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The Daily for Tuesday October 05, 2021


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Good afternoon from Venice.  It is warm and sunny 22°C/72°F.

Last night I damaged my back in someway and now those two suitcases at the end of our room look very intimidating.  We went to a farmacia for voltarol gel (though Ellen suggested that embalming fluid may be a better purchase!) 

This was the view from our room this morning....



Thank you Rich and Roy for the lists.


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3 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

Good afternoon from Venice.  It is warm and sunny 22°C/72°F.

Last night I damaged my back in someway and now those two suitcases at the end of our room look very intimidating.  We went to a farmacia for voltarol gel (though Ellen suggested that embalming fluid may be a better purchase!) 

This was the view from our room this morning....



Thank you Rich and Roy for the lists.



Lovely view.  Sounds like you found a nice hotel 👍 


Sorry to hear about the back 😔 I hope the Voltaren helps and you are feeling better quickly.  

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Good morning Dailyites. Thank you Rich, Roy, and all who contribute. 


It is 59 outside right now. Filled all the bird feeders and happy to report the raccoon hasn't wiped out the hummingbird feeder in the last few days.


My niece and her beau are teachers and I'm very proud of them. My niece is a special education teacher and has recently been promoted to head her department. 


A cleaning crew is coming by today. Not exactly sure to what extent they will be cleaning. We should have taken vacation during this remodel..


Allen is feeling great today. No pain or problems. We are thankful for your prayers yesterday. 


Prayers, Cheers and Blessings. 

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19 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

Good afternoon from Venice.  It is warm and sunny 22°C/72°F.

Last night I damaged my back in someway and now those two suitcases at the end of our room look very intimidating.  We went to a farmacia for voltarol gel (though Ellen suggested that embalming fluid may be a better purchase!) 

This was the view from our room this morning....



Thank you Rich and Roy for the lists.


Colin, just in case it is not your back, try one of these stretches. Especially if the pain is in the lower part of the back. 



I pulled a piriformis muscle on the way to my first visit to the Keys.  I didn’t get to do everything I planned, but the stretches helped me do a lot more than I thought I could do.  


Hooe whatever you try works for you!


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33 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

Good afternoon from Venice.  It is warm and sunny 22°C/72°F.

Last night I damaged my back in someway and now those two suitcases at the end of our room look very intimidating.  We went to a farmacia for voltarol gel (though Ellen suggested that embalming fluid may be a better purchase!) 

This was the view from our room this morning....



Thank you Rich and Roy for the lists.


So sorry you hurt your back. I would give anything to be in Venice now.

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From grade primary to grade 8, I went to school in the last one room schoolhouse in Nova Scotia.  The most students during my time in the school was 18 and there were 3 of us in my grade and we stayed together from primary to grade 8.

When you grow up in this type of environment you learn very quickly to tune out when the teacher is giving lessons to the other grades/students.
The one room school closed in 1971
In Grade 9 we were bused to a high school and I was in a class with 25 other students, all the same grade.  Talk about a change. The high school was 40 kms / 25 miles from our community and it was a long bus ride each day.
By this time you are probably wondering where this story is going.  
My mother was the teacher during my time in the one room school. 
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9 minutes ago, bdrcole said:

From grade primary to grade 8, I went to school in the last one room schoolhouse in Nova Scotia.  The most students during my time in the school was 18 and there were 3 of us in my grade and we stayed together from primary to grade 8.

When you grow up in this type of environment you learn very quickly to tune out when the teacher is giving lessons to the other grades/students.
The one room school closed in 1971
In Grade 9 we were bused to a high school and I was in a class with 25 other students, all the same grade.  Talk about a change. The high school was 40 kms / 25 miles from our community and it was a long bus ride each day.
By this time you are probably wondering where this story is going.  
My mother was the teacher during my time in the one room school. 


You just honored teachers and saluted storytelling all in one post!  Congrats!  This story reminded me of the one room school house my Dad went to in southeast Missouri in the 1920's and 1930's.

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I try to do something nice for people - maybe not every day, but most days.  I certainly salute teachers, having been married to one for nearly 45 years.  He also went to a one room school from Grades 1 through 8 and can certainly tell stories about some of his teachers.  I just learned this week that one of my favourite story tellers / authors is suffering from dementia - Robert Munsch.  Sad to learn of his diagnosis.


