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The Daily for Tuesday August 17, 2021


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15 minutes ago, lindaler said:

I will post just a note. I have been nursing my service dog all week and last night she crossed the bridge. I will miss her so much but she had fun while she was my service dog and allowed me to start traveling and cruising again. I just wanted you all to know why I’ve been so quiet. 

I’m so sorry for you 

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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22 minutes ago, lindaler said:

I will post just a note. I have been nursing my service dog all week and last night she crossed the bridge. I will miss her so much but she had fun while she was my service dog and allowed me to start traveling and cruising again. I just wanted you all to know why I’ve been so quiet. 

So sorry. It is just like losing a family member. They are so selfless, so loving., a true gift.

Edited by jimgev
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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:


@rafinmd,  I  am  sorry  to  hear  of  the  illnesses  and  upcoming  procedures  your  friends  are  facing. It  is  hard  to  get  so  much  difficult  news  in  the  same  day. My  DH  told  me  yesterday  that  he  remembers  being  sick  and  tired  of  Cardiac  Rehab after  a  certain  time  frame  and  felt  that  it  was  a  real  chore. I  hope  today  is  better  for  you.

Unfortunately, today is not likely to be a better day.  I have a root canal this afternoon.  It should probably have been done about a month ago but my surgeon wanted me to wait 3 months past the surgery for dental procedures.  My rehab yesterday was one of the better days.  My new cardiologist was fine with me quitting the rehab any time but I will likely continue to the end of the series.  I would quit for a cruise but don't see it happening with the Delta surge.  At 8 months I should be eligible for a booster shot about the time the rehab ends.



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1 hour ago, jimgev said:

I feel the need to talk about something serious. My DW is an RN who works the night shift at our local hospital. She came home this AM completely exhausted. The hospital is overwhelmed with covid patients. The Emergency room is overflowing with no in-patient beds to put people. ALL of these are people who are not vaccinated. Please, please urge everyone you know to get vaccinated. This is really serious stuff.

Stay safe everyone.


This is so sad.  I wonder what the best way is to urge people.  Cajoling and shaming don't appear to have any effect.  I suspect personal stories are the best option.  Prayers for strength for DW.



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12 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@lindalerI'm so sorry to hear the sad news about your service dog.  Will you be able to go on your cruise coming up soon without your helper?

She brought me out of a dark and lonely place, so because of all we have worked on over the last six years I believe I will be able to do the cruise in September. I’m sure there will be rough spots but I’ve actually thought about getting a teddy bear for the cruise. Just something to hug. 

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7 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Unfortunately, today is not likely to be a better day.  I have a root canal this afternoon.  It should probably have been done about a month ago but my surgeon wanted me to wait 3 months past the surgery for dental procedures.  My rehab yesterday was one of the better days.  My new cardiologist was fine with me quitting the rehab any time but I will likely continue to the end of the series.  I would quit for a cruise but don't see it happening with the Delta surge.  At 8 months I should be eligible for a booster shot about the time the rehab ends.




Oh ugh, Roy 😔 

I feel for you with the root canal.  Glad to hear yesterday’s rehab was one of the better ones, at least.


Good luck with the root canal.

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36 minutes ago, lindaler said:

I will post just a note. I have been nursing my service dog all week and last night she crossed the bridge. I will miss her so much but she had fun while she was my service dog and allowed me to start traveling and cruising again. I just wanted you all to know why I’ve been so quiet. 

Brought tears to my eyes.  I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved dog. 

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41 minutes ago, lindaler said:

I will post just a note. I have been nursing my service dog all week and last night she crossed the bridge. I will miss her so much but she had fun while she was my service dog and allowed me to start traveling and cruising again. I just wanted you all to know why I’ve been so quiet. 

I'm so sorry to hear your service dog has passed lindaler it must be so upsetting for you.

I hope you get another one soon so you can get out and about again.

Take care and stay safe.


