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7-23-20 Thursday Weigh-In......We're In This Together


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Good Times..Bad Times We're In This Together You Know

No matter what kind of a day/week of food you had...  whether you said yes or no


We want everyone to lose and some are having really good days

Others we're having ups and down days but trying to get better in our own way


We want to lose to get healthy and slimmer

One reason doing it is for the cruises we sail..like to be thinner


It's hard when we don't see any cruises this year

Just have to pretend that 2021 is near


We can do it even if even harder with the way our world is going now with no end in sight

But we will keep trying our best with everything in life plus the goal of losing weight till we get it right


PS..If we kept our Masks on 24/7 we couldn't eat...Would Lose Weight.:classic_laugh:

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Thanks for the encouragement, Belle 🙂 Answering your question from last week, we still have a cruise booked for November, but expect it will be canceled.  If they are still sailing we will likely go, taking reasonable distancing/mask precautions.


I'm down 1.4# this week, but still many pounds to go before I rest.  Feeling a little "off" this week, need to get it together since school starts soon for both kids.


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Good Morning all .... thanks for the poem Belle.  


PA where is your cruise going in November?  Congrats on the 1.4# loss that is nice ... I do understand about feeling a bit "off" ... it is difficult right now, but I guess we all just need to keep plugging along ....  will your kids have classroom school/college or on-line school?  They are still debating it here ... my kids aren't sure what they will end up doing if there is a lack of accommodation for their kids - our schools don't open up until September.


I am down 1.2# (alas it isn't new weight ... but it is weight loss from last week).   Had all the kids over last night and we had a wonderful time -- It was great to sit and talk ... spent most time outside.  Dog seems to be doing a little better (she has 7 meds ... which are not easy to get her to swallow them).  


Hope everyone has a wonderful week.  Jan

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Belle, thanks for the encouraging words. 


I stayed the same. Ok. 


PAcruise and Jan, congrats on the losses.


Jan, glad you had a nice time with your kids.


I too feel a bit off. Our world is just so upside down. 


Hang in there everyone. Diana

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Hi everyone! 


Belle, thanks for getting us started. And I may have to start wearing my mask at home... I'm up .6. Guess all my "what the heck" eating caught up with me.


PAcruise - great job on the loss. Sorry you are feeling off... I know, I find myself quite up and down all the time. So much stress and worry these days. A cruise in November would be nice but I have a feeling there may not be any sailings this year at all. I hope I'm wrong. I want to cruise again!


Jan - glad to hear your dog is doing better and it was nothing too serious. Glad you followed up when you knew something was different before it got worse. Congrats on your loss. Your visit with the kids sounded great!


Diana - I'm sorry you are feeling off too. Wishing all this Covid nonesense would just go away. 


Belle - Does your Alaska cruise go from Vancouver or Victoria? You could try our Cheezies if so. And in answer to your question, no I have no cruises currently booked, although I had put a couple for 2021 on option, I had let them go. I've been looking at 2022 though so might book something soon. I am a planner - I always book far, far in advance. I had our cancelled April cruise booked for just over 2 years. 


Off to get some exercise in before I start on my mask orders. Have a great day everyone!



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Hi all!


Belle ~ thanks for starting the chat.


Congrats to the losers & better luck next week to those, like me, who gained, in my case 0.4 lbs which is less than I thought it would be!


Robin ~ nobody I asked knows where in Belleville the Hawkins Cheezie plant is. I wonder how it smells near it. We went to Swiss Chalet yesterday for lunch after my eye doctor appt. There wasn't many people there. Do you have Swiss Chalet out in BC?


I have 4 cruises & a bus trip planned for 2021. BTB cruises from New Orleans in February are the earliest so hope they're a go. I have a TA in April & a Caribbean cruise in Nov, with the bus trip around Poland in September. Guess I know where all the refunded extra money's going!!😉


Have a nice day & stay safe! Today's the day I go back to short hair!!👍


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Well I did it, I just booked a great deal on a 7 day Mexican cruise for December 2021. I'm happy with that and hopefull that everything will be semi-normal by then. The flight is less than 3 hours for me from Vancouver so that will good if masks are still mandatory on flights, which I suspect they may be. And now I have something to look forward to/work towards. Yay!


@retiring soon Sorry for your gain, at least I'm in good company this week! 🥴  I would think the Cheezies factory would smell pretty cheesy, lol. And we used to have Swiss Chalet out here but not sure there are any left. There used to be two within a 45 min drive of my house but they are both gone now. Wow, you have a busy 2021 scheduled! I envy you. 

