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Mitsugirly needed to ESCAPE from the cold weather


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16 hours ago, canadianbear said:

Thank you for posting the link on the other thread which made it easy peasy to find this and  I’m now following!  Absolutely love your reviews and photos.  Although I’m a HAL addict I love other people’s reviews on any ship and especially yours.  Thank you for doing this again!  Looking forward to it.  


No problem. Thanks so much for the kind words. I have thought about HAL (I think it was). Someone told me to check out one of the ships and it looked amazing! Maybe some day!


15 hours ago, LeesaB said:

Yay!  Following, of course




15 hours ago, kpark895 said:

Kim, Merry Christmas to you and your family!  Looking forward to following along with your always awesome review.


Merry Christmas to you too!


15 hours ago, starfish the second said:

Yes thanks for starting ur review 


Thanks for being here


15 hours ago, kenlyn said:

I've been watching for this! My Escape is next week so I am tuned in! Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas and have a wonderful Escape cruise!


13 hours ago, Lem_On_Ade said:

Yay! Merry Christmas to me! A Mitsugirly review right before my very first time on Norwegian/the Escape.


I hope you have a wonderful cruise!


13 hours ago, AKR2011 said:

Merry Christmas!  🎄 Enjoy your family time, and I'll be looking forward to more later this week.


Merry Christmas to you too and glad you are here for the review.


12 hours ago, ckmedsec said:

Merry Christmas!  Have a wonderful holiday.


Merry Christmas to you too and happy holidays!


12 hours ago, #55worktoplay said:

Merry Christmas 🎄

Looking forward to your review.




Merry Christmas to you too and thanks for following along.


12 hours ago, SenatorsFan said:

I'm following. Merry Christmas! 🎄


Merry Christmas to you too. Glad you are here Heather.


11 hours ago, blarko said:

I can’t wait for what’s to come with this review. Following along.


Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy it.


11 hours ago, Cheesegirl23 said:

This is wonderful,  thank you!




11 hours ago, Gershep said:

Love your reviews. Hope your leg heals quicker than expected. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Enjoy your cruise!


Thanks and Merry Christmas to you too.


10 hours ago, kitkat343 said:

For one of my cruises, we wound up in FLL on the day of a Bowl game in Miami, so all the hotels were insanely expensive.  That might have happened to you - this hotel might be more reasonable most of the time, but maybe there is some convention or something else going on?  I hope you have a lovely holiday, and feel better soon!


I was thinking I read something about a game there but not sure (not really a sports girl). Merry Christmas to you!


10 hours ago, perfect match said:

Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 everyone! 

Merry Christmas to you too



9 hours ago, aztekpm said:

Merry Christmas to you and the family Kim, glad to see you're feeling better and were able to do the cruise & review!


Merry Christmas to you too and thanks.


7 hours ago, Victorious8 said:

Merry Christmas! I can't wait to hear more! 


Merry Christmas to you too and glad you're here for the review.


1 hour ago, Suna said:

Merry Christmas ... following along on what will be another  amazing Trip report


Merry Christmas to you too and thanks so much.


1 hour ago, Arzeena said:

Excellent! Looking forward to Mitsugirly's Escape !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a very happy, healthy Christmas and New Year!😀


Thanks and glad you made it here for the review. Merry Christmas


34 minutes ago, graphicguy said:

Kim...congrats on getting up and around.  Thanks for posting your take.  I love me some Escape but am curious to hear your take.


Merry Christmas!


Thanks, I felt like it was never going to happen. I still have a very long way to go but at least I'm UP! 😄


21 minutes ago, 4ptjo said:

Merry Christmas Kim to you and your family! 🎄

I'm so glad you were able to cruise again and look forward to your review! 


Merry Christmas to you too and glad you are here for the review. Enjoy


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We didn't have to be out of our room until 11am and honestly I was in no big rush to get to the ship because, being Platinum, I don't have an assigned time I have to arrive. However, we did have a schedule to make it to breakfast before it closed so up and at-em fam! Momma bear was hungry!


Now I do have to say that this complimentary "hot breakfast" wasn't as extravagant as other places I have been to in the past. The only real "hot" food that I'm used to eating was scrambled eggs and sausage. They did offer the "make your own waffle" station, and assorted cereals, muffins and donuts, but nothing too fancy and no omelette station.


