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The Daily for Saturday Jan 2, 2021


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Happy Birthday  to   Sam! And  Jacqui I  loved  looking  at  your  Prinsendam  suite  pictures. The  last  time  we  were  on  her, in 2018  my  brother  and  SIL  had  a  suite  and  I  am  ashamed  to say  I  contracted full  blown  sibling  envy syndrome. DH  and  I  had  a  lovely  ocean  view  with  the  walk  in  closet so  there  was  no  real  reason  for  such  a reaction. Thank  you  so  much  for  the  pictures.

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Good morning everyone!  I decided to post earlier today, I still can’t get over how popular the Daily was yesterday. Thank you for the Daily Rich!  Callie and Leo are beautiful and Happy Mew Year to them and all the other kitties.  

Not a fan of fruitcake but maybe I haven’t had the right one. We buy a rum cake every Christmas from a local sandwich shop and we still have some left. It’s sooooo good and rummy. 

I would love to have the menu suggestion but won’t make it myself. A local pizza restaurant does, maybe we’ll do takeout. 

If DGD wakes up before noon we are going to decorate cookies. 

Have a great day everyone!

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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for these great photos! Imagine that island being your haven!

What are they looking for when they “inspect” your clothing?

I'm still catching up on other things and mostly lurking but I did want to touch on this.  We were EXTREMELY lucky to visit South Georgia on the final Prinsendam Grand South America.  They don't normally allow ships over 500 feet to visit but we were extremely lucky to be granted an exception.  We had our biocheck 2 days before arrival where there were tables set up in the forward staging area next to the tender hatches.  They scrubbed down jackets, shoes, walking sticks, and anything else that might touch the ground.  Think of it as Australia or New Zealand restrictions on steroids.





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@kazuI took a look at your photos.  Your Signature Suite on Prinsendam was very big.  It even had the large L-shaped sofa.  I recognize those sinks and counters.  


I like the curtained off bed on the Neptune (006).  We used that feature a lot on Quest.  Due to the sun being up so many hours of the day we would pull the light blocking curtains on the balcony door, then pull the bed area curtains too so it was really dark.  The Neptune was very nice and I'm sure you could get a good crowd in there.  Not these days during social distancing, but back then, yes!


The Penthouse (008) was very big!  Loved the dining room where you could set it up for guests and enjoy a nice dinner there.  Big bar, and lots of seating.  I bet you loved it!  And so close to the Crow's Nest you could easily find your way "home from the bar" at night!  Lol!





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Wow. I got on early for the western US but while reading it morphed to three pages. Thanks Rich and Roy. Thanks everyone. No wind today so time to get in some walking. I’d rather walk then do the laundry so perfect excuse. 

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A great day of beautiful cat pictures!  Summer, I think I’ve commented before that your Tortie looks so much like my beloved and missed Tortola Rose - this morning’s picture made me gasp.

I love the quote.  DH has the imagination and skills, loves to tinker, and oh yeah we have “stuff”!

Stitches and staples come out Wednesday - I will be very glad to have this episode behind me.

Have a terrific weekend, everyone.  Mask up, watch where you put your feet.  😐

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Good Morning All,


Its shaping up to be a lovely day here. Not much planned- maybe I’ll start on cleaning up the garage.😬😜


Thought I’d share this link I came across in follow up to the moved thread about SW airlines making changes to their emotional support animal policy. This article backs up and looks at the changes in guidance to airlines. Maybe this will lead to a more reasonable policy onboard ship (that supports Service dogs and prevents “impersonating pets”).



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What a nice thread.  This was Houdini’s first Christmas. Thought the cat lovers might enjoy his first look at the tree (that was completely decorated with non-breakables).  Haven’t had fruit cake in a decade, seems like I enjoyed it though.  Happy New Year Everbody!


