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The Daily for Tuesday Jun 01, 2021


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@St. Louis Salyou are very close to Jefferson Barracks.  When we lived in South County we were close to it as well.  DH's Dad is buried there.  My twin said she and her DH went to visit his Dad on Sunday.  I'm sure the cemetery was busy all weekend long.  Great story about your Dad!😁

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Good morning! Rabbit-rabbit!


Thanks Rich for our Daily. Love the quote. Like fried chicken wings with nothing added. Really like Roy's meal suggestion of basil crusted veal. We have been to the port of the day but not on a cruise. 


Prayers to Jacqui things go well this morning. Prayers for our Roy's healing and health. Good morning sweet sisters. I agree with Sandi we need some positive postings! Wishing everyone well.


Haircut this morning,  Stretch Zone, and going with friends to Killeen to track down a German restaurant we've been wanting to try.


Yikes, saw on the news a 1st case of H10N3 bird flu in a human China.. omg..


Stay healthy. Prayers, Cheers, and Blessings. 









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Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  The past few days I minimized my social activities.  It was a good thing.  I wish more people would say something nice to each other.  The sun is finally shining here today.  I noticed that the string beans are peaking through the ground.  A few days of sunshine will be good for them.  Tonight’s dinner will be leftover pork roast.  Since it was so cold over the weekend I didn’t mind turning on the oven.  I hope that everyone has a good day.

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In 2014 when we sailed Golden Princess again to Hawaii, we also went on to Samoa and Tahiti.  Spreading our wings a bit.


I got a prettier shot of Waikiki Beach that time.  enhance


then the statue of Duke Kahanamoku.  He was one of the world's greatest watermen and a master of swimming, surfing and outrigger canoe paddling.enhance


Here's a trolley stop right at Waikiki Beach for those who don't want to walk all the way from the ship.enhance


That night we had a visit from the same dance school as we did the previous trip there on Golden Princess in 2009.  The little girls dance up and down the aisles at the end of their performance.  Real crowd pleasers!enhance


In 2017 on the Maasdam heading to the South Pacific, we again walked around Honolulu.  We saw a few different things to photograph.  We saw this group of people leaving for a boat ride from the beach.enhance




surfboard storage!enhance







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Good morning Rich!  June is busting out all over as an old song goes.  Thank You for the Daily Fleet report.  I  look to the day when HAL ships are spending June in European seas and ports, Alaskan seas and ports and and the rest of the fleet id in the St. Lawrence 

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Rabbit-Rabbit!  Another sleep-in; we had a very warm day yesterday and a cool night - makes for a great sleep!  I'm going to say something nice right away:  thank you everyone for your contributions to the Daily, it makes me feel good every time I come here.  I haven't had to flip a coin on anything in a very long while, and love celebrating children.  Hopefully I'll get my 2nd jab soon so I can cuddle our grandchildren again!


I love today's saying; it gives one quite the visual.  LOL 


It's going to be another beautiful day on the "frozen tundra", so it will be spent with DH replacing flagstones around the pergola in our back yard.  He's never been happy with the way they look (they looked fine to me), and was able to acquire some through a friend, so we'll be digging up the old and rearranging them with the new.  He's never been great at jigsaw puzzles, so I'll be the one figuring out which one should go where.


I like today's menu suggestion (especially Roy's basil crusted veal), but there's a pkg of lemon pepper ribs that I dug out of the freezer and will cook in the air fryer (which has been relocated for the next 2 seasons on our deck).  Along with a chop-chop salad (one of DH's faves), that's what will be on our dinner table tonight.  And wine.


@kazu sending good vibes for an easy solution to your dental issue.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Raising the glasses tonight to toast all on the happy list.  Be well, stay safe, wash your hands and wear your masks when you need to.  


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning.  It's cloudy, but the rain is supposed to hold off for a day or so, but in Texas you never know.  Yesterday, we got 2.11 inches, with most of it falling in an hour.


@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the complication is minor and is easily overcome and the rest of the day goes smoothly.


I like all the days, but International Children's Day is especially important. All children should be celebrated and protected.