I kept seeing people with bacon....WHERE'S THE BACON????? I kept having the hubby go up and check and thought maybe they rotated the sausage and bacon bins when one ran out...but nope. Just more sausage. I still noticed several people with bacon. Then it hit me...there was a lot of seating outside by the pool and maybe...just maybe, there was food out there? I had the hubby go check and sure enough, there was the bacon! He made me a plate and I was happy. I didn't bother to ask if there were any other selections out there.










We headed back to the room to finish getting ready...it ain't easy for a sloth. Then we packed and headed to the lobby to check out.





Now this hotel does offer transportation to the Miami Cruise port. We signed up the night we checked in. Now normally I would just use Uber or Lyft because they are a heck of a lot cheaper than a taxi or even a transportation service. BUT, in my CURRENT condition, we were going to require a LARGER van because of my wheelchair. We couldn't use just any small car. With the 3 of us, we fit nicely in a car with our 3 large luggage. But add a wheelchair to the mix and you have yourself a problem. You have to use the Uber XL or similar. 


The hotel offered the shuttle at 2 different times (I believe 9:30 and 11:30). Since you can't rush a sloth, I decided 11:30 would work best for our family. The price was $20pp for adults and $15 for a child. They also offered transportation from the cruise port to FLL airport after the cruise. I decided that we would do both. So for $110 I was assured a ride with my wheelchair.


Now I guess it would have paid to check just how much Uber/Lyft would cost because for the XL it would have been $63 for us. $63 versus $55 with a savings of $8 by using the hotel transportation. Hmmm, if I would have checked, I would have just did the Uber instead. With Uber/Lyft, you are the only one's in the ride, no waiting for a certain time to leave, and no picking up other passengers from various other locations (not with the hotel, but if you use a transportation company, such as SAS, this will happen). But what was done was done and I'm ok with it this time. No worries. I was about to embark on a new ship and it was warm out and although this cruise would be a little different for me, I was going to make the best of it!


As we sat outside waiting for our van/transportation, Sakari was determined to find a lizard and she definitely did.





Sneaking up on it provided no benefits to her because it darted away very quickly. I wish I was a lizard at this point.





Our van pulled up, which had a trailer attached to it for all the luggage, and we all piled in and off to the cruise port we went. The other thing about riding with transportation is that the drivers usually don't seem to talk during the ride. So, it's a long boring ride to the port in silence. But I knew in a matter of an hour, there would be no silence on the ship, so I would just enjoy it for now.


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We arrived at the cruise terminal, checked our bags and off to get in line? What line? There was barely a line and in we went. Security took maybe 5 minutes and then on to check in with NCL.


They put me in a wheelchair line and I wasn't exactly sure of the significance of that line because there were no added benefits like a lowered counter so you could see and so on. But, I guess it kept you from winding around in the regular line...which really wasn't much of a line at all.


There were 2 people at the counter being helped. When 1 family was done, the "line director" motioned for me to go up to that counter...but no one was there. I waited and waited and no one ever returned. Meanwhile, the person beside me was done and the line director told the next person in line to go up. Then the next, then the next. HOLD UP!!! Do you not see me still sitting here and no one at the counter??? I pushed my wheelchair in between the pathway to the counter and the wheelchair line. I was not moving until I was the next to be helped. Ms line director apologized and showed me to the next available counter. Once again, I'm not sure what the significance is to the "wheelchair line" because she was directing wheelchair people to other lines, which was actually harder to maneuver around to because there was a large pole/column there. It also put you in the way of going between the counters to exit check-in and get on the ship (such a weird design). I'll be glad when the new terminal is done and interested to see what it looks like and the design.


We were issued our cards and off we went.




Since we had to use the elevators to go up to the next floor, we somehow missed the photographers taking the photos. As we were about to swipe our cards, I noticed this and turned around and headed back.


We went into the large open waiting room (not being used) and tried to get over to the photographers. They had the waiting chairs blocking every way you went and wanting you to weave in and out of everything. Both several workers "directing traffic" with their closed palm hand "this way" "this way" "this way" and also the photographers that were waiting around for people to come their way...just watched as this crippled wheelchair sloth tried to find a way out of the sea of linked chairs. I finally got frustrated again and just took my good foot and started pushing them back. Think plow truck moving everything in its way. That was me. If no one was going to help, I was about to reek havoc in the area and leave the mess for them to clean up. (Honestly it was a couple of rows...but still)


Finally we reached the photographers (maybe 10' away from the area I just moved all the chairs) and I hobbled up to get our family pictures done.







