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Cunard Cruisers - How are things where you are ?

Host Hattie

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Well, the Japanese Maples are in the ground no thanks to my gardener who was a no show, no call. It's not the first time he has done this, so I doubt it is illness, except too mas cerveza on Sunday. I will tell you planting trees is not an easy job for a 76 year old, especially in the soil in my garden which can be gravel, loam, sand and and clay in the same three foot diameter hole. But they are in the ground with well amended soil and they will give me years of enjoyment. I will in the future recall that I planted these in the time of the Corona Virus. I will be sore tomorrow, I know.  It was stormy with rain (one inch) and wind yesterday. Just enough lightening to surge my electronics which are not on back up power units. I got the guest room sat receiver going by unpluging for a minute, replugging and it started and reloaded the sat receiver information. Today over cast in the morning, but now sunny at 5 pm.  A nice day to plant trees. 

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I have a Japanese maple I inherited from my mum when she died 10 years ago. It was doing well, then last year something knocked the watering system out of its pot. We think it was a fox. I didn't notice, and it dried out. They like to be kept moist. I was really worried and upset that it might have died. However, it has just produced a very few tiny leaves at the bottom of the trunk. I am now keeping everything crossed that it will survive in some form. And the irrigation pipe is well secured to its pot this time.


I hope yours grow well bigmike and give you years of enjoyment. And i hope mine will continue to grow and will return to full health.


Edited by Camgirl
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1 hour ago, Camgirl said:

I hope yours grow well bigmike and give you years of enjoyment. And i hope mine will continue to grow and will return to full health.


Your sturdy little maple is a metaphor for our time!  I hope it thrives.

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8 hours ago, Camgirl said:


That is really lovely. Thank you.

I think it will survive. Let it grow new branches, and then trim the old away. But don't be surprised if it buds on the higher branches as well. Some Acers, bud from the base up. 

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6 hours ago, Bigmike911 said:

I think it will survive. Let it grow new branches, and then trim the old away. But don't be surprised if it buds on the higher branches as well. Some Acers, bud from the base up. 


Thank you for your encouragement. I think I will leave the old branches until next year, and see what happens. It would be great if more leaves appear higher up. Obviously, as It was my Mum's, I have a big emotional attachment to it. I keep talking to it telling it to keep going! 😊

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Good luck with the Japanese Maples @Bigmike911 & @Camgirl.

Mr HH's interview didn't go very smoothly, after all the worries with our technology it was the other end who couldn't get their act together ! 

I'm just enjoying the sun in the garden after a day working from work.

A friend in London is in hospital with Covid-19 so now it does feel close to home.

Stay safe everyone, it's great to hear from you all.

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21 hours ago, alc13 said:

Very sorry to hear about your friend, Hattie.  Hope all turns out well.

Thank you, she works in a hospital, in admin not front line but her husband who is retired developed symptoms first.

My boss was having a test today as he has symptoms and has a hospital worker in his household.

I had a slightly stressful day at work but a couple of glasses of Pimms and a couple of hours in the garden and I'm much better !

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Well it's 34 days of safe quarantine on advice of our private doctor to keep away from direct contact of others. This is because our zip code has quite a number of positive reading and our two neighboring zip codes have high numbers.


Living near the VZ Bridge in NYC Harbor (The Narrows)  which we love to watch each week approx. 8 cruise ships in and out of NY/NJ is now like a Ghost Town. Cruise Ships vacant of the waters, private commuter ferries vacant the waters and a drastic cut of NY Staten Island Ferries from Staten Island and Manhattan. BTW, with Newark Airport path in the Distance and LaGuardia path over head even though several miles away... we haven't seen a plane in the last 3 -4 weeks pass over us. How silent transportation is.


But being very close to many highways and crossroads, the sounds of ambulances and emergency service units passing the house have now been cut down to several (5-6 units) compared to 3 to 4 weeks ago where there was 1 1/2 - 2 dozens units screaming by head to the half a dozen hospitals in our community... The silence is affirming the cut in the number of cases in our area.


How we can't wait to return to our longer walks to the shore and a more active NY Harbor marine traffic and the continuous flow of aircraft in our skies.


How are things where you are is our new environment of silence of transportation, new various fashions of different styles of Masks being wore and challenging the food markets with your shopping .


To all my Cruise Critic Family.......Be Careful and Stay SAFE! 

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4 hours ago, BklynBoy8 said:

Well it's 34 days of safe quarantine on advice of our private doctor to keep away from direct contact of others. This is because our zip code has quite a number of positive reading and our two neighboring zip codes have high numbers.


