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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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30 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:

We found out when she was just a few months old, that she would not be with us for long.  

You are so right, life is hard and no one ever said it would be easy. She taught us a lot, even though she couldn’t say or express anything; look within, help others, treat those how you would wish to be treated, find joy in the little things and look for the positives. We figure were “chosen” to have her come to us, because we could provide her what she needed even though there were challenges.

Just like riding a wave, you fall down and get right back up. If you dwell on the fear of falling, you will never ride again. 


Your families story is a great reminder to all as we get caught up in the moments of everyday life to step back and cherish the things that are truly important in life.  

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2 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Is anyone getting non-stop emails from Park West Gallery about auctions, etc.? Boy, they must be hurting without having sales on cruise ships.  

I bought one piece of artwork 2 years ago.  I absolutely love it and happy I bought it as I enjoy it whenever I sit in my living room and feel bad for them everytime I get their emails.

@Sunshine3601Yup, I bought one and my DH has bought several.  I love mine -- love looking at it -- and the other ones are kind of fun, too.  We didn't buy them as 'investments' -- we just like them :-)  And yes, I've been getting the emails too.

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2 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

Today was a bit of a special day for our house.  Sad, but important. Some of you will know the story of our daughter Allie, and today we helped to pay tribute to her short time with us. 

Our local Children’s Hospital, here in London, held their annual Radiothon fundraiser.  It is partnered with four local radio stations and runs all day. We have been a “silent” partner since it’s inception.  We share our story of our daughter Allison, that passed away two days after her second birthday. We share our first names, not our last, and little more.


The Children’s Hospital has many positive results but sadly not all stories end that way. It is a good thing to share with others our story, so they know they are not alone. We also share to make people realize that they too might walk through those doors with their own child one day. 

I have known the morning hosts for many years becoming friends with them along the way, as we have quietly helped with other causes within the community.  As you can tell from the recording it hits hard with the father of two young children and it will one day with the other who has yet to be married.

The first year of the Radiothon was the same year Allie passed away. As you could guess, it hits hard for us.  I thought it would be worth the share with you all, to see some positive news today in a world that seems so upside down. 

Here is a audio video from the morning show. Every year they have raised more money than the year before, which is great because kids come here from across the province. In fact the radio host, that speaks in the first video, was taken here while suffering from anaphylactic shock 30 plus years ago as a preteen.  He is lucky to be alive today.

What seems to be a simple building, in the community is so much more.  

Thanks for reading and watching the two videos below. 



Thank you for sharing this special and sad story.  I can't imagine the pain and heartbreak you went through losing your precious two year old daughter.  My heart aches for you.  Hugs to you and your family.

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11 hours ago, dani negreanu said:



And quite a few of Orthodox Jews - I was not aware that even in such a small place there is a Jewish community.

Glad you have good memories.  


The Jewish community in Gibraltar is long-established and  thriving.  New families come from other parts of the world, but as far as I know the first Jewish families came as traders from North Africa.  I think that they supplied the garrison when there was no contact over the land frontier.  


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11 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

I just spoke with Eric's Dr at hospital and he said Eric thought he was getting remesdivir but the Infectious Disease doctor was able to get special permission (I don't know who gives the permission) to use the bamlanivimab monoclonal antibody.   He has had 4 iv bags of it so far and will continue thru the night and could be released tomorrow.   They said his blood work looked much better than when he first came in and is blood pressures are much better too.     The Dr. said it is rare for this to be used but the ID Dr felt Eric was a perfect candidate for this type of treatment.    

(yes, the same one they gave Donald Trump - I promise you Eric is not on Tweet and won't have "roid rage". )

He did tell me if I pick up Eric to wear 2 masks and face shield at all times near him unless I get a positive covid test result.    I'm kinda hoping my test is positive so I don't have wear 2 masks and a shield in my own home (no thank you!).


After I got myself going this morning I am feeling a little better.    Fever is under control with Tylenol, mild cough, sore throat is minimal, body aches and pains but shovel 2 driveways with 2 feet of snow at age 51 and that will happen, unfortunately.


So sorry you are probably getting tired of hearing about my stuff.   I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers.   


Debbie 😍



Good news Eric is getting special treatment Debbie.

Hopefully he will be home tomorrow.

It sounds like you have overdone the snow clearing.

Always nice to read your posts 

Take care and stay safe.


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10 hours ago, voyager70 said:

Anyone ever had a "tiff" with a friend regarding Covid, specifically the vaccine?  Just got into it big time with former college roommate.  They're dead set against vaccine while I'm totally for it.  Not sure if we're speaking at this point.

Everyone knew I had Covid19 and our phones were full of messages of concern.

Maybe if your friend or any of his family get covid19 he will realise he was wrong.


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7 hours ago, xpcdoojk said:

Are you sure?  😈


On the upside, I will be on the flowrider until they shut it down, and then I am pretty tired so pretty mellow then drinks, dinner show, and bed...


