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The Daily for Wednesday May 26, 2021


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My  DD  is bringing her  half  sister to  the  ER as  I  write  this. She is  what  is  called  a  "covid long  hauler" and  has  had  over  a  dozen  episodes  of  fevers  and  other  symptoms  in  the  last  year. She  has  only  been  able  to  work  sporadically(she  is  a  nurse) and  is  the  single  mother  of  a  12  year  old  boy. We  will  have  her  son  with  us  between  our  two  households  as  the  doctors  figure  out  what  can   be  done. Please  add  our  Tana  to  the  list. Thank  you.      Terry

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1 minute ago, smitty34877 said:

My  DD  is bringing her  half  sister to  the  ER as  I  write  this. She is  what  is  called  a  "covid long  hauler" and  has  had  over  a  dozen  episodes  of  fevers  and  other  symptoms  in  the  last  year. She  has  only  been  able  to  work  sporadically(she  is  a  nurse) and  is  the  single  mother  of  a  12  year  old  boy. We  will  have  her  son  with  us  between  our  two  households  as  the  doctors  figure  out  what  can   be  done. Please  add  our  Tana  to  the  list. Thank  you.      Terry

So sorry to hear this.  Prayers coming your way.



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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  Today’s dinner suggestion sounds good and the drink of the day is tempting.  Today promises to be a hot day and I may need to turn on the downstairs ac since I’m working at home.  This morning I picked some mint from the garden and am making a batch of tea.  It’s currently cooling before I put it in the refrigerator.  First of the season!  I hope everyone has a good day.

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40 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

My  DD  is bringing her  half  sister to  the  ER as  I  write  this. She is  what  is  called  a  "covid long  hauler" and  has  had  over  a  dozen  episodes  of  fevers  and  other  symptoms  in  the  last  year. She  has  only  been  able  to  work  sporadically(she  is  a  nurse) and  is  the  single  mother  of  a  12  year  old  boy. We  will  have  her  son  with  us  between  our  two  households  as  the  doctors  figure  out  what  can   be  done. Please  add  our  Tana  to  the  list. Thank  you.      Terry

Terry, I am so sorry to read this. Prayers are on their way. 

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51 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

My  DD  is bringing her  half  sister to  the  ER as  I  write  this. She is  what  is  called  a  "covid long  hauler" and  has  had  over  a  dozen  episodes  of  fevers  and  other  symptoms  in  the  last  year. She  has  only  been  able  to  work  sporadically(she  is  a  nurse) and  is  the  single  mother  of  a  12  year  old  boy. We  will  have  her  son  with  us  between  our  two  households  as  the  doctors  figure  out  what  can   be  done. Please  add  our  Tana  to  the  list. Thank  you.      Terry


Prayers going out for Tana!! So sorry to hear this. 

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Good morning from a SUNNY ☀️ central Texas.  After I get my hair cut this morning, I plan to clean the driveway and carport. 


Sally K. Ride was an amazing woman, and our DDs elementary school in The Woodlands was named for her.  I try to stay healthy and fit by working around the house.  DH can fly paper airplanes, but mine crash on takeoff.


We'll pass on the meal as we had chicken last night.  I think dinner will be Thai pork.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad your DB and his team on working on the insurance problem.  Sorry that your DS is not doing well.  Hope your  other DS can get you more detailed news.

@smitty34877 Hope the doctors can figure out something to help your DDs half-sister.


We have been fortunate to visit Guam twice.  In 2005, we did an Pacific Princess cruise to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of the War in the Pacific, and visited many of the islands in the Pacific Theater.   In 2018, on our Coral Princess Circle the North Pacific cruise, Guam was our first US port on the way home.


One of the big tourist spots is Two Lovers Beach near the hotel resort area. 




Looking from Two Lovers Beach into town



There is a park just outside of town and by the Cathedral.  Between our visits a statue of John Paul II was erected across the street from the cathedral.




In an area in the trees behind the statues above are some ancient native statues.  I'm sorry, but I can't remember what they are called.



Near this area is the World War Museum, which is run (and I think owned) by the gentleman in the picture.  If you like military history and equipment, this is worth a stop.



The US Park Service maintains several parks commemorating the US landings in the battle to liberate Guam.



This monument was erected to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Guam.  Each side honors one of the branches of the military.  I chose the Army Air Corps because DFIL was in that branch and stationed on Guam.  He was a mechanic and worked on the B-29s.




These pictures were taken at Agat Invasion Beach which was heavily fortified by the Japanese.  The first pictures is a coast gun and the second picture is a Japanese anti-aircraft gun.




There is also a US Veterans Cemetery on Guam



The last two are from our drive around the island.




And finally the sunset as we sailed from Guam.





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17 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a SUNNY ☀️ central Texas.  After I get my hair cut this morning, I plan to clean the driveway and carport. 


Sally K. Ride was an amazing woman, and our DDs elementary school in The Woodlands was named for her.  I try to stay healthy and fit by working around the house.  DH can fly paper airplanes, but mine crash on takeoff.


