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Come sail with me on a virtual cruise on Majestic Princess to Fiji!


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2 hours ago, azbirdmom said:

Well our paths had to almost cross at some point!  One bad thing about using my iPhone is that I couldn't zoom in as you did with your photos.  It was interesting to see the houses up close!  And sorry you had a bad experience on your prior visit.  I can certainly relate to that!

It’s spooky to think we might have walked past each other at some stage! 🤣


I love zooming in, it’s amazing what you can see doing that. (Oops that sounds a bit suspect, but honestly I don’t mean it in a voyueristic way!) 


To be honest, azbirdmom, at least we saw a lot of Lautoka, and we were with friends so that made it better. And we certainly learned by experience! 😉

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34 minutes ago, TeaBag said:


I'm so sorry about your tour, Ellie.  Did you manage to get some money returned?  We really liked the gardens.  Here are some of o ur pictures.  I hope you don't regret giving me permission to put them on here.



It was a learning experience, TeaBag, and the sun was shining, and we saw lots of this beautiful island and we were with friends, so it could have been a whole lot worse. At least we didn’t nearly drown like poor azbirdmom! 🤣


I’m delighted you have posted your photos. It is OUR thread, as we are all time travellers and cruising adventurers


The photos are great, thank you. What beautiful temples, and that photo of the hibiscus brought back memories of our house in Florida where we had so many of them around our pool. They are one of my favourite flowers.


So you went to First Landings,too! But you saw it with the tide in. We were so disappointed that the tide was out as it looks beautiful in your photos. And SOOO old, too!😉 My goodness those mosaics have lasted well.....1500 BC?

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The Sleeping Giant Remains Asleep...


The cat seems as bemused as us by the situation.





Luckily there is a covered area where we stand and try to deal with this situation, as we are not the only ones affected. 



Our guide remains adamant that there is nothing she can do. 









Another couple, with a disabled husband, who are also denied entry, ask if they could possibly use the toilet. The answer is ‘no’ as if they want to use the toilet they must pay the full entrance fee. The lady gets quite distressed at this point.


We are really shocked by this situation and our guide just ignores us. I take a quick peep through the entrance and am able to take a few photos, all I'm going to see of the orchids, I'm afraid.



I use my zoom to get one photo of an orchid.


The gardens look beautiful.






Pineapples growing amid the tropical foliage.





We only have a short stop here, just half an hour, and by this time we have to get back on the coach. It’s really disappointing as it looks such a beautiful place. 



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Off to the Mud Baths




We now realise that this tour has been badly misrepresented, and we ask the guide about the mud baths, and of course she now says they are not included, and we must pay again. There really is nothing we can do, as we are a considerable distance from the ship, and at her mercy. 


Eventually, we all insist that we don’t want to pay and we don’t want to sit around waiting for others to experience the baths, and after a phone call to her office she says the mud bathers will get off and we will leave them and go on to the ‘resort.’


Then she says they will leave us at the ‘resort’ and go back to pick up the mud bathers, but we are not happy with this, as how can we be sure they will return for us, and we don’t want to risk missing the ship. So, very unwillingly, and with another phone call to her office, she says another coach will be dispatched to pick up the mud bathers and our coach will remain with us.


So we continue on our way through the countryside to the resort. It's quite a long way so we are glad that the coach is  not going back to pick up the mud bathers. 


The mountains look stunning, with an ever changing profile, sometimes dark and black, sometimes shrouded in cloud, but ever present in the background.







We wonder if it is going to rain as the clouds suddenly descend, but it doesn't.









We reach the mud baths and a few people get off. 


It is certainly very muddy, and we are only in the car park! 🤣
















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The place looks very deserted. Probably it was super hot out there when these photos were taken. Or maybe the place is not that crowded with the tourists if crowded at all. I am afraid virtual cruising is the only type of cruising I will be getting this year.. Thank you anyway  

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Off we go to the Resort

The clouds lift and the sun comes through again.




But within minutes the sky darkens and the mountains hide again.


























No McDonalds I'm afraid, only Burger King








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3 minutes ago, Roger88 said:

The place looks very deserted. Probably it was super hot out there when these photos were taken. Or maybe the place is not that crowded with the tourists if crowded at all. I am afraid virtual cruising is the only type of cruising I will be getting this year.. Thank you anyway  


Yes, Roger88, it was not that busy. 


Sadly, I don't actually think any of us will be cruising this year, that seems further and further away with each passing day. 


So virtual cruising it has to be. 

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We arrive at the Resort




Off we go again, through the countryside and past the airport, and finally the coach stops in a leafy road. We are here, at the ‘resort.’


