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The Daily for Monday May 17, 2021


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1 minute ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@lindaler   Sorry I attributed the Hammer Museum pictures to someone else's post.  


Thank you for the pictures.



No problem. Just glad you enjoyed them. I can’t remember how many times I’ve been asked why anyone would want to go to a hammer museum but I thought it was great. 

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1 minute ago, cat shepard said:


And involve your DDs - at least for their items!

I plan to, but did not want to get into that yesterday with older DD since we hadn't seen them in 15 months.  We did get DSIL to put the electrostatic filters back in the a/c unit.  I got them down and cleaned, but kept putting off dragging them back up there.


We will probably go see DDs and their guys in a few weeks, so I'll try to see what is in the boxes before then.  I'll also try to see if they still want the stuff.



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1 minute ago, lindaler said:

No problem. Just glad you enjoyed them. I can’t remember how many times I’ve been asked why anyone would want to go to a hammer museum but I thought it was great. 

I'd never heard of it until Captain Albert mentioned them in his blog.  He said several times one Alaska season that it was worth a visit.



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I absolutely am not a pack rat. We went from very large homes to smaller homes over the years. When we moved to Texas last year we sold everything. Ended up with what is called a U Box that was delivered. Bought all new car, furniture, the whole shebang to decorate an 1800 square ft home. I have very little in sentimental belongings, but the ones we kept are extremely important to us.

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When we moved in 1999, we went from a 3500 sq ft, 5 bedroom house, plus a townhouse that was a combination office and guest house, to a 1600 sq ft 2 bedroom house.  We got rid of a lot of furniture and stuff.  The DDs got some of the furniture for their apartments.  Some of the larger items when to an adult care facility at an RV club we belong to, and the rest went to a garage sale for the student radio station at UT where younger DD was a dj.  Before the garage sale, all the stuff was stored in DSIL's garage, nd this was before older DD and he were married.  The younger DD told us, the station made more money that year than any other year.


Every few years, we also make a trip of two to Goodwill or other thrift stores.  



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33 minutes ago, lindaler said:

No problem. Just glad you enjoyed them. I can’t remember how many times I’ve been asked why anyone would want to go to a hammer museum but I thought it was great. 

I agree - we went to the Hammer Museum in 2019 on our 21 day Maasdam Alaska cruise.  It was amazing!  I couldn't believe all the hammers, and the yard had a bicycle made out of them.  Definitely something different!


My pictures from both Skagway and Haines are very similar to everyone else's.  In Haines we did go to the library (since I work in one we try to check out libraries everywhere), and also to a brewery.  Pictures will follow when I get home from work later.


Have a great day!


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52 minutes ago, dfish said:

To all of you who are trying to rid yourselves of "stuff", if you have children, they will thank you.  After my dad died we had 40 years of accumulated "stuff" to go through.  Most went out on the curb.   We tried selling a few pieces, but didn't have any takers, so more went out on the curb.   I made a daily donation of books to the library, filling up the donation bin each time.   I took as much as I could fit in the car.  Salvation Army made out like a bandit.  We also donated quite a bit to a store where the proceeds went to support a shelter for battered women.  It took a couple of weeks of solid work to empty that house so we could tear out carpet and get it ready to sell.  


When I came home, I immediately started to go through closets and drawers and cupboards and get rid of stuff I hadn't worn or looked at in a couple of years.  I made quite a dent in things and found out I had room to put away the stuff I did want to keep.   I make a point in the winter to go through things again and generally get a few bags of trash out of it and a bunch of clothes for donation.

I did this a few years ago with the attic stash.  This past year I did a good job of clearing out other areas of the house.  Made lots of room.

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Happy Monday to all.  It has been a few days since I posted.  Saturday went to local Highland games, which was fun, and quite easy to keep socially distanced.  Got hot in the afternoon, so I was glad to leave!  It is nice that quite a few of the outdoor events are starting to resume.  


I am so happy when those on the care list are removed, as it is so positive!  Roy, sounds like you are making a remarkable recovery.  Don't overdo.


I have just been through a credit card fraud event.  Was caught quickly by the CC company, but what a pain.  Having to change several things that were auto-billed to that particular card.  


I am another one who has cleaned out from a parent's home, and I try to keep from accumulating much.  Still have some things that my DH treasured that I am trying to dispose of in the most caring way!


Thank goodness, my calls for Red Cross are declining as the pandemic is starting to wind down.  The counties are cutting back on their calls, so my RC time decreases.