We'll pass on the meal as we had chicken last night.  I think dinner will be Thai pork.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm glad your DB and his team on working on the insurance problem.  Sorry that your DS is not doing well.  Hope your  other DS can get you more detailed news.

@smitty34877 Hope the doctors can figure out something to help your DDs half-sister.


We have been fortunate to visit Guam twice.  In 2005, we did an Pacific Princess cruise to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of the War in the Pacific, and visited many of the islands in the Pacific Theater.   In 2018, on our Coral Princess Circle the North Pacific cruise, Guam was our first US port on the way home.


One of the big tourist spots is Two Lovers Beach near the hotel resort area. 




Looking from Two Lovers Beach into town



There is a park just outside of town and by the Cathedral.  Between our visits a statue of John Paul II was erected across the street from the cathedral.




In an area in the trees behind the statues above are some ancient native statues.  I'm sorry, but I can't remember what they are called.



Near this area is the World War Museum, which is run (and I think owned) by the gentleman in the picture.  If you like military history and equipment, this is worth a stop.



The US Park Service maintains several parks commemorating the US landings in the battle to liberate Guam.



This monument was erected to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Guam.  Each side honors one of the branches of the military.  I chose the Army Air Corps because DFIL was in that branch and stationed on Guam.  He was a mechanic and worked on the B-29s.




These pictures were taken at Agat Invasion Beach which was heavily fortified by the Japanese.  The first pictures is a coast gun and the second picture is a Japanese anti-aircraft gun.




There is also a US Veterans Cemetery on Guam



The last two are from our drive around the island.




And finally the sunset as we sailed from Guam.





Really great pictures. Thanks for sharing them.

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:



I like today's menu suggestion, and have everything except the rosemary - a quick run into the grocery store will fix that.  I'm not a fan of grilling bacon though, as the flare-ups can be quite dramatic from the fat dripping onto the burners.  I may try it in the air-fryer and see how it turns out.  Along with a side dish of dilled potatoes and a vegetable, that will make a nice dinner at our house tonight.  And wine.



If you do try it in the air fryer, please report back.  I'd be interested in hearing about it.  Thanks.

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

My DB tells me he is working with his PCP, his cardiologist, and his insurance company to get the paperwork straightened out so he can get the procedure he needs.  Apparently there was a glitch in "whoever did whatever".  I never did understand the rules of insurance companies.  So confusing.


The news coming out of my DS's hospital is not good, but at least they've relented and started allowing more visitors per day.  I'm not sure if that is hospital-wide or because of her condition.  My twin will be going to visit later this morning and give me a full report, so I can decide what I need to do.  I may be making flight reservations, etc. later today to get up there to see sister.  Please say some extra prayers today for Nancy!


I'm happy to hear that your brother's doctors are working to get his procedure approved.   My niece once did medical billing and said stuff like this happens all the time.   She had one claim that was rejected because they said she put the wrong code on it.  So, she went to their website, looked up the correct code and resubmitted it.  They rejected that and said it was the wrong code.   She called them and told them she got the code off their website and they said yes, it was incorrect on their website.  She asked what the correct code was and they gave the first code she had used.  When she brought that up to them, they apologized and said it happens.  So, she told them she had changed the code back to the correct one they had just given her and resubmitted it.  They then told her that since it had been submitted twice already that if she wanted the claim considered the patient had to request it.  The patient was 92 with dementia.  The doctor ended up writing off the amount of the claim.  


I am so sorry to hear the news about your sister.  Prayers for you and for her.   Thankfully, your twin can let you know the lay of the land and you can decide from there.  Hugs from across the miles.

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The wine of the day is part of Cellar 3 in HAL's Sommelier Suite. My notes indicate that we had it a couple of times and thought it was very good!


One of the Korean Lilacs we planted for Mother's Day is blooming. It is still pretty small and a bit hidden in the garden for now -



The Fern Peony is also blooming. Unfortunately, some critter (bunny I suppose) nipped of the better flower buds (never had that happen before!). This plant came from Mitzi's Mom's house in Waconia, Minnesota and has survived several moves/divisions. The second photo shows a normal bloom, I will need to baby this one for a year or two...


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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

My  DD  is bringing her  half  sister to  the  ER as  I  write  this. She is  what  is  called  a  "covid long  hauler" and  has  had  over  a  dozen  episodes  of  fevers  and  other  symptoms  in  the  last  year. She  has  only  been  able  to  work  sporadically(she  is  a  nurse) and  is  the  single  mother  of  a  12  year  old  boy. We  will  have  her  son  with  us  between  our  two  households  as  the  doctors  figure  out  what  can   be  done. Please  add  our  Tana  to  the  list. Thank  you.      Terry


I am so sorry for Tana.   It must be frightening and frustrating for her.   My nephew and his girlfriend are long haulers as well.  Laura has more problems than Matt, but both suffer from it.  And, yes, it does affect their ability to work.  Prayers for Tana.

