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9-19-19 Thursday Weigh-In - It's almost Fall!!


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Andi, thanks for starting this thread.


Jan, staying the same is good.   No gain!


I am the same....maintaining my goal weight still.   I would like to go down another 5 lbs before my three cruises in 2020 though. Just to give myself some wiggle room.


I hope that Belle is enjoying her cruise. 



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Hello Everyone,


Andi, thanks for the thread.


I did great this week, lost a whopping 4 lbs. That's what I gained on the Alaska cruise in August. Now I want to lose a few more for the next one in November. 


Jan and Rose, staying the same is good. You two have lost a lot. 



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Andi-  Thank you for starting the thread.


Diana-  4 lbs is a great loss.  Way to go!


Rose and Jan-  Staying the same is good!


I'm down .8.  I'll take it given my leg is still wrapped, until tomorrow anyway.  I would like to lose 5 more lbs by the time we take our cruise in December.


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Good morning from Sunny British Columbia, Canada!


Thanks for starting the thread Andrea.


Jan - it's definitely fall like here too - all the leaves are turning, and the air is cool and crisp in the mornings... I love it! 


Rose - maintaining goal weight is great. 


Diana - Wow, congrats on losing your previously found 4 pounds. 


Katmu - Good job on losing .8! Hoping your leg is healing.


I hope Belle and JennyB are enjoying their cruises this week. Only 10 days for me! 


I have managed to lose .6 of the 1.8 I gained at the lake. Still not back to where I was before I left. Gotta buckle down this next week. My goal originally was to lose 15 pounds - now I'd be happy with 10 which means I need 3.8.

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HI all!


Andi ~ thanks for starting the thread poem or no poem.

Hope the cruisers are having a good time.


I'm down another 0.6 lbs so losing slow & steady. I haven't been this weight since April so that feels better.

I'm recording my calorie intake on My Fitness Pal but exceeded the allowance a few nights so I guess I could have lost more had I cut down calories or increased my activity.

My cruise is in 23 more days & goes to some yummy places so wonder how I'll fare.😉


Have a good day & week ahead.


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Hey y'all. Another crazy week. We had a shareholder's meeting yesterday and I had my final Invisalign appointment this morning! I am all done and into retainers 😁 With the rush to get to the appointment on time, I completely forgot to step on the scale. I have had two people tell me I'm looking thinner today 🙂 I leave tomorrow for my quick 3 night cruise. 


Keep working hard! See ya next week.

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21 hours ago, Jan_In_Maine said:

Feels like fall here - It's all of 45 degrees right now!


I stayed the same this week ... would have liked to have had a loss ... but, am happy with no gain!  Jan


Always good when we don't gain.  


20 hours ago, nyer said:


I am the same....maintaining my goal weight still.   I would like to go down another 5 lbs before my three cruises in 2020 though. Just to give myself some wiggle room.



Wonderful to be at goal weight and maintain.  Ahhhhh, wiggle room.


20 hours ago, winewanderer said:


I did great this week, lost a whopping 4 lbs. That's what I gained on the Alaska cruise in August. Now I want to lose a few more for the next one in November. 





20 hours ago, katmu said:


I'm down .8.  I'll take it given my leg is still wrapped, until tomorrow anyway.  I would like to lose 5 more lbs by the time we take our cruise in December.



Congratulations on your loss.  Hoping your leg gets better more quickly.  You got this 5lb.  You can do it.


19 hours ago, RobinCruiser said:

I have managed to lose .6 of the 1.8 I gained at the lake. Still not back to where I was before I left. Gotta buckle down this next week. My goal originally was to lose 15 pounds - now I'd be happy with 10 which means I need 3.8.


First, good job on weight loss.  Second, I hope you can be OK with changing your goal.  I had hoped to be less than 200 before my cruise next week when I started.  I then decided being below 210 would be OK (I went to my brother's for a week and gained 9-11lb).  Now as people will see I've changed my goal to be less than 215lb next Thursday before I go.


19 hours ago, retiring soon said:


I'm down another 0.6 lbs so losing slow & steady. I haven't been this weight since April so that feels better.

I'm recording my calorie intake on My Fitness Pal but exceeded the allowance a few nights so I guess I could have lost more had I cut down calories or increased my activity.

My cruise is in 23 more days & goes to some yummy places so wonder how I'll fare.😉



Congratulations on the weight loss.  Seems like a lot of people like that My Fitness Pal.  Has it helped you?


