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Mitsugirly BREAKAWAYs for a summer cruise: Review/Pictorial


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22 hours ago, Hogladyrider said:

Holy crap so sorry, hope you are home soon and on the way to a full recovery!  Must be an omen in all of this, you need to be home recovering to work on the review.  Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.


Thank you so much and I said the same thing to my husband when I was laying in bed at the hospital prior to surgery....this means you'll have to set me up at home so that I can work on my pictures and review since I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands. 🤣



22 hours ago, zabnee said:

Oh Kim!  I'm so sorry to hear about your fall!  Take care of yourself, and we will just talk amongst ourselves here.  Sending thoughts for a smooth surgery, as well as speedy recovery!



Thanks so much. I appreciate it.


22 hours ago, MzShae said:

Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope your surgery goes well & you heal well. Take care!


Thank you and it did go well.


22 hours ago, LeesaB said:

Oh my gosh, OUCH!  Hope you have a speedy recovery.


Very much ouch. Thanks so much!


21 hours ago, firedisney97 said:

oh no!  Get well soon and will look forward to more of your trip in the future


Thank you and I'll have plenty of time on my hands now to finish it.


21 hours ago, coscab said:

Kim, I always read your reviews but rarely comment but I feel compelled to tell you how sorry I am that you fell and are injured, I will be praying for you to heal completely and that your injury doesn't impede your future cruises in any way.

I am sure Sakari is very concerned and will help you in your recovery.

We are sailing on the Breakaway for the first time in December and I am looking forward to your review, thanks again for all the effort you put into helping your CC family.


Aww thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it.


I'm not sure what this means for future cruising. I have a feeling it might take me out of the cruise scene for another one this year in the fall like we always do. 😞


Sakari has been great and I feel so bad having her run everywhere around the house to get me needed things but she's not complaining...yet LOL


I hope you have a wonderful cruise on the Breakaway in December.


21 hours ago, davy jones said:

Hoping for a speedy recovery.


Thank you


21 hours ago, retiring soon said:

Hi all!


mitsugirly ~ oh dear, so sorry to hear this! WIshing you all the best & a speedy recovery.


~ Jo ~ 😊


Thanks so much Jo. I appreciate it! I'll have to change my screen name to "Retiring for the next 7-9 months" lol 🥰


21 hours ago, Pandot said:

Oh no Kim!


Good luck with the surgery and recovery!


Get well soon!


Thank you much!


21 hours ago, LaCal said:

🙏🏻🙏🏻  Praying your surgery goes well and you heal up quick 


Thank you and surgery went well.


21 hours ago, newmexicoNita said:

Like everyone else, of course I wish you a speedy recovery and best wishes along with prayers. Keep us posted as you feel like it. 


Thanks and I will keep everyone posted.


20 hours ago, purpleally said:

That sounds like a horrible break!  Hope your surgery goes well AND your months of recovery


Surgery went well and thanks.


20 hours ago, Von & John said:

Wishing You a 100% Successful Surgery!!!

I’m sorry you have to experience this.   

As tough as it is - follow the Doc’s requests (orders to some people).   

If they suggest PT - hit it hard!!!

After 5 knee surgeries, I finally get it...


Wishing you the best in your recovery!


Thanks so much. I will definitely follow the docs orders. PT in the future is going to kick my butt I'm sure. They always say nurses are the worse patients. LOL


20 hours ago, Laszlo said:

Thats terrible!

Hopefully you'll have a fast recovery!!!!


Thanks. I'm sure the worse is to come but I'll hang in there.


19 hours ago, AKR2011 said:

Oh no! I am so sorry to hear about your injury! I am thinking of you and wish you a speedy recovery ♥️


Thank you so much!


19 hours ago, MJSailors said:

   I have read several of your very interesting reviews with the exceptional photos attached.

Wishing you a good recovery.

Take your time to rest and heal-  very important !


Thanks so much. Resting is going to be so hard for me. I'm on the go non-stop and can't sit still. This will be a trying time for me.


19 hours ago, Oldgoat61 said:

Welcome back Mitsu…….always enjoy your reviews, and has your daughter grown!  Praying you heal up quickly!   


Thank you.


19 hours ago, mkcurran said:

I hope you heal well. Take care of yourself. We can wait until you feel better. 


Thanks so much!


18 hours ago, palmettostatecruiser said:

oh no Kim! I am so sorry to hear this news.   I can't imagine going through this and I can only imagine how scared you and your whole family are.  Please keep us all updated as to your progress as you are loved here!  Best wishes for successful surgery and a speedy recovery!


Thanks so much. I appreciate it.


18 hours ago, zencruisers said:

Sorry to hear about your injury. I hope you heal well and fast. Sending positive vibes you way.



Thanks and all positive vibes accepted and appreciated.