Have a wonderful Monday, everyone.  I have been to Skagway 3 times out of my 4 Alaska cruises, but never to Haines!  Loving the pictures of Haines as it looks lovely, as is all of Alaska.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@JazzyV  Thank you for posting pictures of the Hammer Museum.  Somehow in our visits to Haines, we missed it.


I finally had a few minutes to go through my pictures of Haines.  The only digital ones were from our stay in 2011 while we waited for the ferry to take us to Prince Rupert in BC.  The first couple of days we were there, it was cool and rainy.  As per our usual luck, the day we left, the sun came out.  Most of the pictures with the sun were taken from the ferry dock or from the ferry.


Driving to Haines from Haines Junction, the road follows the Chillkat River and goes through the Bald Eagle Preserve.  You also pass the road to Porcupine Creek and the original claims featured in the early seasons of Gold Rush.  Since we were in our motorhome, we did not venture down that road.  Maybe someday.  As of 2010, the town or Haines between 1700 and 1800 population, and it is not geared to tourists like Skagway.


These are just scenes of town.




What a difference the sun makes!






I thought I'd add some pictures of the Matanuska, which is nice, but no BHB.  We managed to get a cabin that had three bunks.  The cabin also had two windows that overlooked the crew deck.  Had to be careful when the curtains were open.  You are not allowed to stay in your rv or car, but can go down to the car deck when the ferry is in port.  Most people either sleep in the lounge, or in sleeping bags on deck.  There is a covered area on the top deck that is heated.  There is a buffet/snack bar that is ala carte and decent enough. 





I'll see what pictures I have of Skagway.




Did you by chance get to Kluane National Park?



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Since we're talking Haines, AK, it's got a nice brewery (the Haines Brewing Co,) with tasty beer, for you beer drinkers. They used to be located on the SE Alaska Fairgrounds but have expanded to a new property smack "downtown" in Haines on Main Street so I'm thinking, business must be hopping 🙂 






Brewers Guild of Alaska | Just Beer




No Flights Zone: Haines Brewing Is Taking a Stand


10 of Alaska's Best Craft Breweries and Distilleries - Paste


Videos - Haines Brewing Company

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4 minutes ago, Copper10-8 said:

Since we're talking Haines, AK, it's got a nice brewery (the Haines Brewing Co,) with tasty beer, for you beer drinkers. They used to be located on the SE Alaska Fairgrounds but have expanded to a new property smack "downtown" in Haines on Main Street so I'm thinking, business must be hopping 🙂 






Brewers Guild of Alaska | Just Beer




No Flights Zone: Haines Brewing Is Taking a Stand


10 of Alaska's Best Craft Breweries and Distilleries - Paste


Videos - Haines Brewing Company



"Hop"ping?  That's a clever pun @Copper10-8.   

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Since @richwmn posted the port as Haines (Skagway), I'll post a few pictures from Skagway, but may save most for the time Skagway makes an appearance as the port of the day.


Again, most of my Skagway pictures are of the non-digital variety.  However, we were there in 2010 on the Amsterdam.  In 2017, we were camped in Whitehorse, and drove down to Skagway for the day.  It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day in Whitehorse and Carcross, but once we crossed the coastal mountains, it was a different story in Skagway.  It was cloudy and windy, and cold since the wind was blowing from the water.  There was a BHB beauty, the Zaandam I think, in town, but the streets were fairly deserted.  People were either on tour, eating, inside stores, or back on the ship.


We've camped twice in Skagway, and once the ship(s) leave, it is a totally different town.


Ironically, when we got back to Whitehorse, we decided to stop at the Yukon River suspension bridge while the weather was nice.  As we walked from the parking lot, we ran into a friend who was the Event Manager on the ship.  She, her sister and one of the entertainers had rented a car and driven to Whitehorse for the day.  A couple of months later, when we were on the Prinsendam, she joined the ship.  We'd booked the cruise (actually b2b2b2b, etc) while camped on the waterfront in Seward.


Before we head to Skagway, the Yukon Suspension Bridge outside of Whitehorse.



The Red Onion where we had lunch, a very good pizza.  With town deserted, we could actually get in to eat.  The BHB was the only ship in town.




The fairly deserted streets






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17 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Did you by chance get to Kluane National Park?



Roy, we did get to Kluane.  We have driven to Alaska seven times, and have been to the park going and coming unless we went to Dawson City on the way north.  It is such a beautiful setting.  Have you been there?



