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The Daily for Friday July 30, 2021


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31 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you!  Sometimes I feel like we're in a definite minority 😞  Even the smell of it sets me off!


It tastes like soap to a lot of people.  DH and I put it on practically everything -- really like it.

Just one of those divisive foods -- like beets.

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@AncientWanderer, I am lucky and don't suffer from migraines, so I'm not sure if the show would bother you.  The Charlotte show offered some times that were less intense and designed for people with sensitivity to loud noises and flashing lights, and I do not know anyone who went to one of the alternate shows, but you might look into that if you have a chance to still see the show elsewhere.

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Good afternoon all and many thanks to all of the contributors of the Daily . It is a very nice day here in SW Ontario today the humidity finally left us and there is a nice little breeze to keep the mosquitos away so I can go out and do some gardening .

We have been a couple of times in Skagway and the first time in 2007 made the nice train ride up to the Canadian border into the mountains which was very exciting for me as a person growing up in the low lands .
So today just a couple of pictures from our cruise in Sept of 2007 on the Zaandam .
We first visited a very nice garden and were surprised everything was growing so well there in that climate .
This looked very spooky near the top close to the border ……
The Zaandam was only 7 years old at the time ( built in 2000) and it was only our second cruise we were quite impressed with the whole experience so we were hooked for life ! 
Back to my garden and the Olympics , have a great day everybody ! 
Tony 😄
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9 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


It tastes like soap to a lot of people.  DH and I put it on practically everything -- really like it.

Just one of those divisive foods -- like beets.

LOL - well I do like beets 🙂

As for cilantro, I can't quite describe what it tastes like, but soap may be the closest comparison. The smell gives me an instant headache though.  

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4 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:



This one hit home.  My mom used to love to call the handsome fire department team to put her

back in bed from "falls."   Luckily, none of her falls ever caused any injury whatsoever. 🤔

My mother used to summon the ambulance regularly feeling faint. They would tuck her up all cozy and pop her in the ambulance for a ride to the local hospital. There she was fussed over for about an hour until she declared she felt fine and wanted to go home. Then they would summon her daughter (me) to come pick her up and take her home. I would make her a cup of herbal tea and tuck her into bed and wait until she fell asleep. She refused to move in with us, or have a live in caregiver.

One evening it was my family doctor on call at the hospital. He was treating me for exhaustion and situational depression at the time. When she declared it was time to call me to take her home, he refused. He said he was concerned about the frequency of her faint spells and was keeping her in overnight for observation and further tests in the morning. She was absolutely furious, and the evening calls for the ambulance ceased after that.

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2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning to my Daily friends.  Our day!  We ordered hamburgers from the White Spot yesterday as they were having a fundraiser for those affected by the fires in the interior of the province, and we had wanted cheesecake, too, but DD forgot it, and it was just as well anyway, because the hamburgers were HUGE!  I do have a steak out for tonight.  


@mamaofami, I was watching TV last night - a channel I don't usually watch, and there was suddenly a ribbon on the screen with a tornado warning and where to go to hide, and I think now the channel might have been in your area!  


We went to Skagway once when DD was flying out of Haines and we were visiting her and we took a little ferry across and just wandered a bit.  Then another time we visited on a cruise with Pat's sister and her hubby from Australia.  We took the train to Canada!  (After a wander around the town.) 


Greeted by a moose




In town - we searched for internet




The train - in and out and roundabout






The track was supposedly the trail used by the prospectors  - so narrow



Yes, the tornado warning was for us and our area. Thankfully we weren’t hit.

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6 hours ago, mamaofami said:

We were on a severe tornado watch last night. Having no basement, Sam, the aide and I waited it out in the master bathroom. We were lucky and had no damage. Other places in New Jersey and Pennsylvania not so lucky.

Crazy weather lately.


We had some of that too.  Not my immediate neighborhood but within a stones throw of the Wegman's Grocery and Panera where I shop and dine, a tornado wiped out part of the wall of a BJ's Club:





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5 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily report.  It was a rough night and for awhile thought we might have to cancel our cruise.  I woke up to the smell of burning rubber.  After we did a search and couldn’t figure it out I called the fire department.  They arrived quickly after check the house thoroughly.  The finally determined that it was our freezer.  The plug was pulled and we moved what we could to the other freezer.  Some food is lost.  Then to add insult to injury the smoke co2 detector went off after we had gone back to bed.

@kazuthe fireman were definitely pleasant on the eyes.