17 hours ago, SenatorsFan said:

I'm so very sorry to hear this news, Kim! Been there, done that as I had a tib-fib break and have a plate and 12 screws now. I echo Von & John who said follow your doc's orders;  it's a long recovery but be patient and you will be back. ❤️

Thinking of you,



Aww Heather...thanks so much. Although I'm sure so many have been down this road before...it helps to know others that have experienced it first hand and there are going to be some rough days ahead for sure.


17 hours ago, PelicanBill said:

Oh my goodness hoping for a speedy and complete healing for you.  Love your reviews and have used a ton of them as research in the past.  And for this one, I will be doing this itinerary on Breakaway October 13 so thanks much for this.



Aww thanks and glad they have been of some help. Have a good time on the Breakaway in October.


16 hours ago, Jasonmom said:

Here is hoping you have a speedy recovery



Thank you.


16 hours ago, beachseasand said:

So sorry about your accident.  wishing you the very best.  Speedy and 100% recovery are wished for you.  I broke my wrist this April, surgery, plate installation and therapy.  it will get better.  Take the time to take care of you.  Hope all is well soon.




;Thank you so much. Sorry to hear about your wrist and hope you are healing nicely.


16 hours ago, blarko said:

Oh no! That’s awful. Like others, wishing you a speedy recovery. If there’s a bright side to this, at least it happened AFTER your cruise rather than before, or worse, during your cruise.  Either way it sucks, hopefully you’ll be back (literally) on your feet soon.


You are so right...after the cruise. I was extra careful on this cruise because of the wet decks and such. I took it real slow knowing that anything could happen.  Thanks so much for the comments and wishes.


16 hours ago, Katsumom said:

Wishing you a speedy recovery!  Also, thanks for the website, what an amazing resource, as I often look to see whet you have done when planning trips 


Thanks for the speedy recovery. I hope you find the website helpful and easy to navigate.


16 hours ago, starfish the second said:

Wishing you the best in your recovery!


Thank you.

16 hours ago, sinclaj said:

Hi Kim,


I’m another one who reads all of your reviews but rarely comments. I love them!!   I have taken a couple of excursions I read about on your reviews and absolutely love hearing about your family and watching Sakari grow.  I even heard of what a puddle jumper is from you and my grandson is just loving using it this summer in our pool. 


Wishing you success in your surgery and physical therapy.  Judy


Aww thanks for the comments and glad you decided to comment. I hope you grandson enjoys the puddle jumper. Sakari has donated hers to Kambriah (Kendras daughter and my granddaugher) so it's still getting good use out of it.


15 hours ago, jbhcw said:

Another lurker here....so sorry about your accident..sending positive thoughts for healing...take care of yourself.


Thanks for coming out of lurking and commenting. I appreciate your positive thoughts


14 hours ago, Nitnoi said:

all the best for your recovery-physical therapy is amazing if you do your exercises when the time is right.  Be strong and good luck


Thanks so much for the thoughts and PT is not going to be fun.


14 hours ago, Cafedumonde said:

Sorry to hear about your fall, Mitsugirly.  I am with the previous poster— stay strong.  


Thanks so much!


14 hours ago, notes21 said:

Kim -  I love to read your reviews, but rarely post.  So sorry to hear about your fall, and hope your surgery and recovery go smoothly and well!


Aww, well glad you decided to post this time. Thanks so much for your thoughts.


14 hours ago, Outerdog said:


Better Call Saul





LOL...I love that show (and Breaking Bad). My hubby said there's actually someone here that has that plate too.


14 hours ago, C cruise said:

speedy recovery....so sorry to hear about your leg!


Thanks so much.

13 hours ago, mopedmom1 said:

I am so sorry to hear about your fall.  Please take care of yourself and best wishes to you and your family for a speedy recovery.


Aww, thanks! I appreciate it.


13 hours ago, Zippeedee said:

Kim, I hope you are better soon. Sorry to hear about your accident!


Thanks so much!


12 hours ago, tobyt said:

Feel better!


Thank you


12 hours ago, Webecruzen said:

Prayers for quick and complete healing. 


Thanks so much.


11 hours ago, Beachiekeen said:

Oh dear I am so terribly sorry! Wishing you a speedy recovery and healing! 


Aww, thanks! I appreciate it.


10 hours ago, keithj3 said:

Mitsugirly, so sorry for the misfortune. I'm a quiet fan of your reviews and I can't wait to read your next review.


Thank you so much and glad you commented.


10 hours ago, aztekpm said:

So sorry to hear, about the fall & break.  Take care, here's to healing fast and will look forward to you continuing once you feel able!


Thanks so much and hopefully I'll heal fast.


10 hours ago, sue402001 said:

So sorry to hear about your fall mitsugirly, here's to a speedy recovery!