Then we about faced and did the same thing back and got stuck in another area that had been blocked with chairs. Did someone actually go behind me and block the area I had just went through 2 minutes ago? Or was I so frustrated that I managed to turn down a different row? Either way...same story...those chairs were moving!


Time to "ding" in and make our way up to the ship in the winding green sea of a gangway.


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Hi, I am looking forward to this review, and so happy that you have gotten back to cruising again, after your fall and injury. I do hope that you did not encounter any difficulties given your injury, but I will be following your review.  I was once booked on Escape, (and Epic, and Getaway)  but had to cancel each cruise do to family issues at home.  Some day I will get to sail NCL again finally. Looking forward to your review.



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And here we go....







When you don't have a mobility problem, you really don't think about all the little things in life that we take for granted, like even walking/rolling up the gangway. There were some BIG bumps and hills to go up and over to continue to keep rolling. There are a lot of obstacles on a ship as well. For the most part the passengers were helpful in making room and holding the doors for me while I was in the wheelchair and even when I wasn't.





And then we were on the ship and exploring.










Then I spotted something coming across the pool deck area. She was walking with her foot turned out (a no-no when wearing a boot but a lot of people do in order to keep their balance and it feels more comfortable) and she was really waddling (I waddle but not like this). She looked like she was struggling. It's a boot twinsie!!!





As the cruise went on, I would discover at least another 5 twinsies and on the last day, even a boy twinsie. Does this mean girls are clumsy and more prone to falls since all of the others were girls? I would also meet several people who had a close relative that recently fell and was in a boot as well. (I had a lot of people throughout the cruise interested in knowing if I did this on the ship and it definitely made for a moment to strike up a conversation with me lol)






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As always, the ship was very festive with Christmas cheer.



















There were a lot of places around the ship that was decorated and also a lot of scenes like that above. That's one of the reasons I like cruising at Christmas. It just feels so different.







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It was time for a quick stop for lunch. We headed to the buffet. Even though it was the first day of the cruise and people were getting on and eating, it didn't feel too overly crowded and we didn't have a problem finding a seat.


I can't pass up a good pretzel roll. I also found some egg salad and multiple types of rolls. The only issue is, the rolls were so hard that every time I took a bite, my egg salad squished out. LOL





More Christmas decor






There was actually moving water here and the crystal ball at the top was spinning.






This Santa and Reindeer display was MASSIVE. It took up the entire side of the bar area.








The new and improved cool and hip Santa.





Remove the ears and you have yourself some llama's.












Edited by mitsugirly
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Being in a wheelchair etc really opens your eyes to what people go through.  Years ago when we took our very first cruise we asked for a deep clean in the cabin as our son had just gone through cancer treatment.  It was the best cruise and memories ever for us.  His health opened our eyes even more to enjoy life and appreciate the little things and respect and help others.  


Happy to be reading your report-brings such joy to me when families travel together.  Always enjoy your beautiful photos too! 

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After eating, we decided to head to our room. I was tired of carrying my overly large bag that was so heavy. Even though I was being pushed around in a wheelchair and I had it on my lap, sometimes my pilot that controlled my wheelchair would wonder off and when I would try to hand roll myself, my bag kept wanting to fall.


ROOM 9140. It was a ways down the hall for sure. But, still manageable.


Now being Platinum, I receive the following benefits. I was so excited to become Platinum, then I believe they revamped the program to add 2 more levels...1 of which is hard to obtain of course. Blah





One of my benefits was waiting in the room, one that Sakari loves. LOL






Then it was time for the safety drill. Out the door we went to find this....







Um, ok. How are handicapped people in a wheelchair supposed to get through here? Like I said, they don't take those in wheelchairs into consideration when they build these ships. This hallway was so narrow. Also, just in case anyone brings it up about being so far down the hall and maybe getting an accessible room instead...the accessible room was a few doors down from my room and in the side hallway. Sooooo, they had to maneuver their side hallway and down this hallway as well. This wouldn't be the first or last time that it was impossible to get down the hall with a wheelchair. I ended up having to fold up the wheelchair, hold on to the handles and push it down the hallway and it was time to morph into a rally car driver.


Our safety drill was in the theater and it lasted maybe 15 minutes before we were released. So glad it wasn't much longer. I should have put more thought into this. I KNOW that if you don't go to the safety drill then they have ANOTHER the following day for those that are "naughty". You will get something telling you were to meet and that would have been a lot easier for me to go to than trying to get down a crowded hallway AND trying to get out of the theater when we were released. Everyone knows the massive herd of people trying to get somewhere after this. We ended up just going somewhere and sitting until the crowds died down and we could make it back to our room.


