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Disheartening. Cruise line CEO's in the dark as to CDC's expectations.


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The major cruise line CEO's and Florida politicians met on Friday discussing the CDC's intransigence and stonewalling with regard to working with the cruise industry on a path to returning to cruising.  I had hoped behind the scenes the CDC was working with the cruise lines on protocols for a return to safe sailing.  Apparently they were not talking.  The video below--which I started with Harry Sommer President CEO of NCL talking to the group--is enlightening.  It was good to see all the cruise lines are committed to working together to return to sailing, but in a safe manner.  Hopefully the politicians can take politics out of the equation and follow Sommer's suggestion that they invite the CDC's Director Rochelle Walensky to Florida to meet with the governor and the cruise CEOs.   



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3 hours ago, mianmike said:

The major cruise line CEO's and Florida politicians met on Friday discussing the CDC's intransigence and stonewalling with regard to working with the cruise industry on a path to returning to cruising.  I had hoped behind the scenes the CDC was working with the cruise lines on protocols for a return to safe sailing.  Apparently they were not talking.  The video below--which I started with Harry Sommer President CEO of NCL talking to the group--is enlightening.  It was good to see all the cruise lines are committed to working together to return to sailing, but in a safe manner.  Hopefully the politicians can take politics out of the equation and follow Sommer's suggestion that they invite the CDC's Director Rochelle Walensky to Florida to meet with the governor and the cruise CEOs.   




Thank you for posting this video. I totally agree with you, this video is enlightening an a real "look behind the curtain". Not to get political, but Gov DeSantis is an excellent leader and governor that is clearly on display in this video. He is absolutely doing the right thing by reaching out and partnering (public - private partnership) with the cruise line execs. But this is not just a state of Florida issue, it is a national issue (i.e. the cruise lines not be able to sail Alaska itineraries, which is not only affecting another state, Alaska, but requires national action to work with Canada). Bottom line, since this falls squarely in the CDC's jurisdiction (a national agency), CDC Director Rochelle Walensky needs to start doing her job, get off her ass and leave her office in D.C. and get out and meet/partner with these cruise line execs, like Gov. DeSantis is doing. It is very disturbing when Director Walensky states that it is under "inter-agency" review but cannot name the other agencies involved. As Gov. DeSantis pointed out, the whole entire covid picture has changed (for the better) since the CDC's NSO/CSO were issued, with the vaccines, theraputics, understanding of the virus & disease, rapid testing, etc. And, as Gov. DeSantis siad, the CDC needed to be able to "change course" when these advancements & information on the virus & disease came to the forefront. And, as he said, all the CDC needs to do is look at the successful restart of cruising in other parts of the world (Singapore, Italy, etc) with 0 covid outbreaks. I agree with the cruise line execs in this video, July 1st is the time.

Edited by farmersfight
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The CDC didn't want to issue the conditional sail order in the first place, it only did so because the previous administration pushed them to. This administration on the other hand is fine with everyone hiding in the basement.


It's sad to watch a government agency completely destroy and industry. We're talking about billions of dollars annually that benefit the local economies of several states.


Based on this video and based on the CDC Directors testimony in the Senate it's clear they have no clue what they're doing, what their plan is, or how to move forward. They're ok with just sitting on this unlit their hand is placed over the fire.


Meanwhile cruising WILL start back up, it just won't be in the US. So here's free money to the Bahamas, Bermuda, Saint Marteen, and whoever else is smart enough to jump on this.

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Thanks @mianmike for posting this video.  What it demonstrates is we have an engaged set of leaders, Florida State and cruise line industry, ready to throw the flag on the CDC for their inaction and unconstitutional act of shutting down a significant industry across the United States.  We need to collectively speak up and support them and amplify their message to our elected leaders.


As i posted on the thread "Exciting news coming very soon" (and as others have on other threads), we in America can add our voices to Flordia's,  ASTA and CLIA's efforts by writing our respective Senators and Representatives.  It is easy to do online now:


Here is the link for Senators:https://www.senate.gov/?Class=1

Here is the link for Congress: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative


Feel free to clone the text below that I sent to all of my representatives a few days ago:


It has been almost five months since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued its framework for cruise lines return to sailing.  Since then, the cruise industry has been in a holding pattern in the U.S., with sailings in the largest cruise market in the world still banned, with no clear guidance on the horizon.  Meanwhile, the three largest cruise lines sailing out of U.S. ports have spent millions of their own money upgrading their ships with improved HVAC systems that virtually eliminate the spread of the COVID-19 virus through the ship’s internal environments.