Thank you!


10 hours ago, perfect match said:

Kim, I’m so sorry to hear about your injury. I hope you have a speedy and full recovery. When you are able, please let us know how your recovery is going. Recovery isn’t always easy, I know that from my own first hand experience. Remember during those tough times that there are a lot of people here pulling for you. You will get through this.


Sending some cute cute sea creatures your way in lieu of flowers. They seem more “you” to me somehow. Hope they make you smile. 🐡 🐬 🐙 🐟 

Thank you so much! You don't know how much that means to me. You definitely put a smile on my face with the sea creatures. You don't know how much I actually use those emojis myself on the phone when talking to people. LOL  They are perfect!


4 hours ago, ourfamilylovescruising said:

Hoping for a speedy recovery!!


I am excited to see you have a review started!!


I will have to give you my tag line I tell everyone that I am an I love Lucy episode walking around 😂

if something crazy id going to happen it is going to happen to me. LOL

hope you feel better soon!


LOL...I've managed to fall break things on previous cruises. I'm just glad this didn't happen then.  I'm always saying if something happens....it will be to me as well.


Thanks so much.



4 hours ago, Kilo November said:

Wishing you all the best with your surgery and recovery!


Thank you


3 hours ago, Echo18 said:

Wishing you a speedy recovery. I love your reviews. We're currently at Heathrow Airport waiting for our flight to join the Breakaway on Sunday. 


Thanks and you'll be boarding her soon. Have a GREAT cruise!


2 hours ago, FirstAnthem said:

Oh my, I hope you have a speedy recovery! 


Thank you.

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On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 11:19 AM, mitsugirly said:

Sorry it will be awhile before I continue. Fell at gas station and broke leg in both fib and fib and ankle yesterday and have been in the hospital. Surgery today to get plates screws and who knows what else. I’m going to be down for several months so once I get moving around I’ll get going. 

OMG you poor thing.  I hope you heal quickly.  Never a dull moment in your life!!

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So....here's my story...I'm an idiot.


I was at the gas station getting gas, in between seeing my patients, and I had put the nozzle in the truck and decided while I was filling it up to go to the door and clean out my trash from the front seat. Well, obviously I went about it the wrong way and decided to step over the gas hose and my foot got caught. I did a few hops on my other leg, trying to get my balance and catch myself...because at that point I knew I was going down...but it didn't work. I flipped over the hose and tried to put my foot down and CRACK. The sound was terrible. I knew it was broke instantly. I keep playing the scenario over and over in my head and hearing that sound and it's driving me insane. How could I be so stupid to do this? What made me think it was ok? Ugh!


Down I went and was really afraid to look, but when I did...my bone was sticking out and my foot was twisted almost backwards.





Thank goodness there were 2 other people there getting gas and I screamed over and over (they didn't see it happen) and they came to my rescue. They called the squad and said everything they could to keep me calm. One went and got a windshield wiper fluid bottle to rest my head on so was wasn't laying on the concrete and another went and bought me some water. They took the hose out of my tank for me and stopped the pump. They got my cell phone out of my truck so I could call my husband while we waited on the squad. They stayed with me the entire time. I'm so grateful for them!


The squad arrived and one of the good samaritans took my keys and moved my truck so they could get over with a stretcher. The hubby flew there (I honestly don't know how he managed to make it there that quickly because he was across town but made the comment "the supercharger did it's job lol),


I have a very high tolerance for pain and everyone kept saying I can't believe it. In the squad they laughed (because they knew me from working at the hospital) because they said nurses are usually the worse patients and I was really amazing and I told them my rated pain level was about 6-7. 😲 I opted to go to the hospital I used to work at (but they built a new one and it was a little further away than some of the local hospitals in the area) and with all the freeway construction, they decided to take the back roads. They told me it was going to be a very long and bumpy right with a lot of turns and I told them I was up for it. I got them to agree not to strap my legs in because I had to keep moving the broken one from laying flat to raising it up on my other knee for comfort. I held on for dear life and away we went.


Arriving at the hospital, everyone was so great and I got one of my favorite doctors that I worked with at the hospital and he remembered me. He's such a down to earth guy and he'd ride his Harley or bike to work and he's just "one of the guys" you'd see on the street and not stuffy or uppity. You'd never guess he was a doctor outside of the hospital. Just an all around good guy. He told me he was riding his bike and was hit by a car not too long ago and went through the same thing I was going through. I ask if he was riding his bike on the way to work and he said "yep". LOL











Little did I know just how bad it was at the time. They came in and took xrays and I would move my foot up and place it on the xray and any way they wanted. They were so shocked I could do all these things and I wasn't your typical patient screaming and telling them not to touch it. I received so many nice compliments about how well I was taking this and doing much better than they've ever seen someone come in with something like this. I was very calm and proud of myself mentally working my way through the pain.