Well, as you’ve probably already guessed, the ‘resort’ is not what we expected. It is a small and dilapidated hotel right on the beach, but that’s as good as it got. There is a bar, an area with benches and tables, and what appears to be a large sand pit where a couple of girls are performing a gyrating dance accompanied by a couple of musicians.








The one good thing is that we are not booked into the resort for two weeks!


We walk through the resort and onto the bare and ugly beach which is very unappealing, with dark sand, lots of trash, and muggy water. We don't dare swim in it as it looks too dirty. Believe me, the photos do it more justice than it deserves.









But luckily we are enjoying convivial company and sit for a while at a table near the beach and chat. At least we have seen some of the island, and it’s a beautiful day, so we are not worried. It’s a learning experience and it could have been worse.


After half an hour here we make our way through the ‘resort’ and look for the coach, but it’s not there. We begin to get a bit worried, but at last the coach arrives and we get back on. It’s such a relief as goodness knows how we, and the rest of the party, would have got back to the ship.

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Back to the Ship we go.


The coach moves off and we sit back and enjoy the view. 



We are nearing the airport.





Nadi International Airport is the main international airport of Fiji, and is an important regional hub for the South Pacific Islands. It is 20km from the city of Lautoka. It handled over 2 million passengers in 2017, and is the hub for Fiji Airways. However, it is 192km (119 miles) from the capital and largest city, Suva.


In fact, the first runways were built in 1939 by New Zealand, and paid for by the British colonial authorities. The  United States Army Air Forces used the airfield when the Pacific War began in 1941, and later, so did the US Navy. 


It was from here that the B-17 Flying Fortresses flew on missions against Japanese targets in the Philipines and Solomon Islands.  


Later on, after the war New Zealand controlled the world's largest Flight Information Service from Nadi. 













Through the wonders of time travel, we can see this mosque being built. It has a distinctive green dome. 






Thanks to time travel I recognise this Punjas Distribution Centre, and the flour mill. 




Our ship is still there, thank goodness, in the distance. 



We are pleased to see the ship in the distance and the coach reaches the port and parks. Our tour guide, who had fobbed us off with the promise of a refund, simply legs it.


When we go back to the place where we booked the tour they ignore us, so no refund.



Although it wasn't what we expected, at least we got to see some of the island. But as we were with Trivia friends at the time we enjoyed their company, so that was a bonus. 


When we look at our tickets again we see that she had not specified exactly what was included. Had we realised, we would have insisted that she detail everything that would be included, but it’s easy to know all the answers in retrospect. I guess we were just too trusting, but the Fijian people so far have been wonderfully friendly and generous, unlike these crooks. 


But perhaps it will help others in the future. 

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We are safely back from our Time Travels.


I bet you are relieved we made it back, and after a quick journey in my Tardis we are back on the beautiful Majestic Princess, and ready to enjoy all that she has to offer.


However, that will have to wait until tomorrow as this night owl must get some shut-eye. 


So goodnight , sleep tight, see you in the morning.

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HI Ellie,

That was quite a Tardis trip! So sorry so much went not as expected on that tour for you, but you certainly made lemonade out of lemons with your positive attitude. One of the pluses from excursions that go wrong is the stories we can tell. Unfortunately the guides that sell these misadventures often leave tourists with negative feelings about a port.

When and if I make to Lautoka when cruising resumes I will definitely watch out for that guide!!



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1 hour ago, cnd crsr said:

HI Ellie,

That was quite a Tardis trip! So sorry so much went not as expected on that tour for you, but you certainly made lemonade out of lemons with your positive attitude. One of the pluses from excursions that go wrong is the stories we can tell. Unfortunately the guides that sell these misadventures often leave tourists with negative feelings about a port.

When and if I make to Lautoka when cruising resumes I will definitely watch out for that guide!!



Well, Gail, any day on a cruise is better than being at work, and we weren’t in any danger, so although it was frustrating at the time, there were so many other positives. We had to laugh when we rolled up at the ‘resort.’ It was so awful it was hilarious! Imagine arriving there for a long vacation! It doesn’t bear thinking about. Thank goodness we were only there for an hour.


If we can save just one person being ripped off then it was worth it.


It certainly didn’t put us off returning, and if there ever is a next time, then I definitely want to go back to the Gardens of the Sleeping Giant.


We don’t really like Ship tours so it’s a gamble you take, and mostly it seems to work very well, as we saw in Savusavu. I would hate not to have the choice of going it alone.

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ellie, we also like to take ship tours and then sometimes do our own thing its just a  shame it was such a rip off!

Our last ship tour was in the Caribbean in Antigua,  we had to wait in  the port area for one passenger who was late getting off the ship. While we waited we could see the rain clouds coming, we asked the cruise guide if we could possibly  get in the minibuses but she said  we would have to wait.

Well I'm sure you can guess what happened next,  the heavens opened and everyone was absolutely soaked to the skin! 