While some lines, like Royal Caribbean and Crystal Cruise, have committed to restarting out of non-U.S. ports, and more are reportedly working to establish new home ports away from the overbearing U.S. CDC’s reach, now is the time for the CDC to lift its Conditional Sail Order that is preventing the industry from restarting in the U.S.


Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) president and CEO Kelly Craighead wants the CDC to allow for cruise operations from U.S. ports to resume in early-July, a timeframe that is in line with President Biden’s forecast for when the country will be “closer to normal,” the group said.


Cruising has safely restarted outside of the U.S.—nearly 400,000 passengers have already sailed to date in more than 10 major cruise markets including Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific—proving that the industry is able to do the same stateside.  In fact, less than 50 cases have been reported during those restarts, a significantly lower rate than on-land vacations or in any other mode of transportation.  “These voyages were successfully completed with industry-leading protocols that have effectively mitigated the spread of COVID-19.  Additional sailings are planned in the Mediterranean and Caribbean later this spring and summer,” Craighead said.


“The outdated CSO, which was issued almost five months ago, does not reflect the industry’s proven advancements and success operating in other parts of the world, nor the advent of vaccines, and unfairly treats cruises differently.  Cruise lines should be treated the same as other travel, tourism, hospitality, and entertainment sectors,” Craighead added.  It is time to end the CDC’s stranglehold on an industry that provides millions of good paying jobs and earns billions in revenue in the U.S. market.  Stop the CDC ANTI-CRUISE MADNESS!  STOP KICKING THE CAN!

Edited by HuliHuli
Fix typo
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The CDC‘s response is totally ridiculous. They and Fauci both seem to want to keep everybody in a mask forever. The facts are that any virus can mutate so if we are going to wait until there is zero chance of COVID-19 virus mutating we will be waiting forever! All of the evidence shows that the current vaccines approved for use are effective against all the current strains of COVID-19.  So in my opinion cruise ships should be leaving port immediately with fully vaccinated patrons on board!   Masks offer negligible protection and actually harm some people who have lung disease so they should not continue to require their use.

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44 minutes ago, HuliHuli said:

Thanks @mianmike for posting this video.  What it demonstrates is we have an engaged set of leaders, Florida State and cruise line industry, ready to throw the flag on the CDC for their inaction and unconstitutional act of shutting down a significant industry across the United States.  We need to collectively speak up and support them and amplify their message to our elected leaders.


As i posted on the thread "Exciting news coming very soon" (and as others have on other threads), we in America can add our voices to Flordia's,  ASTA and CLIA's efforts by writing our respective Senators and Representatives.  It is easy to do online now:


Here is the link for Senators:https://www.senate.gov/?Class=1

Here is the link for Congress: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative


Feel free to clone the text below that I sent to all of my representatives a few days ago:


It has been almost five months since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued its framework for cruise lines return to sailing.  Since then, the cruise industry has been in a holding pattern in the U.S., with sailings in the largest cruise market in the world still banned, with no clear guidance on the horizon.  Meanwhile, the three largest cruise lines sailing out of U.S. ports have spent millions of their own money upgrading their ships with improved HVAC systems that virtually eliminate the spread of the COVID-19 virus through the ship’s internal environments.


While some lines, like Royal Caribbean and Crystal Cruise, have committed to restarting out of non-U.S. ports, and more are reportedly working to establish new home ports away from the overbearing U.S. CDC’s reach, now is the time for the CDC to lift its Conditional Sail Order that is preventing the industry from restarting in the U.S.


Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) president and CEO Kelly Craighead wants the CDC to allow for cruise operations from U.S. ports to resume in early-July, a timeframe that is in line with President Biden’s forecast for when the country will be “closer to normal,” the group said.


Cruising has safely restarted outside of the U.S.—nearly 400,000 passengers have already sailed to date in more than 10 major cruise markets including Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific—proving that the industry is able to do the same stateside.  In fact, less than 50 cases have been reported during those restarts, a significantly lower rate than on-land vacations or in any other mode of transportation.  “These voyages were successfully completed with industry-leading protocols that have effectively mitigated the spread of COVID-19.  Additional sailings are planned in the Mediterranean and Caribbean later this spring and summer,” Craighead said.