After xrays they informed me of a tib and fib break, my ankle bone was "chopped off" and of course I was going to require surgery.






This is the upper part of my leg, close to my knee. They said they would not be repairing it and once they aligned my leg below, this should pop back into place and heal on it's own.














And my ankle bone that had chipped off.








Now came the bad part....the doctor was going to have to do a reduction on my foot to get it aligned more so they could splint it and wrap it prior to going up to my room. UGH! Now that was painful! I'm pretty sure I let out a yelp and a very long UGGGGHHHH while gritting my teeth and clinching my fist. I'm sure I left indents on the gurney.





They finally got me up to my room, where I would stay the night (due to my heart issues and so they could obtain an echocardiogram on me before surgery to make sure I wouldn't have any problems during surgery). My kids and my neighbors came to visit and that's when the pain kicked in and I'm talking KICKED IN! It was unbearable! Like seriously. I hated that my kids were seeing me like this and it took forever for them to get me any meds approved. They said the ER orders didn't "follow me" to the room and they weren't sure why so they had to get a new approval from the doctor and pharmacy. I tell ya the pain was way worse than when I had first done it. Whoa!


I was NPO after midnight of course and ice chips had never tasted so good the following day. Then I was informed my surgery was not scheduled until 3:40pm. Ugh! I was already starving. It was the longest day ever!!!!!! Go on a cruise and eat any time you want and all day long and come home to not being able to eat. Not fun. lol


I ended up having a nurse (on surgery day) that grew up and graduated with my older kids. Their mom actually used to be my babysitter for Kenny and Kendra until they got older. So we were always really close to them. I was so happy to see her as my nurse.


They called me back to preop around 1:45 and told me that the plans were to put 2 plates in (on both sides). They would repair the tibia and ankle and insert plate and screws in and then they would have to put a plate in on the other side to align the bones so that the fibula would align up on it's own and repair. Since the fibula is not a weight bearing bone, the fib fracture should be able to heal on it's own. Plus I had some ligament damage from the twisting on the fibula side and by placing a plate in, it would help realign those ligaments and they could repair them. They decided to go ahead and take me back to surgery at 2pm. I opted to do the popliteal nerve block on my leg because they said it would last for 18-24 hours post surgical and that would be a critical time for me to have a lot of pain. Well....here it is....22 hours post block and I'm still just as numb as ever. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not because although it's numb and I'm not having any pain, the numbness and tingling is still very annoying. LOL You win some you lose some. **I just ask Billy, Kendra's fiance when his went away and he said 2 days***


Post surgical and back in my room. They said the surgery went well and it took about an hour.




Since my nurse was a long time family friend...I immediately started ordering food. LOL I couldn't wait to eat! Once my belly was full, I ask when I'd be going home. She told me I could opt to stay another night for monitoring if I felt it was needed or she could discharge me whenever I felt like. Well, I could lay there in the bed or lay at home in bed...hmm, not a hard decision. I opted to go home and as soon as possible. Her words were...I'll get your discharge papers done within the next 30 minutes" and that she did. I guess it pays to have "contacts" lol.


Now I'm at home, living on my first floor and sleeping on the couch I have 2 nursing aides to help me out (Sakari and the hubby) and all I'm missing is a little bell to ring for service. LOL The hubby went out and bought me a bedside commode and ordered me a wheelchair to use this morning. Kendra's fiance Billy (who just went through this from a fall back in January) gave me his knee scooter to use during recovery and the neighbor (who just went through this last summer) gave me his crutches to use. My oldest son Kenny will be coming over to make me a wheelchair ramp. Now all I gotta figure out is how to take a shower. I told the hubby I'm going to have to get some body wash and go out on the deck and him hose me down. LOL


The hubby brought my computer downstairs and he has me all set up at the kitchen table with the chairs to prop my leg up and my computer chair to roll around in to get things until the wheelchair comes. That way I'll have something to do and can do my review since I'll be down with no walking for at least 8 weeks. I'm told that it will take around 7-9 months to heal and I know the neighbor and Billy wasn't actually able to walk on theirs for about 5-7 months. It's going to be a LONG recovery and I'm not even sure when I'll be able to return back to work. I'm hoping, at this point, I'll have a job to return to. 😞 What really sucks is this is going to put me out of the cruise scene for awhile....I mean lets talk about the important things. LOL


Sakari starts school next week and I never got to go school shopping for her and the night of my fall, was her open house and picking up her schedule. The hubby is trying to do as much as he can but it's not going to be easy. He said last night "in sickness and in health and we will get through this". He's taking it like a champ and slept on the love seat last night. We'll see how he feels about this months from now. LOL Kendra just texted me offering to take Sakari school shopping so hopefully I'll get that accomplished. Her new art school she will be attending has a dress code and it's not easy finding what they are required to wear. Blah





My apologies in advance over the next few weeks....they have me on a lot of pain meds so hopefully my reviews will make sense when I'm typing them "under the influence". LOL


Thanks for all your get well wishes and concerns. It's very much appreciated.



