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Viking Jupiter electrical problems?


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5 hours ago, molymoo said:

It is Wednesday morning and the Viking crew worked through the night to arrange and organize some very nice excursions for us.  They are free of charge and will keep us busy and entertained until this evening.  Mechanical assistance and parts arrived last night and all are optimistic that we will be on our way tonight.  


Not sure where we will be heading ... missed Edinburgh but Orkneys and Shetlands are ahead.  Might miss a stop but details have been scarce ... probably waiting to see if repairs and inspections go as hoped before fully committing to a plan.  


For the most part passengers seem to be taking things in stride.  We’re well fed and the bars are well stocked ... all good.  Travel is an adventure!

Hope you enjoy your extra day in London area.  Did Midnight Sun last year and least favorite port of mine was Edinburgh.  Although the Royal Brittania was nice, Edinburgh town was too crowded, too much traffic and construction detours.  😲

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Hi Chengkp,


Had not read previous to your current post that Viking Jupiter had run aground. Wow! Far more serious a loss of control than Viking’s press release reveals.... Minor electrical problem? Seriously....


Your continuing to hide behind a pseudonym makes me wonder whether you are in any way compensated by Viking or any cruise related organization? Please clarify. Also other pseudonyms you have used? 


Did you comment when a Viking River ship hit a barge in China’s Yangtze River, cutting a large hole in it’s hull, only by luck it was above the waterline? Did you defend Viking? See picture below of steel plates being welded over the gaping hole. Do you think that that evident navigation failure did not compromise passengers safety?

Respectfully, Peter



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21 hours ago, molymoo said:

We’re on board and in Tilbury at the moment.  No excursions have been announced and probably won’t as we are at least tentatively scheduled to leave port tomorrow afternoon ... back on board time is 12:00PM.  Doubt that’s enough time for any excursions.  We are welcome to wander on our own but not likely as we are quite a way from much of anything.  Specific info has been scarce but might get more later this evening.


Hey, molymoo. Been there, done that. Glad to see that they are optimistic about the repair and hope that you are soon on your way. Now you will have an adventure to tell about. 😉




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I do wonder whether these anti Viking trolls are one and the same under different guises. Interesting that their posts are only ever found on the Viking forum. Nothing better to do with their lives other than try to cause upset. Clearly they have some sort of historical beef with Viking but rather than admit that, they are there to stir discontent.


Rather than just blocking their posts, report the trolls to CC admin who will hopefully review and ban. It does seem to work!


Some folk need a hobby!

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7 hours ago, molymoo said:

It is Wednesday morning and the Viking crew worked through the night to arrange and organize some very nice excursions for us.  They are free of charge and will keep us busy and entertained until this evening.  Mechanical assistance and parts arrived last night and all are optimistic that we will be on our way tonight.  


Not sure where we will be heading ... missed Edinburgh but Orkneys and Shetlands are ahead.  Might miss a stop but details have been scarce ... probably waiting to see if repairs and inspections go as hoped before fully committing to a plan.  


For the most part passengers seem to be taking things in stride.  We’re well fed and the bars are well stocked ... all good.  Travel is an adventure!


Thank you for the good update and your optimistic attitudes - counters some of these fake news sensationalist posters who seem to want horrible things to happen.

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21 hours ago, PedroPedro said:
News Flash
The Viking Jupiter was just docked this morning in Tilbury, England after two tugs brought her in. 
Just like the disastrous Viking Sky incident in March, the ship lost propulsion capability and was adrift in open sea and only controlled by dragging anchors.
In an early broadcast the Captain said they believe the issue to be a failure in the AC to DC converter [or may have been the other way around]. 
Jupiter and the Sky are very new ships and loudly tout that they have full redundancy to not go down on any part failure, always capable to return to port under own power. Marketing vs reality. 
Serious safety issue. Because of severe weather, Sky (and passengers) were close to being smashed against shoals, a potential huge loss of life. What happened to her power plant has not yet been explained beyond a supposed basic loss of oil pressure. 
What ever happened to both ships’ “certified” full mechanical redundancy always to allow return to port under own power? These huge, dangerous failures need to be fully and openly explained including how defects have been corrected. 
Respectfully, Peter Spiller 


The ship was not adrift. It lost one propeller due to the AC to DC power converter going down. Returned to Tilbury. It returned to Tilbury with one of two propellers. The tugs were there to support the ship but it was definitely not towed into port. Excursions were arranged for the day. 


