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Medical emergency Epic help needed urgently


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I hope your daughter speaks with whomever she needs to speak on the ship. It sounds like she is an adult, and so I am sure she is capable of handling this without your assistance. She needs to talk to the hotel director and explain what her needs are. They will work with her. It doesn't really sound like she is trying, but is wanting you to handle things from afar, which isn't going to work.

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Is there anyone who is on the ship or who has a family member or friend onboard who might be willing to just speak to my daughter as I know she is struggling?
Who has your daughter spoken to onboard the ship. Did she contact the Hotel Director or did she just talk with the Guest Services Desk? You say the ship won't give her free internet, how are you currently communicating with her? If she did ask for free internet, what else has she asked for? Has she asked for some help in packing up her MIL's items, etc.


As far as your daughter needing someone to talk with, first she should speak with the Hotel Director, but if it is just someone to lean her shoulder on, how about she reaches out to someone she met on the roll call, if she was involved in that, or someone she has met on the cruise so far. You have to realize that no one knows your daughter like you do, thus they have no idea she is struggling.

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Please come back in a few days and let us know how all this is working out. As far as calling when the ship is close to land, that idea is a mistake. Your daughter will still be charged the cellular at sea rate. She has to wait until the ship is at the port, and the ship turns that signal off.


After our last TA with NCL this past April and May, I have to say I'm not surprised with NCL's mediocre response and being of little help. That cruise drained my enthusiasm for cruising. I'll go back to another line someday.

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I hope your daughter speaks with whomever she needs to speak on the ship. It sounds like she is an adult, and so I am sure she is capable of handling this without your assistance. She needs to talk to the hotel director and explain what her needs are. They will work with her. It doesn't really sound like she is trying, but is wanting you to handle things from afar, which isn't going to work.


It wow's me, in a situation like this, a person wanting information for a third party. It does seem, to me, NCL has done their job. A person was injured, accessed, and medical assistance supplied. Now that a person is no longer a passenger on the ship, they move on. As for the family members left behind, YES, there should be someone there to advise on future plans....arranging to get off at the next port, however, I feel, in my opinion, once they leave the ship...NCL no longer has any duties to arrange for any further transportation. THAT now falls into the insurance companies hands. You should always have a copy of your policy with you with contact phone numbers to help you.


YES, I am sorry that this woman had a fall, and that her vacation was now ruined, but that's life....She's safe, taken care of and has a family member with her. So to hear the wife is on board.....pushing her child around in a stroller....has she been turned out of her cabin?

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It wow's me, in a situation like this, a person wanting information for a third party. It does seem, to me, NCL has done their job. A person was injured, accessed, and medical assistance supplied. Now that a person is no longer a passenger on the ship, they move on. As for the family members left behind, YES, there should be someone there to advise on future plans....arranging to get off at the next port, however, I feel, in my opinion, once they leave the ship...NCL no longer has any duties to arrange for any further transportation. THAT now falls into the insurance companies hands. You should always have a copy of your policy with you with contact phone numbers to help you.


YES, I am sorry that this woman had a fall, and that her vacation was now ruined, but that's life....She's safe, taken care of and has a family member with her. So to hear the wife is on board.....pushing her child around in a stroller....has she been turned out of her cabin?

I'm curious why you quoted me? It doesn't appear you are speaking to me in your post.

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Medical emergencies onboard are a nightmare! We experienced one in March aboard the Dawn. My husband contracted pneumonia onboard and on Thursday we had to call 911 on the ship. An attendant with a wheelchair was at our cabin within minutes and we went to the onboard medical facility. He has COPD and his lungs filled with water due to the pneumonia. I truly believe the medical staff saved his life. No, it wasn't cheap, over $5500, but life saving. After they stabilized him, I was informed we would have to disembark. We were in port at Roatan. I was told to go pack up and meet him back at the medical facility. As I went up the elevator I was obviously in distress. A woman on the elevator I did not know got off with me and offered to help. As I entered our hallway I noticed a ship officer and I asked him to contact our room steward for assistance. He asked who I was and told me he was there to help me. What a relief! I had a million questions and he answered all of them. He escorted me to guest services and told me to use their phone to contact anyone I needed to back in the states. To tell you the truth, I hadn't even thought of that at the time. I found the NCL personnel very accommodating. When we disembarked the ambulance was waiting and so was the NCL Roatan port agent who stayed with me all the way to the hospital, including escorting me through local customs. We were transferred by air ambulance to Honduras to a larger hospital a few hours later. NCL was in constant contact with me to check on my husband. When we arrived at the larger hospital my husband was admitted to ICU for 5 days. No, neither of us speak Spanish. I found the people at the hospital to be exceptionally helpful. They gave me a two room suite to stay in and provided me with three meals a day. Yes, the area was scary. Armed guard patrolled all hallways in the hospital. I never had to leave the facility. NCL called me at least once a day to check in and were extremely compassionate and helpful. My iPhone translator was a huge help. My daughter arranged for my cell phone to have an international pkg added to my plan for a month for $60 which was really helpful. Yes, we had NCL insurance. After five days we were sent by air ambulance to Fort Lauderdale at a cost of $22000. I never saw a bill. NCL covered it completely. Other bills are still pending. The big hold up appears to be Medicare at this time. They move at a snail's pace. NCL continued to contact me at least once every day, even after we arrived home after a three day stay in hospital in Florida. I find it odd that the OP felt her family was getting no assistance. I would encourage them to go to guest services and ask about using their phone to call. Also be sure someone has an international plan on their cell phone. I wish them all the best and hope for a speedy recovery. My husband is still recuperating, but getting stronger every day. He did say, however, that he may never cruise again. Not because of how we were treated, but because he doesn't know if he could survive another illness like that so far from home due to the stress.