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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I have a question.  I have about another week of alternative menus from August Statendam and Veendam cruises and then nothing for about a month.  Last year the alternative menu went on hiatus for that period.  I could do the same this year or I could do a month of Crystal menus which would be from the Symphony in 2018 (The Grand Alaska/Panama trip that began with the Volendam and Westerdam) and then the Serenity 2016 Northwest Passage cruise.


What do you think?



I vote for the Crystal menus. I love your meal suggestions and pictures when you have them. Also, I’ve never been on Crystal so it would be interesting. 

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11 minutes ago, lindaler said:

She brought me out of a dark and lonely place, so because of all we have worked on over the last six years I believe I will be able to do the cruise in September. I’m sure there will be rough spots but I’ve actually thought about getting a teddy bear for the cruise. Just something to hug. 


That sounds encouraging!  I know it's going to be hard but I think you will enjoy getting out there on a ship and seeing the beautiful scenery.   I believe your cruise is in September and that will be here before we know it!

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1 hour ago, jimgev said:

Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the lists. Roy, I appreciate your menu suggestions. They make me dream and even inspire me to try some things. Anything you are able to contribute is very much appreciated.

I feel the need to talk about something serious. My DW is an RN who works the night shift at our local hospital. She came home this AM completely exhausted. The hospital is overwhealmed with covid patients. The Emergency room is overflowing with no in-patient beds to put people. ALL of these are people who are not vaccinated. Please, please urge everyone you know to get vaccinated. This is really serious stuff.

Stay safe everyone.



I liked your message, not because of the Covid situation in your area or because your DW is exhausted, but because she is still in there fighting for peoples' lives.  Everyone who is fighiing to help people recover and trying to get them to get vaccinated deserves our repect and appreciation.  I also like your message about getting vaccinated.


Too many people, young and older alike, are listening to the wrong information, and it's hard to get through to them.  On a positive note, DH's nephew who works in the IT department of a hospital, was a died in the wool antivaxer.  Recently due to some serious events in his life (not Covid), he realized how wrong he was  and got vaccinated.  He also went on FB and told his followers that he had been wrong, gotten the vaccine and that everyone should be vaccinated.  I hope a lot more people see the light and get vaccinated soon.



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59 minutes ago, lindaler said:

I will post just a note. I have been nursing my service dog all week and last night she crossed the bridge. I will miss her so much but she had fun while she was my service dog and allowed me to start traveling and cruising again. I just wanted you all to know why I’ve been so quiet. 

@lindaler I am so very sorry to hear of your beloved service dog passing.  Hugs to you.  🐕🌈

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1 hour ago, kazu said:


I feel so badly for your DW and all the health care workers.  😔   It’s so sad to see hospitals overwhelmed again when we now have a vaccine that could solve so much of this and save our hospitals and health care workers from this enormous burden.  😡 


Personally, I don’t get it.  If people had this type of reaction when the polio vaccine came out we would have never licked it 😡 

Our cardiologist also asked us to ask everyone to get vaccinated, to give the docs and RNs a rest .  Which I've been doing.  A neighbor asked an anti-mask/vax person if he'd had his childhood vaxs, he said yes, neighbor said that's why you are able to stand here today now complaining/refusing vax.  Spot on.   Thank you for the daily.

Edited by 12cruise2
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1 hour ago, lindaler said:

I will post just a note. I have been nursing my service dog all week and last night she crossed the bridge. I will miss her so much but she had fun while she was my service dog and allowed me to start traveling and cruising again. I just wanted you all to know why I’ve been so quiet. 

Oh Linda, I am so sorry to hear this. I know she was very special. I was hoping she could cruise again with you next month. Take care. 

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1 hour ago, lindaler said:

I will post just a note. I have been nursing my service dog all week and last night she crossed the bridge. I will miss her so much but she had fun while she was my service dog and allowed me to start traveling and cruising again. I just wanted you all to know why I’ve been so quiet. 


Linda, I'm so sorry about your wonderful dog crossing the Rainbow Bridge.  It is always hard to say goodby to our four legged family members, and saying goodby to one who gave you freedom to travel and cruise must be doubly difficult.  Sending you a big virtual hug.


