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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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6 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

I could eat ice cream 24/7.There is no such thing as bad ice cream.That cannot be said about any other food.For me pizza is a very close second .

I’ll second the ice cream but I blend it into a milkshake about every other night!

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2 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

I was not going to post this 2 weeks ago when my 15 year old niece in Israel had a spinal stroke leaving her totally paralyzed. This thread is full of the most sympathetic and compassionate  folks, but I still hesitated bringing this into our thread .   BUT now I can mention it because Hila (pronounced Heela) has movement in her legs and arms.  She can now finally stay sitting up with help and the therapists are working with her to get her to slowly walk. We were sent a video of her lifting up both her legs high and twirling them around.  Yayyy! 


Doctors are optimistic she'll be able to walk again after lots of therapy.


This is a very rare stroke for a 15 year old.

So please keep sweet Hila in your prayers for a complete recovery.


Note to @dani negreanu: Dani, Hila is Jack's twin sister's granddaughter who lives in Modi'in in a high rise.  All 3 married children of Jack's sister live in Modi'in.


So sorry to read this. It looks as if she is on her way to recovery. Will keep her in thoughts and prayers.

Yes, this board is full of compassionate people. I hope I speak for Dani and ask that you post updates.

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2 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

I was not going to post this 2 weeks ago when my 15 year old niece in Israel had a spinal stroke leaving her totally paralyzed. This thread is full of the most sympathetic and compassionate  folks, but I still hesitated bringing this into our thread .   BUT now I can mention it because Hila (pronounced Heela) has movement in her legs and arms.  She can now finally stay sitting up with help and the therapists are working with her to get her to slowly walk. We were sent a video of her lifting up both her legs high and twirling them around.  Yayyy! 


Doctors are optimistic she'll be able to walk again after lots of therapy.


This is a very rare stroke for a 15 year old.

So please keep sweet Hila in your prayers for a complete recovery.


Note to @dani negreanu: Dani, Hila is Jack's twin sister's granddaughter who lives in Modi'in in a high rise.  All 3 married children of Jack's sister live in Modi'in.

Thanks for sharing.  That is heartbreaking to see a young one go through something like this.  Thankful she is recovering. 🙏.

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11 hours ago, Lionesss said:



How could I forget


The week before the house went on the market, the 2 car out building garage roof collapsed during the 2 foot of snow storm.


Thank God they were with the same insurance carrier for over 45 years, so we contacted them and an appraiser came out.


There was stored tractors old train parts, and some clutter and the two cars that were in there were sold..


So on the Thursday before the house was to go on the market we get a dear John letter from the Insurance carrier that there would be no reimbursement for the collapsed "shed".

So my husband borrows my broom and calls the insurance carrier and said insurance was paid on a garage for 45 years and now your not covering it and you call it a shed!!!!!!!!


Oh it gets better they dropped coverage on the house effective in 2 business days. Because of a downspout being off the house.


They go

Get this..............................

In the 45 years they owned the property and were insured by us they never took the time to have re-appraisals.

My DH goes  WHAT!!!!!


The agent goes did you not know as a home owner you have to have a reappraisal at defined intervals.

My husband now more frustrated ended the call and started a drink.


I get on the phone and call a different location for our insurance carrier and told them I had a question. 

I go do you have to have interval appraisals for your home owners insurance.

He goes no.

There is routine depreciation, and as long as you do not do another addition or major change your policy is good.


So now on an un-insured house no one can enter the property, because if they get hurt we have no liability.

Delay in showing.

We were able to obtain short term coverage, cheap on an unoccupied empty house.


So after jumping through many hoops and many frustrating calls we are    *hit out of luck.

No financial reimbursement on the garage, or tractor.


It is not over.

I will not mention the insurance carrier, but, all I can say is check your policy, and try not to be screwed like we were.





Thats all folks.



Oh my. I read this alternating between laughing (you have a great style of writing) and drying my eyes trying not to cry. What seems  overwhelming at times is doable when broken down into small tasks. 

When I was presented with yet another VA audit for my mom I broke down and cried. I called the VA hub and the wonderful person I talked to said "just do 1 page a day."

I swear, if I hadn't had the shingles vaccine....

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10 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

Kylar get's His Revenge.



