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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Lois, had a great day. We did book the cruise. 7 new ports & I’ll finally get to tour Gatun Lake in Panama Canal (my 70th bday cruise that was cancelled due to Covid; so we’ll do it for our 55th wedding anniversary instead!!)

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3 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Lois, had a great day. We did book the cruise. 7 new ports & I’ll finally get to tour Gatun Lake in Panama Canal (my 70th bday cruise that was cancelled due to Covid; so we’ll do it for our 55th wedding anniversary instead!!)

55 years? WOW!!!!!!!!!😃

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Hi girls🙂, Cynthia, a while back we had emailed one another but I cannot seem to find your address anywhere.......would it be possible to email me? 

My address is marchbaby18  @  comcast.net    (no spaces on the one you send)



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9 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi girls🙂, Cynthia, a while back we had emailed one another but I cannot seem to find your address anywhere.......would it be possible to email me? 

My address is marchbaby18  @  comcast.net    (no spaces on the one you send)




Just emailed you. 😊


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Well, the heat has arrived here in central CA and with it flood warnings as the snow in the mountains melts and the rivers are now flooding. Yosemite has closed 3 campgrounds leaving visitors scrambling for an alternative. Many residents now worried about flooding even though there has been a lot of preparation, it really isn’t known just how much water will make its way into the valley. We are not affected but so many are including those who look forward to using the rivers and lakes for water recreation. Much is now off limits because just too dangerous. 

Looks like several land and sea vacations are planned. The travel season for so many has begun! 

Take care all.

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Hi Sharon, wow, California can't seem to get a break with the weather, no matter the season. Hope you and yours will all be safe.


Well, I am looking to start volunteering at a hospital close to where I live. I spoke with the head of the volunteer program and am meeting her in person tomorrow. I really  need to start getting out of the house and this may work out perfectly. I can pick my own hours and they have a lot of depts that can use the help. This would only be part time so I can still cruise whenever I want. I am thinking 2 or 3 days per week with maybe 3/4 hours each day.


Will let ya'll know how things go tomorrow.

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Warming up here in Utah as well.  I’m sitting down in Salt Lake City today.  Temp got up to 79.  

Yesterday I had the skunk stripe colored in my hair.  We added a little bit of copper for the highlights this time as Summer is coming.  

Down in SLC to visit my endocrinology NP today.  She was very happy with my last few month’s glucose numbers.  We talked about the one “hiccup” in the number - I told her it was on my cruise the night they had apple cobbler out for dessert and I couldn’t resist!  True!   She now wants me to keep an eye out in case numbers start being consistently low - she will take me off one of the drugs.  Weird thing - you know how Ozempic is hard to find because all the non-diabetic people are using it to lose some weight.  Well, my NP said they didn’t have any of the rapid A1C tests because they can’t get any.  Not related to weight loss, but weird that they are in short supply.  So, I had to get some blood drawn so they could the the test the old-fashioned way.  Not a biggie to me.   Then, when I got weighed, more surprise.  I lost more weight.  I haven’t been this “less” since 1988.  Yes, I remember because that was when I had to quit my big workout group to move to Utah.   I don’t want to lose more - I can’t afford any more new clothes!!!

Lastly, I’m staying down in SLC because I have the Andrea Bocelli concert tonight!   There are a lot of wild animals crossing the Interstate lately at night, so I’m staying down so I don’t have to drive up the canyon at night.  AND I can have a nice glass or two of wine!!


OOTD:  Free People cammo pants, REI hoodie Tshirt, Merrill low tops for daytime.  Tonight, my River & Sky short dress, tan booties, my tan fedora, and 2 of the necklaces that my owner gave to me.  Oh, and my jean jacket if it’s cool after the concert since I have to walk back to the hotel.  

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Kat well done on the weight loss ! Its always a battle .