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Is there anyone who is on the ship or who has a family member or friend onboard who might be willing to just speak to my daughter as I know she is struggling?




You can try contacting someone from their Roll Call. I think this is the correct date and link. Good luck. Positive thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.




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I’ve never heard of a non-passenger being permitted to board mid-cruise. I doubt very much that you would be allowed to do this due to customs/immigration issues. I would not show up at port without getting something in writing from NCL that this will be allowed.


While the offer of free internet would be nice; internet costs to pay as she goes are not excessive. My last NCL Cruise was 10 days and was able to log in daily for email/post to Facebook/write a live cruisecritic review for around $25.


As others have said, while someone reaching out to her would be nice; if she needs help, she needs to go to guest services and ask for a supervisor and tell them what she needs.


Suing is the american way and I think it’s possible that they aren’t extending anything to your daughter out of fear of appearing to accept liability for the fall.


My biggest concern for her would be to find out if 1. The injured person was charged for the medical center visit. 2. If so, if that account had been settled. 3. If it’s not settled, do they expect someone from her party to settle it. Those medical center trips can costs thousands and those bills have to be paid prior to disembarking the ship. I would hate for her to have a flight to check and get detained while disembarking to settle how that account will be paid.' Quote




Thank you so much for that very useful information.


I'm afraid I'm not thinking straight all the time. There is so much to do.


Of course I now realise they wouldn't let us board. That was just an emotional answer. I just want to be with them.


We are flying to Rome to meet the ship and return with our daughter and little one.


It's the best we can do in the circumstances.


Thank you all for your kind wishes and messages of concern.

Let me preface this saying that in the case of an emergency, I’m the last person anyone wants around. I panic and overreact every single time. DH takes the kids or rides in the ambulance to the ER, I meet them there, usually with a support person. However, I was blessed with a very grounded and calm mother, same with my husband, and I’m also a pretty practical person (in normal situations).


In this case, I don’t see why you are flying out to meet her. If she’s just going to return home, how much longer is the cruise? I don’t know if insurance would even pick up that tab. Now, I could see you flying out to pick up your granddaughter, so your daughter could help her husband out at the hospital (ds15 was recently admitted for only 3 days, and it was draining on DH and I who took turns). I could see your daughter and granddaughter disembarking, bringing belongings to the hospital and then flying home. I wouldn’t suggest the 2 of them staying with MIL and DH, that would be tough with a toddler.


I’d tell your daughter to purchase the internet. She can try to ask for a credit later, or just eat the cost. I’m really sorry this is happening to them.

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It wow's me, in a situation like this, a person wanting information for a third party. It does seem, to me, NCL has done their job. A person was injured, accessed, and medical assistance supplied. Now that a person is no longer a passenger on the ship, they move on. As for the family members left behind, YES, there should be someone there to advise on future plans....arranging to get off at the next port, however, I feel, in my opinion, once they leave the ship...NCL no longer has any duties to arrange for any further transportation. THAT now falls into the insurance companies hands. You should always have a copy of your policy with you with contact phone numbers to help you.


YES, I am sorry that this woman had a fall, and that her vacation was now ruined, but that's life....She's safe, taken care of and has a family member with her. So to hear the wife is on board.....pushing her child around in a stroller....has she been turned out of her cabin?



Wow! I had to swallow hard when I read this. I just hope this person never finds themselves in this position. Or perhaps they are so clever and unfeeling that such an event would be of little concern. There but for the grace of God go I maybe???? I hope it never happens to you.


I have always been shocked when such comments are made to someone in distress. But thankfully the kind people on here more than make up for it.