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Oh.... oh my.... no. 


On the plus side, you're teaching the rest of us a valuable lesson.  I hop over the gas hose all the time and I've told myself I shouldn't do that, I'll get hurt or yank the hose out of the car... now I have a visual.  I'll forever go AROUND the hose.


So... thanks for that.

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On 8/13/2019 at 5:45 PM, mitsugirly said:


Hi Kim I am so glad your surgery went well. Just take care of yourself & we can all wait patiently for your review 😉  maybe look into booking to 10 Breakaway in Jan - you will still be out of work but doing alot of physical therapy & now you have the knee scooter 🙂🙂🙂

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On 8/13/2019 at 6:16 PM, Jan_In_Maine said:

Thanks for doing this review - we will be on  the Breakaway in 2021 (long time from now ... but am enjoying reading all about others adventures).  Jan


Thanks so much and hope you enjoy it. We were on the Breakaway a few years ago, so if you get board sometime before then, you are welcome to read that one.


On 8/13/2019 at 6:20 PM, sue402001 said:

Yeah, a Mitsugirly review. I can't wait to read more!


Thanks and I hope you enjoy.


On 8/13/2019 at 6:45 PM, retiring soon said:

HI all!


mitsugirly ~ glad to find your review early on!! Looking forward to hearing about the Breakaway as I'm sailing on it from New Orleans in Feb. 2021. I was on the inaugural Bermuda cruise on it.


How was that connection on the flight down? Looked pretty tight/worrisome to me!!

 Wow, Sakari is almost as tall as you now!!

Thanks for doing another of your awesome reports.


~ Jo ~ 😊


Glad you found me too!


The flight down went perfect with no issues or delays.


Sakari is almost as tall as me...she's grown a lot over the last few months alone.


On 8/13/2019 at 8:05 PM, JoeTec said:

We are going out of Port Canaveral & going to GSC, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Roatan, Harvest Caye, Costa Maya & Cozumel.  I was watching this cruise for while & when NCL started the 20% off latitude sale I couldn't resist.  Saved $900 & it was cheaper then my 7 day Escape to Bermuda last week


Oh that sounds like a wonderful cruise with a lot of ports! I would love to be on that!!! I hope I can snag something like this in the future.


On 8/13/2019 at 8:45 PM, NayRN said:

Hi Kim! I’m soooo happy you’re back and writing another review! I’m sailing on the Breakaway for the first time in a couple weeks....but I’ve been on the Getaway a couple times.


Lord....I think the last time I read an NCL review, you had just passed your boards! Are you still in the ER (I think that’s what I remember)!


Hi and thanks for following. I hope you have a wonderful cruise.


Oh gosh, that has been awhile since you read that. I've been busy cruising other lines since then. hehe  I'm no longer in the ER. I switched to home health and then private nursing in home. It's been amazing and I just love my patients. I get to pick my own patients, my own schedule and times. I work 3-4 hours a day and stay in my area and it's just great! It's hard to imagine going back to work at the hospital and standing for 12 hour days/shifts. But I do miss the excitement of the ER and trauma.


Since that cruise after passing my boards, I have also managed to complete my BSN as well...so of course another celebration cruise. 😁


On 8/13/2019 at 8:59 PM, erdoran said:

I’m doing a very similar itinerary in January so very interested in your port experiences.


Coming up soon.


On 8/13/2019 at 10:26 PM, graphicguy said:

This is great!  Sailing Breakaway 9/1, so this is timely.  Plus, I love your reviews.  Thanks, Kim!


Thanks so much and have a great cruise next month.


On 8/13/2019 at 11:56 PM, perfect match said:

Hi, Kim! Glad I found you right at the beginning. I think sometimes I miss things when I come in late and end up binge reading. 


Our next eat two trips are both land vacations. No cruises for us until October 2020. 😱 Needless to say, I’m in serious cruise withdrawal. This review will help get me through, at least for a while, so a long review is just what I need! 😄


Yea, I know how that goes. Glad you found it quickly and at the beginning.


Land vacations can be awesome though. I love our land vacations in Aruba. Come and go as you please and get to see and do it all and not just in a short amount of time you are there in port.


On 8/14/2019 at 2:46 AM, debgreg said:

We’re doing similar on Getaway so great to follow 😁


I hope you have a wonderful cruise. We were on the Getaway back in 2014 so if you are interested in seeing that, you could look up my review on it. They are very similar ships.