Finally got their shenanigans on video. For the most part Kylar tolerates Charlie but on this day he was getting tired of Charlie sticking his nose in Kylar's business.


So cute. Charlie will figure it out someday. 

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2 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

I’m so glad you mentioned this and it is great that her recovery is going well. I will keep her in my thoughts for a full recovery. 


1 hour ago, Bailey & Sophie said:


So sorry to read this. It looks as if she is on her way to recovery. Will keep her in thoughts and prayers.

Yes, this board is full of compassionate people. I hope I speak for Dani and ask that you post updates.


1 hour ago, Ozark_Kid said:

Thanks for sharing.  That is heartbreaking to see a young one go through something like this.  Thankful she is recovering. 🙏.

Many thanks, Greg, Nancy,, John.

@Ozark_Kid Any update on Kenzie's aunt?  Hopfully she's recovering well.

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7 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

I was not going to post this 2 weeks ago when my 15 year old niece in Israel had a spinal stroke leaving her totally paralyzed. This thread is full of the most sympathetic and compassionate  folks, but I still hesitated bringing this into our thread .   BUT now I can mention it because Hila (pronounced Heela) has movement in her legs and arms.  She can now finally stay sitting up with help and the therapists are working with her to get her to slowly walk. We were sent a video of her lifting up both her legs high and twirling them around.  Yayyy! 


Doctors are optimistic she'll be able to walk again after lots of therapy.


This is a very rare stroke for a 15 year old.

So please keep sweet Hila in your prayers for a complete recovery.


Note to @dani negreanu: Dani, Hila is Jack's twin sister's granddaughter who lives in Modi'in in a high rise.  All 3 married children of Jack's sister live in Modi'in.

I'm sorry to hear about Hila.

Sending prayers 🙏 for her full recovery.

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19 hours ago, Lionesss said:



We held one garage sale and made $1300.

Old GI Joe was the big sell, as well as old lunch boxes and purses, tools, generator..........


Now we get ready to place the house  on the market.

The realtor we used asked us what we think we should get for it.


My husband goes, well it is an Amish build, on five acres. I have no clue, what do you suggest.



Then reality hit.

She tells us, it is now a handy mans special.

There has been no upkeep except for the new roof in over 45 years.

It needs work.


She suggested a ridiculously low amount but looking back it was realistic for the way the house aged.

My DH was shell shocked, because it had so many valuable memories.


So the DH said to double your offer and if it does not sell, we will drop the price significantly.


So now we patiently wait.

The house went on the market  on a Monday, and a big sign was placed in front.

By the end of the business day over 40 showings were scheduled.


By Wednesday, a potential buyer expressed sincere "I WANT THAT HOUSE" that they offered a cash deal 3 times the initial sale price.

We accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our agent could not believe it.


So guess what.

Almost at closing, and they go to transfer the titles, and what to our surprise.

Another uncle who passed away 24 years ago, was left on the title to the house when they removed the uncle who recently died, and his mom had previously been correctly taken off.


Talk about an ooooooopppppppsssssss.


So the courts must have been slow, and we had the amendment rushed through the courts in 5 days and all is well.



We learned some valuable lessons after this.

We already had wills, but we updated them

We have all our legal deeds in a safe and backup on computer.

We have nothing of worth in the house, even though we have a security system that if the cat farts and all the sensors are on, it alarms when were out.

It also helps that the police live next door, and keep an eye out.

We store any jewelry or coins at the bank boxes.  

The only cash we carry is minimal, for quick store runs, we are plastic people.


So, now a new era begins we are the oldies and life goes on.


Oh, yup, looking at house plans for Florida...............

Double lot

Gotta build big enough 


I am sure we will have to have a 4 car garage


Thanks for taking the time to read.


Be safe





Wow what a story Sue, you've really had your work cut out. 

Our will was written when the kids were small, I've been meaning to do an updated one for ages

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17 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

Not sure I would want to watch that series even though I watch a lot of medical drama tv series this one sounds disturbing to me. 

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who is pregnant. Did make me cry .....

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17 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

looks like a lovely area.     Is this near your home?

It's about 75 miles so not really near. But mostly motorway so takes about 1hr 15min.

When we lived in Sussex, Brighton was our nearest beach but now Bournemouth is 

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16 hours ago, Sea Dog said:

Kylar get's His Revenge.