I'm sorry that I have probably rambled a bit. I've had no sleep or food, and have been on the phone since early morning organising flights, hotel, transports etc. I've probably confused everyone so apologies for that.


Update. My SIL is waiting to see if they can fly his mum home for treatment. It's a very high break, at the very top of her leg. Could be tricky. Unfortunately it may not just be her vacation that is ruined (her first in 30 odd years!) but she is facing a serious operation and all the post operative problems which may follow. We are not in the USA and our health service is stretched to the limit. She is in traction at the moment. Their insurance have booked him a hotel and he's managed to grab a bite to eat - very necessary to maintain his strength too. I spoke to NCL and at last they seem to be helping. They are meeting with my daughter to discuss her needs - help with packing up 2 cabins, help to disembark etc etc. It's a sea day and manic in the buffet, so she tried but failed to get food there, so she ordered room service. We fly out tomorrow afternoon and will be there in Civitavecchia when she disembarks.


Our grandson is very active and not easily amused and Guppies is just an empty room with a few toys chucked in, apart from one short session a day, so very little to amuse him. If I knew how to post a photo I'd put up one of the room to show I'm telling the truth. Not like the wonderful facilities on RCI's Oasis class ships, but that's the least of our worries. It is what it is.


I'm sure that those of you who are Mums know that no matter how old or how competent your child is you always worry and want to ease their pain. And when you are a grandparent that feeling is compounded. Call it stupid, but I am who I am.


I've really appreciated and taken strength from your kind and helpful comments. It is good to know that there are people out there who can take the time to say they are sorry and feel your pain. It's really helped.


Now I'm off to make a cup of tea, something we Brits always find useful in a crisis!


Many thanks all.

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I am aware at how hard these situations are, unfortunately my family seems to get hit with them more than most (2 cases of appendicitis in the past 6 months, 1 rupture). I also sympathize with having to deal with an active toddler (I have 2 boys and 3 girls). In this horrible situation, MIL is of course getting the worst of it, followed by you SIL who is alone in a foreign country with his seriously injured elderly mother. Having spent a lot of time sitting bedside at hospitals with my mom as well as my children, it really helps to have more than 1 person there, especially when getting information from doctors, and needing to take breaks. That’s why I suggested maybe going and getting your grandson, so your daughter can go assist her husband, I’m sure he is overwhelmed and exhausted.

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It wow's me, in a situation like this, a person wanting information for a third party. It does seem, to me, NCL has done their job. A person was injured, accessed, and medical assistance supplied. Now that a person is no longer a passenger on the ship, they move on.


Not correct. Under the UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea), and the Athens Convention of 1974 relating to carriage of passengers at sea, the carrier (cruise line) has the responsiblility to get medical attention to anyone injured on their ships. They may not have to pay for this (Athens limits this to negligence or abuse), but they are required to get all needed medical attention for the person, crew or passenger, until that person is "made whole" again (regains health). Therefore, the ship's agent in Barcelona will be the coordinating point for arranging this injured passenger's onward journey to the hospital, and arranging all required medical services once there. The cruise line is also required to have insurance for passenger injuries.

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Wow! I had to swallow hard when I read this. I just hope this person never finds themselves in this position. Or perhaps they are so clever and unfeeling that such an event would be of little concern. There but for the grace of God go I maybe???? I hope it never happens to you.


I have always been shocked when such comments are made to someone in distress. But thankfully the kind people on here more than make up for it.


I'm sorry that I have probably rambled a bit. I've had no sleep or food, and have been on the phone since early morning organising flights, hotel, transports etc. I've probably confused everyone so apologies for that.


Update. My SIL is waiting to see if they can fly his mum home for treatment. It's a very high break, at the very top of her leg. Could be tricky. Unfortunately it may not just be her vacation that is ruined (her first in 30 odd years!) but she is facing a serious operation and all the post operative problems which may follow. We are not in the USA and our health service is stretched to the limit. She is in traction at the moment. Their insurance have booked him a hotel and he's managed to grab a bite to eat - very necessary to maintain his strength too. I spoke to NCL and at last they seem to be helping. They are meeting with my daughter to discuss her needs - help with packing up 2 cabins, help to disembark etc etc. It's a sea day and manic in the buffet, so she tried but failed to get food there, so she ordered room service. We fly out tomorrow afternoon and will be there in Civitavecchia when she disembarks.


Our grandson is very active and not easily amused and Guppies is just an empty room with a few toys chucked in, apart from one short session a day, so very little to amuse him. If I knew how to post a photo I'd put up one of the room to show I'm telling the truth. Not like the wonderful facilities on RCI's Oasis class ships, but that's the least of our worries. It is what it is.