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18 minutes ago, Copper10-8 said:

Since we're talking Haines, AK, it's got a nice brewery (the Haines Brewing Co,) with tasty beer, for you beer drinkers. They used to be located on the SE Alaska Fairgrounds but have expanded to a new property smack "downtown" in Haines on Main Street so I'm thinking, business must be hopping 🙂 






Brewers Guild of Alaska | Just Beer




No Flights Zone: Haines Brewing Is Taking a Stand


10 of Alaska's Best Craft Breweries and Distilleries - Paste


Videos - Haines Brewing Company

I think they moved since the last time we were there.  

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We sailed to Skagway and Haines on the same day.  This was our first cruise on Legend OTS, in May, 1997!  I was hooked on cruising ever since. We were in Skagway from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and then were in Haines from 6:30 pm to 11:30 pm. We’d heard stories about Alaska mosquitoes, but a giant one landed on my hat!  I was glad I was wearing one.

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1 hour ago, lindaler said:

No problem. Just glad you enjoyed them. I can’t remember how many times I’ve been asked why anyone would want to go to a hammer museum but I thought it was great. 

It would fascinate me! We went to the devil’s rope museum in McLean tx when we did our Route 66 trip and loved it. Our friends too said why would you go to a museum for barbed wire! I say why not!

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Happy Monday!

Glad to hear that you are doing well, Roy.  Will keep everyone on the cares list in my thoughts and prayers.  Busy day here.  Still catching up with having the grandkids 3 nights.  Weather is changing a bit.  Miss the sunshine but it will be back. We need some rain.

Interesting list of days.  Haven't been to the port but would like to go.  As always, enjoy all the pictures and posts.  

Watching how the new mask mandate goes.  Think even though I am vaccinated, will continue wearing one for a while in certain situations.  

Stay well and safe everyone. 

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On one of our stops in Skagway we visited the Gold Rush Museum there.  They have records of all the miners who passed thru in the 1897-98 gold rush on the way to the Yukon.  Two of my grandmother's brothers travelled from Seattle to the gold rush at that time and I was able to find records of them.  One of them eventually drowned in the Yukon and the other made it back to Seattle.

I don't consider us packrats, but we have a lot of "stuff".  DW thinks we should downsize as we get older, so yesterday we looked at two waterfront condos on sale.  We both left with the feel that we wouldn't be comfortable with something that small (1200 sq ft).  Another downer was that the garage had no provision for plugging in our electric car.  Looks like the plan is to update our house and eventually hire a company to do the outside yard work.

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47 minutes ago, superoma said:

It would fascinate me! We went to the devil’s rope museum in McLean tx when we did our Route 66 trip and loved it. Our friends too said why would you go to a museum for barbed wire! I say why not!

It's amazing how many types of barbed wire there are.  We've been to McLean, but somehow missed the museum, maybe because it was late in the day.  We will have to go back to see it.


We did see one of the first, if not the first Phillips 66 service stations built in Texas.  It was built in 1929.







Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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4 minutes ago, USN59-79 said:

Another downer was that the garage had no provision for plugging in our electric car.


One of my friends put a deposit on a unit in a building still under construction, with a provision in the contract that they would install electricity of the required voltage in the garage for his electric car.


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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I thought I'd add some pictures of the Matanuska, which is nice, but no BHB.  We managed to get a cabin that had three bunks. 


Thank you for posting these. I have a booking on the Matanuska for this summer from Bellingham to Ketchikan, then a few days later on the Kennicott from Ketchikan to Juneau. On the Matanuska I have an outside cabin; on the Kennicott it's an inside. An inside with four bunks even though I'll be alone -- the only two-bunk cabins are just bunk rooms, with no "facilities."

I would be happy with slow-cooker pot roast tonight, except that it's a tradition to eat dairy foods on Shavuot. I'm lactose-intolerant but aged cheddar has little enough lactose that I can eat some. Last night I had a cheese omelet, plus asparagus from the garden.


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12 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

It's amazing how many types of barbed wire there are.  We've been to McLean, but somehow missed the museum, maybe because it was late in the day.  We will have to go back to see it.


We did see one of the first, if not the firs,t Phillips 66 service stations built in Texas.  It was built in 1929.







We just loved our Route 66 trip. Drove as much of the old road that we could and saw lots of cool things and met some really nice people along the way. 

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Just now, superoma said:

We just loved our Route 66 trip. Drove as much of the old road that we could and saw lots of cool things and met some really nice people along the way. 

We've driven a lot of old Route 66, especially in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.  We're still talking about a trip from end to end.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Roy, we did get to Kluane.  We have driven to Alaska seven times, and have been to the park going and coming unless we went to Dawson City on the way north.  It is such a beautiful setting.  Have you been there?



I am in a meeting but will elaborate a bit later.



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