On 8/14/2019 at 10:07 AM, pebbles1102 said:

Hi Kim,


I love your reviews.  I will be sailing on the Breakaway in November 2019 for an eastern Caribbean cruise.  Looking forward to reading about all the Breakaway has to offer.


Also, have you every been over to Jost Van Dyke?  One of our stops is Tortola and I am trying to decide between the Baths and the Rebel Yell over to Jost Van Dyke.  Any input would be appreciated.






Awesome and I hope you have a wonderful cruise in November.


I have not been to Jost Van Dyke. I'm honestly not sure what that is. We did go to the baths (but 1 family member we were traveling with made it a "not so great day" that day. But it's very pretty there. I have a review on it with pictures if you are interested.


On 8/14/2019 at 10:58 AM, brookie848 said:


I'm not Kim (enjoying your review!), but I thought I'd chime in. I have not done the Baths, but we've done Jost Van Dyke twice on the Rebel Yell. It is a very enjoyable trip and we would do it again. 



If I ever return to Tortola, I'll have to look this up.


On 8/14/2019 at 11:45 AM, kpark895 said:

Yeah!  Another Kim review!  I've been waiting for this!


Haha, thanks and glad you are here.


On 8/14/2019 at 1:43 PM, FreestyleNovice said:

Following, interested in this itinerary. :classic_smile:


Thanks for following.


On 8/14/2019 at 3:07 PM, LeesaB said:

Oh yay!  Following along for the ride.  I LOVE your reviews.


Thanks so much and glad you are here.


On 8/14/2019 at 3:13 PM, danak13 said:

So excited for this review! Sailing on BA in November so it will be awesome to read and see a super current review! 


Thank and I hope you have a wonderful time in November on the BA.


On 8/14/2019 at 3:16 PM, Pher4Real said:

I was literally on that ship the week before, disembarked the day you embarked 🙂  Looking forward to your review of the ship and the ports.  I wasn't a fan of the Breakaway, yet it is very nice.  But I'm comparing the Breakaway to Escape.. I can see how they went all out for Escape.. seeing how things were different between the 2..


Yea, the first time we went on BA, it was nice and had all the nice new bells and whistles. This time, it was a much different experience. I'll have to try out the Escape some day. I just have to find a good time it's going where I was to go and a good price.


On 8/14/2019 at 3:18 PM, sabrefan15 said:

I'm on Breakaway in 32 days, so interested in your review!


I hope you find it informative.


On 8/14/2019 at 3:46 PM, zencruisers said:

Looking forward to reading more. Great pictures and commentary so far. Thank you for taking the time to share.




On 8/14/2019 at 4:13 PM, lax19 said:


Another great review!


It may not be not thinking people want to cruise the Caribbean in the summer, it's just other markets are more lucrative.

For example: Princess sends seven of their 17 ships to the highly lucrative Alaska market in the summer leaving none in the Caribbean.


Yea but still...I would think they would have more in the Caribbean so there's more to offer. Take some of those crappy "bahamas" cruise that take 7 days from New York or wherever and only make it to Nassau and put one down in the Caribbean. I would think they'd make more money.


On 8/14/2019 at 6:11 PM, Jasonmom said:

Thanks for review.  Will be on Breakaway end of September.  Think I read at least one of your other reviews



Hi and thanks. Glad you are here and hopefully enjoy it. Have a good trip on the Ba next month.


On 8/14/2019 at 6:28 PM, Jenner9 said:

OMG!! I cannot believe that is Sakari! I havent read one of your reviews in awhile! She has grown up so much! She is probably actually pretty famous in the cruise critic world as we all have watched her grow up!!


Yep, she is growing up quickly and getting so tall. Yea we get recognized a lot on cruises. She's pretty shy and just smiles when someone tells her she's famous. LOL


On 8/14/2019 at 7:09 PM, cincicruisers said:

Thanks for doing another review.  I enjoy reading them and appreciate all the work that goes into completing one.


You are welcome and glad you are here.


On 8/14/2019 at 7:34 PM, Sand and Seas said:

I'm so excited for another Misugirly review!!   Love your writing style and all the great pictures.  

Thanks for taking us along again😎

Why thank you. I appreciate it.


On 8/15/2019 at 7:59 AM, JinxyB said:

On the Breakaway now, so I’m definitely following!  This ship is soooo crowded, but I guess that’s to be expected during summer break.  Love your reviews!



Well, I see things haven't changed since my cruise....:(


On 8/15/2019 at 8:51 AM, hitch-04 said:

Can you post a picture of the specialty coffee menu?  


We did not get any sorry. Hopefully someone else will have one.


On 8/15/2019 at 9:04 AM, C cruise said:

loving this review - can't wait for more


Thanks so much.



On 8/15/2019 at 10:43 AM, Laszlo said:

Love your reviews Kim! Nice website!!!


