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Serious Question: Cruisers will you continue?


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On 4/2/2020 at 9:23 AM, embarkation75 said:

Yes, as I'm already booked for a cruise in 2021. However, this forum is not the best window into future cruise numbers as we wouldn't be here unless we weren't already passionate about cruising. Instead it's the folks that comprise most of the cruise passengers that aren't here and may only take 1-2 cruises in a life that will determine what the cruise industry looks like going forward.


This is a very important point that speaks to the original question for this thread. The small group discussing this here are repeat cruisers who enjoy cruising enough to look for people to discuss cruises with!   I am a traveler who, before the pandemic, always enjoyed many different kinds of vacation options, including but far from limited to cruising. 


My answer to the question asked is, Maybe.  We've been on 4 cruises in the past 3 years, enjoyed them all very much, but not sure whether we will rush back aboard.  We live with my mother who is a senior citizen and the thought of being delayed in our return to her, or of bringing an illness back to her, is not attractive. She took us on our last cruise in August 2019 and enjoyed many things about it, but she will not travel again as she's crossed over to the point where she feels travel is simply too hard to be really enjoyable.  My husband, who loves cruises but doesn't like being sick, takes Humira for plaque psoriasis and this impacts his immune system response, and he particularly lingers with seasonal colds and flu.  He also has a deep fear of food poisoning, so noro outbreaks were already on my mind before COVID. I don't know whether the risk works for us anymore.  


A quick Google search showed that the projection back in January was that the world cruise industry would carry 32 million passengers in 2020.  If you have been on Carnival, and of course you probably have if you're chatting on this thread, you know you see blue cards on any sailing.  How many of those 32 million would have been on their first cruise, that won't happen now? How many of them will decide not to bother after all? 


If you live in the United States, you could very easily enjoy a lifetime of rich and fulfilling travel vacations without ever leaving the lower 48 and you can do it in your own private vehicle if you want to.  We have among the most spectacular national parks, the most vibrant communities from quirky small towns to urban areas of incredible diversity.  We have world famous landmarks and hidden gems. We have an abundance of food culture from dives to the most exquisite dining imaginable.  We have primitive tent camping in unspoiled natural environments and massive posh hotel suites and every possible accommodation in between.  We have mountains and plains, lakes and deserts, endless summers, spring blossoms, autumn leaves and winter wonderlands. You can travel on a shoestring or in tremendous style and comfort. 


Will we cruise again? I don't know.



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We will 100% most certainly be cruising again as long as it is possible.  As long as it remains affordable and the cruise lines continue to offer a product that is pretty close to what we have experienced so far, we will.


It's no secret it is my, my wife's, my kids, and my in-laws favorite type of vacation and I'm so glad I was able to introduce it to everyone.  Because of that we are trying to get one on the books for December of this year.  I think that is extremely realistic but it does depend on how the global pandemic pans out both internally in the US and externally in port countries.  

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2 hours ago, tmackel said:

We'll cruise again but it may be a while. Our September cruise on the Legend was canceled last week. We don't want to be stuck on a ship to no where. I'll try some land vacations for the next two years and see how that goes.

This is how I feel, right now I am not in the mood to even think about travel in the future.......   But I do think it will be at least 2 year for me to cruise again, I will be looking into a land vacation that I can control my coming and goings in the future.   I did have a cruise booked that was cancelled for July of 2020 - I have chosen to keep my down payment and use/rebook within two years.  I will re-evaluate the situation then, hopefully everything will be back to normal by then.

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Highly unlikely I will cruise again.  For a start, I've been darn near everywhere on earth I want to go, and few of those places are calling me to return.  "Been there, done that, got the tee shirt" sort of thing.


Secondly, during the years that i DID cruise extensively, the experience deteriorated in an unbroken linear line from each one to the next.  Only one cruise, early on, was Carnival, and I had only good things to say about that trip, years ago.  The CEO of the line I used most, was replaced by a bean counter whose idea of "customer service" was directly opposite the gentleman he replaced, and while the line probably showed increased profit, the experience got steadily less enjoyable.


I am glad to have done what I did, when I did it, and been and seen all that I have done, but unless and until this current disease is CONQUERED, sharing space with thousands of strangers has NO appeal whatever.



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We have two cruises booked, one in Dec on Radiance - we will be very interested to see whether she maintains the "new" schedule or gets pushed back again, canceling our cruise.


The other is next April (2021), on Mardi Gras.