Not an ideal situation but everyone is making the best of it. Viking staff have been wonderful. Hopefully the ship will continue north tonight to resume the itinerary.



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3 hours ago, PedroPedro said:

Hi Chengkp,


Had not read previous to your current post that Viking Jupiter had run aground. Wow! Far more serious a loss of control than Viking’s press release reveals.... Minor electrical problem? Seriously....


Your continuing to hide behind a pseudonym makes me wonder whether you are in any way compensated by Viking or any cruise related organization? Please clarify. Also other pseudonyms you have used? 


Did you comment when a Viking River ship hit a barge in China’s Yangtze River, cutting a large hole in it’s hull, only by luck it was above the waterline? Did you defend Viking? See picture below of steel plates being welded over the gaping hole. Do you think that that evident navigation failure did not compromise passengers safety?

Respectfully, Peter



Sorry, mistyped about the Viking Jupiter, I'm doing this in between jobs on my ship.  I meant "if she had gone aground", you really have a conspiracy thought process.


Just because you are foolish enough to post your identity on a social media site is your business, I will continue to stand by my professional experience, and my unbiased posting history here.  I've never posted any personal info on any social media site.  This is the only user name I've ever used, even on online shopping sites, how about you?  How many CC members will post their personal information?  Just because I give rational explanations and don't buy into your conspiracy theories that the cruise line, the flag state organization, and the class society are all in cahoots to deceive you personally doesn't mean that I'm not presenting calm, facts.


Never heard about the Viking river boat accident, so no, I didn't defend them.  However, since you seem to "know" a lot about it, how did it happen?  Who was at fault?  Before I defend or blame anyone, I want to know facts.  You mention "evident navigation failure", what are the facts of this?  Seriously interested, and would love a link.  Looking at the photo, one "gaping hole" appears to be a broken window, and the other appears to be a boarding door that was likely stove in.  And, even if the "gaping hole" had been below the waterline, would the boat have sunk?  I don't know, because I'm not that familiar with the rules for construction of river vessels, but I would suspect that it is a "two compartment" vessel, and this damage would have been limited to one compartment.  If you don't trust my facts, don't ask what that sentence means, look it up yourself.  And, yes, there was a threat to passenger safety, but was it life threatening?  Can't say, but I doubt it.  And, what are you looking for anyway?  Contact the China Maritime Safety Administration, the Swiss Maritime Navigation Office (I believe the boat is flagged in Switzerland), or contact Viking to find out which class society they use to certify their ships and boats, and request the report of the various investigations.  You may or may not get any help from them, since they publish reports based on their laws, not ours or yours.

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Hi Chengkp, 

Your surprising and explicit statement that Jupiter had grounded did not look like a typo, pretty darned specific even about nature of the bottom (soft). Do you have non public information from Viking?

In any case, you did not answer whether you receive compensation from any cruse line or association? Or any other pseudonyms you use? 

Respectfully, Peter 

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2 hours ago, PedroPedro said:

Hi Chengkp, 

Your surprising and explicit statement that Jupiter had grounded did not look like a typo, pretty darned specific even about nature of the bottom (soft). Do you have non public information from Viking?

In any case, you did not answer whether you receive compensation from any cruse line or association? Or any other pseudonyms you use? 

Respectfully, Peter 

I guess reading comprehension is not a strong point, I stated I've never used any other user name than this one.  I do not, nor since I stopped sailing for a cruise line over 10 years ago, receive any compensation from the industry.


And I won't feed your conspiracy fantasies concerning my typo.  I've sailed the area, so I know the conditions there.  Used to transit that area about twice a month for 6-8 years.

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1 hour ago, chengkp75 said:

the Swiss Maritime Navigation Office (I believe the boat is flagged in Switzerland),


Without any intention of being snide and because I have learned much from your posts, let me add to your storehouse of knowledge. By Chinese law, Viking leases the ship it uses in China. The ship is operated by the lessor (and is manned by a Chinese crew). Viking runs the hotel operation on board with a handful company managers working with a Chinese crew.


In other words, Peter, a Chinese ship with a Chinese captain and crew rammed another Chinese ship. Viking had nothing to do with it.


