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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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8 hours ago, wowzz said:

And thousands more innocent people have died subsequently, due to the decisions made by various politicians. 

Also the hundreds who have died since from inhaling all the dust and debris. I was watching one of the documentaries this week and was struck by the amount of dust etc and thought about the damage it must have done to their lungs. Yesterday they were saying how many firefighters etc got asthma, cancer and so on. Truly awful.

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8 hours ago, Purdey16 said:

Good for you Josy and I hope you enjoy princess, we’ve been a bit of a pickle today weather to cancel our princess cruise next Friday and lose our money which we were prepared to do because MIL is at final stages of dementia and got amitted to hospital today with chest infection and being that I am the carrea along with my husband it was too much for my FIL to cope the 5 days we would be away , but her daughter has decided to come over from fuerteventura on Tuesday to give us a break, I’m hoping the, antibiotics will work , she has pneumonia but knowing her daughter is coming will perk her up 🤞and if all goes well we will get away for 5 days , it will be our first cruise on princess  and so much looking forward to it , we’ve had 11 cancelled now but haho that’s nothing to what some have to put up with , she’s more important than a five day cruise, but hopefully she will fight on a little bit more . You made a good choice to get on with life but we all have to be careful and we will be safe , enjoy your cruise 🙂

I hope that your MIL & FIL are ok, I know how you feel because we had similar problems with David's parents for the last 3 years of dad's life and last 5 years of mum's life, it is such hard work at least My 2 S-I-L were able to help but as they both had children and worked it was easier for us to look after his parents because we had taken early retirement.

I hope that you get to go on Princess, we have done more than 30 cruises with them, they are our favourite line.

The Princess cruise critic doesn't seem to be as friendly as this board 😇

Edited by Josy1953
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42 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:


I hope that you get to go on Princess, we have done more than 30 cruises with them, they are our favourite line.

The Princess cruise critic doesn't seem to be as friendly as this board 😇


I often feel guilty because I'm such a regular lurker but an infrequent poster!  But I wanted to add my 'well done' for booking your Princess cruise and having something to look forward to.  I know it's trivial compared with everything we are reminded about on a daily basis - particularly today - but it is lovely to celebrate the good things too.  Purdy, I hope that you get a real break and thoroughly enjoy your cruise.


We have done 2 Celebrity round the UK cruises so far this year and loved both of them.   We have a Canaries and Spain cruise with them coming up next month and just yesterday they announced that people would no longer be allowed off the ship apart from on a ship's tour and that Portugal is now off the itinerary.  Slightly disappointed but on the other hand, I feel a bit better knowing that the ship's bubble will remain intact.  And we have loved the reduced capacity on board!  Agree with you totally about this being a friendly board.  That has contributed to my booking two P&O cruises next year ..... (and a Princess)!  Making up for lost time, and I know how lucky we are to be able to do it .... and how quickly that can all change.


Thank you to all the regulars who post.  I feel like I know so many of you whilst remaining in the shadows, but that's not deliberate 😊.  

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Hubby and I went to London yeaterday for lunch and a tour of Buckingham Palace gardens.

I was pleased and quite surprised to see most people on the train wore masks. We had booked lunch at our favourite London restaurant, The Wolseley, I was quite nervous about eating indoors and worried about how cramped it would be, but I needn't have worried, tables weren't too close and it didnt feel very busy at all. The waiting staff wore masks as did many of the customers walking throught to tables & loos. The food was good, I had the best kedgeree I'd ever had plus a lemon meringe tart. I should have taken my photo after I'd cut into the delicious oozy egg! Jude Law the actor was sat at the table next to ours, it's so hard not to keep looking when you've seen a famous face 😂

Buckingham Palace gardens were lovely, its the first year theyve allowed people to picnic in the grounds and sit on the big lawn. The guided tour of the private garden areas was brief but good too. and fortunately the forecast rain didnt happen!





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49 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

Hubby and I went to London yeaterday for lunch and a tour of Buckingham Palace gardens.