Melody love the hair , what a great cut 

Im wondering can anyone recommend a hotel in Milan for the night? We will train from Venice and fly out the next day . I was looking around the train station but the area doesnt look great so it may be worth going more central for the night , we will arrive about midday

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Good morning, Melody, that hair cut definitely suits you!😀. Well, I went to the hospital yesterday and it was actually a lunch I was invited to and met some of the regular volunteers. The gal in charge (Melissa) is very nice. When I got home I had to fill out multiple forms on line and then next week I go for blood work. I didn't realize how much paperwork is required but I guess even as a volunteer, you are working at a hospital.....so they need all sorts of stuff. 

I am not worried about anything really and as long it all comes back ok, I would probably be starting in early June. 


Melissa, I have never been to Milan but I am guessing Cynthia may have.....and you can check the ports of call board too. Italy has its own forum and I bet some folks over there can help too.😀

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Lois, thanks for your concern about flooding. Fortunately, we are not in any danger where we live. Still a scary situation for many who are. Great that you are going to volunteer at the hospital. Sounds like lots of preparation which, as you said, is probably because it’s a hospital.


Kat, congrats on the weight loss and I laughed when you said that you don’t want to loose any more weight. Most of us will never be able to say that! Another opportunity to attend a Bocelli concert-lucky you! I am still waiting for my first opportunity.


Melody, love your new “do” and I bet it will be great in the summer heat as well as easy to care for.


I second Lois’s suggestions, Melissa. They 

Well,, guess what, we got a call early this morning with a recording telling us that we have won the Publisher’s Clearing House grand prize! The recording included a confirmation number and a phone number to call to arrange for delivery. Now this may have been good news IF we had actually entered this contest…… 🤣


Have a great day all!

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The haircut looks great!  If it gets as hot as it was last summer, it will be so comfy and easy to keep.


Yes, the concert was fabulous again.  A different mix of some of the classics and some old favorites.  The audience was very enthusiastic.  At one point, it was so loud for a second encore that I thought it was even louder than the crowd here back in the NBA Finals with Michael Jordan vs Karl Malone.  Fashion in the audience was wide ranging.  The two best: the guy in a hoodie sweatshirt and basketball shorts and a guy in a light blue tux (I think he thought he was going to formal night on HAL).  Women ran the gamut from jeans to sequined dresses.  I was middle of the road, but I had a few men and women tell me they liked my fedora.  I had the last row on the floor so I didn’t have to take it off.   
The A1C came back today- 6.5.  That was nice to see.  I even got a note from my regular NP (the one who kept threatening insulin) and she said good job.  Now I have to try to keep things on this course.


oh, I stopped by TJ’s today on the way home.  Cynthia - those mee krob snacks are addicting! They started as a snack but ended up as my lunch 😸. I couldn’t put them down!

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1 hour ago, slidergirl said:

Cynthia - those mee krob snacks are addicting! They started as a snack but ended up as my lunch 😸. I couldn’t put them down!


They are good, aren't they?  I had to return the favor to you as I also absolutely love the Cacio e Pepe cheese puffs that you recommended. 😉


I'm going tomorrow to get a haircut too, nothing new just a trim. After that I have another couple of errands to run. 


We're having a margarita party on Saturday afternoon at my condo -- figure it's about time I made an effort to meet some people other than my immediate neighbors. (In my defense it's only this spring that they reinstituted our condo "socials"....)


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13 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:


They are good, aren't they?  I had to return the favor to you as I also absolutely love the Cacio e Pepe cheese puffs that you recommended. 😉


I'm going tomorrow to get a haircut too, nothing new just a trim. After that I have another couple of errands to run. 


We're having a margarita party on Saturday afternoon at my condo -- figure it's about time I made an effort to meet some people other than my immediate neighbors. (In my defense it's only this spring that they reinstituted our condo "socials"....)


If you drop by TJ’s, see if the store has the Spicy Mango Lemonade.  It just showed up in my store.  In the refrigerated section.  Darn good as a margarita mixer!   As a reward for a good A1C, I treated myself to the Horchata ice cream.  Sooooo good.  Cinnamon and rice ice cream.  One of my fave gelato in Italy was the gelato di riso - like frozen rice pudding.  This is similar with a good dose of cinnamon. 
I have to go out back and start cutting down the mulberry tree shoots.  They were just leaf-less stems before I did Alaska and now they’re all full of leaves.  I hate them!  

