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6 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Thanks Eglesbrech, that's very kind of you.  Well, following the meeting, it turns out that we only just have enough AZ vaccines to cover us for the weekend. We didn't get the drop yesterday as expected.  After a count up from all practices (8) we established that we wouldn't need to cancel patients after all but it's going to be very tight (if someone's count is wrong we're stuffed). I was dreading having to cancel patients who, in the main, have been delighted to be contacted.  I hate letting people down.  After that, we have no vaccine drop for about 10 days, just as you predicted.  The next drop will be Pfizer again and we have to wait to hear from NHS England who to vaccinate?  Is it going to be used for a second jab or do we carry on with the unvaccinated groups?  We expect to be told early next week.  So I was feeling quite pleased with the way it had all gone so far but now I feel it's a mess.  I am worried about the supply chain I must confess.  Anyway, nothing I can do until we hear from them at the top!  Have a great weekend.  Best wishes.  Jane.x 

You are not letting anyone down Jane, you have done all you can and we appreciate your input. Overall we are doing great to be where we are now.

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3 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

Thanks for the update, Jane.  If you’re in a position to post further on that in due course  I’m sure we’d all be very grateful.



Hello Harry.  See my post 4527 to Eglesbrech which gives a bit more detail (probably too much, having read it back).  Bottom line is that we'll run out of Astra Zeneca vaccs this weekend.  This is my hub, not the whole country.  We'll then have a 10 day delay until the next lot comes in - which will be Pfizer again.  We have to wait now while NCL CCG (North Central London Clinical Commissioning Group) decides whether or not we have to use those new Pfizers for second jabs, or to continue vaccinating, giving first jabs, through the age groups.  Personally, I hope we are asked to start on 2nd jabs because I feel those people were let down somewhat, having already had their originally planned 3-week recall appointments cancelled.  Having said that I can also see the argument for carrying on through the groups - providing we know the supply chain is secure.  Why don't I just sit on the fence!  It's all a bit of a mess Harry.  I will update you all when I know more but in the meanwhile have a great weekend everyone.  Jane. x

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10 minutes ago, ace2542 said:

What if he tests positive? My friend who works for NHS who I told about this is adamant he would have not have the vaccination card unless he had the jab. If he has that bad a reaction to it, it may not be advisable for him to take the second shot. And are they not going to look at CCTV or even count the jabs and see they have one spare?.

He would only test positive for coronavirus if he has an active infection. 


He's hardly likely to have a bad reaction to a second shot, when he hasn't had a first shot



The person who gave me the account of what happened to her husband is very reliable, so if she says this situation has arisen, then I believe what she's saying.

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1 hour ago, Adawn47 said:

After Frank got his letter from the NHS he decided to wait, and the invite from our doctor came the following week, including one for me as well. Shouldn't be long now wowzz🤞


Hi sis,my invite just arrived on the doormat I'm 68.I had the same problem as Wowzz.The 119 guy said that they've added care workers to our group and it's caused a glitch in the system but thinks it will be OK by Monday.Not long now,bro.

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1 minute ago, yorkshirephil said:

You are not letting anyone down Jane, you have done all you can and we appreciate your input. Overall we are doing great to be where we are now.

Thanks very much Phil. It's a strange situation we find ourselves in.  Having done so well in the first few months, and for it to look like it's coming to a shuddering halt, is very dispiriting.  However, you are right in that we've stormed it so far, and will keep on storming until we are let down by forces out of our control.  As always thanks for your encouragement.  I'm working all weekend but will be in touch again soon - hopefully with something good to report.  Have a great weekend. Jane.x 

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There have been developments.


We were doing the washing up after lunch, when a post office van pulled up outside our house. A post woman got out, holding two envelopes. One went in our front door, and another in a house down the road.


It was THE letter!!!  As we have had no post at all this week, it looks like they have given the NHS letter priority at the sorting office.