I was pleased and quite surprised to see most people on the train wore masks. We had booked lunch at our favourite London restaurant, The Wolseley, I was quite nervous about eating indoors and worried about how cramped it would be, but I needn't have worried, tables weren't too close and it didnt feel very busy at all. The waiting staff wore masks as did many of the customers walking throught to tables & loos. The food was good, I had the best kedgeree I'd ever had plus a lemon meringe tart. I should have taken my photo after I'd cut into the delicious oozy egg! Jude Law the actor was sat at the table next to ours, it's so hard not to keep looking when you've seen a famous face 😂

Buckingham Palace gardens were lovely, its the first year theyve allowed people to picnic in the grounds and sit on the big lawn. The guided tour of the private garden areas was brief but good too. and fortunately the forecast rain didnt happen!





Sounds a lovely day Sarah, I still haven’t ventured to London yet!

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2 minutes ago, P&O SUE said:

Sounds a lovely day Sarah, I still haven’t ventured to London yet!

It really was lovely, I almost cancelled because of the weather forecast and worry about indoor eating but glad I didn’t!

I’ve been 3 times this summer, twice to Victoria/Piccadilly area which weren’t busy at all and the middle time was to London Bridge/ Southbank area which was noticeably busier but not pre-Covid levels of busy. The most crowded part yesterday was Victoria station but even that was way less busy than usual.
One lady walked near us as she flung her arms out and said that she had missed London so much, that’s exactly how I felt 😊

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1 hour ago, SarahHben said:

Hubby and I went to London yeaterday for lunch and a tour of Buckingham Palace gardens.

I was pleased and quite surprised to see most people on the train wore masks. We had booked lunch at our favourite London restaurant, The Wolseley, I was quite nervous about eating indoors and worried about how cramped it would be, but I needn't have worried, tables weren't too close and it didnt feel very busy at all. The waiting staff wore masks as did many of the customers walking throught to tables & loos. The food was good, I had the best kedgeree I'd ever had plus a lemon meringe tart. I should have taken my photo after I'd cut into the delicious oozy egg! Jude Law the actor was sat at the table next to ours, it's so hard not to keep looking when you've seen a famous face 😂

Buckingham Palace gardens were lovely, its the first year theyve allowed people to picnic in the grounds and sit on the big lawn. The guided tour of the private garden areas was brief but good too. and fortunately the forecast rain didnt happen!





Glad to hear you had a good time.  I have been thinking of booking a trip up to London and taking in a show when work finishes, as am in need of a break.

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I am just back from the vaccine hub and it has been a really quiet morning.  We were all surprised at how few people have booked and how few "walk ins" we had even though it was advertised locally as a walk in clinic this morning.  I think that it is probably because the.majority who was t the vaccine have now completed both doses.

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It's turning out to be another lovely day, we really are being spoilt.🌤️

It's a day of mixed emotions for us today,  Frank's 76th birthday and the anniversary of his mum's death. It's makes it very difficult to celebrate without feeling guilty for doing so. He's in the garden at the moment playing with his new toy that I've bought him, a battery powered lawn mower.

I'm putting a small buffet on this evening for family and their partners, plenty of nibbles and a few(or not so few😉) drinks🥂.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're up to, and take care.


Edited by Adawn47
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3 hours ago, purplesea said:

Glad to hear you had a good time.  I have been thinking of booking a trip up to London and taking in a show when work finishes, as am in need of a break.

We’ve only been to the theatre once this year and that was The Globe so it was open air. It does your heart good to do something special 😊

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I’ve just met a friend for lunch in Rochester. We went to a new-ish place (and new to us!) and had a table booked booked in the garden. It was lovely and had loads of choice on the menu. Lots of palm trees and plants in the garden. Then we had a little mooch around Rochester, it was so busy! Lots of market stalls about so we did stay outdoors most of the time.