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Jan, my cruise is a Southern Caribbean on Viking Ocean out of Miami.  It's to celebrate our 25th anniversary and would be our first time on the premium line.


DD will be a returning sophomore to a university in Indiana.  The current plan is in-person instruction but lots of distancing.  They have at least one residence hall set aside for potential quarantine issues and have instructed students to have a go-kit ready in case something happens.


DS will be a returning high school sophomore at a smallish Christian school (less than 30 in his entire class last year/around 425 overall student body).  They are planning in person instruction with distancing that will allow for no masks in the classroom but masks required in the halls.

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5 minutes ago, pacruise804 said:

Jan, my cruise is a Southern Caribbean on Viking Ocean out of Miami.  It's to celebrate our 25th anniversary and would be our first time on the premium line.


That sounds amazing! Our 25th is this September but unfortunately, looks like we won't be going anywhere. 


My DD# 1 is done with school at this time and happily works with plants - she's a gardener. She's gone to college for Interior Design but loves working outdoors and with plants.  DD#2 is planning to go to college this fall for a Social work program... not sure yet how much will be in class versus online. 

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Hi all,

I was up .4# yesterday, but my scale says by body fat was down .5%. So it looks like the workouts are working. I had been loosing, but ate poorly Wednesday, so I'm sure that's what the gain was from. I seem to lose all will power the night before our weigh ins! 


Cruises - we have two booked right now. January is the closest going to Bahamas / CocoCay. Then we moved our Nov 2020 Caribbean cruise to 2021. 

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Hope everyone is having a good Friday. I learned today is National Tequila Day. Planning to have a margarita later!


Jo, Robin, Mel....small gains.....at least it wasn't more. Mel, good you lost some fat percentage. 


We currently have 0 cruises or vacations of any kind booked. We'll see how things go. We have our eyes on a couple end of next year. 


Stay safe and healthy, Diana

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It's been a lazy weekend here. DH has been mentally recovering from so many extra hours, and we haven't really done anything. I dropped off some samples this morning, and I have another set I'm dropping off tomorrow afternoon. We're taking our first break of the school year this week, so I can't use the "I didn't have time to workout" excuse. I think the kids and I are going to try to go to the pool tomorrow morning. We'll leave around 11 before it gets busy.

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Mel, sounds like your hubby is working s hard. Hopefully he can zone out a bit at home. Have fun at the pool. That's such a nice treat in the summer. Good you have samples to drop off.


Wonder where Belle is, maybe computer not cooperating. 


Yesterday's workout for me was mopping our tile floors. Exhausting.....Today we're just watching tv. Too hot outside for puttering in the yard. I picked some peaches off our trees and will make a peach crisp tonight. Have eaten 3 today. 


Have a good evening to everyone.








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Diana..Yes computer was acting up. Electricity was off one day and then computer wasn't working right for

a few days. Fine now. We're so use to the computer everyday..what did we do before we had it?

We got work done because we had extra time.:classic_laugh: 

I blame the computer for not working for what I did....Book 4 cruises b2b's for March but they are all free. Have to

pay tax and insurance but not the cabin wish is nice because I have to pay double normally.. Got a window cabin,

floor to ceiling. Ship OBC and Casino OBC and free drinks in casino on all 4 cruises plus same cabin and don't have to move.

Now have 7 cruises booked, 4 in March, 2 in April and one in Sept.  6 are free and  1 with discounts.

Now if I want to take them when the time comes (if feel safe) and if cruises lines are sailing.

Also did some work in the yards. A little cleaning in the house too.

Thursday Morning I stayed the same. No gain..Happy.


Diana..Hope your feeling better. Yes the world is upside down. WE try to act normal for a minute and

then hear, read, and see it's not normal. I hate cleaning the floors. Glad your enjoying the peaches.


Pac...Good loss.  I hope your cruise still goes if you want to go and everything is safe. Depends what cruise line your

booked on. Princess not sailing now till Dec. where others still say Oct.


Jan..Nice loss even if losing it again. It's 1.4 your not carrying around. Glad you had a nice time with the "kids" and

your dog is doing better.


Robin..Your gain is small, you'll get it off.  I think we're all doing good. Do you notice when we do gain there small.

We're doing good staying the same and even have loss's. When you hear others talking about them gaining.

Pay's to come in each week means we're thinking about/trying to eat better at times like this.

