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The Daily for Tuesday Jul 06, 2021


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15 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. I will be celebrating international kissing day because the good news is Sam is being discharged to home. On Friday he wasn’t doing enough and needed skilled nursing care and as of today the referrals we made won’t take him because he’s doing too good. The bad news is I am scrambling o find an aide and if not, my son and daughter will cover us till we find one.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts. We continue to need prayers for his continued recovery.



I am glad that Sam is well enough to come home.


I pray that you can find an aide and perhaps other care that you will need for him 🙏🏻. God bless your children again for helping out until you can find the help ♥️ 

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Good news on Sam. Hope you can find help quickly.


Love the loaded baked potato soup and fried chicken.... and I should not be eating either one. Have been to Antarctica twice, once on the Amsterdam and then again on the Princendam. Would go again in a heart beat.


Weather here is nice.... hot but we are getting some afternoon showers. Unfortunately we are also getting hail with those showers. That I do not enjoy. I have a routine right now of going out by mid-morning a murdering weeds before it gets 1)too hot or 2) the hail starts in.  Slow work but I am getting them under control.


Cheers to all... take care.



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19 minutes ago, kazu said:


I am glad that Sam is well enough to come home.


I pray that you can find an aide and perhaps other care that you will need for him 🙏🏻. God bless your children again for helping out until you can find the help ♥️ 


I totally agree with @kazu Jacqui  about Sam and you kids. 

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Good morning!


Another marine layer here, yesterday's didn't burn off until mid-day and we enjoyed temps in the low 70s, it cooled enough after dark to close a lot of the windows.  We'll see if today is a repeat.  


Thanks to the listers.  Thoughts and prayers to those that need them.  I love fried chicken and baked potato soup.  I already kissed the cat today.  


Enjoying the pictures, penguins of all stripes are one of my favorite animals.  I wonder what they must think when ships full of people show up, "there's some of those tall creatures again".  The picture below is from the Monterey Aquarium, it's especially fun to watch during feeding times. 







Lots to do today beginning with the bank and dry cleaners in a bout an hour and I will grab my breakfast after that.  I also need to measure the car to make sure the cat's new kennel will fit in there, I think a kennel will be better transport than a carrier for his trip to the boarder in September.  It's also rubbish day, but it's always hard to figure out what they are going to do during holiday weeks, so I will have to put it out anyway, but I'm not taking it in and putting it back out on Wednesday, if bears show up in the middle of the night then so be it.  


Have a great Tuesday everybody! 

Edited by atexsix
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It hit 95F (or more) yesterday and this morning it's 73 and raining.....


Niall and Emilee were over on the 4th and we grilled burgers (Impossible Burger for Emilee; surprisingly good!). They brought a bottle of Pimm's #1 and we had Pimm's Cups for cocktails - not at all ironic! 


After following up on a suggestion from @VMax1700, I highly recommend Gunpowder Irish Gin for your G&T -


Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin  750ml

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

First photo today will be for the Zaandam fans because I got a great shot of the ship as it passed us in Neumayer Channel during our Champagne/Vodka and Caviar deck party.  This was on Dec. 30, 2016 while onboard Seabourn Quest.enhance


Heading to shore in the Zodiac at Neko Harborenhance


Enjoying the wildlife up closeenhance


A penguin's-eye view of our ship and the Zodiacs arrivingenhance


Diligent parents warming their eggsenhance


Taking a hikeenhance


Still at Neko Harborenhance


Seals sunning themselves at Torgerson Islandenhance


And this wide eyed guy on another icebergenhance


Landing at the Chilean Naval Base at Waterboat Pointenhance





The leucistic Gentoo penguin who shows up there every year.enhance




Chinstrap penguins at Half Moon Island, sliding down an icy slopeenhance






Next I'll look through photos we got off the Seabourn video.  The professionals did an excellent job.

Fantastic photos.

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

A photo from the video Seabourn provided us.  This shows the Quest and Zaandam in the same shot, taken from a drone.



The leucistic penguin againenhance


Kayakers being observedenhance




















With calm winds we were able to sail into the crater at Deception Islandenhance




For those afraid to cruise across Drake Passage, you can handle this, right?enhance


Most of us have had seas like this before.enhance


I loved the closeups of the whales!



Loving the photos.

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2 hours ago, kb4683 said:

Good Morning, Dailylites!


Healing hugs to those on the care list 🤗, and cheers to those on the celebratory list 🥂.  Also, thank you to Rich, Roy, the F&B Department and all others who contribute here.


