway berating fellow passengers as well now?


So when did CC change, that people can only have a single opinion and nothing different? And moreover, who made you the decider of which opinion that is?

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Well I understand your situation with a cyclone. Obviously that was the right decision. I have emailed our TA to cancel the Feb 2019 Solstice cruise as we feel this was a tactical decision based on short term profits vs long term client loyalty.


While I understand the poster and I am sure others on the cruise were looking forward to taking the scenic route, there were also several thousand persons who have been planning their shore excursions at the next port of call and looking forward to the excursion they paid for on their "trip of a lifetime" as well. So I am assuming the poster does not care about the wants of these fellow passengers.


I am guessing she also doesn't care about the livelihoods of the local tour operators who have a few weeks out of the year to make their living from providing the shore excursions or the port fees and taxes the local economy depend on and wouldn't receive if the ship skipped that port in order to stay on schedule.


Lastly, believe it or not Celebrity Cruises is a for profit business and they exist solely to provide a return to their shareholders on their investment in RCI. So once the passenger safety issue was addressed the decisions being made on how best to stay on schedule, upset the least amount of customers and keep expenses as low as possible are made taking into account on how to earn a profit on the cruise.

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It wasn't an explanation I was looking for. A simple apology for his/her rudeness would have sufficed.


And the purpose of this board is what? I saw plenty of compliments about the food and drink on this thread but it began with a statement of the ship having to return to Melbourne for a medical emergency. I actually had a wonderful time despite missing the Sounds but thought I could share the disappointment with other folks who were on the cruise.




So when did CC change, since you seem to be positioned on the gangway berating fellow passengers as well now?




CC changed when posters became rude and self-serving. The overall manners of people on social media has declined in recent years.


CC was extremely civil and polite in earlier years. The administrators paid close attention to comments.



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CC changed when posters became rude and self-serving. The overall manners of people on social media has declined in recent years.


CC was extremely civil and polite in earlier years. The administrators paid close attention to comments.



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Social media including travel blogs are just a reflection of greater society. As a more diversified clientele join such institutions such is the corresponding changing of attitudes. Some forums are more liberal than others and at times what could be seen as rugged debate is closed down relatively early whilst what could be deemed abusive by some is left to linger longer than it should. It is often said that one man's trash is another man's treasure and opinions on travel blogs is really no different.

Having done a few cruises now albeit with just one company I have seen how different people react to different scenarios. When we undertake a cruise we are acutely aware that ports maybe missed, ships may arrive late or leave early and we accept that. For this reason amongst others we have quality travel insurance so that in event of losses incurred we have some avenue of getting some reimbursement.

What I do find puzzling is levels of compensation offered by this cruise line in particular. My case in point:

We were on the Constellation Monaco Grand Prix cruise last year out of Barcelona. This was the first cruise after a 2 week docking. During the Docking there was a software upgrade of the engine control system. The upgrade was unsuccessful resulting in a 2 day delay in the cruise. What compensation did we get?

All this was at the company's expense.

2 nights accommodation in a 5 start hotel in Central Barcelona.

Cash equivalent to almost half the cruise fare

Return airfares and land transport from Barcelona to Monaco to attend Grand Prix ( We only went for practice day - Those that went for the actual grand prix were taken onto Genoa by bus afterwards as the ship had sailed)

Over $US600 in cash for incidental whilst in Barcelona.

Those that didn't go to Monaco had offers of tours around Barcelona at no cost


Did I think that compensation was adequate ? - you betcha and I never stop telling people about it.


Case number two


Couple booked on a cruise that is cancelled because ship is chartered

Compensation : $US200 to cover airfare cancellation and $US100 OBC is another cruise is booked.


Go figure - What is more disruptive and soul destroying Our case or case 2.


I believe that the couple in case two were ripped off if our cruise is any sort of precedence.


When we received notification about our cruise delay our expectations were that the cruise line would accommodate us for two nights and we would claim back on our travel insurance for the ticket cost of the Grand Prix.


I will never forget going to Guest relations on the last night of the cruise to settle our account and the Officer behind the desk reaching into a drawer and bringing out a handful of $US50 notes and counting off our compensation and dropping the balance back into the drawer for the next passenger.