Finally got their shenanigans on video. For the most part Kylar tolerates Charlie but on this day he was getting tired of Charlie sticking his nose in Kylar's business.

Great video. I wish our Molly would stand up to our sons crazy golden retriever puppy. She's bigger and heavier than molly and jumps all over her

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19 hours ago, jmh2006 said:

My DH and I went through a similar scenario when we moved his father into assisted living and emptied out his house (mother passed in 2012) of 50 years.  Your situation was a bit worse though.  Luckily my parents moved several times till their retirement home in NC and really got rid of "things" along the way!  I have only one son, and I promise I will not do this to him.  It is so hard and sad to say the least.  Kudos to you and your DH!

My husband has moved his father's old Mercedes from house to house, always saying he's going to fix it up and rebuild the engine. It's been 35 years now and he's done nothing. He has a lot of sentimental attachment to it as it was his father's pride and joy 

 He had bought it new direct from the Mercedes factory when he was stationed in Germany with The Canadian Forces 

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9 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

I was not going to post this 2 weeks ago when my 15 year old niece in Israel had a spinal stroke leaving her totally paralyzed. This thread is full of the most sympathetic and compassionate  folks, but I still hesitated bringing this into our thread .   BUT now I can mention it because Hila (pronounced Heela) has movement in her legs and arms.  She can now finally stay sitting up with help and the therapists are working with her to get her to slowly walk. We were sent a video of her lifting up both her legs high and twirling them around.  Yayyy! 


Doctors are optimistic she'll be able to walk again after lots of therapy.


This is a very rare stroke for a 15 year old.

So please keep sweet Hila in your prayers for a complete recovery.


Note to @dani negreanu: Dani, Hila is Jack's twin sister's granddaughter who lives in Modi'in in a high rise.  All 3 married children of Jack's sister live in Modi'in.

Bonnie, sorry to hear about your niece. Sending best wishes to Hila for a complete recovery 🙏 

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This our closest dog beach. It’s at Bayview on the Northern Beaches. I didn’t leave the couch all weekend due to heavy cold but DH & DD took Max there yesterday.  We finally had two days of glorious weather on the weekend. Bit blurry because it’s a screenshot from DD’s video.





Edited by aussielozzie18
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11 hours ago, jagsfan said:

Sounds like it’s becoming a happening place! 
In the MDR, I ordered for my dessert one night a banana split off the kids menu. 
not as good as the Volcano on Princess’s kids menu, but good enough that our table mates ordered them the next night.  

Banana split sounds so good right!  I will have to peak at kids menu our next cruise.

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11 hours ago, jagsfan said:

Charlie is clueless! He’s facing death with his tail wagging!


I loved the moment when the cat tried to sloooowly sit down hoping that would end it all, but alas it was not to be. 😂

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11 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

BUT now I can mention it because Hila (pronounced Heela) has movement in her legs and arms. 

This is an incredible thing to read. I hope and pray that things continue to improve for Hila.  It sounds like she has a great spirit and an equally   Great medical team. 

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10 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

I was not going to post this 2 weeks ago when my 15 year old niece in Israel had a spinal stroke leaving her totally paralyzed. This thread is full of the most sympathetic and compassionate  folks, but I still hesitated bringing this into our thread .   BUT now I can mention it because Hila (pronounced Heela) has movement in her legs and arms.  She can now finally stay sitting up with help and the therapists are working with her to get her to slowly walk. We were sent a video of her lifting up both her legs high and twirling them around.  Yayyy! 


Doctors are optimistic she'll be able to walk again after lots of therapy.


This is a very rare stroke for a 15 year old.

So please keep sweet Hila in your prayers for a complete recovery.


Note to @dani negreanu: Dani, Hila is Jack's twin sister's granddaughter who lives in Modi'in in a high rise.  All 3 married children of Jack's sister live in Modi'in.

I have never heard of a spinal stroke.   How very scary for Hila and her family.   Beautiful name.   She is in our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery.

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22 minutes ago, Sunshine3601 said:

I'm headed to my colonscopy in a couple minutes.   Was not a pleasant Sunday afternoon/evening with many bathroom trips but finally fell asleep around 1 or 2 am.  

I already gave Eric my breakfast order from local diner.   

Scrapple ?

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