 We had to walk past some small shops near to the minibuses, some locals even  came out for a look at us all,   at least it gave them some amusement! Sometimes ships tours could do with better customer skills too!

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4 hours ago, winifred said:

ellie, we also like to take ship tours and then sometimes do our own thing its just a  shame it was such a rip off!

Our last ship tour was in the Caribbean in Antigua,  we had to wait in  the port area for one passenger who was late getting off the ship. While we waited we could see the rain clouds coming, we asked the cruise guide if we could possibly  get in the minibuses but she said  we would have to wait.

Well I'm sure you can guess what happened next,  the heavens opened and everyone was absolutely soaked to the skin! 

 We had to walk past some small shops near to the minibuses, some locals even  came out for a look at us all,   at least it gave them some amusement! Sometimes ships tours could do with better customer skills too!


Oh no, Winifred, that sounds like a terrible start to your tour! Hope you managed to dry off and enjoy the rest of the day. 

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Back Onboard Majestic Princess



There is plenty to do onboard, as usual, with a Hoopla Hoop Challenge in the Piazza at 11.45 am (how do they think these things up?), and at 11.45 am and  2.15 pm, in Princess Live, it’s the Movie of the Day, ‘Red Joan,’ starring the inimitable Dame Judi Dench - a brilliant movie and one we watch in our cabin. It is repeated in the Vista Gaming Lounge at 7.00 pm.


There is Movies Under the Stars ‘Cirque du Soleil: Nouvelle Experience‘ at 12.15 and a Music Concert: Journey Live in Manila at 2.45 pm, with UB40: Live at Montreal at 7.15 pm.


I seem to always miss the ‘Guess the Weight of the Rhino,’ in Princess Live, which is, apparently, between 5.00 pm and 10.00 pm today.  I cannot imagine where they keep it the rest of the time.  Of course, it would depend on what sort of rhino it is, as the Black Rhinoceros is a little lighter than either the White Rhinoceros or the Indian Rhinoceros, so I am guessing about I,000 kg or 2,200 lbs.  I imagine that it takes 5 hours as it must be so difficult to make it stand still on the scales, and what a huge pair of scales they must have. I dread to think of what the poor stewards have to clear up after that event! Pity I miss it again, as I just have a feeling that I might have been in with a chance of winning.


I’ve been so busy today I simply didn’t have time for the  Preventing Hair Loss consultation but, thankfully, at least that isn’t a problem for me. Neither do I make it to the Facial Rejuvenation Consultations, although that is certainly one I would benefit from. Can there be so many people onboard walking round with flat feet, excess weight, crows' feet, wrinkles, bloating and bad skin? What must we look like? I'm surprised they let us off the ship as we are likely to scare the natives looking like that!  But obviously Princess know something I don’t.


There is another Trivia after tea, which is a chance to catch up with fellow quizzers. Then it’s a swim before we get ready for dinner. This really is the best pool on any ship I’ve been on. It’s warm and so I don’t waste time with the toe dipping dance. No, it's straight into the water, which as usual, is empty. It is so kind of the Captain to reserve it for my personal use each night. I really must thank him next time he invites me onto the bridge....

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Well we had a very interesting sea day.  So interesting that I will break my vow of anonymity.  Will take a cue from Ellie and will tell my story with pictures.


We attended the Navigation briefing.  I always enjoy it when they have these on our cruises and was happy that they did it on this cruise.








And this is the part where I am breaking protocol.  DH and I decided to participate in the slot tournament earlier in the cruise.  I often will do this and it typically requires you to beat the heck out of the keys for a preset period of time, usually 3 minutes.  On this cruise however, they gave each person a set number of spins for 3 minutes, and I have to say that during the qualifying round, I used them up in half the time because I didn't understand that spins weren't unlimited.  DH said as long as it's not the beat up the button variety of tourney, he would do it too.  (I asked about the change in how it was done and one of the hosts told me that this was easier on some of the more elderly passengers - and I think they were right as it was much easier on the hands!)  So the day of the finals finally arrived and DH and I had both qualified.  There was a woman whose qualifying score put her in first, DH was in second, I was in third, and another gentleman qualified in forth.  We got to choose which machine we wanted in order of qualifying so I only had two choices.  Then we spun, and I took my time this round.  Everyone finished spinning before me so I finally looked and saw that I had already scored more than anyone else.  And after my last couple of spins - TA DA - I won!  Here's DH and I after it was over - he came in second but it was winner take all.




Here I am with the two hosts holding my voucher.




And these were my goodies. (I did blot out my name as well as those of the others who were in the tourney.)