We have been very fortunate we have never had rough weather, an out break of Novovirus and on only one cruise have had a disagreement with Hotel staff and even then they went of their way to try and find an amicable solution.


My hope going forward is that Celebrity sort out their website and get issues like CRuise Critic parties sorted out

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We have been very fortunate we have never had rough weather, an out break of Novovirus and on only one cruise have had a disagreement with Hotel staff and even then they went of their way to try and find an amicable solution.



Get a few more cruises under your belt and I’m sure this will be rectified :evilsmile: :D.

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Go figure - What is more disruptive and soul destroying Our case or case 2.


I believe that the couple in case two were ripped off if our cruise is any sort of precedence.


Apples and oranges. Case 1 was very last-minute. The issue arose because the company was performing maintenance that went awry. In Case 2, the couple were undoubtedly given months' worth of advance notice of the charter and weren't already on their way to the port of embarkation. More importantly, they were ultimately out $0. If the change fees for any airfare that was already purchased were higher, Celebrity would cover that with proof.

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Social media including travel blogs are just a reflection of greater society. As a more diversified clientele join such institutions such is the corresponding changing of attitudes. Some forums are more liberal than others and at times what could be seen as rugged debate is closed down relatively early whilst what could be deemed abusive by some is left to linger longer than it should. It is often said that one man's trash is another man's treasure and opinions on travel blogs is really no different.

Having done a few cruises now albeit with just one company I have seen how different people react to different scenarios. When we undertake a cruise we are acutely aware that ports maybe missed, ships may arrive late or leave early and we accept that. For this reason amongst others we have quality travel insurance so that in event of losses incurred we have some avenue of getting some reimbursement.

What I do find puzzling is levels of compensation offered by this cruise line in particular. My case in point:

We were on the Constellation Monaco Grand Prix cruise last year out of Barcelona. This was the first cruise after a 2 week docking. During the Docking there was a software upgrade of the engine control system. The upgrade was unsuccessful resulting in a 2 day delay in the cruise. What compensation did we get?

All this was at the company's expense.

2 nights accommodation in a 5 start hotel in Central Barcelona.

Cash equivalent to almost half the cruise fare

Return airfares and land transport from Barcelona to Monaco to attend Grand Prix ( We only went for practice day - Those that went for the actual grand prix were taken onto Genoa by bus afterwards as the ship had sailed)

Over $US600 in cash for incidental whilst in Barcelona.

Those that didn't go to Monaco had offers of tours around Barcelona at no cost


Did I think that compensation was adequate ? - you betcha and I never stop telling people about it.


Case number two


Couple booked on a cruise that is cancelled because ship is chartered

Compensation : $US200 to cover airfare cancellation and $US100 OBC is another cruise is booked.


Go figure - What is more disruptive and soul destroying Our case or case 2.


I believe that the couple in case two were ripped off if our cruise is any sort of precedence.


When we received notification about our cruise delay our expectations were that the cruise line would accommodate us for two nights and we would claim back on our travel insurance for the ticket cost of the Grand Prix.


I will never forget going to Guest relations on the last night of the cruise to settle our account and the Officer behind the desk reaching into a drawer and bringing out a handful of $US50 notes and counting off our compensation and dropping the balance back into the drawer for the next passenger.


We have been very fortunate we have never had rough weather, an out break of Novovirus and on only one cruise have had a disagreement with Hotel staff and even then they went of their way to try and find an amicable solution.


My hope going forward is that Celebrity sort out their website and get issues like CRuise Critic parties sorted out


In your case 2 you did not state how far in advance of the cruise was it canceled? The timing of the cancellation makes a big difference in the impact and potential cost to the passengers. Over a year out the compensation was pretty fair (airlines not scheduled, plenty of time to change plans in most cases). Less than 6 months then it was low.


There is an interesting case over on the Royal board of a cruise to start on 4-6 just getting canceled due to mechanical issues. Since it was supposed to start in Sydney I expect that you had people already there or in route. That will be interesting to track.

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Solstice has just missed another port of call, Airlie Beach, because of a cyclone. I wonder will we get people complaining about that now. The captain is travelling to Cairns in a different way to escape the weather if possible.

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