Nothing planned yet after that, because we have an anniversary trip to make in late 2021, and that will consume every spare discretionary dollar for quite a while.




For got to add:


If COVID-19 is still "around" but not a major lockdown/quarantine issue we will probably still go, just make sure we tighten our already good hygiene habits.

Edited by ProgRockCruiser
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Still going to cruise, this isn't going to affect me making future plans.  It's always going to be something, if not COVID-19, something else, unfortunately, and we shouldn't live our lives in a bubble.  


That being said, we can all learn from this experience.  While I, (for many, many years), have always been bringing Clorox wipes for my room, using hand sanitizer, washing hands often, and just being very mindful about being extra diligent about hygiene, sadly, too many people do not incorporate this into their cruise/land vacations or daily life and that his how illness spreads.


Hope to see you onboard someday! 🐳🌴🛳️☀️

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On 4/8/2020 at 6:20 AM, KmomChicago said:


This is a very important point that speaks to the original question for this thread. The small group discussing this here are repeat cruisers who enjoy cruising enough to look for people to discuss cruises with!   I am a traveler who, before the pandemic, always enjoyed many different kinds of vacation options, including but far from limited to cruising. 


My answer to the question asked is, Maybe.  We've been on 4 cruises in the past 3 years, enjoyed them all very much, but not sure whether we will rush back aboard.  We live with my mother who is a senior citizen and the thought of being delayed in our return to her, or of bringing an illness back to her, is not attractive. She took us on our last cruise in August 2019 and enjoyed many things about it, but she will not travel again as she's crossed over to the point where she feels travel is simply too hard to be really enjoyable.  My husband, who loves cruises but doesn't like being sick, takes Humira for plaque psoriasis and this impacts his immune system response, and he particularly lingers with seasonal colds and flu.  He also has a deep fear of food poisoning, so noro outbreaks were already on my mind before COVID. I don't know whether the risk works for us anymore.  


A quick Google search showed that the projection back in January was that the world cruise industry would carry 32 million passengers in 2020.  If you have been on Carnival, and of course you probably have if you're chatting on this thread, you know you see blue cards on any sailing.  How many of those 32 million would have been on their first cruise, that won't happen now? How many of them will decide not to bother after all? 


If you live in the United States, you could very easily enjoy a lifetime of rich and fulfilling travel vacations without ever leaving the lower 48 and you can do it in your own private vehicle if you want to.  We have among the most spectacular national parks, the most vibrant communities from quirky small towns to urban areas of incredible diversity.  We have world famous landmarks and hidden gems. We have an abundance of food culture from dives to the most exquisite dining imaginable.  We have primitive tent camping in unspoiled natural environments and massive posh hotel suites and every possible accommodation in between.  We have mountains and plains, lakes and deserts, endless summers, spring blossoms, autumn leaves and winter wonderlands. You can travel on a shoestring or in tremendous style and comfort. 


Will we cruise again? I don't know.



Can I just say how much I LOVE this response?? Very beautifully and clearly written. 

In the end everyone has to do their own risk analysis.

I am considered "high risk" with asthma. In fact had an attack just two nights ago-windows open due to fantastic weather-someone in neighborhood decided to do a wood burning fire pit night and the smoke came in through windows-smoke is a surefire trigger for me. Risk for me is everywhere.

Yes I will cruise again. I will do what I can to mitigate the risk, but not being able to travel - for me-regardless of type isn't life worth really living. In fact I was looking for some bargains later this summer-may be last time the whole family will be able to travel together for a while, and our France trip for May is obviously not happening.  I will talk with my doctor about what I can do to mitigate risk of course. And then the description and reminder of what this country has to offer now has me itching to hop in the car and explore!!

May you and your family stay healthy and happy (and of course all here as well!)

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Have a Carnival cruise on 10/31. Would rather cancel for more reasons than one. But it's paid in full and was some sale or another. So we shall trudge on. Also have a X cruise booked for next April and can cancel it. Like that one and don't really want to cancel but we have or had other trips (like Disney World, Hilton Head, Canada cruise) that have been or will be cancelled and some are timeshares where we need to use or lose so I'd rather bump things to next spring and then cancel that X cruise too. I don't know. Just trying to sort it all out. Plus still haven't gotten our refund from cancelled HAL Canada cruise. Not real hopeful we'd get refund on this Carnival cruise either or the X cruise. 

