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Crystal Bach Amsterdam to Basel, October 27, 2019


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1 hour ago, Krazy Kruizers said:

You did have a bad day.


Hope your knee is better today.


Is your fan problem fixable on the computer?

Thanks.  I think the knee is better than it was last night but not quite as good as when I went out to lunch yesterday.  I've run several of the things HP suggested in their diagnostics (Updates to system and BIOS) but the problem is still there.  I think it will have to go in for service when I get home.



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Day Bach+1, Monday, November 4, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland

I had set my alarm for 5:00 but got up just to shut it off and went back to bed until about 6:30.  I think I napped or slept almost continuously from about 8PM Sunday.

As I got out of bed the knee was still very bad but it loosened up a bit even from moving around in my room.  I went down to breakfast (corn flakes and toast) about 8 and also reserved the 8:15 shuttle to Zurich airport.

I left the Adler about 10; the hotel directory had noted there was an Apothecary across the street and I paid a brief visit there to purchase a knee brace.  I don't really know if it is helping but it am convinced it isn't making things worse.


I did not really do a lot of sightseeing but did walk south along the Limmat River to get a glimpse of Lake Zurich.


I returned from that walk about 11 and went out again just after noon for lunch, near the train station again.  Between the 2 outings I walked about 1.6 miles, just a bit over my minimum for when I'm in good health.  


In addition to the discomfort the incident has sapped my stamina so I was quite happy to spend the rest of the afternoon in my room configuring the backup laptop for the next 27 days.  There was one final document from the Bach (disembarkation arrangements) that I wanted to scan and the scanner wasn't cooperating so I deleted and re-installed the scanner software.  I hope it is better now.

My packing setup for the flight to Barcelona will be quite different from the travel day to Zurich.  The prime difference is that all my computer gear will need to go in my carryon so that will go from about 5 pounds to 20 plus. I have moved a bunch of my bulky stuff from the monster to the back pack so it is now quite filled out yet the weight will drop from about 32 pounds to 22 pounds.  The monster will be just a bit lighter than it was traveling to Zurich.  The back pack is just about ready to go and I have ample space to put any items I use overnight into the monster of the carryon.

I went out to dinner at the Spaghetti Factory, about a block away from the hotel.  As of 8PM, the knee has not gotten any worse than it was when I went to lunch.  


I will wrap up this post and be in bed early tonight.

As a parting shot, I am ambivalent about the knee brace.  I hope it is helping, but maybe not; I also hope there is some general recovery going on.  In any case, I am starting to adjust to the normal for the next 2 days.



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Hello Roy I had a wonderful day in Strasbourg I did the morning walking through and canal boat tour and then this evening that had a special organ cancer with Crystal back at the cathedral of Notre Dame and it was spectacular my feet are killing me I don't know how much more walking I can take but it was worth it in the weather was really co-operative I was sitting near carolina and frits and mentioned your knee injury to them. The hope you better soon.  Dinner tonight is shrimp cocktail, French onion soup and weinerschnitzl followed by a cheese plate and a capaccino.  What could be wrong with that, eh?  Cheers David

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Oh Roy I am soooo sorry to hear of the mishap with your luggage and your knee!

I pray it gets better. Did you ice the area at all? Over there at a pharmacy Arnica would be good to get to massage around your knee. It is all natural product a gel and absorbs into the skin quickly and is a anti inflammatory. Also a wrap to hold your knee from straining while you walk. Ice will be your friend! Hope all is well and look forward to your next cruise.

Wait to hear


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9 hours ago, USC Adventurer said:

Hello Roy I had a wonderful day in Strasbourg I did the morning walking through and canal boat tour and then this evening that had a special organ cancer with Crystal back at the cathedral of Notre Dame and it was spectacular my feet are killing me I don't know how much more walking I can take but it was worth it in the weather was really co-operative I was sitting near carolina and frits and mentioned your knee injury to them. The hope you better soon.  Dinner tonight is shrimp cocktail, French onion soup and weinerschnitzl followed by a cheese plate and a capaccino.  What could be wrong with that, eh?  Cheers David

Thanks, David.  I hope you will continue posting here from time to time.  That organ concert sounds divine.



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7 hours ago, DeeniEncinitas said:

Oh Roy I am soooo sorry to hear of the mishap with your luggage and your knee!