16 hours ago, JennyB1977 said:

Hey y'all. Another crazy week. We had a shareholder's meeting yesterday and I had my final Invisalign appointment this morning! I am all done and into retainers 😁 With the rush to get to the appointment on time, I completely forgot to step on the scale. I have had two people tell me I'm looking thinner today 🙂 I leave tomorrow for my quick 3 night cruise. 


Keep working hard! See ya next week.


Hope you are having a good cruise.  I'd much rather look thinner / fit into clothes I previously couldn't than have a weight loss.



Well, this has been a really bad week for me weight wise.  I gained 3.2lb.  I had just one day where I added in carbs.  Had to have my Mother-in-law's German potato salad and one of her home made cupcakes.  


So my weight yesterday morning was 212lb.  The good news is that is down 23lb from where I started at 235lb eleven weeks ago when I started.  The bad news (weight wise) is I've decided to up carbs this week in hopes I won't have side effects from being on cruise the next week.  So I'm expecting a gain this week.  And know I'll gain next.  Oh well, the price we pay to go on a cruise.  I don't plan to eat bread, potatoes, rice,  nor pasta.  I'll limit it to one desert a day.  But otherwise I'll pretty much eat / drink what I want.  Love Malibu rum with pineapple juice and pina coladas.  If I have any soda it will be diet.  We'll see.  My cruise isn't till the 29th so I'll post next week how it's going with adding some carbs.


I'll go back on diet when I get home.  

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2 hours ago, Jasonmom said:


First, good job on weight loss.  Second, I hope you can be OK with changing your goal.  I had hoped to be less than 200 before my cruise next week when I started.  I then decided being below 210 would be OK (I went to my brother's for a week and gained 9-11lb).  Now as people will see I've changed my goal to be less than 215lb next Thursday before I go.





Thanks and yes, It has been a rough week for me too... I was actually lower last Saturday than on weigh-in yesterday and I feel like I worked my butt off with walks, treadmill and Ripped in 30 Level 4 workouts. But I know I also used those workouts to allow myself extra treats that I know I shouldn't have had. It was a tough, hormonal week... I just wanted to eat everything, all the time. I hate that. 


And yes, I was quite depressed over the weigh in yesterday and after trying on some other items of clothing I'd set aside to pack, that have been too small for a while and none of them fit... but I eventually got over it. I keep telling myself that I'm not where I wanted to be but I'm not where I started either, and I have managed a few clothing fit successes that I have packed, rather than going out to buy all new clothes because nothing but my newest jeans would fit. 


I'm going to go do my treadmill calorie burner workout, then try to up my running at level 6 for longer than I've done this week, finish off with Ripped in 30 and maybe take the dog for a walk on my lunch hour.


2 hours ago, Jasonmom said:


So my weight yesterday morning was 212lb.  The good news is that is down 23lb from where I started at 235lb eleven weeks ago when I started.  The bad news (weight wise) is I've decided to up carbs this week in hopes I won't have side effects from being on cruise the next week.  So I'm expecting a gain this week.  And know I'll gain next.  Oh well, the price we pay to go on a cruise.  I don't plan to eat bread, potatoes, rice,  nor pasta.  I'll limit it to one desert a day.  But otherwise I'll pretty much eat / drink what I want.  Love Malibu rum with pineapple juice and pina coladas.  If I have any soda it will be diet.  We'll see.  My cruise isn't till the 29th so I'll post next week how it's going with adding some carbs.


I'll go back on diet when I get home.  


23Lbs is amazing progress! I know it's not what you wanted but still, that is a great accomplishment and you should be very proud. Your plan for the cruise sounds a lot like mine and yes, I know I will gain too but in the end, we have to have fun and enjoy the vacation or why take it in the first place. I will get back to the diet when I get home too and keep working on that goal.

Have a great weekend!

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20 hours ago, JennyB1977 said:

Hey y'all. Another crazy week. We had a shareholder's meeting yesterday and I had my final Invisalign appointment this morning! I am all done and into retainers 😁 With the rush to get to the appointment on time, I completely forgot to step on the scale. I have had two people tell me I'm looking thinner today 🙂 I leave tomorrow for my quick 3 night cruise. 


Keep working hard! See ya next week.

Congrats on looking slimmer and moving to retainer! Enjoy your cruise!!

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Jasonsmom-  I think 23 lbs in 11 weeks is doing really well.  That's an average of 2 lbs per week so that's a great average.  You're doing really well, and I'm hoping adding in a few more carbs will make the cruise extra enjoyable for you.  I also agree that it's hard to stay to a strict diet on a cruise, so I'm planning to ease up a bit on mine too and then get back to it once I'm home.