After the big win, DH took me out to lunch - in the MDR.  He made me buy though.  🙂  It was toward the end of lunch service but I had a chance to pose with my riches out of the watchful eyes of other diners.  That was just before I marched the $500 down to Passenger Services to pay off our folio.  I didn't give the casino a chance to take it back!




After such an exciting time, we went back to the room and enjoyed reading on the balcony, occasionally lowering the books to watch the wake.  My favorite thing to do!




We again stayed out there enjoying the breeze until the sun set.  And I'm thinking since we were out there for so long, we probably went to the buffet again.  What a lovely end to a nice sea day!











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8 hours ago, azbirdmom said:

Well we had a very interesting sea day.  So interesting that I will break my vow of anonymity.  Will take a cue from Ellie and will tell my story with pictures.


We attended the Navigation briefing.  I always enjoy it when they have these on our cruises and was happy that they did it on this cruise.

Congratulations, azbirdmom, what a triumph! Beating the casino and walking away with $500 is always a cause for celebration! I have to admit to total ignorance about casinos so I am not sure what you actually did, or what machines you used, but I am very impressed nevertheless! Well done! 


Well done to your DH for taking you out to a celebratory meal afterwards...... in the dining room - he sure does know how to treat a girl! 🤣


The Navigation at Sea talk sounds really interesting. Thank you for the sunset photos too. Like you, I love watching the wake, though have never seen it from an aft balcony, that must be awesome! But there is a real fascination for the ever changing nature of the sea, which is one of the things that draws us back time and time again to cruising.

I just hope to experience that feeling again one day in the future. 

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Good Morning, Good Evening, G’day!


Here in the UK we are experiencing a heatwave, something not that familiar to us Brits. As most homes don’t have the benefit of air con, it’s been a pretty sticky night. 


It’s a big day today for another reason..... I’m getting my hair cut! Hooray! 🤣


But I will be back late to finish our day in Lautoka, and to post some sunset photos. The weather has not always been kind to us on this cruise so these are the first photos that I’ve taken of a sunset so I hope you enjoy them. 


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Ellie, Wow!

Just amazing the detail you have put into this. I only started reading a couple of days ago but bringing back so many memories! Love all the photos, you have a good eye for capturing a story.

We have been to Singapore half a dozen times as my brother in law resided there for over a decade. Just love the place. In Sydney we stayed at the same hotel but our room with the Juliet balcony was on the other side. Sorry to hear that it's not quite up to previous standards. 

We should have been returning in January/February but.... now planning for 2022.🤞

(not quite caught up yet but enjoying taking the trip!).



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Once back on board my choice would have been the Judy Dench movie... the Hoola hoop challenge probably would have dislocated my hip🤣

Congratulations to azbirdmom on the big win in the casino, plus her DH winning too.


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6 hours ago, ellie1145 said:

Good Morning, Good Evening, G’day!


Here in the UK we are experiencing a heatwave, something not that familiar to us Brits. As most homes don’t have the benefit of air con, it’s been a pretty sticky night. 


It’s a big day today for another reason..... I’m getting my hair cut! Hooray! 🤣


But I will be back late to finish our day in Lautoka, and to post some sunset photos. The weather has not always been kind to us on this cruise so these are the first photos that I’ve taken of a sunset so I hope you enjoy them. 



Enjoy your day!  I get excited these days when I get to do something normal like getting my hair cut or a pedicure.


And sorry I jumped ahead again.  Thought from your last post that we were relaxing at sea after you returned from your trip on the Tardis.  Looking forward to the sunset pictures!

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9 hours ago, TRUEBLUE66 said:

Ellie, Wow!

Just amazing the detail you have put into this. I only started reading a couple of days ago but bringing back so many memories! Love all the photos, you have a good eye for capturing a story.

We have been to Singapore half a dozen times as my brother in law resided there for over a decade. Just love the place. In Sydney we stayed at the same hotel but our room with the Juliet balcony was on the other side. Sorry to hear that it's not quite up to previous standards. 

We should have been returning in January/February but.... now planning for 2022.🤞

(not quite caught up yet but enjoying taking the trip!).




So glad you are enjoying it, David, and welcome onboard. The beauty of a virtual cruise is that you can join it at any point and catch up without missing anything! 😉


Singapore is a lovely place, isn’t it? We find something different each time we visit. We can’t wait to return, and hope that it won’t be too long for that day to arrive. 


The hotel in Sydney is beautiful but we just thought it was resting on its laurels a bit. For example, we feel the internet is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity, and when you are thousands of miles away from home and family it is frustrating when it is so poor. We also felt the service in the dining room was mediocre for the standard of hotel. But we loved the beautiful big room and the Juliet balcony, and it is in an exceptional position, so that makes up for a lot. 


I do hope that you will make it in 2022 if not before.


Glad to have you along on our adventure. Still one more port to come...


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