We had a wonderful evening last night - the 4 of us arrived at the birthday girl's table at the same time, surprising her with our crazy hats.  Unfortunately, we were having such a great time, nobody thought to take out the phones and even take a picture.  Dinner was just as I'd predicted - escargots, steak, twice baked potatoes, veggies, and Spanish coffee for dessert.  We haven't eaten an amount like that in so long that when we left the restaurant, we felt sick.  I'm not sure we'll even need to eat today.  


People are saying they won't see the sun today, well neither will we.  For us though, it isn't because of the clouds, it's because of the wind shift which has brought smoke from forest fires about 3.5 hours northeast of here to the province - everything smells like you've been sitting in front of the bonfire too long.  Here's what our city looked like last night.Smoke.thumb.jpg.5cdf5e084bffd0ef621477ee3ee53909.jpg


I like today's drink suggestion; we've been enjoying Aperol all summer, and the addition of tequila sort of kicks it up a notch!  I'm not sure there's any tequila in our bar, so will have to check and see.  I think today's menu suggestion is an easy one that can be adapted to bring it from a regular family meal to something you'd serve guests.  For us, though, considering last night's indulgence, I think we'll be having something like soup and a sandwich instead of a big meal.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for @VMax1700 that the Voltaren gives you the relief you need; DH swears by it.  Raising the glasses to toast all on the celebration list, especially those who are on cruises and who will be going soon.  Be safe, wear your masks, wash your hands, stay well, and hydrate!


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂


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1 hour ago, VMax1700 said:

Good afternoon from Venice.  It is warm and sunny 22°C/72°F.

Last night I damaged my back in someway and now those two suitcases at the end of our room look very intimidating.  We went to a farmacia for voltarol gel (though Ellen suggested that embalming fluid may be a better purchase!) 

This was the view from our room this morning....



Thank you Rich and Roy for the lists.



Love the picture of the hotel and especially all that lovely gelato.  Sorry, you hurt your back.  Hope it is better soon.  I agree with @cat shepard, Ann, about the stretches.  They'll also strengthen the muscles supporting your lower back and hips.



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😉My DH also uses Voltaren and discovered it in Europe  (over the counter 2x's strength) for a variety of issues associated with pain. 

🤓Lots of retired teachers ( including me) will appreciate this joke!😃

👍Thank you for The Daily Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmd for both the Care and Celebration Lists.  🙏Prayers to all in need.



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Good morning all. Another grey day here in southern Ontario. We had a scare yesterday at the ambassador bridge. Explosives were found in a car at secondary inspection on the Canadian side and the bridge was locked down for several hours. Quite the backup on both sides of the border. As well the area around the bridge was evacuated including the university of Windsor. Somebody was arrested but we still don’t have the whole story.


@ger_77 I was saddened by the Robert Munsch article,too. I loved his stories as did our girls.  Am reminded of our other great story teller, Stuart McLean and his radio programme The Vinyl Cafe. His Dave and Morley stories had you laughing until your sides hurt. Sadly he passed away in 2017. We had the good fortune of seeing his show live 3 times as they recorded here in Windsor. Some of his stories are available on you tube.


Just recently we lost another good story teller, Jeanne Robertson. Some of Her stories are on you tube as well. 

prayers to those who need them and cheers to those on the celebration list.

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Good Morning All,

We have a beautiful, clear day hatching here. Last night we had (mild) thunderstorms with lots of spectacular lightning in the clouds. We sat out on the porch and watched and enjoyed. Even our Golden Retriever laid down and watched, and surprisingly he wasn’t upset at the thunder. That is very unusual. Then during the night we got rain. RAIN! It was wonderful! We can sure use more…..


@dfish The recipe sounds great, Am planning on making it later this week. 

We have what looks like a move-ahead for our yard project. Yesterday I met with a contractor who is supposed to get back with a bid next week. And tomorrow, bright and early, I have an appointment with a second. It’s really busy here and just getting a contractor to come out is a challenge. We’ve had signed contracts for an arbor and island since July. At that time, delivery was expected around end of October and end of December. We now have dead plants and have decided to rehab the whole thing, so we need another contractor who does more comprehensive work. (I was considering asking for  @Seasick Sailor’s Claudio…😉)


@Seasick Sailor Good to hear you are now at a “clean up” stage. Bathroom demo can be so dusty. Are they going to use a tar hot mop when they get to the sealing stage?😝


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning! Today will be our first port of call Avalon, Catalina Island. First, everyone will be getting a free antigen Covid test. Most think it’s because of tomorrow’s visit to San Diego.