April cruise going to Vancouver and in Sept. to Victoria. I'll have to try the Cheezies.


Jo...You too justv have a small gain, you to will get it off soon. You cruise in Feb. good I will here what the cruise lines

are doing on the ship. Sure they all will pretty much do the same things for safety.  See your traveling farther away

then me, staying closer.. doing, CA, Mx and AK.  How was your haircut?


Mel...Small gain to, will get off. Congrats on body fat down. Your doing great on your exercise. Your cruise is even

earlier then us on here. You'll have to tell us everything...mainly if you felt safe.  Glad your may pick up some business.

Hope your husband got some rest.  I'm glad don't have kids that are the age to go to school. Hard to decide what

to do if have a choice. School on online or school in person.  Your lucky you home school and don't have to decide.

Really hard for parents working outside the home.  Hope you enjoy the pool.


OK 3 days till weigh-in..can we be good?  Does it really depends on our mood? What is going on in your life and what

we read about the virus and the world? Can you ignore it all and stay on plan?  Can you be good most of the time?

But sometimes everything hits you?  You need comfort food?  Sometimes your down and don't want to eat?


What are your answers to these questions?  Take care.:classic_smile:


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Productive weekend here.  Some deep cleaning and rearranging in our storage/mud room; cleaned out an under stair storage closet and getting rid of most of what was there; workouts with DD; budget and calendar review with DH (lots of big items this month so the checkbook is ready for a break 😉 ).


DS computer is acting up again.  It's still under warranty and hoping we can go in person to get it fixed this time rather than mailing since they really didn't fix it last time (only lasted a month or so).  Lots of cleaning/organizing to still do with what we are keeping. 


We are considering trying an all-inclusive if our cruise is canceled (have seen friends able to fly out of country for vacations) - DH is really missing beach time😎. Either way we have each other and are incredibly blessed ❤️ 


Belle, I did mostly well this weekend.  Saturday I really didn't want to cook even though I had a plan and had pulled shrimp to thaw.  Instead of ordering out we had quesadillas and fresh veggies - more carbs than I usually eat for supper but much healthier than pizza 😉 Made the shrimp last night although I still had to adjust - my original plan called for soy sauce and I forgot I was out so zoodle scampi instead.

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Pac..."Weigh to go"   did great on your eating.  You ate healthier then the pizza. Then had shrimp the next day.

I know seafood of all kinds is good for you and less cal's (in most cases) but I don't like seafood.  Wish I

did, suppose to be healthier then meat.  I've been trying to eat less meat. We all just have to take it day by

day and you did good this weekend.


Hope everyone had a good weekend in your eating and everything.

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The pool was a success this morning. We got there right when they opened, and the only other people there was an adult couple. A dad and his two boys showed up about 30 minutes later, but they were a lot younger than my kids and stayed in the shallow area. The couple left and another couple came, the family left... and that was as crowded as it got! It helped that it was pretty cloudy this morning. I would try again tomorrow, but we're supposed to get some rain. We'll see. 


I've got chicken in the crockpot. I'm making buffalo chicken cabbage bowls tonight. They're a lot healthier than they sound; they basically use hot sauce and a very little amount of olive oil (instead of butter) for a sauce. Then blue cheese crumbles and a little ranch dressing (because the blue cheese is enough for us already). I'm cheating and using the package cole slaw instead of cutting up cabbage so it's almost ready. 

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Belle, glad you're back. Good you stayed the same. So many cruises you have booked. I will cross my fingers you get to go on all of them. Great deals for you.


Regarding the virus. It's sad we keep seeing and hearing of crowds together, no masks, no social distancing.


There was a report this week from Shasta County, north of us, that a religious retreat had hundreds of people (outdoors but no masks or distance). I watched a video, way too many people, all crowded together, no masks. Just wish people would understand that in a time of crisis we need to do what is for the greater good. Then they travel back to where they live and bring the virus back maybe. 


PAcruise, good on the eating and so productive. 


Mel, great you got to the pool. So few people so that really worked out for you and your kids. Your dinner sounds delicious.


Our eating is pretty good. Snacking on peaches and tomatoes, salad tonight for dinner. The tomatoes are super healthy for us, full of antioxidants and good for the immune system. It is much easier eating healthy when we are home all the time. 


Have a nice evening everyone.

















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 Diana...Thank you. Yes good deals for me as I would have to pay double for the cabins. But I

won't go if not safe. Yes if people would just get it. Wear masks, distance, don't go in big groups

till this gets better. If in groups you need your MASKS ON!

