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Proof of Vax or Not. Would you cruise

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  1. 1. Would you cruise if proof of Vax was not required

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Yes, I understand the "leper" example.  The point is, not concerned about vaccinated folks getting sick. The issue is unvaccinated passengers getting COVID and having the cruise terminated and the resulting inconvenience that arises with that, per the statement on Holland America, and Princess (not sure if it stands for Carnival as well). It has little to do with the vaccinated who are well protected 90-95%, but the unvaccinated who are 0% protected falling ill and having the cruise terminated. 


An individual passenger having a heart attack does not mean the cruise is terminated and returns to point of origin. I remember years ago, being awakened by an announcement at 6pm in our state room that a helicopter evacuation was taking place and not to go out on deck.


Someone unvaccinated spreading pathogen virus to other unvaccinated may well end the cruise, delays, etc.  Agree, it will be interesting to see what a "threshold" is.  So far the only comments I have heard is the situation is "fluid".   I believe this all may become a moot point based on latest CDC guidance tonight.  Stay tuned.

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While carnival may not have come out yet with a vaccine policy they may have no choice if they want to skip the mock trials. 


For those who dont want to be vaccinated they may be on shore waving bye bye. It is their choice, but lines need to resume. I expect we will continue to hear news on resuming dribbling out.



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If vaccination is not required, we will wait.  We are fully vaccinated, we are not afraid of getting Covid (we totally understand that it could happen, not afraid, but not naïve).  I look at a cruise ship as being in a large box with 7000 other people, it can be quite a crowded place.

Personally, I think anything less than requiring full vaccinations at this time would be financial suicide for cruise lines....because it won't be a matter of 'if' a ship has an outbreak but 'when', and an outbreak could potentially shut down the entire industry...again.

There are plenty of other vacation options that do not require me to be stuck on a ship.


Edited by AnitaVacation
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On 4/24/2021 at 10:01 AM, Luckiestmanonearth said:

So there’s been a lot of threads circling the subject of Florida, but let me ask more generically, would you cruise if the cruise line did not require proof of vaccination


It’s a highly charged issue but let’s try to be civil


Personally I don’t think I would .  Not because of the fear of getting Covid (since I’m vaxed), but potentially being stranded on the ship if it gets quarantined.



This is my exact reason. I will be vaccinated so my concern is the whole ship getting quarantined because someone aboard gets COVID

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1 hour ago, Cruisin 4 Ever said:

This is my exact reason. I will be vaccinated so my concern is the whole ship getting quarantined because someone aboard gets COVID

The whole ship won't get quarantined because one person gets it.

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4 hours ago, d12j28 said:

The whole ship won't get quarantined because one person gets it.

Thats what happened in 2020. As soon as cases of covid appeared every person on board was quarantined in their cabin for the entire cruise and for quite some time after because they couldn't dock. 

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9 hours ago, Cruisin 4 Ever said:

Thats what happened in 2020. As soon as cases of covid appeared every person on board was quarantined in their cabin for the entire cruise and for quite some time after because they couldn't dock. 

Last time I checked it's 2021 and a year later. There's a vaccine and treatments now unlike then. 

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On 4/28/2021 at 10:23 PM, Tall Valley Cruiser said:

I saw this fine print on the Holland America and Princess sites. Anyone know if it is on the Carnival one as well? "If a threshold of COVID-19 is detected on board the ship, the voyage will be ended, the ship will return to the port of embarkation, and your subsequent travel home may be restricted or delayed."


So, if you are vaccinated and not concerned about catching COVID, you might get a bit concerned that the unvaccinated that slip past the testing (test negative but have COVID, but the viral load does not pick it up for a few days) could get sick on the cruise.


Could make you anxious every time someone sneezes or coughs on the elevator, or at the buffet that the cruise could be terminated. Vaccination not 100% of course but better than starting from 0% and hoping for the best.

What happens when we step off of the ship in a country that doesn’t have millions vaccinated? We go to a church, market, etc. and stand by someone who is vaccinated or has active symptoms. Having the fax doesn’t mean you won’t get COVID. You could bring that virus onboard, etc. I get the arguments about not having unvaccinated onboard 24/7, etc. but there always will be a risk if the ship actually docks somewhere and cruisers are exposed to the unvaccinated.