“The outdated CSO, which was issued almost five months ago, does not reflect the industry’s proven advancements and success operating in other parts of the world, nor the advent of vaccines, and unfairly treats cruises differently.  Cruise lines should be treated the same as other travel, tourism, hospitality, and entertainment sectors,” Craighead added.  It is time to end the CDC’s stranglehold on an industry that provides millions of good paying jobs and earns billions in revenue in the U.S. market.  Stop the CDC ANTI-CRUISE MADNESS!  STOP KICKING THE CAN!


Done. Sent to my Michigan state senators.

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44 minutes ago, Jana60 said:

The CDC‘s response is totally ridiculous. They and Fauci both seem to want to keep everybody in a mask forever. The facts are that any virus can mutate so if we are going to wait until there is zero chance of COVID-19 virus mutating we will be waiting forever! All of the evidence shows that the current vaccines approved for use are effective against all the current strains of COVID-19.  So in my opinion cruise ships should be leaving port immediately with fully vaccinated patrons on board!   Masks offer negligible protection and actually harm some people who have lung disease so they should not continue to require their use.


The thing about the CDC is that they have no clue what it means to run a business nor do they care. If they could have everyone locked up in their basements for the next 24 months they would.


Unfortunately this is where "government" isn't doing the peoples interest. I'd say give them another 90 days to show real progress and if they're still sitting on their butts then bring on the lawsuits.


Sometimes the government forgets that the first 3 words of our Constitution are "WE THE PEOPLE" and not "WE THE GOVERNMENT".

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1 hour ago, DaCruiseBug said:

Unfortunately this is where "government" isn't doing the peoples interest. I'd say give them another 90 days to show real progress and if they're still sitting on their butts then bring on the lawsuits.

They have already had long enough. Why wait?  Remember, it could take 90 days just to get an injunction against the CDC.

Edited by HuliHuli
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1 hour ago, DaCruiseBug said:


The thing about the CDC is that they have no clue what it means to run a business nor do they care. If they could have everyone locked up in their basements for the next 24 months they would.


Unfortunately this is where "government" isn't doing the peoples interest. I'd say give them another 90 days to show real progress and if they're still sitting on their butts then bring on the lawsuits.


Sometimes the government forgets that the first 3 words of our Constitution are "WE THE PEOPLE" and not "WE THE GOVERNMENT".

Why wait 90 days?  We've made real progress already.  (according to the CDC website 🤣)

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1 hour ago, Mary229 said:

Cruise Critic just published this article.  Be sure to read the part where the Department of Transportation says we have no idea what the CDC is talking about (paraphrased, of course)




Thanks for posting. The CDC Director Rochelle Walensky proved that she doesn't have a clue when she tried to tell Alaska senator Lisa Murkowski that it was an "inter-agency" decision and that she "believed" the power rested partially with the Dept of Transportation.


Are you kidding me? She's just making stuff (I wanted to use the other "s" word) up. She pulled Dept of Transportation out of her arse because it has the word "Transportation" in it and it was the 1st agency that came to her clueless mind. I'm surprised she didn't also say that the power also partially rested with "the Maritime Commission" because that agency has the word "Maritime" in it and she could figure out that the cruise lines are maritime related.


The CDC needs to immediately stop this sham and pull down the roadblock of cruises restarting out of U.S. ports. Under the CSO, it says that the agency (CDC) can drop it at any time. That's exactly what the CDC needs to do.

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The time is now! Even if the ban was lifted today, it will take the cruise lines a bit of time to get things rolling again. Thank you to HuliHuli for the boilerplate letter to submit to senators and congress members! I think the cruising public needs to bombard CDC with calls and emails as well! As much outside pressure as possible might light a fire under their a**! Unfortunately I’m not great at searching out that information (number and email address) but will gladly participate if someone else comes up with it. Staying hopeful for a US return to sailing!

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10 minutes ago, hobbytravelgirl said:

The time is now! Even if the ban was lifted today, it will take the cruise lines a bit of time to get things rolling again. Thank you to HuliHuli for the boilerplate letter to submit to senators and congress members! I think the cruising public needs to bombard CDC with calls and emails as well! As much outside pressure as possible might light a fire under their a**! Unfortunately I’m not great at searching out that information (number and email address) but will gladly participate if someone else comes up with it. Staying hopeful for a US return to sailing!

Knock yourself out:


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Rd.
Atlanta, GA
30329-4027 USA

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4 hours ago, DaCruiseBug said:


The thing about the CDC is that they have no clue what it means to run a business nor do they care. If they could have everyone locked up in their basements for the next 24 months they would.