We made it through the security check rather quickly.  Shuttle from Braintree to past security was about an hour.  We are going to grab a bite to eat before the plane boards in two hours.  I hope everyone has a good day.


Wow, think how lucky you are though because if this had happened while you were on the cruise, things could have been much worse.  I hope you have a wonderful cruise!

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4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

I just texted my Son-In-Law stating today is Father’s -In -Law Day and where’s my card and gift? His reply, “well April 30 was National Son-In-Law Day so we’re even!”


No respect!😁


Must have been a typo!  Duckduckgo says April 10 is National Son-In-Law Day.  Put that on your calendar for next year, and don't forget to put National Father-In-Law Day on there too.😜

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Thought we had been to Skagway, but after looking up the information found out we sorta had.  We took an 11 Land/Cruise and took the train down to Skagway.  Immediately got on the fast ferry for an eagle excursion in Haines.  Came back and immediately got on the ship.  So no photo's.  😢

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8 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

We had some of that too.  Not my immediate neighborhood but within a stones throw of the Wegman's Grocery and Panera where I shop and dine, a tornado wiped out part of the wall of a BJ's Club:






Oh...frightening close call.  Scary stuff

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4 hours ago, cat shepard said:

The Icelandic saga continues…


It was another glorious morning, though a bit cool. We all agreed that we would have liked to have spent more time in the Eastern fjords. It felt other worldly - perhaps because we had to cross a mountain to get to there. We saw kayaks everywhere. Though I was not in a position to kayak at that moment, I know it would be amazing to kayak there. We also wanted to visit the Northwest fjords - the only area not covered by our tour. 


Another wonderful breakfast buffet. Our first with an Icelandic staple - pickled herring. None of us tried it. 🤫 After our meal we headed out. François stopped at the sod-roofed house we had passed on our way in. The owner, who used to use it as her summer home, bequeathed it to the town. She still comes for a few weeks every summer, but now when she passes, the town does not have to worry about losing this treasure. 



Back up the switchback road with a stop to relish the sun sparkling on the water below us. We stopped for snacks/lunch with the direction it would be a long time before we came to another place we could stop. So we stocked up!😎



Our first stop was at Hengifoss - the Hidden Waterfall. François  advised me not to do it. When I saw the dozens of steps leading up to steep inclines, I did not need to be convinced. There were a couple of picnic tables outside, so I sat out with another person who opted out of the trek. I used the time to start catching up on my log. I did not want to forget a moment.  François sat with us for a short time, finalizing a spreadsheet that his company would submit to a medical group that conducts rapid COVID testing. We would each be tested at our hotel our last night in Iceland.  We would have the results in one hour via email, which we could then show to the airlines and all authorities. I believe it cost $59, or 600K.


He then left us to scale the steps and hill to check on the group. The other woman and I moved back to the minibus because the sun was getting hot. The group raved about the visit when they returned. It was so off the beaten path there were few others there. Two folk shared their pictures with me. For two of them this was the highlight of the entire trip!




And we were off! As we headed South we started to lose the sun. But we gained the land of waterfalls.  And as we got out to enjoy the falls and stretch our legs, we started to notice how the land of the nearby foothills appeared to have waves. François said the waves were a result of how a glacier carved the land. We traveled a couple of hours through this amazing topography. 




We stopped at Free Villi’s, an emporium of fun exhibits and lovely mementos. But he only accepts cash, so if you plan to stop - bring cash!




We reached the South coast and François stopped at lighthouse, where it was so windy that I could not stay outside - I was blown off balance twice, even with crutches! No pictures, I could not keep my hair out of my eyes, and I had two hoodies on!  Then he stopped at Diamond Beach, where icebergs wash up to the shore. We had fun identifying the different creatures we saw in them.



And we encountered a curious seal anxious for its video debut!


But the wind was again buffeting us and it drove us back to the minibus. 

We stopped for supper in Hofn at ZBistro known for its langostino dishes.  Though IMO it could never quite equal a similar dish with Maine lobster, I really enjoyed my langostino pasta dish. It was huge, and I ended up not being able to finish it. Their House Sauvignon Blanc was delightful. But not their cappuccino. It did not even taste like coffee. 😞Note: I could not leave my wine unfinished. 😎



Our final stop - Hoffell Glacier World Guesthouse. From the parking lot we could view a nearby glacier, and watch their horses enjoy a last bit of play before heading in for the night. Though closed, the guesthouse has a room devoted to all things glacier, so I was hoping to visit before we left in the morning. 