So, I will probably ignore most everyone, unless you are sitting next to us in the DL for that hour or so...

I'm usually fairly quiet and smile unless we talk about sport or cruises.

Pauline is best friends with everyone in seconds and can chat for England😇

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7 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

Today was a bit of a special day for our house.  Sad, but important. Some of you will know the story of our daughter Allie, and today we helped to pay tribute to her short time with us. 

Our local Children’s Hospital, here in London, held their annual Radiothon fundraiser.  It is partnered with four local radio stations and runs all day. We have been a “silent” partner since it’s inception.  We share our story of our daughter Allison, that passed away two days after her second birthday. We share our first names, not our last, and little more.


The Children’s Hospital has many positive results but sadly not all stories end that way. It is a good thing to share with others our story, so they know they are not alone. We also share to make people realize that they too might walk through those doors with their own child one day. 

I have known the morning hosts for many years becoming friends with them along the way, as we have quietly helped with other causes within the community.  As you can tell from the recording it hits hard with the father of two young children and it will one day with the other who has yet to be married.

The first year of the Radiothon was the same year Allie passed away. As you could guess, it hits hard for us.  I thought it would be worth the share with you all, to see some positive news today in a world that seems so upside down. 

Here is a audio video from the morning show. Every year they have raised more money than the year before, which is great because kids come here from across the province. In fact the radio host, that speaks in the first video, was taken here while suffering from anaphylactic shock 30 plus years ago as a preteen.  He is lucky to be alive today.

What seems to be a simple building, in the community is so much more.  

Thanks for reading and watching the two videos below. 




This is the song that was played at the end of the radio segment in memory of Allie. 





Very moving Andrew.

I did not know about Allie and we are extremely sorry to hear of your loss.

Very best Regards.

Graham & Pauline.

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11 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

Today was a bit of a special day for our house.  Sad, but important. Some of you will know the story of our daughter Allie, and today we helped to pay tribute to her short time with us. 

Our local Children’s Hospital, here in London, held their annual Radiothon fundraiser.  It is partnered with four local radio stations and runs all day. We have been a “silent” partner since it’s inception.  We share our story of our daughter Allison, that passed away two days after her second birthday. We share our first names, not our last, and little more.


The Children’s Hospital has many positive results but sadly not all stories end that way. It is a good thing to share with others our story, so they know they are not alone. We also share to make people realize that they too might walk through those doors with their own child one day. 

I have known the morning hosts for many years becoming friends with them along the way, as we have quietly helped with other causes within the community.  As you can tell from the recording it hits hard with the father of two young children and it will one day with the other who has yet to be married.

The first year of the Radiothon was the same year Allie passed away. As you could guess, it hits hard for us.  I thought it would be worth the share with you all, to see some positive news today in a world that seems so upside down. 

Here is a audio video from the morning show. Every year they have raised more money than the year before, which is great because kids come here from across the province. In fact the radio host, that speaks in the first video, was taken here while suffering from anaphylactic shock 30 plus years ago as a preteen.  He is lucky to be alive today.

What seems to be a simple building, in the community is so much more.  

Thanks for reading and watching the two videos below. 




This is the song that was played at the end of the radio segment in memory of Allie. 





God Bless Allie and your family.   That is great that you are able to help others going thru the same pain.  

I have a very good friend that lost their son as a toddler and it destroyed their family instead of pulling them together.  

Always best to find a positive in all the negatives we are dealt.   You have a terrific outlook in life.  

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3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good news Eric is getting special treatment Debbie.

Hopefully he will be home tomorrow.

It sounds like you have overdone the snow clearing.

Always nice to read your posts 

Take care and stay safe.


I had a good nights rest.  Woke up with pj top a little wet from fever but I feel much better than yesterday.  Now feels like head cold with mild cough, still achy body but going to take a nice hit steam shower next.

Spoke with Eric he feels good, other than crappy sleep.  I dont think anyone ever sleeps well in a hospital.


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10 hours ago, Ourusualbeach said:

Your families story is a great reminder to all as we get caught up in the moments of everyday life to step back and cherish the things that are truly important in life.  

Like some on the vaccine threads that are up in arms because a vaccine mandate could keep their kids off the ships a few extra months.

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11 hours ago, A&L_Ont said:

The fact that you remember her story says it all. ❤️

Our last cruise was the southern Caribbean.  Over St. Lucia there was a beautiful rainbow.  I thought of your family and said a prayer for all of us.  

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17 hours ago, Lionesss said:

My  name is Sue, and I am addicted to Cruise Critic.


All together now...Hi Sue.


I had a similar tooth experience a couple of years ago.  Dentist sent me to an Endodontist first.  Endodontist said he could try to save the tooth but gave it a less than 50% chance and recommended extraction followed by an implant.  Did the extraction a couple of days later but have decided to skip the implant.  The gap is in the lower right corner of my mouth and is not visible.  Once I got used to it not being there when I chew, I don't miss it.