My leg is now unwrapped.  The PT took measurements this morning, and while the upper part of calf, right below the knee, where my hardware and incisions are, went down a little, the area mid-calf where I was having the worst swelling before and where the MRI showed a mild stress fracture is actually more swollen.  She's going to have me try a velcro wrap called a farrow wrap to see if that helps more than the wrapping or the compression socks.  At least, I can start getting back in the therapy pool so I'm really happy about that.  Plus, it will be easier to do my range of motion exercises without the wrap on.  


My son is home from Korea before heading to his next station for a few more days so I know there are going to be some meals out this weekend, so I'm going to try to get a session in the pool on Saturday plus some other exercise at home to try to make up for it.

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17 hours ago, katmu said:

Jasonsmom-  I think 23 lbs in 11 weeks is doing really well.  That's an average of 2 lbs per week so that's a great average.  You're doing really well, and I'm hoping adding in a few more carbs will make the cruise extra enjoyable for you.  I also agree that it's hard to stay to a strict diet on a cruise, so I'm planning to ease up a bit on mine too and then get back to it once I'm home.


My leg is now unwrapped.  The PT took measurements this morning, and while the upper part of calf, right below the knee, where my hardware and incisions are, went down a little, the area mid-calf where I was having the worst swelling before and where the MRI showed a mild stress fracture is actually more swollen.  She's going to have me try a velcro wrap called a farrow wrap to see if that helps more than the wrapping or the compression socks.  At least, I can start getting back in the therapy pool so I'm really happy about that.  Plus, it will be easier to do my range of motion exercises without the wrap on.  


My son is home from Korea before heading to his next station for a few more days so I know there are going to be some meals out this weekend, so I'm going to try to get a session in the pool on Saturday plus some other exercise at home to try to make up for it.


Thanks for encouragement.  I hope this new type of wrapping helps.  Where is your son's next duty station?  Hopefully better than Korea.  I did not enjoy my tour over there one bit.


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2 hours ago, Jasonmom said:


Thanks for encouragement.  I hope this new type of wrapping helps.  Where is your son's next duty station?  Hopefully better than Korea.  I did not enjoy my tour over there one bit.


Thank you.  The new wrap has Velcro straps so if it gets too tight when I have a lot of swelling in one area I can loosen those straps.  My son’s next base is in Louisiana.  I’m mostly happy he’s stateside for a while anyway.  We visited Seoul and he took an in-country leave to meet up with us after we had been to Japan and it was interesting but maybe not my favorite place that I’ve visited.


i hope everyone has a nice weekend.

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Kat, great the leg is better. Pool therapy is great.


Hubby and I have been busy.......booking cruises! We've decided to go ahead with the 44 day South America cruise in March 2020. On our bucket list, we can afford it and want to do those things while we are healthy. Also booked a Transatlantic for October 2020, Rome to NY.


Ok, hope eveyone has a good rest of the week.


Not sure about weigh-in on Thursday for me, had salty chinese food tonight. Leftovers tomorrow. 





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1 hour ago, JennyB1977 said:

Hey all! Gained 2lbs (I think) on the cruse. Didn't pay attention to when I ate or portions. Ate what I wanted, when I wanted. Didn't drink a lot. I did make it to the gym two mornings.

Two pounds isn't bad ... once you get back into "the swing of things" that will be gone quickly.  Great that you made it to the gym!


I am getting ready for my daughter's wedding ... I'm stressing myself out ... the brownies I bought tasted wonderful .... sigh, need to stop stress eating!

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Great job everyone!  I feel overall I did better this cruise, but still ate more than I do at home.  The gym was packed the first morning we tried to go for the weights and the running track felt very narrow too.  We did get a lot of walking at our port stop and quite a bit onboard too.  We had very rough seas, so we didn't feel safe trying the gym later.


My swelling wasn't as bad on the ship, but really bad once we got home.  Between mal de barquement and a crazy schedule this week I feel like I'm in survival mode, so I will wait until Oct 1 to start MFP.  We do have a 5K on Saturday though 🙂 

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Jenny, 2 lbs. is not bad. Will come off in no time/


Jan, congrats on the wedding. Very stressful time for all involved. Hope it is wonderful. Give us an update how it went. 


pacruise, welcome back. Walking in ports and on the ship is always a great way to exercise. Hopefully the swelling gets better soon. 



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