Wow, what a great bunch of days, drinks, meals and port of the day.  Rich, you really pushed all my buttons today 😃.


Kissing DH daily is just a given; I love fried chicken (now we get carry-out from Publix instead of making it at home); one of our best friends is a retired air traffic controller; loaded baked potato soup is one my favorites; I have a G&T every evening; and we have been to Antarctica on an expedition ship.  Have not had rosé from Tasmania, but am willing to try.


Here are a few pictures from our Antarctica trip:


Our ship - Quark Sea Spirit



Some shipmates making our first landing 11/10/14, Aitcho Island



Half Moon Island, 11/11/14



Cuverville Island, 11/13/14, morning landing



Finally, boots on the Antarctic Continent!  Neko Harbour, 11/13/14, afternoon landing



Danco Island, 11/15/14, morning 



Crab eater seal "waving" at us - Danco Island



Zodiac cruising only, Wilhelmina Bay, 11/15/14, afternoon - but our driver/guide landed us on an iceberg for a photo op - WOW 👍







Lovely photos.

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1 hour ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. I will be celebrating international kissing day because the good news is Sam is being discharged to home. On Friday he wasn’t doing enough and needed skilled nursing care and as of today the referrals we made won’t take him because he’s doing too good. The bad news is I am scrambling o find an aide and if not, my son and daughter will cover us till we find one.

Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts. We continue to need prayers for his continued recovery.


It is heartening to hear your fantastic news.

Best wishes.



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Good morning all!

This morning we have a refreshing fog and 55 degrees, heading for a pleasant 77.  I will kiss DH as always, love fried chicken, and do appreciate air traffic controllers for keeping us safe. Will pass on the meal, we're going to have steak tacos tonight with some steak left from the bbq yesterday.  


@kazuyour flowers are lovely.  That looks like a Nelly Moser Clematis?  I love Malvo, I need to try planting it again.  For some reason it doesn't like my yard!!


@mamaofamiwonderful news that your DH will be coming home and  that your children are helping you so much.


On a smaller scale of help but still very much appreciated, our big brawny DSIL came by yesterday and single-handedly carried our new portable A/C upstairs to the bedroom.  It weighs 80+ pounds so we are so thankful he did that.  DH and I probably could have done it, but definitely not as easily as Ryan did.  It's supposed to cool up to 700 square feet, so I think we're ready for any future heat waves.


A huge thank you to all who have and will be posting photos of the Antarctic!  We're booked on the Oosterdam in '23 and seeing these photos is really adding to the excitement.





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24 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

That looks like a Nelly Moser Clematis?  I love Malvo, I need to try planting it again.  For some reason it doesn't like my yard!!


Close 😉   I had to go check as I never remember the older ones.  It’s called Cherokee.  I think it is more vibrant than my Nelly Moser will be.


The Nelly Moser is on the other side of the pergola.  It’s a new one this year so I have my 🤞.   I thought I had lost my old one with the ice storms but I saw a tiny little vine coming so maybe it did survive.  We’ll see.  If I end up with 2, even better 😉 

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Sorry for another Antarctica post and pic, but this is my favorite from our last cruise before the pandemic. We were on the Seabourn Quest for the December 2019/January 2020 Antarctica/South Georgia cruise and it was amazing. We had previously done four "drive by" cruises, two on Princess and two on HAL. We do have another one booked..............


If only he would have raised that one flipper for a bit of a wave at us.1142255155_CrabeaterSeal.thumb.JPG.17af9becc6333bbd19a61aabdf5f646e.JPG This was from a zodiac tour with no landing.



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2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

For @rafinmd, volunteer firefighter Sean DeMuynck made the ultimate sacrifice on Sunday night in  a house fire in Montgomery county PA . He was. a Canadian who was preparing to return home to Canada . He was 35 years old .💔🙏

Thank you for that.  A double dose of sad news for me today.  A couple of days ago I snuck in a note about one of my scouts who was hospitalized with kidney failure.  He was home briefly while they worked on a definitive plan, but he is reported back in the hospital.



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Good morning, all. I spent nearly an hour loading Antarctica pictures. Just as I went to post, my iPad dumped the whole thing! Aaaargh!
I have kissed DH this morning, but will do so again. Fried chicken is good in the summer, especially if cooked in someone else’s kitchen. G&T has become my go to cocktail, and will be appearing on the patio later. I look forward to visiting wineries in Tasmania in 2023. The wines are rumoured to be fabulous! And then there’s Antarctica…..