Side story...the Endodontist was a "stand up" dentist.  He raised my chair up high so that he could work on me while standing.  Everything in the room was at standing height.  He was a very high energy kind of guy and I got the impression that he had too much energy to sit.  All other dentists that I've been to have sat in little rolling chairs.

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5 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Great news, Eric's Dr just called to see how I am feeling and if I feel up to picking Eric around noon today.  

Yes!!  I guess Eric will know find out I've been I'll.  I didnt tell him as I didnt want him worrying about me.


Awesome news indeed. Do u have your COVID test results?

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18 hours ago, Lionesss said:



Well speaking of names I'll offer mine.


My  name is Sue, and I am addicted to Cruise Critic.


My thread name became into existence when I married my husband.


His last name is Lion so that day I became a lioness, and since my first name is Sue that is where


the 3 s's came in, and my picture, well I like cats.




Ok now that that is out of the way.


Today did not turn out how I expected.


After my morning routine on CC I put on my coat, boots hat gloves scarf and walked down to the mailbox to get the paper. Our mailbox is on the street about 200 yards away.

Well even through the scarf I noticed some unusual sensitivity on my one lower tooth, it kinda hurt a little (On a scale of 1-10 probably a 3).


So I called our dentist and he was in the office and told me to come in at noon, he had a cancellation.


So, I left my safe bubble of the homestead and went to my appointment.

Thinking oh no another cavity, more fillings.


Well, to my surprise, my tooth was completely cracked demolished all the way through the root.

He goes, we could try a root canal, and it may last a year or two, or better yet just pull it, and then you will need bone grafts and implants in a year.



I go well, if that is what it is I do not want to go through  a root canal, pull it.


So, after 4 injections of local anesthesia, of course now that he is playing with it pain is now an 8. (the painless wand did not work) the tooth was easily removed.


So now I cannot feel half of my face, local still working.

And I have three new friends....Norco for pain and Augmentin for the abscess I did not know I had, and a childs teddy bear ice pak.


So watching TV,  

Comfortably numb.


The cat at my side, just wants a treat.


Stay healthy



I have appointment on Monday to have one of my three wisdom teeth pulled.  It's not infected or decayed, she just doesn't like how close it is for difficult cleaning next to the two new crowns she put in 6 months ago (yes crowns due to two cracked molars and pain, two next to each other). 


I am nervous about having it pulled...being so far back into my jaw...and being over 65.  😮 

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5 minutes ago, island lady said:


I have appointment on Monday to have one of my three wisdom teeth pulled.  It's not infected or decayed, she just doesn't like how close it is for difficult cleaning next to the two new crowns she put in 6 months ago (yes crowns due to two cracked molars and pain, two next to each other). 


I am nervous about having it pulled...being so far back into my jaw...and being over 65.  😮 

You are going to have a perfectly healthy tooth that you have lived with all these years extracted?


Sorry, I know I should not have posted this but I couldn't help myself.

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15 hours ago, voyager70 said:

Anyone ever had a "tiff" with a friend regarding Covid, specifically the vaccine?  Just got into it big time with former college roommate.  They're dead set against vaccine while I'm totally for it.  Not sure if we're speaking at this point.


That's a shame.  IMHO..getting the vaccine or not ....is a personal matter.  If you don't believe in it...don't get it.  Simple as that.  I change the channel on the TV when I am not interested in what I see...or just turn it off.  Vaccine or not opinions should not ruin a long term relationship...shame if it should have to come to that.  😞 


Good for you being FOR getting the vaccine.  I am all for it as well, and very much anxious to receive my second shot on Thursday.  (hopefully they actually HAVE supply when I get there! 😮 ).  

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1 hour ago, Sunshine3601 said:

God Bless Allie and your family.   That is great that you are able to help others going thru the same pain.  

I have a very good friend that lost their son as a toddler and it destroyed their family instead of pulling them together.  

Always best to find a positive in all the negatives we are dealt.   You have a terrific outlook in life.  

Paulines older brother died at 6 months old.

Every 2 weeks we tend to his grave and Pauline's grandmother's grave.

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26 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Great news, Eric's Dr just called to see how I am feeling and if I feel up to picking Eric around noon today.  

Yes!!  I guess Eric will know find out I've been I'll.  I didnt tell him as I didnt want him worrying about me.

Do you know how many hours it has been since he got the antibody infusion?


Hmmm, twice in about 5 minutes that I'm sticking my nose into what is none if my business.

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1 hour ago, Ocean Boy said:

Like some on the vaccine threads that are up in arms because a vaccine mandate could keep their kids off the ships a few extra months.


Oh wow...that would mean no unsupervised running wild children screaming their heads off on the ship.  How will we ever survive without them for a couple of months?.  😉 

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