2 hours ago, chengkp75 said:

How many CC members will post their personal information?


Not me! I'm here, not Facebook, because I am not going to talk about when I am going on vacation in a public forum.

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LOL your comments (but no fun seen in passenger plight!). Yes, fits Torsten Haagen’s modus (joke: only going along with your kidding). 

Safety at sea must always be priority one, above even customer satisfaction and corporate marketing reputation.


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2 hours ago, Peregrina651 said:


Without any intention of being snide and because I have learned much from your posts, let me add to your storehouse of knowledge. By Chinese law, Viking leases the ship it uses in China. The ship is operated by the lessor (and is manned by a Chinese crew). Viking runs the hotel operation on board with a handful company managers working with a Chinese crew.


In other words, Peter, a Chinese ship with a Chinese captain and crew rammed another Chinese ship. Viking had nothing to do with it.



Not me! I'm here, not Facebook, because I am not going to talk about when I am going on vacation in a public forum.

Thanks for the information, was the ship built in China?  So, the owner is a Chinese company?  In that case, it is most likely flagged in China.  And what Viking is doing is a "time charter" where they determine where the ship goes and when, but the ship owner mans the ship and pays for maintenance costs and most of overhead.

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While we are still awaiting details the Captain announced that repairs were complete and they expect to get clearance to sail later this evening.  We are apparently going to Edinburgh but skipping the Shetlands ( we have been given a refund for the excursion we booked there).  Hopefully after tomorrow we will be back on some semblance of a schedule but in the meantime we had a lovely day on an excursion to Hever Castle.  Lovely gardens and lovely weather.  Viking did a great job organizing excursions for everyone ... great considering the last minute conditions.  😊

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Well, what you say is perfectly correct, Chinese ship and Chinese crew, however when flying United, AA, etc often the aircraft complete with crew is leased from a third party. If something goes poorly you still hold UAL and/or American  responsible. Many Olive Gardens are owned and operated by independent company and if you get a poor meal, we all hold Darden’s feet to the fire. When we booked Viking in China we expected Viking to assure the quality of the subcontractor they employed. They did not.


Back to the Viking Jupiter: a friend aboard just commented: 

“Got a letter that says all has been fixed, inspected, and cleared to go, but they are not leaving now.  Why not?  They are waiting until early morning.  Why?  Then going all day to Edinburgh.  They are then skipping the only 2 stops that I was taking the trip for, Orkney and Shetland Islands where I am very interested in the stone age archeology.  Total disaster.  They said they will be refunding the money paid for excursions, but must buy stuff on board.  Outrageous.  I spent a lot of money on excursions in Orkney and Shetland and don't want to have to burn up that money in the Spa or whatever.  This is a total fiasco.  Many persons I've spoken to say they would prefer to skip Edinburgh since most of us has seen it, as have I.  This is the 2nd Viking incident that V has refused to make me whole, much less do what airlines and others do, give a voucher for a future free flight.  Sadly this is not what I wanted, expected, and it is eating up my vacation time.  V has no clue on what the impact of their questionable mechanical failures have done to me, likely many others.”

If others have “facts” other than these, please share to assure a fair shake for Torsten Hagen and his Viking Ocean. If this account is accurate, it sure tarnishes VO’s reputation for responsive customer service, keeping in mind the delay problem is caused by a faulty VO power plant, not an act of God, like a storm or civil commotion, which are outside of VO’s responsibility. 
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1 hour ago, PedroPedro said:

Well, what you say is perfectly correct, Chinese ship and Chinese crew, however when flying United, AA, etc often the aircraft complete with crew is leased from a third party. If something goes poorly you still hold UAL and/or American  responsible. Many Olive Gardens are owned and operated by independent company and if you get a poor meal, we all hold Darden’s feet to the fire. When we booked Viking in China we expected Viking to assure the quality of the subcontractor they employed. They did not.



No one is saying that Viking may not be responsible, and I don't deal in customer service issues, as it is not my area of expertise, but you said it was "evident navigational failure" that caused the incident, but you don't say whose navigational failure, if in fact it was a "navigational failure" caused the incident.  That goes a long way towards determining who is responsible for an accident.  Do you have facts that it was Viking's crew that was at fault?  You haven't provided any, so there isn't any basis for blaming them for the incident.