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We most certainly plan to cruise again, hopefully this year as we still have 2 cruises booked:  August and New Years on Carnival. We had cruises in March and April on Princess cancelled. We love to travel and although we don't want to take unnecessary chances we will not let fear of "what if" rule our lives. We are accustomed to traveling about 3 months of the year and will have a substantial amount of future cruise credit from our cancelled Princess cruises so expect to be booking soon for next year.

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I will absolutely cruise again! I assume my May Europe cruise will be cancelled but I am booked in September and November and I don’t plan on canceling either. I’m also hoping to book another sooner - but I will not fly until at least November, so I need to be able to drive to the port. I would not sail on any of the ships that had issues, though.

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18 hours ago, laumicmah said:

Have a Carnival cruise on 10/31. Would rather cancel for more reasons than one. But it's paid in full and was some sale or another. So we shall trudge on. Also have a X cruise booked for next April and can cancel it. Like that one and don't really want to cancel but we have or had other trips (like Disney World, Hilton Head, Canada cruise) that have been or will be cancelled and some are timeshares where we need to use or lose so I'd rather bump things to next spring and then cancel that X cruise too. I don't know. Just trying to sort it all out. Plus still haven't gotten our refund from cancelled HAL Canada cruise. Not real hopeful we'd get refund on this Carnival cruise either or the X cruise. 

I also have a cruise booked on the Horizon for the same date.  I really do not know what my final decision will be with everything that is going on.  Final payment is due in August and we are almost there.  In the meantime, there is a potential that there may be a price drop in the coming months. My concern right now is to stay healthy and hope that well all get this trying time.  Watching the news and hearing about all of deaths simply makes me sad. Stay well!

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On 4/9/2020 at 10:33 AM, monykalyn said:

Can I just say how much I LOVE this response?? Very beautifully and clearly written. 

In the end everyone has to do their own risk analysis.

I am considered "high risk" with asthma. In fact had an attack just two nights ago-windows open due to fantastic weather-someone in neighborhood decided to do a wood burning fire pit night and the smoke came in through windows-smoke is a surefire trigger for me. Risk for me is everywhere.

Yes I will cruise again. I will do what I can to mitigate the risk, but not being able to travel - for me-regardless of type isn't life worth really living. In fact I was looking for some bargains later this summer-may be last time the whole family will be able to travel together for a while, and our France trip for May is obviously not happening.  I will talk with my doctor about what I can do to mitigate risk of course. And then the description and reminder of what this country has to offer now has me itching to hop in the car and explore!!

May you and your family stay healthy and happy (and of course all here as well!)


Thank you Monykalyn for your kind response. I wish you good health as you manage your risks.  I feel similar in that travel has been essential to my happiness.  I'm in my mid-50's now. By my mid-thirties I had visited Europe a few times (England, Wales, France, Italy, Netherlands), China to see the Great Wall, Forbidden City, and Terra Cotta Warriors, among other sites, and Peru to see Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines.  This after many visits to much of the USA (including Hawaii) and North America with a bit of Mexico, Canada, Bahamas and the Caribbean covered.  


Since becoming a parent at 39, we've done many more domestic vacations partially for her benefit such as Disney World, Washington, D.C., New York City, Dallas, New Orleans, Detroit, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Chicago (just in our backyard but we occasionally do overnights in the city) and more.  We spent almost a week in Muskegon, Michigan on the shores of Lake Michigan, and another week kayaking from our own private dock in a cottage on the Ohio River in Golconda, Illinois. We've collected geodes near Keokuk, Iowa. A year ago, for spring break, I went nuts and booked us a trip to Iceland, which made for an awfully chilly spring break, but introduced my daughter to a Euro / Nordic culture, something I had hoped to do with her.  Of course she went on all of our four recent cruises which included an incredible excursion to the Mayan site of Uxmal, a swim with dolphins (I am not a fan of this, but she really wanted it), a visit to one of the small fishing villages on the Bay of Fundy, tours of Fort Charlotte in Nassau and the Citadel in Halifax, ocean kayaking at Labadee, and so many other wonderful moments. 


If more travel is in the cards, whoopee, that's great.  I could instantly list ten US road trips I would like to do in the next five years.  But if that doesn't happen, I've long since exceeded my own wildest dreams and expectations.  I've exposed my daughter to the best experiences I could in her young life, and I am sure she will journey on with or without me. 


Best to you on your future journeys whether they be by land or by sea. 

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