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


After leaving Antarctica, they thoroughly examine anything you plan to wear on shore in South Georgia Island so that you don't introduce any foreign matter, like seeds, to their environment from Antarctica  Any speck has to be removed.  They even check the boots which are kept outside in a covered environment in metal cages with your cabin number on it.  Sort of like a dog crate.  Those are power washed off for us a couple times during the cruise.  Most of us had rented the boots from a company that does that sort of thing for Antarctica cruises.  So you take your parkas, scarfs, hats, gloves, waterproof pants, everything and they examine them.  Technically they even have to examine any backpacks or camera cases, too. Then your name is checked off a list.  There are very strict rules from the ITTAO.  enhance

Thank you! That makes sense. The first thing that popped in to my head was that they were looking for smuggled contraband.😱

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11 minutes ago, sprinkles said:

What a nice thread.  This was Houdini’s first Christmas. Thought the cat lovers might enjoy his first look at the tree (that was completely decorated with non-breakables).  Haven’t had fruit cake in a decade, seems like I enjoyed it though.  Happy New Year Everbody!


Welcome aboard (and LMM1801, after posting Christmas Day, glad to see you back again).



Edited by rafinmd
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39 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@kazuI took a look at your photos.  Your Signature Suite on Prinsendam was very big.  It even had the large L-shaped sofa.  I recognize those sinks and counters.  


I like the curtained off bed on the Neptune (006).  We used that feature a lot on Quest.  Due to the sun being up so many hours of the day we would pull the light blocking curtains on the balcony door, then pull the bed area curtains too so it was really dark.  The Neptune was very nice and I'm sure you could get a good crowd in there.  Not these days during social distancing, but back then, yes!


The Penthouse (008) was very big!  Loved the dining room where you could set it up for guests and enjoy a nice dinner there.  Big bar, and lots of seating.  I bet you loved it!  And so close to the Crow's Nest you could easily find your way "home from the bar" at night!  Lol!






One thing I loved about the Neptune Suite on the P’dam was the curtains that separated the bedroom area from the rest of the room.  It worked well for us as I am an early riser and DH likes to sleep a bit later.  

So, I could get up, and even turn on lights to get ready to go out without disturbing DH.


We got teased quite a bit in the Crow’s Nest when I told them I was going to take a drink back to the cabin.  Our waiter or bartender would ask - do you want us to carry those for you?  It’s a very long walk 😉 


Yes, we did like the PS and put it to good use.  A wine social with the roll call.  Course by course dining with friends at the dining room table.  

It was a splurge for my 60th and I don’t regret one penny of it 😉 


Loved being on the sports deck with the Crow’s Nest. The hallway on one side is very wide and decorated with lots of unique art and memorabilia.

I’m going to miss that little ship ❤️ 😢 

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I spent most of yesterday afternoon in the kitchen, but it was worth it! The Hoppin' John was delicious and the collard greens were pretty good for my first try (but I have certainly tasted better).


I rewarded myself with a glass of Rittenhouse Rye Whiskey after all the cooking was under control - 



And here is my view of the New Year's Day sunset out of our kitchen window. The cornbread had just gone into the oven and I was sipping whiskey while gazing at the frozen lake -


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23 minutes ago, sprinkles said:

What a nice thread.  This was Houdini’s first Christmas. Thought the cat lovers might enjoy his first look at the tree (that was completely decorated with non-breakables).  Haven’t had fruit cake in a decade, seems like I enjoyed it though.  Happy New Year Everbody!


Welcome & a big Hello to Houdini.  Does he live up to his name?

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I'd like to say good morning to all but somehow I lazed the morning away....  Better make up for it the rest of the day. I have to get the house back in order today and tomorrow as my (now remote) work starts again on Monday. And I didn't want to do cleaning yesterday since there is that old superstition that whatever you do on New Years day you'll be doing all year long....


The ravioli sounds good -- can't make it today but I will definitely make it soon.


@cat shepard I will have to hunt down that great wine too... it's right up my alley.  My local wine shop has a good selection of Italian reds. I have been educating them about Italian whites over the last few years so thankfully they have now expanded beyond just pinot grigio and prosecco.


@StLouisCruisers  I'm such a history buff. I love the idea of your following Shackleton's route from Elephant Island to South Georgia...  Thanks for sharing your cabin photos today. You are definitely giving me a lot of think about regarding my own Antarctica planning....  