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On 5/19/2023 at 12:18 PM, slidergirl said:

I have to go out back and start cutting down the mulberry tree shoots.  They were just leaf-less stems before I did Alaska and now they’re all full of leaves.  I hate them!  


When I moved into my first solo house, there was a mulberry tree near the curb. Man was that tree messy!  Berries stained the sidewalk and heaven forbid anyone should park under it. The birds loved it though. Eventually I got rid of it and replaced with a dogwood but for a few years those shoots kept coming back....


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2 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:


When I moved into my first solo house, there was a mulberry tree near the curb. Man was that tree messy!  Berries stained the sidewalk and heaven forbid anyone should park under it. The birds loved it though. Eventually I got rid of it and replaced with a dogwood but for a few years those shoots kept coming back....


I’m seriously considering having an arborist come and cut down the 2 in my back area.  The birds really love them and my Squirrel uses them for his jungle gym.  

It is hard to be outside right now.  The weather is nice and sunny but we have bad air quality due to the smoke from the Alberta wildfires making its way into the state.  Messes with the sinuses and lungs.  

Anyone looking for some travel or outdoor needs, REI is having a big sale now.  

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19 hours ago, slidergirl said:

I’m seriously considering having an arborist come and cut down the 2 in my back area.  The birds really love them and my Squirrel uses them for his jungle gym.  

It is hard to be outside right now.  The weather is nice and sunny but we have bad air quality due to the smoke from the Alberta wildfires making its way into the state.  Messes with the sinuses and lungs.  

Anyone looking for some travel or outdoor needs, REI is having a big sale now.  

We have the smoke/haze/poor air quality here too. Mulberry trees are a pain, almost as bad as our neighbor’s disgusting cottonwood. This is ‘sticky’ season, then we go to cotton. The owners (rental house) won’t trim it & the dead branches are going to take out our deck/room. I have a call into the city as it’s impinging on utility lines. Fingers crossed 

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I can emphasize with those of you who have dealt with or are dealing with problem trees. Here is my story. About a year before Covid hit the tree in our parking strip died. Now parking straps are city owned as are the trees in them. We called the city and we were told they would be out in a few months to look at it and remove it. Never happened and then Covid hit and everything shut down. Time passed and we made another call. This time we were told that the arborist had to look at it first. However since everyone was working from home nobody could come out.  Now how does the arborist work from home and why can’t this employee work outside safely? No answer to that question.

 Finally called the city counsel person for our district. He promised to look into it. Another year passes and another call to the city. Now the excuse was that the crews were way behind because everyone had just returned from working at home.  The tree is small and dead! Our gardener said he would take it out for us but since it is a city owned tree we needed a permit that would cost us $225! So another call to the city council person although I don’t know why because it did not do any good the first time. Called anyway and we were put on a list with other residents who had similar problems.

More time passed and today I saw a city truck parked in front and an employee marking the surrounding grass area with spray paint. I really thought the tree was finally leaving the neighborhood! Nope, how someone else has to come out and make sure there are no utility lines/pipes near the tree. Employee claimed “it’s a process” and it will be another 2 weeks before he can take the tree out!  I won’t hold my breath! That tree is small and we thought it might just fall over during all the rain but no ,that didn’t Happen.

So there is my tree tale. Good luck with yours!  

OOTD something cool, it’s 95 today! Oh and not much make up either, 

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1 hour ago, purduemom1 said:

Employee claimed “it’s a process” and it will be another 2 weeks before he can take the tree out!  


Administrative efficiency at its best -- I can completely see this happening in my previous neighborhood where city officials would drive around just looking for any violations of city ordinances. We never could figure out why my neighbor had to completely re-do his (permitted) new driveway due to an "improper drop" at the end of less than 1/4" difference from code, while the neighbor across the street knocked down his entire house and built a "McMansion" on a small city plot -- with a three-car garage facing me!  The three-storey structure completely cut off the small cottage next door from any sunlight, yet it was allowed....


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