I just read your last post, and am very glad you feel you can go on your cruise.  The teddy bear sounds like a good idea.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Please add my nephew, Wil, a member of the 82nd Airborne, to the prayer list. I understand the 82nd landed in Afghanistan today... So happy to have the Daily to read each day, yet sorry to read the sadnesses in today's daily.

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9👍Thank you Rich @richwmn for The Daily and to Roy @rafinmd for both the Care and Celebration Lists...and Roy your ideas for different meal selections are always welcome.😊

I had no idea where today's port of call was so thanks to Google for a geography lesson,  I do now and I'm looking forward to seeing some photos.

I'm very sorry to hear your news about your doggie @lindaler. 🐾

Yes, we're with the other 72 million Baby Boomers and have tried other Estancia wines...mostly Pinot Noir. 🍷

Hopefully, more people will get a wake up call about vaccinations @jimgev. We are waiting for the green light for a 'booster'....supposedly by the fall for over 65??????? 💉




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@lindaler, I  am  so  sorry  for  the  loss  of  your  faithful  service  dog. Hugs  to  you. It  is  always  so  hard  to  lose  our  fur  friends.

 @rafinmd, root  canals  are  hard  to  manage   at  any  time  but I  am  sure  it  is  more  stressful  now. I  will  be  thinking  of  you today'


@jimgev, I  can't  even  imagine  your  DW's  fatigue  level at  this  point. It  is  just  a  horrible  situation  to  be  in. The  health care  folks  in  my  family  are  also  fatigued  and worn  down  but  they  are  not  facing  the  explosion  of  cases  you  have  in  your  area. Thank  goodness  she  has  your  support. And  ours!



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42 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

This is so sad.  I wonder what the best way is to urge people.  Cajoling and shaming don't appear to have any effect.  I suspect personal stories are the best option.  Prayers for strength for DW.



I think it will have to be required, like childhood vaccines.  I went to our local school district list of required vaccines--I was floored and impressed.  At least 8-9 required over time by the time kids get into high school.  That idea.  And our gov. is no help here either.  I realize that kids under 12 aren't approved, but I think the key is that the v. will have to be "required."  Glad to see our HMO is requiring it for all the employees, both shots by 10/1.  Some of those are trying to get around requirement by claiming health exemption--only way that happens is if they have had an extreme reaction to the vaccine first shot around--by then they've had at least one shot.

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11 minutes ago, Norseh2o said:

Please add my nephew, Wil, a member of the 82nd Airborne, to the prayer list. I understand the 82nd landed in Afghanistan today... So happy to have the Daily to read each day, yet sorry to read the sadnesses in today's daily.


He will certainly be in my prayers.  🙏🏻 Thanking him for his service and assisting those in need at this treacherous time.

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Good morning, all, sad today!  So sorry about your service dog, @lindaler.  A great loss in your life, will you get another?


And all the hospital and care workers are getting overworked again, or perhaps they have been all along but this is just getting to be too much.  


The story was in the paper today of our friends' son and DIL's deaths - it actually was not a traffic accident but a boat overturning on the Bella Coola River.  Three were lost, the couple and their guide, only one body has been retrieved so far, but all are presumed dead.   And the pictures of what is happening with all the fires in the interior of BC are just horrific.  They need days and days of rain.  We just had a sprinkling yesterday, but it has definitely called things off.  Ziti might very well be on the menu.


On a happier note, we have final payment for our cruise in October today.  I think we will bite the bullet and pay up, but definitely insure it!   It is difficult to predict what is going to happen in the future.


To all the Baby Boomers, enjoy "your" day!  I am definitely not one of you....😉

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DH was just outside dodging raindrops to pick up mail.  He saw Paul next door and called over asking how Brenda and her brother are.  Brenda hasn't had a fever now for several days, thank goodness.  But her brother passed away this morning.  The family has decided on a double funeral this coming Saturday and it will be graveside services only, not indoors.  Even so I think they should be wearing masks in case someone else is positive and asymptomatic.  Since it sounds like family only we won't be attending.

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