Love all the cat photos. I grew up a "cat person" -- we had several beloved cats when I was growing up, but never had a dog until I married a "dog person".  Now I'd like to say I see the positives of both. But they are certainly different:



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Good morning.  Unfortunately all our cats and grand cats have crossed the rainbow  bridge, as have all our dogs and one grand dog.  The other grand dog is still healthy at 14 or 15 years old, but suffers from arthritis.  

@65 Gatorsorry to read your cat died.


We tossed the fruitcake quiet a while ago.  The recipe I use makes one large round cake or three loaf cakes.  Like many of you, DH likes fruitcake and I don’t.  Sadly, he forgot about the half eaten one in the fridge until it had turned into a brick as I kept  forgetting to soak it occasionally in brandy.  

Now, I better get to work on taking down the Christmas decorations and the tree.  It was so nice outside yesterday, I got all the outside lights and decorations put away.


@StLouisCruisers  We were on the Prinsendam in Norway in 2016 and 2017, so we probably sailed with you on the Elegant Explorer.




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38 minutes ago, Overhead Fred said:

I spent most of yesterday afternoon in the kitchen, but it was worth it! The Hoppin' John was delicious and the collard greens were pretty good for my first try (but I have certainly tasted better).


I rewarded myself with a glass of Rittenhouse Rye Whiskey after all the cooking was under control - 



And here is my view of the New Year's Day sunset out of our kitchen window. The cornbread had just gone into the oven and I was sipping whiskey while gazing at the frozen lake -


What a lovely view! Hello to everyone on this 2nd day of the New Year!

Edited by Love the beach
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Good morning, and Happy Mew Year!  Thank you again, Rich and Roy, and as someone said yesterday, the "drinks ladies" for your contributions.  @65 Gator, sorry about your cat.  I love cats, we always had cats when I was a child, but unfortunately, it turned out I gave birth to a couple of allergic children, so that put paid to that.  I had to make a choice, cats or children...


No fruitcake to toss, we both like it, so it didn't last long. This morning  I did toss out a tube of rock-hard marzipan though.  Does that count?


Raining steadily here, with 100% chance of precipitation, the paper said.  I had hoped the red sky last night foretold better things.  Oh, well, nowhere to go anyway.  I recorded a "House" marathon yesterday, so I can whip through those.

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Good morning all!  Windy and rain, rain, rain here.  

I'm in the group who will be tossing the fruitcake (along with Easter peeps and Halloween candy corn). 😂


@65 GatorLeon, I'm so sorry to hear your kitty passed away last week.  Hugs to you and Jenny.

@kazuwe had similar parking problems when we lived in Montana -- it was humorous seeing how people would park in store parking lots -- just pull in and stop -- anywhere.  😄


Happy Mew Year!!  I'm loving all the photos of the gorgeous cats.  I'm a big-time cat lover, and had at least one all my life up until our beloved Suhy passed away 10 years ago.  I probably have said this before, but I raised her with a tiny kitten bottle from the age of about 10 days. We didn't know if she would live.  She lived to be 17 and was extremely attached to me.  I still miss that darn cat.  Here she is in her younger days (like all cats she loved being inside boxes, coolers, etc.)  When we travel I'm the one who has to stop to pet every cat I see, this one was in Mykonos, cat-lover's paradise.  🙂  

Suhy and cooler.jpg

Mykonos kitty.jpg

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17 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Raining steadily here, with 100% chance of precipitation, the paper said.  I had hoped the red sky last night foretold better things.  Oh, well, nowhere to go anyway.  I recorded a "House" marathon yesterday, so I can whip through those


Another House Fan!  


Sorry about your rain.  Would you rather have this?




It’s coming down pretty thick and blowing.

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34 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@StLouisCruisers  We were on the Prinsendam in Norway in 2016 and 2017, so we probably sailed with you on the Elegant Explorer.




Oh that would have been nice.  The dates of the Norway spectacular were June 16 through July 6, so 20 days.  It began in Ijmuiden, Netherlands, stopped in Copenhagen, then we stopped in 14 wonderful Norway ports.  Norway is our second favorite place to cruise.  Antarctica is the first.  


We were also on Prinsendam in late May, early June, 2017 and that included some Norway on it as well.  We sure miss the "Elegant Explorer"!

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