I pray it gets better. Did you ice the area at all? Over there at a pharmacy Arnica would be good to get to massage around your knee. It is all natural product a gel and absorbs into the skin quickly and is a anti inflammatory. Also a wrap to hold your knee from straining while you walk. Ice will be your friend! Hope all is well and look forward to your next cruise.

Wait to hear


Thanks.  Unfortunately, I think I'm pretty well near the end of the time where ice will help.  I'll give it a try on the Serenity but from here on heat may be more helpful.



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Just now, rafinmd said:

Greetings from the Zurich Swiss Business Lounge.  The transfer to the airport went well; the driver got a luggage trolley for me, all well there, and checkin was a breeze.

Security was a London style pain, Everything had to come out of the carryon, either for the security check or for repacking the bag afterwards.

Not as much choice in food as in BA’s London lounge, but it’s very uncrowded.  I don’t board until noon, so I have about 2 1/2 hours to relax.  Assuming my Crystal transfer to the ship works, it’s stress free from here.



I’m still “sort of on the Bach as my flight is part of that booking.



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Day Seren0, Tuesday, November 5, 2019, Zurich to Barcelona, Board Crystal Serenity

I found getting out of bed much easier Tuesday than I did Monday, and for the most part the remaining packing I did was relatively easy.  I had time to go online and wrap up some things, and a start to breakfast about 7 (milk and corn flakes).  Much of the electronic stuff that had been in the backpack had to go in my carryon, and I filled the backpack with some light stuff.  The monster was still the same as Sunday at about 56 pounds, but the backpack was down to about 20 pounds and was easy to mount on the monster and still roll it pretty easily.


My transfer to Zurich airport arrived promptly.  It was supposedly a shared shuttle but there was nobody else onboard and the drive was easy but not much to see as it was mostly through tunnels.  When we arrived at the airport the driver fetched a luggage cart for me and I proceeded to stow the straps on the backpack as airlines don't like dangling straps.



The big bag was heavy but since I was in Business Class it was not considered overweight.  Security was much like Heathrow.  I have TSA precheck so US security is relatively easy for me now but in Zurich I once again needed to remove everything from my carryon, either for the scan itself or to be able to repack sensibly.

The Business Lounge in Zurich was very uncrowded but the food selection seemed more limited there than in London.  I did eat a bowl of fruit.  With my knee I did not want to be rushed in the airport and ended up with quite a bit of time to kill.  I hung out in the lounge for about 2 hours and then went to the gate when it was posted.

There's a hazard to arriving at a gate as soon as it's posted.  Perhaps 30 minutes before departure I heard an announcement that a flight had just been transferred to our gate.  I never heard a gate change announcement for my flight but it had in fact been changed.  The new gate was close by.  I found boarding a bit chaotic.  There was a priority line for Business but it did not appear to be clearly marked.  I soon settled into my seat on the Airbus A321 and the line of people passing me seemed endless.  Strange but the crew used several languages but the safety video was only in English.

The flight was uneventful.  Lunch seemed to be the same for both economy and business and there was not too much I liked but it was a decent snack.  For most of the flight I used the Kindle app on my IPAD, reading from "I may be homeless but you should see my Yacht" by Mama Lee, the long time Serenity liveaboard.

We arrived at the gate pretty much on time, just after 2.  I was relieved to see the Crystal rep at baggage claim waiting for me; I had expected it but was a bit uncertain since my flight was attached to my Bach booking.  There was one couple on my flight (connecting Chicago-Zurich-Barcelona), and the Crystal reps got us a porter.

My parting shot will be a bit of a lament of missed opportunities.  I really can't say I regret my choice of itinerary but I heard from my contact on the Bach about their special event.  While our string quartet was very nice I missed the opportunity to visit Notre Dame Cathedral in Strasbourg for an organ concert.  That would have been heaven for me.  I could have done Bach B2B and still joined Serenity in Lisbon.  A sadly missed chance but what's done is done.



This will conclude my planned posts here.  The trip continues on the Crystal Ocean forum:



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25 minutes ago, Keith1010 said:

Roy, just letting you know that when I click on most of the links you provided it says file not found although one brings up a photo.  Since we have your Blog I can read your post there and the photos are showing up there as well.  Just thought you might want to know.



Thanks Keith.  I'm going to blame that on the change in computers although it's probably just an excuse.  Here are the "missing links"




I see I also missed an h on the link to the new thread:


New thread



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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, twochromic said:

Quick question for you, RafinMD: It seems there are several cruise ports in Basel. Which one did Crystal dock at?