My husband hasn't tried to book an appointment yet, going by what others have said about the system not being updated yet.   Will try on Monday.


At least that's one step forward though.  Now lets hope the vaccine supply holds up! 



Edited by Dermotsgirl
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3 minutes ago, Bin man said:

Just had the call to arms Get the jab on Monday I'm 66 and asked if wife could come she is 65 lady checked the list she was on it and booked in 5 mins later so all is good .💉💉

Glad to see they are doing the business in sunny Scunny.

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3 hours ago, Dermotsgirl said:



my husband is 69  and has heard nothing. To be honest, I’m finding it slightly disconcerting, as everywhere else seems to be cracking on.


Has anybody in Kent or Medway got any news? 

Hi it is me again. I had a phone call at 10.30 this morning, can you make a 12.30 or 1.30 appointment? Yes I said, punching the air, I will be there at 12.30. Out by 12.45 all done and I did not even feel it. Just had lunch. Got my 2nd jab date for 5 May as well. I am 69 🥳


They were doing groups of 10 people at I think half hour intervals, 15 mins for the procedure etc and 15 minutes to sanitise the place for the next batch. We also had someone arrive to collect vaccine for another practice so they were doing multiple venues from the same hub. Multiple groups as well, a lady who was 70 and two young adults which I think would be in group 6 'people 16 to 64 with underlying health conditions'.

Edited by davecttr
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1 minute ago, davecttr said:

Hi it is me again. I had a phone call at 10.30 this morning, can you make a 12.30 or 1.30 appointment? Yes I said, punching the air I will be there at 12.30. Out by 12.45 all done and I did not even feel it. Just had lunch. Got my 2nd jab date for 5 May as well. I am 69 🥳


They were doing groups of 10 people at I think half hour intervals, 15 mins for the procedure etc and 15 minutes to sanitise the place for the next batch. We also had someone arrive to collect vaccine for another practice so they were doing multiple venues from the same hub.

That’s really great news. Bet you didn’t expect that to happen at the start of the day......👍

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1 minute ago, davecttr said:

Hi it is me again. I had a phone call at 10.30 this morning, can you make a 12.30 or 1.30 appointment? Yes I said, punching the air I will be there at 12.30. Out by 12.45 all done and I did not even feel it. Just had lunch. Got my 2nd jab date for 5 May as well. I am 69 🥳


They were doing groups of 10 people at I think half hour intervals, 15 mins for the procedure etc and 15 minutes to sanitise the place for the next batch. We also had someone arrive to collect vaccine for another practice so they were doing multiple venues from the same hub.

That's good news.


From memory, I think you said that your GP hub is not the one at Parkwood.? 


That's where we would go if the GP calls us, and would be preferable, as it is so close. But now my husband has the letter, he will most likely book at the vaccination centre in Gravesend, just to get it done, rather than wait for the GP...... we haven't had very good experiences with our GP being pro-active about contacting us. 

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2 hours ago, yorkshirephil said:

Overall the vaccination has gone much better than most expected, there have been a few inconsistencies and a few hiccups on the way, and regardless of offered or actual doses given the target looks like being met or very close. Thank you to all those involved in making this happen.

Yes indeed. World beating and life saving. Lots of folk deserve our profound thanks. You know who you are.😁

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30 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Thanks Eglesbrech, that's very kind of you.  Well, following the meeting, it turns out that we only just have enough AZ vaccines to cover us for the weekend. We didn't get the drop yesterday as expected.  After a count up from all practices (8) we established that we wouldn't need to cancel patients after all but it's going to be very tight (if someone's count is wrong we're stuffed). I was dreading having to cancel patients who, in the main, have been delighted to be contacted.  I hate letting people down.  After that, we have no vaccine drop for about 10 days, just as you predicted.  The next drop will be Pfizer again and we have to wait to hear from NHS England who to vaccinate?  Is it going to be used for a second jab or do we carry on with the unvaccinated groups?  We expect to be told early next week.  So I was feeling quite pleased with the way it had all gone so far but now I feel it's a mess.  I am worried about the supply chain I must confess.  Anyway, nothing I can do until we hear from them at the top!  Have a great weekend.  Best wishes.  Jane.x 

You are doing all you possibly under the circumstances Jane, you can't be expected to work miracles and can only play the cards you are dealt. The fact that are feeling bad only shows what a kind and compassionate person you are.