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3 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

It's turning out to be another lovely day, we really are being spoilt.🌤️

It's a day of mixed emotions for us today,  Frank's 76th birthday and the anniversary of his mum's death. It's makes it very difficult to celebrate without feeling guilty for doing so. He's in the garden at the moment playing with his new toy that I've bought him, a battery powered lawn mower.

I'm putting a small buffet on this evening for family and their partners, plenty of nibbles and a few(or not so few😉) drinks🥂.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're up to, and take care.


Happy birthday to Frank. How sad his mum died on his birthday. 
Have a lovely time this evening with the family 🍾🎂

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5 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

It's turning out to be another lovely day, we really are being spoilt.🌤️

It's a day of mixed emotions for us today,  Frank's 76th birthday and the anniversary of his mum's death. It's makes it very difficult to celebrate without feeling guilty for doing so. He's in the garden at the moment playing with his new toy that I've bought him, a battery powered lawn mower.

I'm putting a small buffet on this evening for family and their partners, plenty of nibbles and a few(or not so few😉) drinks🥂.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're up to, and take care.


Enjoy the evening, you both deserve it.

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7:10 pm and I am just managing to sit and relax.  I got back from the vaccine hub at lunchtime and 20 minutes later my niece called to ask if it was ok to drop her daughter off at our house so that I could help her with a school project that she had to do this weekend while she went with her husband and son to the Stoke match.  The project meant a trip to Hobbycraft to purchase bits and pieces that I didn't have in my craft room.  We were part way through the school project when my younger sister and her daughter arrived because my niece is getting married in 2023 and has very specific requirements for her wedding stationery so she wanted to see if I could do what she wants because she saw to the stationery that I made for my god-daughter 2 years ago.  My project this week is to make samples for her.

Who said that retirement meant a slower pace of life doing what you want to do and you when you want to do it.  We are now waiting for a takeaway to be  delivered because I don't want to cook now.  David is being helpful telling me that I need to learn to say NO.

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6 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

It's turning out to be another lovely day, we really are being spoilt.🌤️

It's a day of mixed emotions for us today,  Frank's 76th birthday and the anniversary of his mum's death. It's makes it very difficult to celebrate without feeling guilty for doing so. He's in the garden at the moment playing with his new toy that I've bought him, a battery powered lawn mower.

I'm putting a small buffet on this evening for family and their partners, plenty of nibbles and a few(or not so few😉) drinks🥂.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're up to, and take care.


Happy birthday to Frank, and hope the evening goes well.

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1 hour ago, purplesea said:

I am at work and the evening is dragging - it’s so quiet, so thought I would come on here to see what everyone is up to!

Sorry that your Saturday  evening is spent at work and even more sorry that it is dragging.

We are watching The Last Night at The Proms.

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On 9/11/2021 at 1:39 AM, Adawn47 said:

I had some issues a couple of days ago. It took 3 attempts to submit a reply before it finally went through. When I have problems doing likes, I sign out and then sign in again. Usually works.


I had the same issues posting from Australia, must be aliens in the puter, world wide.

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Good Morning Everyone and Happy Sunday


It's a bit of a mixed weekend isn't it?  We had the sadness of the 9/11 memorials and the joy of watching an eighteen year old win the US open. 


I started the day watching an interview with a NY firefighter on the BBC. I don't know if anyone else saw it but it was inspired. His first day as a newly-qualified firefighter was on 9/11 and he is now Captain of his his station. I have rarely been so totally absorbed by an interview. It was deeply touching. 


Moving on some 12 hours ( I did loads in between - I didn't just watch TV all day!) I was engrossed in the tennis final. A real fairytale of New York. The girl with the mega-watt smile done good!


I wish a happy belated birthday to Frank -hope he never tires of his new toy Avril. 


Sarah, never mind Jude Law -the kedgeree looked far more attractive! 


A busy week ahead for me: I'll be preparing for next weekend when we are giving third vaccines to all our immuno-suppressed and vulnerable patients. It's going to be a real family affair at the surgery as we've  roped in all our kids and grandkids to act as marshalls. Well it beats sending them up chimneys!