Thanks so much and glad you like the website.


On 8/15/2019 at 10:59 AM, Arzeena said:

Following along. Excellent review and pictures as always!

Looking forward to more.
Sakari looks lovely!

I love that hair!


Thanks so much.


23 hours ago, MrsKC08 said:

I'm not even sailing on NCL, but I love your reviews so I am following along.

Haha, thanks so much. Hopefully you'll find the ports helpful.


20 hours ago, jenseib said:

I'm behind but joining in now and hope to catch up fast!


Hopefully you're all caught up. Glad to have you here.


16 hours ago, Zippeedee said:

If you go to Kim's website and look at her Tortola posts she reviews the Baths. I remember her having a difficult time on the paths and through the boulders.


Kim, I hope you are better soon. Sorry to hear about your accident!


Yea, the baths were "interesting" to say the least. But one in our party made it more difficulty than it needed to be. It was very pretty though.


1 hour ago, kpark895 said:

Kim, I am so sorry to hear about your fall and injury.  Glad the surgery went well and hope you have a speedy recovery so you can get back to the things you enjoy.


Thanks so much.


1 hour ago, graphicguy said:

Kim....so very sorry to hear of your accident.  Hope you have a speedy recovery!


Thank you


51 minutes ago, Ragdollbd said:

OMG you poor thing.  I hope you heal quickly.  Never a dull moment in your life!!


Definitely not a dull moment in my life for sure.



7 minutes ago, Carolina Girl 99 said:

Yikes Kim!!!
Sending you positive vibes for a speedy and successful recovery!



sea life puzzle.jpg


I love that picture. I'm going to have to see if I can save it and use it as a screen saver! Thanks

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13 minutes ago, LeesaB said:

Oh.... oh my.... no. 


On the plus side, you're teaching the rest of us a valuable lesson.  I hop over the gas hose all the time and I've told myself I shouldn't do that, I'll get hurt or yank the hose out of the car... now I have a visual.  I'll forever go AROUND the hose.


So... thanks for that.


Yea, I usually lift the hose up and go under. I don't know what made me do that on this particular day. I will forever go around from now on too.


9 minutes ago, Maleficent's Dad said:

Hope your recovery is going well.

Those pics, however, are brutal!  Yikes...


Thanks so much.


7 minutes ago, C cruise said:

oh my.. you have really been through a tough time -- hoping the pain doesn't return and your recovery is quicker than they anticipate..


Thank you


6 minutes ago, JoeTec said:

Hi Kim I am so glad your surgery went well. Just take care of yourself & we can all wait patiently for your review 😉  maybe look into booking to 10 Breakaway in Jan - you will still be out of work but doing alot of physical therapy & now you have the knee scooter 🙂🙂🙂


Thanks and I'll have all the time in the world to work on my review now. LOL


That would be nice to be able to cruise while off work but Sakari will still have school so not so sure that would work out. I also don't know about rolling around on a knee scooter. I would still have to go to the beach and scuba and without that...I'm lost. lol

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YAY!  Came poking my nose around the boards this morning and what did I find but your next cruise report 😁😁😁!


... clearly, I won’t be getting much done around here until I catch up 😏


Thanks so much, again, for what I know I’ll thoroughly enjoy reading.  Catching up right now!

Edited by dreamer976
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On 8/15/2019 at 11:19 AM, mitsugirly said:

Sorry it will be awhile before I continue. Fell at gas station and broke leg in both fib and fib and ankle yesterday and have been in the hospital. Surgery today to get plates screws and who knows what else. I’m going to be down for several months so once I get moving around I’ll get going. 

so sorry to hear that you were injured!!  Get well soon and take care of yourself!

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SO sorry about your accident!  I went through something very similar in January, and can tell you first-hand that you will be just fine!


Post-surgery: IMG_1724.thumb.JPG.925edb3bf3c053e7c74606176f8f7be7.JPG


20 days later on our Panama Canal cruise! IMG_1870.thumb.jpg.a470f5af8f5555b664bc7632bf468252.jpg


The iwalk 2.0 is the very best invention:



I got mine from Amazon, and traipsed all over the ship and took excursions in every port!


Luckily, at my 2 week post-surgery check-up, he gave me an air cast, so I could then fly and take it off for showers.  Before that, I used a garbage bag and elastic band to cover the cast and showered sitting down.  😬


Sending you lots of positive thoughts!  You've got this! 😃



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Kudos to your strength - just looking at the pictures of your foot, I don't know how you wren't screaming the entire time.


Thanks for taking the time to explain all of it.  Many times I have thought about stepping over that gas hose to get to the windshield cleaning stuff at the gas station, and fortunately I have talked myself out of it every time.  Now I know why.