We'll be on that trip in May, planning to stay an extra couple of days in Basel, trying to figure out where to stay.

I can't really answer.  Basel really is not that big, and most likely berths are assigned at pretty much the last minute.  If you're taking a taxi, you could try going to marinetraffic.com and saving a screenshot of it's position on your ipad or phone.



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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I can't really answer.  Basel really is not that big, and most likely berths are assigned at pretty much the last minute.  If you're taking a taxi, you could try going to marinetraffic.com and saving a screenshot of it's position on your ipad or phone.



I don’t believe that any of the common docking locations in Basel are within walking distance. You will likely need a taxi. We docked on the other side of the river, and even walking to the tram was a bit of a hike for me with luggage. Just choose a place you would like to be. 

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rafinmd, please describe the bus that is used with Crystal in more detail. I don't like to ride a bus so this concerns me - motion sickness.  I like a lot of room.  Do they serve water/drinks on the bus?  Is the restroom similar as to what is on a plane? Also, did you find you had to walk at a slower pace on excursions due to those less able to get around?  Thank you for all the details you have provided on this trip.  It is most helpful for our upcoming cruise.


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It's pretty much a standard intercity coach although I think the seat spacing is pretty wide.  I think each ship comes with 3 buses so it's fairly roomy.   I am not prone to motion sickness but I think the ride was fairly normal for a long distance bus.  Restroom is pretty much airline style.  There is not a drink "service" although they do carry at least water on board.


I found the pace of the walks fairly natural although it probably depends a bit on the guide.



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I found the Crystal buses very comfortable. One day we had a non-Crystal bus and it was obvious the Crystal buses were of higher quality. Also, none of our buses were full so we could space ourselves out.


The buses had WIFI that worked most of the time which helped with longer distances.

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What did you think of the Vintage Room? Do you feel it is worth the cost? Also, we plan to meet up with some friends one day while on the cruise.  Has anyone brought guests on board?  I realize I have to get them cleared before they will be allowed to board the boat.

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21 hours ago, nynashamn said:

What did you think of the Vintage Room? Do you feel it is worth the cost? Also, we plan to meet up with some friends one day while on the cruise.  Has anyone brought guests on board?  I realize I have to get them cleared before they will be allowed to board the boat.

While I saw the Vintage Room on our river cruise, I don't think a meal ever happened there during our river cruise.

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On 1/18/2020 at 12:45 PM, twochromic said:

Quick question for you, RafinMD: It seems there are several cruise ports in Basel. Which one did Crystal dock at?


We'll be on that trip in May, planning to stay an extra couple of days in Basel, trying to figure out where to stay.

we docked at St Johannes Tor with Crystal.  It was on the west side of the river.  Viking was on the other side.  It is a cab ride from anywhere. 


we stayed at Hotel Spalantor.  Walkable to Basel town.  Great restaurant nearby - Kornhaus - 5 minutes from the hotel.  

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On 1/19/2020 at 1:48 PM, nynashamn said:

rafinmd, please describe the bus that is used with Crystal in more detail. I don't like to ride a bus so this concerns me - motion sickness.  I like a lot of room.  Do they serve water/drinks on the bus?  Is the restroom similar as to what is on a plane? Also, did you find you had to walk at a slower pace on excursions due to those less able to get around?  Thank you for all the details you have provided on this trip.  It is most helpful for our upcoming cruise.


these are high end Mercedes busses.  Very comfortable and smooth.  The bus is almost never full or even close.  Water is available.  Bathroom is tucked  in the stairwell - functional


the tours are what they are.  Most are a casual pace but if you have trouble walking longer distances then there may be a problem.  Most tours are a few hours of walking at a reasonable pace, so if walking that length of time is an issue you may want to think about it.  There are tours that are mostly bus - you may want to look at those

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20 hours ago, tfred said:

the tours are what they are.  Most are a casual pace but if you have trouble walking longer distances then there may be a problem.  Most tours are a few hours of walking at a reasonable pace, so if walking that length of time is an issue you may want to think about it.  There are tours that are mostly bus - you may want to look at those

Thank you for the bus information.  Most helpful.  My problem with tours is I walk very fast and hate to go slow for others.  If I am allowed to go at my own pace, I will be fine. Someone had told me the tours might not be right for me.

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