Living near the VZ Bridge in NYC Harbor (The Narrows)  which we love to watch each week approx. 8 cruise ships in and out of NY/NJ is now like a Ghost Town. Cruise Ships vacant of the waters, private commuter ferries vacant the waters and a drastic cut of NY Staten Island Ferries from Staten Island and Manhattan. BTW, with Newark Airport path in the Distance and LaGuardia path over head even though several miles away... we haven't seen a plane in the last 3 -4 weeks pass over us. How silent transportation is.


But being very close to many highways and crossroads, the sounds of ambulances and emergency service units passing the house have now been cut down to several (5-6 units) compared to 3 to 4 weeks ago where there was 1 1/2 - 2 dozens units screaming by head to the half a dozen hospitals in our community... The silence is affirming the cut in the number of cases in our area.


How we can't wait to return to our longer walks to the shore and a more active NY Harbor marine traffic and the continuous flow of aircraft in our skies.


How are things where you are is our new environment of silence of transportation, new various fashions of different styles of Masks being wore and challenging the food markets with your shopping .


To all my Cruise Critic Family.......Be Careful and Stay SAFE! 

Brooklyn Boy, you are really in the thick of it. Stay safe, the virus appears to be running out of steam, and we can all look forward to normal, soon.

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1 hour ago, Bigmike911 said:

Brooklyn Boy, you are really in the thick of it. Stay safe, the virus appears to be running out of steam, and we can all look forward to normal, soon.

Thank you Bigmike911,

Yes we are in the THICK of it as you said. Honest, each day we wake up not sure what we will hear on the TV as the latest reports.


Now we are getting back a little back to normal but if you can believe, for the first two weeks you could not ask me what the date, day of the week  it was because we were adapting to the irregular food deliveries. Yes, at one point I told my wife not to be surprised how our diet and regular foods needs will become more demanding. Imagine making internet orders where normally one would get the delivery later in the day and now we had to wait 10 days till the delivery would be made in only half of the items requested. Cleaners and Paper items were like GOLD or QM2 High Quality Caviar! 


We had to know how to arrange deliveries from fish, groceries, bakeries etc.. 7 - 10 days ahead and be ahead of the game. Why,

massive hoarding in a very populated area..


Hope you are safe and also not stressed by the tasks we are experiencing. Hope Texas is handling this well.


Be Safe and Healthy Bigmike.......

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9 hours ago, BklynBoy8 said:

Thank you Bigmike911,

Yes we are in the THICK of it as you said. Honest, each day we wake up not sure what we will hear on the TV as the latest reports.


Now we are getting back a little back to normal but if you can believe, for the first two weeks you could not ask me what the date, day of the week  it was because we were adapting to the irregular food deliveries. Yes, at one point I told my wife not to be surprised how our diet and regular foods needs will become more demanding. Imagine making internet orders where normally one would get the delivery later in the day and now we had to wait 10 days till the delivery would be made in only half of the items requested. Cleaners and Paper items were like GOLD or QM2 High Quality Caviar! 


We had to know how to arrange deliveries from fish, groceries, bakeries etc.. 7 - 10 days ahead and be ahead of the game. Why,

massive hoarding in a very populated area..


Hope you are safe and also not stressed by the tasks we are experiencing. Hope Texas is handling this well.


Be Safe and Healthy Bigmike.......

I appreciate hearing the details of your current existence, and it's good to know things seem to be improving.  Here where we live life is only slightly altered - 6 foot distances at the grocery store, less traffic, curbside pickup, etc.  But not everyone wears face masks or follows the stay at home order.  People in my state are self-reliant and independent types, for one thing.  But we are also rural, and keeping distance comes more easily. 


People in more restricted, less safe environments are feeling terribly stressed, I know.  Your post gave me a better sense of that.  Take care.



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3 hours ago, alc13 said:

I appreciate hearing the details of your current existence, and it's good to know things seem to be improving.  Here where we live life is only slightly altered - 6 foot distances at the grocery store, less traffic, curbside pickup, etc.  But not everyone wears face masks or follows the stay at home order.  People in my state are self-reliant and independent types, for one thing.  But we are also rural, and keeping distance comes more easily. 


People in more restricted, less safe environments are feeling terribly stressed, I know.  Your post gave me a better sense of that.  Take care.

Hi alc13,

First thank you and to all in Maine and You & Yours, Please take Care and Stay Safe!


Second, you are in one of our favorite states....ex. Portland, Wonderful Bar Harbor.... As a child we stayed in Squaw Mountain Inn on Moosehead Lake.... What a wonderful experience...We even at that time we met Senator Chase Smith....


I am so sorry to hear that Maine got the bug. Seems there's no place on the planet that someone doesn't talk about it..


