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Celebrity Cruisers - How are Things where YOU are?

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15 minutes ago, green snakes said:

My TA said that the ports are due to open July 1, which gives them more than a full month before we visit.  I know Halifax & Sydney are part of Canada but because they are Nova Scotia do they have their own government so they can make their own rules, like Florida?  Just asking.


To my knowledge, even though most were privatized, ports and airports in Canada are regulated by the Federal Government.


To my knowledge also, provinces and territories requested the Federal government to keep our borders closed for a while. Therefore, the Federal government’s decision was the the result of a general consensus with the other levels of government.


In Covid time.... unseen before, closing/opening decisions have changed based on the virus evolution.


This said, I would be surprised if the decision to open Canadian ports to cruise ships would be moved forward. I am expecting the ports to stay closed until November 1, 2020, as announced. But, I may be surprised again....

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21 minutes ago, green snakes said:

My TA said that the ports are due to open July 1, which gives them more than a full month before we visit.  I know Halifax & Sydney are part of Canada but because they are Nova Scotia do they have their own government so they can make their own rules, like Florida?  Just asking.


In a word no, Canadian ports and international Borders are Federal Jurisdiction. The ports are closed. Best of luck with your cruise, it may be a watershed moment in cruising being the current state of affairs. I'm still not confident that our cruise in New Zealand will happen in January 2021 so any cruise in August is optimistic. I hope it goes and it is great, it would give everyone a window on what the future may hold.

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1 hour ago, green snakes said:

My TA said that the ports are due to open July 1, which gives them more than a full month before we visit.  I know Halifax & Sydney are part of Canada but because they are Nova Scotia do they have their own government so they can make their own rules, like Florida?  Just asking.

Sorry but I think your TA is not up to date on the new announcements by Canada which just happened this past week.  Or maybe you have not spoken to your TA recently?

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1 hour ago, Blackduck59 said:


In a word no, Canadian ports and international Borders are Federal Jurisdiction. The ports are closed. Best of luck with your cruise, it may be a watershed moment in cruising being the current state of affairs. I'm still not confident that our cruise in New Zealand will happen in January 2021 so any cruise in August is optimistic. I hope it goes and it is great, it would give everyone a window on what the future may hold.

Blackduck if you can actually get to New Zealand I hear they have just eliminated all coronavirus cases there so you should be safe!

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3 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

Blackduck if you can actually get to New Zealand I hear they have just eliminated all coronavirus cases there so you should be safe!


Eliminated all cases?  That sounds ominous.  How did they do it?  Of course if patients die that's one way.

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3 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

Blackduck if you can actually get to New Zealand I hear they have just eliminated all coronavirus cases there so you should be safe!


I'm not at all worried about being safe. The issue is whether New Zealand or Australia will let our Canadian butts into their country. Let alone the ship we are supposed to cruise in. Our province has done very well and Vancouver Island where I live has done better than much of the rest of the province. We have direct flights booked, so it is direct from a low instance area to another.

Still they could say no.

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Your TA needs to checkout the news.  Canada has closed its ports to Cruise Ships through October.  But this was announced just a week ago.


My hubby works with international contacts daily.  What he has heard is many countries are concerned about allowing in a cruise ship full of Americans who flaunt their respect for new conditions into their ports.  Some cannot follow rules for POOL CHAIRS.  How will they follow the serious rules (face masks, 6’ apart and washing hands.)


I think Canada wants the cruise industry to “practice” the new rules on somebody else.


Sorry if I insulted someone.  🤨

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3 hours ago, zitsky said:


Eliminated all cases?  That sounds ominous.  How did they do it?  Of course if patients die that's one way.


They did what we didn’t do.


Extensive testing, Isolated the sick, traced people who had been exposed, face masks required, social distancing, quarantine.  They started when they had only a few cases.


They didn’t point fingers, they didn’t boast about not wearing face masks.  They put on their big boy and big girl Pants and did what was necessary no matter how challenging.


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1 hour ago, Donut23 said:


Your TA needs to checkout the news.  Canada has closed its ports to Cruise Ships through October.  But this was announced just a week ago.


My hubby works with international contacts daily.  What he has heard is many countries are concerned about allowing in a cruise ship full of Americans who flaunt their respect for new conditions into their ports.  Some cannot follow rules for POOL CHAIRS.  How will they follow the serious rules (face masks, 6’ apart and washing hands.)


I think Canada wants the cruise industry to “practice” the new rules on somebody else.


Sorry if I insulted someone.  🤨


Any idea how much money cruising brings to the Canadian economy? 

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10 minutes ago, zitsky said:


Any idea how much money cruising brings to the Canadian economy? 


About 2 billion dollars in British Columbia alone.

Any idea how much the Covid 19 outbreak has cost the Canadian economy?

Your point is?

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19 minutes ago, Blackduck59 said:


About 2 billion dollars in British Columbia alone.

Any idea how much the Covid 19 outbreak has cost the Canadian economy?

Your point is?