Glad your enjoying the good things from your garden.


Mel ..Glad you enjoyed the pool with your kids and hardly any people were there. Makes you feel safer.

Enjoy your dinner tonight. Aren't Crockpots nice..does the cooking for us.

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Mel your dinner sounds good.  I use bagged slaw mix quite often, but today will be using a partial bag and also running a head of cabbage and some carrots through my food processor for buffalo crack slaw (similar to yours, but more asian feel - has the wing sauce but also soy, no blue cheese or ranch).  Using the crockpot tomorrow for Creamy Italian Chicken requested by my daughter.  I'm going to research swapping Greek yogurt for some of the cream cheese and use cauliflower rice instead of traditional or noodles.

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Dinner was good last night. Tonight it's turkey tacos. I am usually good and just have a taco salad instead of a tortilla, but I have no control when it comes to toppings! Bring on the guac, cheese, and sour cream! 😋🌮


pacruise - my kids love "creamy chicken" too. We also skip the noodles and just have it with a lot of broccoli and give the kids some garlic bread to go with it. I try to only make it every few weeks since there is so much cream of chicken soup and cream cheese, but it's really a staple in our house.


Diana - I thought our garden was pretty much done for the season, but I just found our first zucchini of the year, a few cucumbers, and 7 tomatoes on our Cherokee Purple vine. The last time we tried that variety, we only got one and didn't even get to eat it. We were going out of town for the weekend and my in-laws were watching our daughter for us, so we brought it with us thinking we would have it with dinner the night we got back to their house to pick up DD. I don't think DH told his parents that was our plan because it was gone when we got there. They said it was very good though! Our okra is still doing ok, but our other tomato plants have really slowed down.


Belle - I'm excited for your cruises! Yes, I love our crock pot. I can't figure out how to use our Insta pot though. I think I've used it twice in the 5 years we've owned it.


It seems I've poured all my cruise planning energy into designing our pool - I already have all the features and finishes picked out and have the design drawn to scale. I'm just waiting for the pool designers to come out and crush my dreams because I didn't consider anything practical. You know...like set back lines or plumbing requirements. 😆But what's the fun in that! We have two appointments the first Friday in August - I'm hoping they go well and everything I want is in our budget. 


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Mel, thanks for sharing about your garden veggies. Sounds ilke you have a great idea for a pool. 


Our tomatoes are still going like crazy. I pick huge bowls full every few days. I am quick to eat them. They are really the only thing that doesn't get killed by our heat. Even the zucchini isn't isn't too happy with our heat. But the tomatoes.......love it. 


We picked some peaches from our tree, eating a lot and made jars of jam. Will make another fruit crisp and probably cobbler tomorrow. Asking neighbors if they want any. I pick them with mask and gloves on and contactless delivery to their door. 


We placed a hold on a cruise....for August, 2021. A 12 night New England/Canada from Boston. Hoping by then things will be better. 


Hubby is taking us out for a bad dinner (have to eat in the car). Burger and fries. Oh man, not good for my diet. Fat, calorie and salt bomb........Guess I'll hope to stay the same this week. 


Have a good evening, Diana

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Turns out I didn't eat too badly at dinner. I had a kid size burger, small fries (which hubby ate most of). So not horrible. 


We stopped at a market and I got so excited, they had large containers of hand sanitizer, yippee. Definitely bought one. That is something we haven't found in months. Fortunately we had some when this whole thing started but nice to have more.







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All of your dinners sound good. I just had a salad and a turkey burger, no bun.

Daughter came over today and we worked on the lawn/reeds.. She did more then me.

Didn't eat together today. She had things to do I took a lot of her day off hours.


Mel and Pac I use the bag salads to. So easy and different kinds out there. Plain or mixed

does the job.


Mel..Thank you for the cruise wishes. Just hope I can take them.  Good Luck on your pool that

it will be on budget.


Diana..Nice you have a cruise on hold. You had a small dinner bet no gain.


Everyone have a good Wed.  Take care.

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So quiet in here.  I miss when when we talked more and had more people in here. I know the world

has changed around us at this time and some have other things to think about and deal with lots

of emotions. Some more than others.


I thank you here that still come in and talk.  I hope others will find us again and new people will join us.


I did really good on eating this week and the number on the scale won't move. Hate that.:classic_tongue:

Hope all of you have your numbers going down and your eating well.  Take Care.

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