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1 hour ago, wowzz said:

Quite happy to wait, but it does seem less than ideal to send out a letter prematurely. Personally, I would prefer to book online, as that way I can book my second appointment at the same time, whereas that is not the case if I book through the surgery.

It does not always happen wowzz, I went on line immediately after receiving our NHS letters and was able to book oour jabs.

But from reports on here and in the media the glitches are beginning to grow, maybe the IT  system is copying the virus and mutating.:classic_blink:

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2 hours ago, wowzz said:

Got my letter this morning (65 - 70) age group. Straight on to the web site, and after putting in all the information was told I was ineligible.  Rang 119 - got through quite quickly. Was told that the system had not been updated, and when he tried to make an appointment for me, got the same refusal.

All very frustrating. Hopefully the surgery will ring through with an appointment in the next few days.


Me too  for DW.      Reported it to the website help  and got an autoreply saying  they cant deal with  the booking tool  just the website ??!!£$%


Odd thing is I got  into via another route and got dates and times  asked for a confirmation  - didnt get one.   Tried booking again and now it says  cant start another booking as we have one?£$$%&^

At least I know not to bother ringing 119 and hitting another brick wall.

are they   119 going to get back to you?


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29 minutes ago, Dermotsgirl said:

He would only test positive for coronavirus if he has an active infection. 


He's hardly likely to have a bad reaction to a second shot, when he hasn't had a first shot



The person who gave me the account of what happened to her husband is very reliable, so if she says this situation has arisen, then I believe what she's saying.

I actually believe you but my mate who works for NHS said that could not have happened. This is what he said Apparently you DONT get that vaccination card BEFORE you have the injection because you could just take the card and walk off and claim to be vaccinated and not be. The person who vaccinates you gives you the card. So if he has the card he has the jab?




Edited by ace2542
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8 minutes ago, Dermotsgirl said:

That's good news.


From memory, I think you said that your GP hub is not the one at Parkwood.? 


That's where we would go if the GP calls us, and would be preferable, as it is so close. But now my husband has the letter, he will most likely book at the vaccination centre in Gravesend, just to get it done, rather than wait for the GP...... we haven't had very good experiences with our GP being pro-active about contacting us. 

It is the one near the golf course. Gravesend should be OK if you have the transport. Or maybe Boots in Chatham?

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2 hours ago, Ardennais said:

Wales is catching up and meeting the targets but things will be slowing down for a while unfortunately due to shortages.



I watched the FM's news briefing. He said they were mopping up the last few stragglers before moving on. Good for him and his NHS colleagues, it must be a good feeling to have met those targets.

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25 minutes ago, brian1 said:

Hi sis,my invite just arrived on the doormat I'm 68.I had the same problem as Wowzz.The 119 guy said that they've added care workers to our group and it's caused a glitch in the system but thinks it will be OK by Monday.Not long now,bro.

Glad you got your letter bro. That little light at end of the tunnel is begining to look a tad brighter. I hope it all helps towards your regular sojourn to Calabria.


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3 minutes ago, ace2542 said:

I actually believe you but my mate who works for NHS said that could not have happened. This is what he said Apparently you DONT get that vaccination card BEFORE you have the injection because you could just take the card and walk off and claim to be vaccinated and not be. The person who vaccinates you gives you the card.



That was my experience. I was given the card about 10 seconds before the needle went in my arm.


Thinks - must take a photo of the card on all my computing devices and phone etc and keep the original with my passport

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