My point is, I had a question about the value of cruising on the Canadian economy. 



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4 minutes ago, zitsky said:


My point is, I had a question about the value of cruising on the Canadian economy. 



 Then I hope my reply was helpful, I don't really know about the East Coast, it's a long way from here.

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15 hours ago, Donut23 said:


They did what we didn’t do.


Extensive testing, Isolated the sick, traced people who had been exposed, face masks required, social distancing, quarantine.  They started when they had only a few cases.


They didn’t point fingers, they didn’t boast about not wearing face masks.  They put on their big boy and big girl Pants and did what was necessary no matter how challenging.


New Zealand total area split between two main islands is about the size of the US state Colorado.  It has a population of about 4.9M people and is in a highly isolated part of the planet.  Surely these factors helped them overcome COVID as well as rigorous social distancing and testing.

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18 hours ago, Blackduck59 said:


I'm not at all worried about being safe. The issue is whether New Zealand or Australia will let our Canadian butts into their country. Let alone the ship we are supposed to cruise in. Our province has done very well and Vancouver Island where I live has done better than much of the rest of the province. We have direct flights booked, so it is direct from a low instance area to another.

Still they could say no.

I hope you get to go!  We were lucky enough to visit Aus and NZ in 2018.  Long flights but very much worth it.  The scenery in NZ is spectacular.  Both countries have incredibly friendly people even to us Americans!😀

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16 hours ago, Blackduck59 said:

 Then I hope my reply was helpful, I don't really know about the East Coast, it's a long way from here.

The last figure that I read for Halifax was $172 million. I imagine that a similar amount would apply to all of the other ports of call in the Maritimes. For the Province of Quebec, the total is over $1 billion. The higher amount is because, in addition to the other ports of call in the province, Montreal and Quebec City are embarkation/disembarkation ports with an active pre- and post-cruise following.

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On ‎6‎/‎1‎/‎2020 at 5:53 AM, zitsky said:


Eliminated all cases?  That sounds ominous.  How did they do it?  Of course if patients die that's one way.

We closed the borders to all but New Zealanders which reduced the amount of people coming into the country and thus importation of COVID 19. All those returning had a compulsory 14 day isolation which eventually was monitored by the Govt. We had a complete lock down of everything and everyone apart from essential services for 4 weeks, followed by a further 2 weeks with partial lockdown and we are currently in a lesser restriction - have been for a week and anticipate to a full opening up apart from the borders next week. We have had 22 deaths , these mainly from two sources of the elderly and infirmed many of whom may have passed away during this period any way.

Discussions are in hand with Australia about opening our borders between the two countries. This will be the way forward before we open up to the rest of the world.  The combined bubble is still some months away and no one is considering fully open borders for the foreseeable future. Our tourist industry has taken a hammering but we are alive

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, I really appreciate all the thoughts and info being offered up in these forums.  We just recently retired and were just getting started catching up with you all with this cruising business. So frustrating. 

Blackduck59, we may be on same New Zealand cruise? We are scheduled for B2B Jan3'21 Australia/Melbourne and Jan15 New Z.  I am suffering high anxiety, TA convinced me to wait long as possible to make final cancellation decision--before payment.  Have not reserved any excursions, etc. yet.

Beanb41, please keep us posted on New Zealand/Australia info from your perspective.

And being American, I agree with Donut23, I am concerned that a lot of Americans are being very cavalier about all this.  Makes it harder for the rest of us.  Oh sigh*

We are from a Colorado county that is pretty stable right now, restricted openings.  Mask on and Fingers crossed.

I will continue to check these forum posts to keep up on how everyone is thinking.

Thanks 🙂 


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Hey Roxydog15, our cruise is the 26 Jan 2021 Auckland to Melbourne. We have decided to "wait and see" our final payment is October. It looks like the border may be open to international travel by then, so if we are allowed into Australia and New Zealand we already have direct flights booked. If the cruise goes we will be on it. If not we will do a self drive tour instead. We have so much of the trip already planned including pre and post cruise accommodation as well as a self drive adventure in Australia for 2 weeks post cruise. 

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Hi Blackduck59, looks like we get off and you get on!  These Australia/NZ trips for us are major deals, and I thought I was far away!  We will be looking at 14 hrs from LAX and about 2.5 hrs in the air from Denver, CO.  My TA convinced me to wait till about August to decide and book flights.  She is concerned also about flights changing a lot in the interim.  If we can't get flights in Aug or so, then I guess we'll just have to cancell the whole shebang. 

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We booked our flights in early March, we wanted direct flights from Vancouver to Auckland, we chose Air New Zealand. we also wanted the best seats in Premium Economy so we booked early we got the bulkhead seats on all our long flights. 

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We're going to need Premium Econ also due to such a lengthy ride. Hope those seats will still be available in August, otherwise I won't be able to go.  You'd need a crowbar to get me out of the seat! Also hoping for Air NZ.