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22 minutes ago, CI66774 said:

What happens when we step off of the ship in a country that doesn’t have millions vaccinated? We go to a church, market, etc. and stand by someone who is vaccinated or has active symptoms. Having the fax doesn’t mean you won’t get COVID. You could bring that virus onboard, etc. I get the arguments about not having unvaccinated onboard 24/7, etc. but there always will be a risk if the ship actually docks somewhere and cruisers are exposed to the unvaccinated.

"What if.......", you can play that game the rest of your life. Have fun! 

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We are fully vaccinated and are sailing on AQSC American Queen in September and they are requiring Vaccines for crew and passengers otherwise we probably would have cancelled again.


I am sure we will cruise on a large Ocean cruise ship or two in 2022 but our first criteria when deciding which cruise line to go with will be required vaccines and other safety precautions.  If we have a choice between two cruise lines, one of which doesn't require vaccines, it's a no-brainer and I think the cruise line will realize people have choices.  We will end up with a set of cruise lines that have everyone vaccinated (except a very very few with fake documents) and cruise lines that don't require them and have a much higher percentage of unvaccinated cruisers because that is their only choice.


So if 15 cruise lines require them, they have maybe 99% of their passengers vaccinated and maybe 3 cruise lines that don't have now maybe only 60-70% of their passengers vaccinated!  A significant difference with thousands onboard.






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39 minutes ago, seamus69 said:


So if 15 cruise lines require them, they have maybe 99% of their passengers vaccinated and maybe 3 cruise lines that don't have now maybe only 60-70% of their passengers vaccinated!  A significant difference with thousands onboard.







I think you are overconfident in the "lines that require them". The numbers will be similar either way. They will both be using the same verification system, which is to say the honor system and/or some flimsy card that isn't hard to come by. The Biden administration already said they weren't interested in a federal passport scheme. Only NY has such a system and my guess is it's a incomplete hodge-podge. The other lines can tell you that they will require all passengers and crew to be vaccinated but if that makes you feel warm/fuzzy over other lines that are being real and basing on reality, your confidence is based merely on words. Ships aren't magic bubbles.  

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I don't know why there is such a hub bub about whether or not cruise lines require vaccines or not. 


Either way, most passengers will be vaccinated, and those that are not vaccinated will be tested and retested. 


Either way, there will never be a 100% vaccinated passenger list.


Get over it and go cruise!


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Of course there are no guarantees even with 100% vaccination but if you have two lines featuring similar ships going to virtually identical itineraries, I'll pick the one that requires vaccination.  There's no downside!  Every place I go I know I accept risk.  I go to work everyday and visit stores and restaurants but if I see a restaurant allowing many patrons to blatantly violate safety rules, I take my business elsewhere.  No one has a product (vacation, meal, carton of eggs, or laptop) that is so unique or that I want so bad that I'll continually give them my business if they ignore reasonable safely precautions.

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1 hour ago, seamus69 said:

Of course there are no guarantees even with 100% vaccination but if you have two lines featuring similar ships going to virtually identical itineraries, I'll pick the one that requires vaccination.  There's no downside!  Every place I go I know I accept risk.  I go to work everyday and visit stores and restaurants but if I see a restaurant allowing many patrons to blatantly violate safety rules, I take my business elsewhere.  No one has a product (vacation, meal, carton of eggs, or laptop) that is so unique or that I want so bad that I'll continually give them my business if they ignore reasonable safely precautions.


The fact is that both will use the same nonexistent verification system. 100% vaccination is simply a slogan or feel good term/intention, it has no teeth in terms of actual practicality. Your odds on any ship will be the same essentially. Good intentions are admirable but simply unrealistic. I still feel the vast majority will be vaccinated and odds very low for those who are fully vaccinated. Even many of the folks who slide by will have some natural immunity as there has been so many cases. Folks should feel confident but don't kid yourself on the 100% vaccination farce and cast your care on the lines. You are ultimately responsible for your risk acceptance or risk aversion. Anyone who is truly afraid or of such poor health that covid maybe life changing, should probably stay home and avoid even "100% vaccine" cruises. It's simply a implication/guarantee bar that no business could live up to.      