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43 minutes ago, mkcurran said:

Well that was a good trip report of the.... trip and the events that followed. But I'd rather not see one like that again. 

Anyway I'm glad you are home and comfortable.-ish.


LOL...humor is always great. Thanks!


42 minutes ago, dreamer976 said:

YAY!  Came poking my nose around the boards this morning and what did I find but your next cruise report 😁😁😁!


... clearly, I won’t be getting much done around here until I catch up 😏


Thanks so much, again, for what I know I’ll thoroughly enjoy reading.  Catching up right now!


Thanks for being here.


25 minutes ago, BigNance said:

so sorry to hear that you were injured!!  Get well soon and take care of yourself!


Thank you


20 minutes ago, albertamom said:

SO sorry about your accident!  I went through something very similar in January, and can tell you first-hand that you will be just fine!


Post-surgery: IMG_1724.thumb.JPG.925edb3bf3c053e7c74606176f8f7be7.JPG


20 days later on our Panama Canal cruise! IMG_1870.thumb.jpg.a470f5af8f5555b664bc7632bf468252.jpg


The iwalk 2.0 is the very best invention:



I got mine from Amazon, and traipsed all over the ship and took excursions in every port!


Luckily, at my 2 week post-surgery check-up, he gave me an air cast, so I could then fly and take it off for showers.  Before that, I used a garbage bag and elastic band to cover the cast and showered sitting down.  😬


Sending you lots of positive thoughts!  You've got this! 😃




I have heard of those. I may have to invest in one. Thanks for the info. Glad you are doing well.


11 minutes ago, AmyJA said:

Lurker coming out to say: joining for the ride.  Both Breakaway and leg breaks. 


haha, thanks for coming out and being here

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Ok, I'm armed with a couple of cans of soda, a chair to prop my leg on and some hospital ice packs tied to my legs/ankle, and meds in my system...I'm ready to roll.  😁


Back to the review....


We hung out on the pool deck for awhile...as much as I'd like to use the phrase "soaking up the sun" we were more like running from the sun and "soaking up the booze"






Sooner or later, we did decide we'd better eat something before they shut everything down and it was time for the safety drill.







Then it was time for the safety drill. All I can say is thank goodness they have these inside on the BA. It was very hot and muggy outside.


Then it was time for sailaway....


We gathered up on deck 16 to watch as we pulled away from Miami.



It was starting to look gloomy out and I thought we might get some rain. But out in the direction we were headed looked pretty sunny and clear.

















Then as I was looking down watching the water, I had hoped to see something like dolphins or whatever....I did spot something....






It was quite apparent was it was....here's a close up....






Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark!
Yea I know...now that song is going to be stuck in your head for awhile. It was mine too!
The hubs said "well, Miami beach is right over there and it's probably going out for a little lunch". 😲
Let's go hunt, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Let's go hunt, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Let's go hunt, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Let's go hunt!

Now I seen this posted on one of the social media sites I'm on and thought it was pretty neat. It's a 75 foot long floating house that cost $5.9million and is 4300 square feet. Here's some info:


"The foundation of this floating home is actually a barge with a jack-up system," Arkup managing director Nicolas Derouin said. "It is a hydraulic system with four legs that provide stability and enables the vessel to be lifted out of the water."

That's right. It is a waterfront mansion on the move.

"The home is portable," Waterstudio CEO and architect Koen Olthuis said. "You can bring it wherever you want. You can choose your neighbors."

While Local 10 News reporter Todd Tongen was visiting the portable home, the home inspector -- aka the Coast Guard -- showed up.

The floating home has high ceilings and open views with floor-to-ceiling windows. 

The master bath boasts two rain showers, two vanities and lots of natural light.

The floating fortress is, for the most part, self-sustaining. It collects and filters rainwater and it uses renewable energy.

"The full roof is completely solar cells," Olthuis said. "So if you fly over them with your drone, you would see completely, only solar cells."

A remote control device can lower a hydraulic swimming platform right into the water, but the biggest selling point of the $5.9 million livable yacht is the view in your backyard. 

Finally, when you are ready to pull up anchor, a deck retracts back into the home and then you are good to go. 


It was pretty cool to see it in person



















There were some people out on the jet skis watching us go by and jumping off the skis and waving.







We were officially headed out to sea and it was time to get this party started...



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Catching up???  How about throwing up (which is how I felt when I came to the first pic of your backwards foot & shoe)!!!  


OMG how you didn’t scream all the way to the hospital is beyond me. WHAT A WOMAN!


Sincerely, wishing you a quicker-than-anticipated total recovery. I will forever have that first photo emblazoned in my brain every time I am filling my tank or anytime I even think about trying to save a step or two and doing something stupid. So you see Kim, you may not be doing your traditional job of helping people, but you still are! 😘





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