The quote of the day is one we all should try to follow.


We'll pass on the chicken wings  and instead have more of the pulled pork, corn-on-the-cob and fruit salad.  I will definitely pass on the drink of the day since I do not like gin.  The wine sounds like I would like.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, when we were on one Hawaii cruise, Keanoa (sp?) told us that there were five identical statues of King Kamehameha commissioned with one on each of the islands.  We've seen most of them over the years.


We have been to Hawaii many times beginning in 1997 in the pre-digital era.  I'll check my photos to see what different ones we have.



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2 hours ago, kazu said:
  • The souls of the 215+ indigenous children found at Kamloops Indian Residential School.


Thank you, Jacqui, for this daily list. I am not sure how I missed hearing about the Kamloops mass grave discovery last week. Prayers for all of the First Nations people of both Canada and their southern neighbor. The atrocities they have endured and continue to experience are beyond measure.

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Ah.....Honolulu......one of my most favorite places....!! 


My first trip was in 1947...on our way to Guam...when I was 22 months old...:)  I lived there in 1967...and have so many fond memories...!!  I've been lucky to visit many many times...have taken 8 of our children and grandchildren.....and usually rent a condo for several weeks or more.  I have taken two really fun cruises...2015 on the Zaandam with my sister-in-law.....and 2018 on the Eurodam with one of my sons who wouldn't fly....so we cruised instead....!!!


Photos:  Disc Golfing at Puakea Golf Course, Kauai (Eurodam's first port)...Duke's statue Waikiki...Byodo Temple on Circle Island Tour....lunch at Duke's in Waikiki....peeking at Diamond Head thru Eurodam's glass elevators.....and....standing on the deck of the Zaandam...next to the Aloha Tower....in the same place where I arrived in 1947.........:)




Erik and Sue at Puakea Golf Course on Kuaui 10-7-18.jpg

Erik and Sue - Duke's Statue 10-9-18.jpg

Erik and Sue Circle Island Tour 10-8-18.jpg

Sue and Doug at Duke's.jpg

Erik and Sue on Eurodam - Honolulu 2018.jpg

Sue and Kaye - Zaandam docked by the Aloha Tower - same as in 1947 when I was 22 months old - 2015.jpg

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Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who are here. Supposed to get hot here today.  Now that I have read up to here I know I need to look up June first (why is it so special) and what is the deal with saying rabbit?  Also will have to turn on the computer and find some photos of the port of the day. 

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I’m back and will catch up with what’s happening.

My hour appointment turned into 2.5 + hours but it’s all going to be ok.  Whew!


I go back this afternoon for a brief visit and in about 2 weeks for the final.  



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30 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

Thank you, Jacqui, for this daily list. I am not sure how I missed hearing about the Kamloops mass grave discovery last week. Prayers for all of the First Nations people of both Canada and their southern neighbor. The atrocities they have endured and continue to experience are beyond measure.


I really was remiss not putting this on the Care list earlier 😔 

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So far all I can find about Rabbit rabbit is that it was a children’s tradition that if the first words out of your mouth on waking in the first day of the month are Rabbit rabbit then you will receive a present during the month and or have good luck. So far I haven’t seen it tied with June except that rabbits are fertile and June has plants bursting out. 

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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily. Happy June!

Good days. We should try to say something nice every day. And celebrate children every day too!

So true on the quote.

I like the wings, although not with the sauce. I'll take the wine and pass on the cocktail.

I have been to Honolulu on a Princess Cruise from LA, the Golden Princess in 2012.


Another nice day today, before rains come in overnight. I got a good amount of yard work done yesterday. Shrub trimming today.


@kazu Although long, I'm glad things went ok at the dentist.


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.


I'll try not to duplicate too many pictures.

The Aloha tower as we arrive (Crystal Serenity in the background)



National Memorial Cemetary of the Pacific, Punchbowl Crater



Statue outside the USS Missouri



Instrument of Surrender, signed 2Sept1945 by the Japanese on the USS Missouri, and the spot on the ship where it was signed.