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It might be a while before you see Air NZ flying with any sort of regularity. They are so financially strapped that they can refubd the tickets for flights they cancelled. Apart from that anyone they bring back to NZ has to be COVID 19 tested and placed into 14 day quarantine. WE have no COVID 19 in NZ and want to keep it that way

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9 minutes ago, Beanb41 said:

It might be a while before you see Air NZ flying with any sort of regularity. They are so financially strapped that they can refubd the tickets for flights they cancelled. Apart from that anyone they bring back to NZ has to be COVID 19 tested and placed into 14 day quarantine. WE have no COVID 19 in NZ and want to keep it that way

I think you will find that by January the quarantine will be lifted. Congratulation on the hard work to eradicate Covid 19. None of us are psychic and 7 months is a long time. I'm guessing that the billions of dollars that international travelers bring to your country are pretty important. I think there will be many New Zealanders happy to welcome visitors as long as there are REASONABLE precautions. Tourism is a multi million dollar business on Vancouver Island the loss of that will not go unnoticed. My work does not rely and tourism and I don't really have any friends in that industry, that being said I hope that with some reasonable precautions we will be able to welcome people to our province soon.

You may feel you are just being "realistic" and helpful but you're not, you are deliberately making blanket statements about what the situation will be so far in the future that no one can know what it will be then.

We made plans and hope they will work out, we are also prepared to change or cancel those plans if need be. NOBODY will travel to Australia or New Zealand and sit in quarantine for 2 weeks unless they live there; just as you would not travel to Canada and sit in our federally mandated quarantine order. People will just stay home or travel to somewhere they are welcome. 

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I have a very close friend whose business here in NZ is dependant upon the cruise industry. He is the NZ Agent for a number of cruise lines. He is not optimistic of cruising coming here anytime soon.

Our Prime Minister as late as yesterday morning reiterated that a common bubble between NZ and Australia will be the first overseas contact without quarantine and because Australia still has COVID 19 and some of their states still have closed borders between each other this expanded bubble is still some time away.

I am being realistic about overseas visitors simply because we do not want to go back into a lock down scenario again. Our borders will be opened slowly first to those prepared to come and pay for their 14 quarantine period and then as bubbles are expanded direct entry. The rules for this are still to be established but the recent history of cruise ships indicate that their bio security measures leave a lot to be desired.

It was also revealed this morning that passengers on the Ruby Princess were let ashore to catch international flights 6 hours before the COVID 19 test results were returned to the ship.

I can assure all readers that this will not happen here in NZ. Cruise ships are regularly referred to a Petrie dishes and there is not a lot of sympathy for them nor according to my mate a great desire to go cruising in the short term.

From personal experience should I be cruising in the future and a cruise is cancelled I would expect refunds to be a lot quicker than the now over 3 months I have been waiting too date.

Cruising used to be fun. With all the restrictions they are talking about onboard the fun police will have a great time and the passengers suffer., besides I don't think there are any ports open to cruise ships anywhere in the world at the moment.

I was looking at a crusiemapper position of the Celebrity Constellation yesterday and it appears to be going round and round in circles. Other ships are anchored in bays around the planet.

I am aware there are lots of deals on at the moment , are they deals to nowhere


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In the UK we are slowly being released from lockdown, but many remain very cautious that although the huge death toll has lessened the virus is still out there. In the NW of the UK the R number is just hovering on 1 which is the indicator for infection spread. However, the economy now seems to be driver for change and it is hard to know if the changes have a basis in science or not.


We are still behaving very cautiously, working from home , shopping online and seeing family in a socially distanced manner. My husband is 60 tomorrow and his birthday celebrations will be very low key, which is such a shame but it is what it is. My MIL is 83 is still shielding as she has had lung cancer and has heart issues, and we are visiting and sitting in the garden to try to keep her safe.


Schools will not now fully re open till September, but shops and other businesses can open from Monday albeit with strict 2 metre social distancing in place. Bars and restaurants will be able to open in July if they can comply with the 2 metre rule, which many fear they cannot.


A medical official stated last night that had the UK locked down from March 13th rather than March 23rd  in the region of 25000 lives could have been saved, which is a sobering thought. The way the virus had spread through Italy and Spain and the death toll in both those countries was obvious to everyone at that time, but the UK government dithered for a further 10 days, and even then they did not lock down our borders, meaning the virus came here both from Europe and further afield.


We had 3 overseas holidays booked for this year, two have already come and gone and been refunded, and the third will be cancelled shortly as the cruise to Canada has now been replaced with a three day Bermuda stop, which is not what we wanted. We also have Virgin flights booked to NY which we are now not keen on using and so we are hoping we can transfer them to 2021/22. Our TA is looking into our options.


We also intended to cruise Australia/NZ next year but had not got around to booking that, now that seems as if it is unlikely to happen, which is such a shame.


This is such a surreal state of affairs, the whole world is grounded and there is no real end in sight to social distancing which in itself will make holidays less relaxing and carefree than they should be.


Stay safe and let's hope there is some good news very soon.

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