Antarctica is amazing. The problem with pictures is that they just can’t give you the full depth of the vastness of it all. Other than a fringe along the shore in summer, Antarctica has no plant or animal life. There are no indigenous birds or animals here. All the wildlife live elsewhere. They come to Antarctica for a few short months to raise their young along the shores before heading home again. Rather like Canadians in Florida for Spring Break. Even just looking from the coast, most of Antarctica is pristine, barren of life, and beautiful on an immense scale. The suns angle through our atmosphere does interesting things to the air and water colour. The ocean is an impossible true blue near the equator. As you go north, it appears greener and greener. As you go south, the ocean appears slightly purple and eventually violet. In Antarctica, the light has taken an actual pink cast that gives land and water an actual pink look. 
The photos don’t do it justice, but I’ll try.

The pink of the light fights with the bright blue of the ice. It is pinker to the eye than the lense. I think the camera tries to compensate.














This is a Tabular Iceberg. It is the size of several football fields, and not even close to being a large example.


In contrast, this is Brash Ice. These are fist size pieces of ancient glacial ice. As they slowly melt, thousands of tiny high pressure air bubbles are released with a popping and fizzing sound. The experience is like sailing through a sea of champagne, and is unforgettable.




Even in the height of summer, and at the warmer northern edges, the continent is buried in snow and ice. Most of us have seen glaciers flowing through the valleys between mountain peaks. Here the ice is so predominant that the glaciers actually flow OVER the mountains, and you can see chunks calving off the crest and crashing hundreds of feet down a rock face. Did I mention it is overwhelming to the senses here?






And now the summer residents. This is a raft of penguins. They travel in groups, half swimming, half leaping through the water. They are trying find fish while avoiding Orcas and Leopard Seals.


On the beach, the sight and noise and party atmosphere is very much like Florida at Spring Break. The smell is slightly worse, though.




And a Leopard Seal sunning on an iceberg trying to look harmless. It is not.


And finally, Happy Tuesday, which is best experienced on a BHB!


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3 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

For @rafinmd, volunteer firefighter Sean DeMuynck made the ultimate sacrifice on Sunday night in  a house fire in Montgomery county PA . He was. a Canadian who was preparing to return home to Canada . He was 35 years old .💔🙏

How terribly tragic! Thanks for recognizing his sacrifice. 

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32 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for that.  A double dose of sad news for me today.  A couple of days ago I snuck in a note about one of my scouts who was hospitalized with kidney failure.  He was home briefly while they worked on a definitive plan, but he is reported back in the hospital.



So sad, Roy.  Our prayers are with him 🙏🏻 

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Having been to Antarctica on the Zaandam was one of my most amazing experience of our cruise history with the BHB’s even though we did not get on shore in Antarctica . But we spend most of our 3 days circling around on deck not to miss anything and taking it all in ! 

On the second day the Captain and the special Antarctica guide on board told all of  us what was happening in the water very close to us , about a dozen Orca’s had cornered and caught a baby Humpback whale about a hundred meters from the Zaandam , the Captain stopped our forward movement and we were just floating for about an hour  near this while it was getting closer and closer  and they were feasting on their catch . The ships photographer happened to be out on deck and took an amazing Video which we and many many others later purchased . The Captain mentioned he himself had never seen anything like this either ............ 
BTW this was during the second week of February 2015 we had expected it to be really really cold bought all kind of special underwear , heating pads etc etc and it was colder in Toronto Canada than those days in Antarctica  !!!!!! 
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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Good days. No one here to kiss today. I like fried chicken, but rarely eat it. Air Traffic Control is to be saluted.

Excellent quote.

I like the meal, but too many carbs for me. I'll pass on the gin and tonic, but maybe take the wine.

I have been to Antarctica on the Zaandam in 2018.


Another hot and humid day here. I went out early to the big box store for groceries and was dripping loading the car.


@mamaofami Good news that Sam is coming home. Hopefully it won't be too hard to find an aide. You're so fortunate to have children willing to help out.


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list. Any in the path of the storm, stay safe!


It was hard to pick from so many pictures.





Tabular iceberg with caves



Me on the promenade





Penguins on icebergs






Silverseas Silver Cloud



At the Zaandam bell



Sunset at 11:30PM



Whale tail


Edited by JazzyV
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