USS Arizona Memorial



Sunset in Honolulu


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Just back after a sad, sad week in California with my favorite ex (boyfriend, not husband) who is suffering severe cognitive impairment and impaired mobility. And he’s 1-1/2 years younger than I am! It was likely our last visit. Can’t get the song “The Way We Were” out of my head now.


Anyway, my first trip to Hawaii was on Eurodam. It was also my first time on a dam ship that was neither R-class nor S-class.


I did summit Diamond Head. When I got to the summit they guy handing out the certificates said to me, “You don’t have to answer, but would you mind telling me your age?”. I said, “No problem. I’m 77. Why do you ask?”. He said, “Because we average about 2 medevacs a week for people younger than you are who were attempting the climb”.


Also had an awesome experience on the Missouri. Played the flirty-female card. After the guided tour I approached the guide and told him that I was a retired engineer and would it be possible to go below and see the engine spaces. He called someone on his cell phone (presumably to get clearance) and took me below. Hot as hades down there but I was able to spend quite a delightful time examining the powerplant and other systems.


Other than that, spent the time gorging on sashimi at each island stop. The five sea days that it took to get there was too long for this PacNW girl to go without sashimi.

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31 minutes ago, kazu said:

I’m back and will catch up with what’s happening.

My hour appointment turned into 2.5 + hours but it’s all going to be ok.  Whew!


I go back this afternoon for a brief visit and in about 2 weeks for the final.  



Happy to hear your are OK.


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👍Thank You to @richwmn, @kazuand @rafinmd...and to all others who contribute to the Daily.😊

✈We've enjoyed all the 🌺Hawaiian Islands because of the short flight time from California. 🚢The three TransPacifics (Star Princess, Volendam, and Maasdam) all stopped in Oahu on our way to Sydney. My husband's Aunt likes traveling with us on unique itineraries.

Back in April 2016 we needed "more points" (free laundry) and boarded the Zaandam for a "Circle Hawaii" out of Vancouver. 

🙏Prayers to all in need and hello to June. My doctor's appointment is later this afternoon to go over CT scan of my wrist now. What next?🙃



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👍Thank You to @richwmn, @kazuand @rafinmd...and to all others who contribute to the Daily.😊

✈We've enjoyed all the 🌺Hawaiian Islands because of the short flight time from California. 🚢The three TransPacifics (Star Princess, Volendam, and Maasdam) all stopped in Oahu on our way to Sydney. My husband's Aunt likes traveling with us on unique itineraries.

Back in April 2016 we needed "more points" (free laundry) and boarded the Zaandam for a "Circle Hawaii" out of Vancouver. 

🙏Prayers to all in need and hello to June. My doctor's appointment is later this afternoon to go over CT scan of my wrist now. What next?🙃


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A beautiful warm (for us) day in the Pacific NW.  I have many fond memories of Honolulu.  My mother was born on Maui, but went all twelve years of school at St Andrews Priory in Honolulu, an Episcopal boarding school.  We were able to visit it on one of our cruise stops there.  My last tour of duty in the Navy was with the Navy Astronautics Group at Wahiawa, which is up the road from Honolulu.  We maintained navigational satellites for the Navy before there was a GPS system.  When we left we stayed a week at the Hale Koa Hotel on Waikiki Beach.  I recommend it as a great place to stay if you are a retired military family.  

If you are able to walk Honolulu is easy to get around.  From where the ship docks you can walk to Ali Moana shopping center where you can catch a bus to anywhere on the island.  It is also an easy walk from the ship to China Town.  Car rentals are also an easy option.

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Good morning all and thank you Rich , Roy, Jacqui and all the contributors for my morning “ newspaper “ The Daily ! 
Like many of you we also have been a few times to Hawaii so today I expect we will be bombarded with lots of pictures , I will look for a few only from the Island of Oahu because I suspect the other Islands will get a turn on another "Port of the Day "  . 
From this port I enjoy in particular the arrival and departure scenery and the nature outside the big city .
The pineapples at the Dole Farm were more expensive than what we have ever paid here in Ontario for a pineapple ..…………but it was nice to see all of the different varieties .
We are longing for a scenery like this ……
Tony and Martha 😍😄
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