Sakari wanted to go swimming so we found 2 of our luggage down by our room and 1 luggage about 4 doors down. The hubby grabbed that luggage as I pushed my folded wheelchair back to the room for Sakari to change. Then out we went again.







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Let the fun begin!!!





And even more fun. I had seen videos of this slide and how it appears to have lights flashing as you go by. I REALLY wanted to try this at some point of the cruise. You go down on a tube. I brought my ankle brace and my scuba socks and figured I'd put both of them on and give it a shot. If not, I'd have Sakari hide the gopro in her top and go down it and record it for me. (Although I did see someone else at some point during the cruise that had a gopro on a stick and was standing in line). I don't know if they allow them or not.








Sakari let me know that they had taken her picture when she was headed up the stairs and thank goodness she had already learned her room number.





Then she wanted to do the drop slide, but they were closed at the time. Maybe tomorrow since it was a sea day.





I decided it was time to go back and get ready for some dinner. I really didn't eat much for lunch and was a little hungry at that point. We ended up at Taste Restaurant.














For Appetizers, Sakari ordered the Stilton Cheese Soup. I thought about ordering it but wasn't sure what it would be like and decided I would just try hers. IT WAS AMAZING!





I ordered the French Onion Soup. Last time, on the Breakaway, I felt that it was just a little too strong. But, I thought I would give it a shot again. Same thing...a little too strong. Next time, I'll go for the cheese soup instead. I also ordered the Bruschetta because the hubby got that last cruise and it looked good.




The hubby ordered the Bruschetta this time again.





I waited and waited, but mine did not come out. I flagged down our waiter and inquired about mine. They quickly brought it out. It was pretty good and tasty.


It took awhile for our drinks to come out. I'm not sure what was going on.







For our main course, I ordered the Fettucini Alfredo because I knew for sure I would like that.





When my food finally came (which took quite some time), I thought to myself..."now why did I order that? We are going to be going to La Cucina tomorrow and that's usually what I get there". Ugh! Oh well, it was good.


The hubby got the Herb-rubbed Rotisserie Chicken. This was supposed to come with broccoli and mashed potatoes. Hmmm


Now that doesn't look like what came out. There was a bed of rice, chicken, a piece of zucchini and a bunch of weeds. 😉






Sakari ordered the steak with fries and peppercorn sauce.





Now I hate that I don't take notes anymore. I seriously probably should have done it this cruise. We had several issues during meal time at several different venues. All I can remember about this place was that they were slow and also when they cleared my plate from the appetizers, they left me with no fork and said they would bring another. They brought my meal, just not any utensils to eat it with. I was waiting for awhile.  


For dessert:






I picked the pound cake & vanilla pudding and it was yummy!




The hubby decided to have the Nutella Creme Brûlée and said it was good.







Sakari just wanted something simple and she LOVES fruit.









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22 hours ago, mitsugirly said:

I do want to bring your attention to the bed by the bathroom. I'm not sure who designed this but....





The hubby thought he was going to settle in...nah, I may be in a wheelchair, but I'm still going to be on the go and I was ready for some dinner.





I also wanted to check out the hotel grounds...











They had a really nice pool area with plenty of seating. However...once again, you were not allowed to swim here after dusk. I've stayed in FLL plenty of times and I honestly don't remember this "rule" until the last couple of years maybe??? It seems to be at most of the hotels. Anyone know why?

















My guess is that they close at night because people are more likely to be drinking and obnoxious at night.  This could disturb other guests, but more importantly, could be a safety hazard.  Hotels want to reduce their liability by making the pool off-limits during that time.





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Loving your review as always. I feel for you trying to cruise in a wheelchair - agreed that the passageways are narrow to begin with even trying to pass others or deal with the service carts. You also appear to be victim of the "nurse's curse" where if there is the slightest possibility of a complication you will get it 🙂.  We will be on the Gem in less than a month for the longest cruise we have ever taken - 21days - SFO to NYC via the Panama Canal. Looking forward this bucket list cruise - and the rest of your wonderful review. 

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Kim, For what you have been through you look fantastic!   I have been reading all of your reviews over the years as Sakari has grown and with each new review she is changing so much and growing up, wow wear does the time go.  She is still adorable of course.


Hope you had a great day with the Family.

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