Though it sounds like stress we have adapted to it and now feel really great unfortunately for all the rain we  are getting when we want to walk. Yes, Masks MUST! We get a kick how all the TV commercials are adapting to delivers or social stress ideas to name a few... Wish your area did accept the masks and stay home, it does work. We too have an attitude called Tough New Yorker's along with our New Yorkee's accent and way we talk.. But we do care for each other.. 


Please take care of yourselves and the people of Maine.....Maybe one day we will meet... 

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@canoncruiser & @BklynBoy8 good to hear from New York, I hope things start improving there soon.

We're waiting for our delivery from the pub across the road, Fish & Chips for me, Beef with black bean sauce for him.

For those who might have seen Mike Doyle performing on Cunard ships, his son has been in hospital with Covid-19 but seems to be improving slowly.

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15 hours ago, BklynBoy8 said:

Thank you Bigmike911,

Yes we are in the THICK of it as you said. Honest, each day we wake up not sure what we will hear on the TV as the latest reports.


Now we are getting back a little back to normal but if you can believe, for the first two weeks you could not ask me what the date, day of the week  it was because we were adapting to the irregular food deliveries. Yes, at one point I told my wife not to be surprised how our diet and regular foods needs will become more demanding. Imagine making internet orders where normally one would get the delivery later in the day and now we had to wait 10 days till the delivery would be made in only half of the items requested. Cleaners and Paper items were like GOLD or QM2 High Quality Caviar! 


We had to know how to arrange deliveries from fish, groceries, bakeries etc.. 7 - 10 days ahead and be ahead of the game. Why,

massive hoarding in a very populated area..


Hope you are safe and also not stressed by the tasks we are experiencing. Hope Texas is handling this well.


Be Safe and Healthy Bigmike.......

One of the nice things about being retired and living in the forest, is that life is just a bit slower even in 'normal' times. But perhaps not surprisingly we have seen similar impacts to our food supply. I go out Thursdays to grocery shop. Trader Joe's and the Local Super HEB both have used distancing, limited people in the stores at one time and sanitizing. The paper shortage appears to be pretty much over and HEB has reopened their butcher and fish counters. Take a number and wait your turn. Other food supplies are pretty much available. About three weeks ago I tried delivery for my self a 7 day advance, but I chose an early delivery, thinking that they would have more stuff after the overnight stocking. I got toilet tissue and paper towels, but no eggs. I organized delivery for some elderly (97 year old) folks in Southern California and they got no paper goods, One of their neighbors had plenty to share. Now we are getting to the end of the Governor's 30 day shut down. And some non-essential stores are opening for pick up today. The only thing I am truly not happy about is the inability to get a hair cut. So a neighbor is going to give me a "Corona Clip" with my beard trimmer. about 1/2 inch all over. Stay healthy folks. 

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Day 40 tomorrow for me. I go out once a week to the supermarket where there are no shortages. Well, flour was in short supply for a couple of weeks but I saw some the other day. I filled in my going out forms today and went for a blood test. It is very quiet here. The first couple of days people walked by and there were cars about but everyone seems to be at home isolating. I am teaching myself to crochet. My diy has ground to a halt as supplies are unavailable. I just potter and faff, becoming an expert in both.

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6 hours ago, BklynBoy8 said:


Please take care of yourselves and the people of Maine.....Maybe one day we will meet... 

Hi BklynBoy8 - Thanks for your good wishes.  And if we do meet one day, lobster rolls on me.

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4 hours ago, Bigmike911 said:

So a neighbor is going to give me a "Corona Clip" with my beard trimmer. about 1/2 inch all over. Stay healthy folks. 

"Corona clip" - love it.  Mr Alc13 is trying on bowls for size in anticipation of a long wait for a barber.

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3 hours ago, morbihan said:

Day 40 tomorrow for me. I go out once a week to the supermarket where there are no shortages. Well, flour was in short supply for a couple of weeks but I saw some the other day. I filled in my going out forms today and went for a blood test. It is very quiet here. The first couple of days people walked by and there were cars about but everyone seems to be at home isolating. I am teaching myself to crochet. My diy has ground to a halt as supplies are unavailable. I just potter and faff, becoming an expert in both.

What are going out forms?  Tell us more about life in France!

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6 hours ago, Host Hattie said:

Good luck with the haircut, I've had a go at my fringe and Mr HH cut his own before his interview !


I got to do my DW's hair trimming and did a pretty good job if I can say so..


But she can't wait to see her Barbara to do the right cut.....

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3 hours ago, alc13 said:

Hi BklynBoy8 - Thanks for your good wishes.  And if we do meet one day, lobster rolls on me.

Hi Alc13,

Thank you and I am Holding you to that!...lol....

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