Unfortunately this is where "government" isn't doing the peoples interest. I'd say give them another 90 days to show real progress and if they're still sitting on their butts then bring on the lawsuits.


Sometimes the government forgets that the first 3 words of our Constitution are "WE THE PEOPLE" and not "WE THE GOVERNMENT".

We the people!

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Unbelievable-or, on 2nd thought, totally believable. One government official says "don't blame us at the CDC, it's DOT's fault." DOT: "what are you talking about?" Good freaking grief! This is so classically government bureaucratic nonsense, it's not even funny. They can't even agree who's to blame, much less think about revising the CSO that was developed before vaccinations were even available. So the cruise lines just sit and wait. And wait. And wait. And finally decide "screw it, we're taking our ships elsewhere and sailing from foreign ports." Pathetic! I just spent a lovely week in Florida and was glad to see Gov Ron DeSantis basically tell the US government to put up or shut up. I hope Florida sues the US government over this. What in the h*** are they waiting for at the CDC? Plenty of ships have sailed in other countries during the pandemic without major incidents. Something like 10 cases out of 300,000 passengers (don't quote me, I forget the actual numbers, but it was statistically insignificant). This is incredibly embarrassing, economically devastating, and, as usual, government is to blame. Like I said at the outset, it's totally believable. SMH 🙄🤷‍♂️🤪

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1 hour ago, DCGuy64 said:

Unbelievable-or, on 2nd thought, totally believable. One government official says "don't blame us at the CDC, it's DOT's fault." DOT: "what are you talking about?" Good freaking grief! This is so classically government bureaucratic nonsense, it's not even funny. They can't even agree who's to blame, much less think about revising the CSO that was developed before vaccinations were even available. So the cruise lines just sit and wait. And wait. And wait. And finally decide "screw it, we're taking our ships elsewhere and sailing from foreign ports." Pathetic! I just spent a lovely week in Florida and was glad to see Gov Ron DeSantis basically tell the US government to put up or shut up. I hope Florida sues the US government over this. What in the h*** are they waiting for at the CDC? Plenty of ships have sailed in other countries during the pandemic without major incidents. Something like 10 cases out of 300,000 passengers (don't quote me, I forget the actual numbers, but it was statistically insignificant). This is incredibly embarrassing, economically devastating, and, as usual, government is to blame. Like I said at the outset, it's totally believable. SMH 🙄🤷‍♂️🤪

Way to come back with "guns a blazin", "shootin' fire"! Yeah, the CDC is a#%ho. I hope they're feeling the ever increasing pressure from the likes of Gov. DeSantis, Senator Murkowski & others. Plus, all of us mad lad CC members! Welcome back by the way. I hope you didn't get too tanned, lol.

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Just now, farmersfight said:

I hope you didn't get too tanned, lol.

Mmm, a few sunburned spots, but nothing too bad. BTW Floridians are pretty open about the mask thing. I spent a lot of time outside and most of it was maskless. It was a great feeling!

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The CDC is a scientific agency, and if presented with real data (not fluff stuff) then they would turn on a dime.
If the CLIA had real data to show that cruising was safe to return, the cruising would have restarted based on the findings of the data.

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3 hours ago, DCGuy64 said:

Mmm, a few sunburned spots, but nothing too bad. BTW Floridians are pretty open about the mask thing. I spent a lot of time outside and most of it was maskless. It was a great feeling!


Yeah, Gov. Ron knows how to govern! Pretty much everything is open in Florida except for cruising unfortunately.

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Looking like Ron DeSantis wants a foot in both doors, trying to please everyone gets you nowhere. How can the cruise industry work without covid passports. TWO FACED...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis vows to ban 'completely unacceptable' vaccine passports over 'huge privacy implications'

Florida's Republican Governor Ron DeSantis said so-called 'vaccine passports' would have 'huge privacy implications' 

DeSantis could sign as early a Tuesday an executive order banning businesses from requiring customers show proof of vaccination against coronavirus  

Joe Biden is working with private companies to develop a digital vaccine passport that would show proof of inoculation

White House said Monday it would leave the process up to the private sector

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6 hours ago, Trimone said:

How can the cruise industry work without covid passports.


Source: Royal Caribbean Blog dated March 1, 2021

Royal Caribbean Group CEO says no decision yet if passengers will need to get vaccine to cruise


So far Odyssey of the Seas is the first ship to require the vaccine for its sailings from Israel. Cruises on Quantum of the Seas from Singapore do not require the vaccine.

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