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On reading your last post, I am struck by how much I agree with most of what you said.  The only difference being while you find no value in a cruise line vaccine mandate, as imperfect and fallible as it is, I find SOME value in it.


so I agree to mostly agree and wish you and your family good health and happy cruising!

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1 hour ago, cruisingguy007 said:


The fact is that both will use the same nonexistent verification system. 100% vaccination is simply a slogan or feel good term/intention, it has no teeth in terms of actual practicality. Your odds on any ship will be the same essentially. Good intentions are admirable but simply unrealistic. I still feel the vast majority will be vaccinated and odds very low for those who are fully vaccinated. Even many of the folks who slide by will have some natural immunity as there has been so many cases. Folks should feel confident but don't kid yourself on the 100% vaccination farce and cast your care on the lines. You are ultimately responsible for your risk acceptance or risk aversion. Anyone who is truly afraid or of such poor health that covid maybe life changing, should probably stay home and avoid even "100% vaccine" cruises. It's simply a implication/guarantee bar that no business could live up to.      

Well put!

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5 hours ago, Radiioman46 said:

"What if.......", you can play that game the rest of your life. Have fun! 

I read CI66774's message differently.  I don't think she/he was saying be afraid to go ashore, I just think he/she was saying there always will be risks anywhere one goes in the world and that's part of life. Just my take.

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36 minutes ago, seamus69 said:



On reading your last post, I am struck by how much I agree with most of what you said.  The only difference being while you find no value in a cruise line vaccine mandate, as imperfect and fallible as it is, I find SOME value in it.


so I agree to mostly agree and wish you and your family good health and happy cruising!

I agree with you.  Since a vaccinated person is much less likely to get covid during a cruise, it's common sense that a cruise with 95% vaccinated passengers will be less likely to result in a severe case of covid during a cruise.  I don't think vaccinated people are afraid of getting covid.  Many just want to be able to cruise without an incident that could cause a disruption to their cruise.

While I personally think that we should be able to cruise now without masks or restrictions and simply quarantine someone with severe symptoms, it appears that the only way cruises will happen this summer is with vaccinated passengers and restrictions.  If it's either that or nothing, then many of us are willing to do what it takes to cruise.  Those who choose not to receive the vaccination can wait until it opens up for their group.  I have family members who easily accept that.

As far as children, I don't have any issue with children cruising.  However, I guess an unvaccinated kid could catch covid on the way to their cruise and spread it at a kid's club.  I think the main concern is will a severe case end a cruise or can they just quarantine that person.  It sounds like the CDC wants people vaccinated, so they will kind of hold the cruise lines hostage to require it.

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On 4/24/2021 at 12:16 PM, Jasonsterling said:

Easy answer because I've been vaccinated so yes, although I would be concerned about a premature end to the cruise. Hopefully, cruise lines will maintain the trip though and just have arrangements for debarking seriously ill passengers at the nearest/next port and quarantining others that test positive to their rooms.  

I would think if they made everyone be fully vaccinated....no one should be getting seriously ill....but from what I understand (and I could be wrong)...the dr's say being fully vaccinated will keep you off a respirator, and out of the hospital....you could get a mild case...so I have no idea why the travel industry would allow people to fly or cruise without the vaccine after what this pandemic has done to the world.....


Edited by abby1257
change a word
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20 hours ago, AnitaVacation said:

Has there been any word on ports??  Will they be open??  Will they welcome tourists?  Are their people vaccinated?  


I'm ok with just going to the private island 🤪

I did read yesterday that the Dominican Republic had dropped a lot of their requirements for COVID tests and such and will be doing random checks on visitors.

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I just saw on the news that cruising may start back up in July  Fingers crossed... I have yet another cruise booked for Super Bowl Sunday

Was wondering if "it" was mandated to have the vaccine would you do it?

Realize it's up to one's choice and respect that as well

Do you think we will have to show proof, or get tested prior and after our cruise?

I personally did get both of my vaccines (a nurse and worked the covid unit... and thank god I never once tested positive.. get tested 2x a week too)


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Hope you have the actual Super Bowl Sunday if that’s what you want. They are adding a week to the season and I heard they were pushing the super bowl back a week. Which could put me cruising on super bowl Sunday in 2023 when I was purposely trying to avoid it.



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