We got our keys and headed off to bed. Another shower before turning in. And another wonderful night of sleep. 


More to follow…



Thanks for today's installment.  Love all the photos!  Iceland is a unique and beautiful place.  


I think the last photo of the icebergs looks like a parrot.🦜

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Good morning, all! I love cheesecake. I had a wonderful FIL, but we lost him about 12 years ago. Most of my international friends were made through cruising, and on the Daily - greetings to you all!

That meal looks wonderful. The heat has returned, so cooking will be minimal for the next few days. I’m never sure about blue cocktails, but the wine sounds good. ( Like wine ever sounds not-good?🤔)

We are heading for the mainland today as we may make a short trip to the Okanagan so DD can see her aunt and uncle before she leaves for Taiwan. Luckily we have a ferry reservation, as Friday on a holiday weekend is VERY busy!

I’m worried about the syrup in the hummingbird feeders turning in the heat while we’re gone. They have all been emptied, scrubbed, and refilled with plain water. There has been no measurable rainfall here in a month and a half, so I want to make sure the hummingbirds have a reliable water source. Their natural sources, such as creeks, puddles and ditches are long since dry.

TGIF, and Happy Friday everyone. Even without a BHB, a long weekend in the summer should be a time to relax and enjoy!


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We've had a lot of nice photos of Skagway, and I'll add just a few more or less at least related to Skagway.  Skagway was my first ever port of disembarkation, getting off the ferry Matanuska there after a journey from Ketchikan.  I've been there several times since but only twice on BHB's embarking the Zaandam after a land trip in 2002 and disembarking the Volendam on my Grand Alaska Panama in 2018.  The photos will be from the Grand Alaska Panama.  Here's an overview from the Volendam's top deck:




I've posted this before but it was my last trip with Roger and the next day we took the White Pass to Whitehorse:



There's a tradition of crews leaving messages on the stone wall beside the Railroad Dock.  This one caught my eye:




This isn't really Skagway but I noticed it on one of the Volendam stair landings before disembarking the ship.  Here's to anyone who ever had a senior moment or a typo:





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23 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Wow, think how lucky you are though because if this had happened while you were on the cruise, things could have been much worse.  I hope you have a wonderful cruise!

We are counting our blessings that it happened while we were home.

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57 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Home Depot strikes again!!!!!!! - they charged me 3 times for the patio door. As you might think, our conversation this morning was not very pleasant from my end. I also called the bank and disputed 2 of the 3 charges.


For crying out loud 😱. A charge for each month you were kept waiting, maybe 🙄😫  Talk about adding insult to injury.  Good for you disputing the charges right away!

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58 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


It tastes like soap to a lot of people.  DH and I put it on practically everything -- really like it.

Just one of those divisive foods -- like beets.


I use it in my cooking, too.  It’s very popular in Spain and Mexico so it finds it’s way into my recipes 😉 

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22 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

I’m worried about the syrup in the hummingbird feeders turning in the heat while we’re gone. They have all been emptied, scrubbed, and refilled with plain water. There has been no measurable rainfall here in a month and a half, so I want to make sure the hummingbirds have a reliable water source. Their natural sources, such as creeks, puddles and ditches are long since dry.


That’s a great idea!


Have a great trip and time 🙂 

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1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:


It tastes like soap to a lot of people.  DH and I put it on practically everything -- really like it.

Just one of those divisive foods -- like beets.


My brother is one who hates cilantro.  The good news is that you can easily leave it out of the chimichurri recipe with no harm done.




@cat shepard Somehow I have to work in a return trip to Iceland, but the next time I go, I want to do it the way you did.  You saw and experienced so much more than you can from a cruise ship.  I'm loving your trip report.  


@Crazy For Cats Goodness gracious!   I'm glad you were home and that it wasn't serious enough to make you cancel the cruise.  You are way to close to boarding that BHB!   


I used to have a huge fear of tornadoes.   One peal of thunder and I was taking cover.  Once, I lived in a duplex that had no basement.  So, during tornado season I kept the mattress from a twin bed leaning up against the hallway wall.   When I was sure there was going to be a tornado I would crawl under the mattress with a bottle of wine.  

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29 minutes ago, rafinmd said:


This isn't really Skagway but I noticed it on one of the Volendam stair landings before disembarking the ship.  Here's to anyone who ever had a senior moment or a typo:







Whoops!  That's a biggie!

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