I'm sure that those of you who are Mums know that no matter how old or how competent your child is you always worry and want to ease their pain. And when you are a grandparent that feeling is compounded. Call it stupid, but I am who I am.


I've really appreciated and taken strength from your kind and helpful comments. It is good to know that there are people out there who can take the time to say they are sorry and feel your pain. It's really helped.


Now I'm off to make a cup of tea, something we Brits always find useful in a crisis!


Many thanks all.


Please ignore the "nasties". Thankfully it is only a couple of people. Most people are not like that, and do care. I'm terribly sorry this is happening. As a parent, we want to make sure our children are OK, and seeing them in distress also distresses us. It is normal. Please do keep us posted!

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I'm sure tomorrow will be a much better day for your daughter. I was on the Epic last week and tomorrow will be a nice quiet day while the majority of people will be on tours. The luggage will be put outside of the cabin tomorrow night and carried off for her so at least she doesn't have to do that. She can have a sit down lunch in Taste if she doesn't want to go to the buffet tomorrow where she would be waited on and could relax a bit.


There are lots of steps to negotiate at Civitavecchia train station so it might be wise to get a cab/shuttle transfer from there to the airport.


Possibly easier to fly to Barcelona then train to Girona if you are all staying out there?


Or for your daughter to finish her cruise because I'm not sure what she can do to help, although I know this might seem callous and, she might not want to continue on her own! Prosecco needed!

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everyone speaks english in Europe. i would not concern yourself with a language barrier problem.


i agree wtih a PP, the son should disembark and fly back to meet his mom.



Everyone speaks English in Europe!!! Really!!!? If only that were true...but then, why should it be true? What a strange assumption! You must be American...although not everyone in America speaks English either, as I discovered in Florida recently...my Spanish came in very handy there😜

I feel deeply for anyone who is in a hospital where they dont understand the language. Yes, some doctors will speak English, but certainly not everyone. In a worryng scenario the lack of communication can make things seem much worse. This really underlines the importance of getting good travel insurance in addition to the basic EU reciprocal cover( EHIC/ E111) agreed between UK & Europe at present.

I'm sure our much maligned, fantastic but overstretched UK NHS will prove to be wonderful once the patient gets home & I wish you all the best & hope she recovers from this as quickly as possible.

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Please ignore the "nasties". Thankfully it is only a couple of people. Most people are not like that, and do care. I'm terribly sorry this is happening. As a parent, we want to make sure our children are OK, and seeing them in distress also distresses us. It is normal. Please do keep us posted!



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I'm thinking about you and your family.



Thank you. You are most kind



Son-in-law with mother in hospital in Spain. Mum may be operated on there either Thurs or Friday. No operating slots available before then. Very few English speaking staff. That is very difficult in a medical situation ( though to be honest, it's nearly as bad in some of our NHS hospitals in the UK). Son has been to Carrefour for essential supplies. My daughter did pack the bare essentials for him and mum but he will run out of most things soon. Hooray for Careffour. He is a tower of strength and I'm so proud of him. He has a hotel tonight.


Ship sailing towards Naples (tomorrow) and daughter and toddler will stay on alone until Rome the next day.


DH and I are flying out to meet the ship in Rome. They say we can board as soon as she docks and have breakfast together before we disembark. Great! We can help her get sorted before we catch our transport.


NCL finally offering her help after 18 hours. At last! Meeting with Hotel Director. Someone to help pack etc. No medical bill.........what does that tell you?


When something goes wrong (and it was slippery food debris mum slipped on, I now know) the way it is handled is paramount. Whilst not taking responsibility for the accident (of course they won't!) a kindly word and the offer of communication and help would have made all the difference. From feeling 'I'll never want to sail on NCL again. They simply didn't care.' it would have been 'NCL were wonderful. They helped me through this difficult and traumatic experience and couldn't do enough for us.' Which scenario is better for business I wonder? Things happen, ship (t?) happens. But how it is handled makes all the difference.


Just packing a backpack for tomorrow. Hope we get some sleep tonight.


No more news, so thank you all.

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NCL finally offering her help after 18 hours. At last! Meeting with Hotel Director. Someone to help pack etc. No medical bill.........what does that tell you?




I am so sorry your family has had all this stress on what should have been a wonderful vacation.


Unfortunately, I think "Risk Assessment" lawyers have had to big of an influence on ship board staff. I'm guessing they have been told not to "accept responsibility" until an investigation has been done. They need to teach the way to show compassion & understanding, without accepting legal responsibility. I used to be a McDonald's manager and we were trained how to help, without saying Sorry - VERY hard for a Canadian!


I am so glad you are able to go and help your daughter pack & get settled, I am sure that is a great comfort to her and her husband.

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