I need to book another cruise! Having had the August disaster (still waiting to hear, and tomorrow is the 28 day deadline for them) I fancy a week on my own and am thinking of the Christmas Market trip on Iona. Anyone else on that one?


Keep well and stay safe everyone. Best wishes to all. Jane.xxx

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1 hour ago, Beckett said:

A busy week ahead for me: I'll be preparing for next weekend when we are giving third vaccines to all our immuno-suppressed and vulnerable patients. It's going to be a real family affair at the surgery as we've  roped in all our kids and grandkids to act as marshalls. Well it beats sending them up chimneys!

Morning Jane,


Very interested to hear how well your practice is doing - it must be very proactive!  My otherwise excellent practice is behind the curve at the moment on the third primary vaccine for the immunosuppressed, and I'm getting nowhere with them despite being on one of the drugs, and at one of the doses, specifically mentioned here:




You'll know all about that of course, and your practice is clearly taking it seriously.  What I'm getting is just the message (from a GP too, on the advice of the Practice Manager) that 'Searches are being created for practices to identify patients, and practices can do nothing until these searches are available.'.  That, according to the circular above could take until the end of September, even though practices are told to identify patients themselves where possible.


The GP here is a salaried associate with a reputation for being, shall we say, less than thorough in her approach, but short of complaining, which I really don't want to do, it looks as if I'm stuck in a bureaucratic loop created by the Practice Manager.


Yours must be really on the ball!





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Well I was really looking forward to our holiday, driving round the UK, but on Friday my husband complained of nasty back pain and by the evening he couldn't bear weight on his right leg.  He is in severe pain and we are going nowhere.  I imagine he has prolapsed a disc.  Poor soul can't even get comfortable in bed.  😪

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13 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

Morning Jane,


Very interested to hear how well your practice is doing - it must be very proactive!  My otherwise excellent practice is behind the curve at the moment on the third primary vaccine for the immunosuppressed, and I'm getting nowhere with them despite being on one of the drugs, and at one of the doses, specifically mentioned here:




You'll know all about that of course, and your practice is clearly taking it seriously.  What I'm getting is just the message (from a GP too, on the advice of the Practice Manager) that 'Searches are being created for practices to identify patients, and practices can do nothing until these searches are available.'.  That, according to the circular above could take until the end of September, even though practices are told to identify patients themselves where possible.


The GP here is a salaried associate with a reputation for being, shall we say, less than thorough in her approach, but short of complaining, which I really don't want to do, it looks as if I'm stuck in a bureaucratic loop created by the Practice Manager.


Yours must be really on the ball!





Good Morning Harry and thanks, as always, for your kind comments.


I am lucky to be part of a very proactive PCN. We, the Practice Managers, meet online every Monday morning to discuss the forthcoming week and, given that we all have something different to offer, it works well. We all did our own patient searches last Monday according to the annex listings in the letter you attached. The searches are quite fiddly, involved, and not foolproof. Without getting too technical, if the GPs have not coded their consultations correctly, patients can be missed from the searches. However, when our partners review the searches, their knowledge of their patient population usually picks up any missing names or anomalies.


We decided as a group not to wait for the official searches to be available in the knowledge that we could do our own in order to get started asap. The official searches, when available,  should match our own, with the knowledge that we can do a "sweep" of any missed patients at the end.


I am sorry you're not having the same experience with your own practice but, as I said, I am lucky to be part of a very proactive PCN. Hopefully it won't be too long before you are called.


Keep well Harry. Best wishes as always. Jane.x



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3 minutes ago, jeanlyon said:

Well I was really looking forward to our holiday, driving round the UK, but on Friday my husband complained of nasty back pain and by the evening he couldn't bear weight on his right leg.  He is in severe pain and we are going nowhere.  I imagine he has prolapsed a disc.  Poor soul can't even get comfortable in bed.  😪

Sorry to hear this.  Hopefully it is not a prolapse disc and he is soon feeling better.

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