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Good morning from the land of gloom, even me, as a professed pluviophile (lover of rain) forgot what the sun looks like.  Heavy rain moving in for tonight and tomorrow, then we supposedly might break out of this by the end of the week.  


Thanks to all the listers.  Thoughts and prayers to those that need it.


I was actually pretty good at paper airplanes.  I've heard 65 is senior, but I've also heard 55, 60, and even 70 these days.  At 52 I don't think I'm quite yet a senior, although AARP has been trying to get me to join for 3 years so maybe they think I'm a senior, I'm certainly not retired.  I think this is one of those ask ten people and get ten different answers.  So no hitting the gym for me, but I will be hitting the pie at Shari's this afternoon for a late lunch with a couple people.


I heard back from the pet sitter that'll hopefully be able to watch kitty while we cruise in September.  She said it's a little far in advance for her to commit and to try back around 4 to 6 weeks before we go, I guess I got carried away a bit yesterday after making our pre-cruise hotel rsvp in Seattle.


I guess I committed a blunder in one of my forum replies yesterday on whether or not ships can still go through Canadian waters.  Reminds me of a line from a blues song, to paraphrase "my mind is on vacation, my mouth is working overtime".  No more serious subject matter for me, I will stick to socializing in the Ocean Bar and leave the navigation for the important people up on the bridge 🙂 .


Have a good day everyone!


Edited by atexsix
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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

My  DD  is bringing her  half  sister to  the  ER as  I  write  this. She is  what  is  called  a  "covid long  hauler" and  has  had  over  a  dozen  episodes  of  fevers  and  other  symptoms  in  the  last  year. She  has  only  been  able  to  work  sporadically(she  is  a  nurse) and  is  the  single  mother  of  a  12  year  old  boy. We  will  have  her  son  with  us  between  our  two  households  as  the  doctors  figure  out  what  can   be  done. Please  add  our  Tana  to  the  list. Thank  you.      Terry


Oh so sorry to hear this 😞. Prayers are winging Tana’s way and of course, she’s being added to the care list.

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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

My  DD  is bringing her  half  sister to  the  ER as  I  write  this. She is  what  is  called  a  "covid long  hauler" and  has  had  over  a  dozen  episodes  of  fevers  and  other  symptoms  in  the  last  year. She  has  only  been  able  to  work  sporadically(she  is  a  nurse) and  is  the  single  mother  of  a  12  year  old  boy. We  will  have  her  son  with  us  between  our  two  households  as  the  doctors  figure  out  what  can   be  done. Please  add  our  Tana  to  the  list. Thank  you.      Terry

Omigosh, so sorry, my Mom was a semi long hauler, the fever just wouldn't quite go away, yet her husband got it and was over it in about a week, strange the way this virus works. 

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


The news coming out of my DS's hospital is not good, but at least they've relented and started allowing more visitors per day.  I'm not sure if that is hospital-wide or because of her condition.  My twin will be going to visit later this morning and give me a full report, so I can decide what I need to do.  I may be making flight reservations, etc. later today to get up there to see sister.  Please say some extra prayers today for Nancy!



Glad things are getting straightened out with the insurance issues, but sorry to hear that your sister is not doing well. Best wishes. I know how it feels to be at a distance and relying on others for news.



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Good morning all!

Today will be a gardening day, more rain tomorrow and Friday.  The cottonwood fluff is starting to fall, I'm thankful I don't have the allergies some do.  It will eventually cover the ground like snow it's so bad here because we have "protected land" all around us and we can't get rid of those trees.


Sally Ride was an amazing woman and hero.  We have a treadmill and I use it, so I guess that's my tribute to senior fitness day.  I don't like going to the gym, never have.  The perfect combo IMHO would be a treadmill and pool, but we wouldn't get much use out of a pool here in the cool, soggy PNW 😉  I'm no good at making paper airplanes, I leave that to DH.


The meal looks good, and I'm pretty sure I've had the wine -- agree with Kazu that Albarinos are usually good.  


@StLouisCruisersgood for your DB getting to the bottom of the insurance problem.  Several times we've found out that our clinic assigned the wrong code and had to redo the claim.  Prayers for your sister Nancy and for your travel if you fly up to see her.


@smitty34877prayers for your DD's half-sister Tana that the doctors can help her.  

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First and foremost my prayers go out to all! I could write a list of all, 

but you all know we are family and we get through this! My heart feels for you!

I am very busy and I might be able to come back this evening on CC. 
❤️Love to my sisters

❤️Jacqui again thanks! 
❤️Debi, Summer appreciate all!

Make this a good day! I am sending prayers and positive energy!




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Good morning all Thanks Rich. Your our rock. And so glad for all who contribute here. Sunny here so time for outside chores but the kayak is sitting there calling my name. I suppose I could call it a senior moment that I forgot which chores and blame it on the river. 

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