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I'm sorry for those passengers who have had disappointment due to Viking Jupiter's problems.

The ship is indeed planning to head for Edinburgh, where our volunteer welcome team (myself included) will be delighted to help any passengers who wish to see something other than the usual Royal Mile, Edinburgh Castle etc, or just generally make the most of their time in Edinburgh.

To the friends of "PedroPedro" who are naturally disappointed at missing the Orkney and Shetland Islands, perhaps they may wish to visit the Scottish Archaeology Galleries at the National Museum in Edinburgh.  I appreciate it probably won't make up for the disappointment of missing ports, but if that is their interest, it is just a thought that it might be a little consolation, as the museum in its entirety is fantastic.

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Well, Chengkp, if I book a flight on AA that happens to be on a plane chartered and operated by another company, but AA logo painted on tail, AA magazine inside and AA on cocktail napkins, and AA on receipt for buying a snack, and my luggage is lost, I look to AA for compensation. If AA says, hey, not my airplane, that would be unacceptable. 

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1 hour ago, PedroPedro said:

Well, Chengkp, if I book a flight on AA that happens to be on a plane chartered and operated by another company, but AA logo painted on tail, AA magazine inside and AA on cocktail napkins, and AA on receipt for buying a snack, and my luggage is lost, I look to AA for compensation. If AA says, hey, not my airplane, that would be unacceptable. 

And, you are not following what I'm saying, obviously.  First off, again, I don't care about passenger compensation or customer service.   I'm saying that if you are on an AA airplane, and that airplane is struck by a fuel truck from the contractor contracted by the airport, not AA, then who is to blame?  I am questioning your fixation with assigning blame for an incident, I could care less whether Viking gave you what you consider adequate compensation, for something that may not have been under their control.  And, if the delay is not the fault of the air carrier, then they are not liable for any compensation.

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11 minutes ago, PedroPedro said:

Well, Chengkp, if I book a flight on AA that happens to be on a plane chartered and operated by another company, but AA logo painted on tail, AA magazine inside and AA on cocktail napkins, and AA on receipt for buying a snack, and my luggage is lost, I look to AA for compensation. If AA says, hey, not my airplane, that would be unacceptable. 

 Where on earth did you ever come up with that?


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Parallels an assertion made on this message board that because Viking does not actually own the Viking branded ship sailing on Yangtze, when the voyage goes wrong Viking is not responsible. 

My ridiculous example makes that parallel assertion obviously spurious. 

Do you get it now?

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43 minutes ago, chengkp75 said:

was the ship built in China?


I believe so, but your sources will be better at confirming this.  When we were there in 2010, they told us that when Viking was not using it, it was used as a restaurant in its home port of Chongqing.


1 hour ago, Jim Avery said:


Sorry to hear. Feeling sorry for the passengers who are effected by this; having walked in these moccasins, I can tell you that it is very hard to hear the words,  "This cruise is cancelled, we are returning to..."  It takes a bit to get over the shock.


1 minute ago, PedroPedro said:

They said they will be refunding the money paid for excursions, but must buy stuff on board. 


That must be because your friend used OBC to pay for the shore excursions. That OBC can be used to purchase other excursions, laundry service, spa services, drinks in the bar not just "buying stuff in the stores." However, any unused OBC will be forfeited at the end of the cruise because that is how OBC works--use it or lose it.


If your friend paid for the tours with a credit card, the tours will be credit to his on board account and at the end of the cruise, any credit balance will be refunded to the credit card. As long as OBC is not involved, your friend will not be forced to buy anything on board.




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Is it your position that keeping the engine running on a Viking ship is beyond the control of Viking so they are not responsible for consequences?

If you bought a new Toyota and the engine soon seized up, would hold Toyota responsible? 

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2 hours ago, PedroPedro said:


Is it your position that keeping the engine running on a Viking ship is beyond the control of Viking so they are not responsible for consequences?

If you bought a new Toyota and the engine soon seized up, would hold Toyota responsible? 

What are you talking about now?  The Jupiter?  Of course they are responsible for the consequences of a motor failure, but a motor failure is far from a "major safety issue", and there were no consequences (in regards to passenger safety; remember, I don't give a whip for customer service, its not my area, I don't comment on it, but I will comment when someone makes unfounded statements about safety.)

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