Yesterday we attended a complimentary wine tasting which was well attended by 4 and 5 star Mariners.


We went to 7:00 PM Dancers show last night. I’m not into dance routine but I really appreciated their talent and choreography. The special effects were great.


At late fixed dinner I don’t believe there are more than 50 diners the last two nights. It’s like days of old as we had long talks with our wait staff. Wine was served 5 minutes after ordering. They now serve wine in Ridel proper style glassware.

Our plan of the day is to take the tender and walk around Avalon.


Have a great day and thanks for my paper at sea!

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Good morning all. I have always enjoyed James Thurber. He was a great story teller. It really sounds like this month BHBs will get going from all kinds of ports. I am excited. I can hardy resist the urge to put stuff in my suitcases but for the wrinkle factor I think I will try to hold off a few more days. I think today I will work on my first aid kits. They include things we take for granted at home but miss terribly if we don't have them.  Have you ever tried to find needle and thread on a ship. We had to stop at a Walmart in a foreign port and try to explain what a sewing kit was. Finally found one but if I had just thrown a needle and thread into the first aid kit, we would have had another hour to explore. Oh well, live and learn. 

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23 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

(I was considering asking for  @Seasick Sailor’s Claudio…😉)


@Seasick Sailor Good to hear you are now at a “clean up” stage. Bathroom demo can be so dusty. Are they going to use a tar hot mop when they get to the sealing stage?😝



Claudio has been working nonstop. Good contractor reviews spread fast in our new development. 


There's still much to do. They just hammered out the concrete and yes, it is dusty back there! 

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Good morning  and thanks for the Daily. I try to do nice things  often but a reminder  is good.Teachers deserve several days and we have several in the family including DS.I will never forget visiting the classroom  in years past.It is an amazing skill to have.

The recipe looks good but I already have my chicken  marinating  in buttermilk and maple syrup to roast later today.I will save it for another day as I think it will be well received.

@Seasick Sailor,So glad to hear DH is recovering  well and I hope the noise/dust is less today.Enjoy the cleaning crew,that sounds great.

@VMax1700,I hope your back pain is less

I thought the EU version of Voltaren was miraculous!Enjoy your cruise.

@JazzyV,Those flowers!lovely!



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Good morning, all! Doing something nice and also appreciating the difficult situation teachers are in these days is important. I love the quote, and must remember it. Our sun has given way to cold and rain, so chicken fricassee sounds very comforting. I will pass on the oaky Chardonnay. We’ve never been to today’s port, so all pictures greatly appreciated!

We finished all our outdoor chores yesterday in the good weather. The walnuts are in, washed, and spread out on towels to dry. The dehydrator is full of mint. The woodshed is full of split wood, and the pile of rounds down the hill is tarped against the wet weather. The bananas that wouldn’t survive a trip back to the mainland have been converted into banana bread. I tweaked the recipe a bit and honestly think it’s the best banana bread I’ve ever made. DH is a very happy camper. I must write the tweaks down before they are forgotten!

@ger_77 Gerry, I’ve been watching the Saskatoon air quality reports and wondering how you are doing. DD from Colonsay is here with us now, and heads home after Thanksgiving. Hopefully for you both, the air will improve by then!

Happy Tuesday, and cheers to a BHB on the Port Everglades webcam!


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I always try to do something nice everyday.  I appreciate World Teacher day.  A person who can do a great job of storytelling is a gem.  I laughed at the quote.  That would have been true before caller ID.  The meal looks wonderful.  Will save it for another time.  Take out from our favorite steak house tonight.  Have not been to today's port.

Prayers, virtual hugs, and toasts to the lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your  mask.

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13 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I know there's folks on our Daily that are cruising with us on Rotterdam between Dec 12 and Jan 16th. Has anyone else gotten the notice for visas? We have gotten 9 notices in the last few days! 

they are sending that notice out for all cruises, it doesn't matter where they are going. I received one for the Alaska cruise, which I later canceled, and also for Rotterdam Christmas.

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19 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I know there's folks on our Daily that are cruising with us on Rotterdam between Dec 12 and Jan 16th. Has anyone else gotten the notice for visas? We have gotten 9 notices in the last few days! 

I got one this morning.  Not sure why as we are only doing the Caribbean portion.  Never needed one before.

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