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The Daily for Thursday October 21, 2021


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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Hmmm, interesting days. I try not to babble. I have a large tin of collected buttons, started by my mother who sewed; does that count? I like nachos, even if they're not too healthy.

Good quote.

I've never had lobster mac & cheese; pass for now due to the carbs. Pass on the drink; the wine sounds good. 

I've been to Australia, but not Adelaide. Thanks for all the pictures.


It's sunny, but clouds are coming in, as are storms. There is much tree trimming going on around here. I keep waiting for them to get to the tree in front of my house, so I can make requests of certain parts to be trimmed. The trees are on the strip between the sidewalk and curb and actually belong to the borough. For years I paid for trimming, not knowing they periodically do it (but don't trim the parts I want).


@grapau27 It's good that you got checked so it can be taken care of; hope the wait isn't too long.

@rafinmd Thanks for the lists and pictures.

@Mr. Boston I hope the dentist fixes thing up today.

@dfish I can't imagine that boxed mac & cheese without milk and butter 😮!

@smitty34877 Sorry to hear about the car. Hopefully it's not too expensive to fix.

@mamaofami Oh my, what an ordeal at the hospital. Sorry you all had to go through that.

@St. Louis Sal It sounds like the new wheelchair will be a blessing. And so wonderful the Gleason  foundation could help out.

@ger_77 So sorry to hear of the deaths involving family and friends. My condolences.

@cunnorl That's good that your sister liked the people at Dana Farber and that they were encouraging.


Prayers for the care list and a toast to the celebration list.


Thank you so much.


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2 hours ago, dfish said:

Glad they caught it.   I didn't realize it, but basal cell carcinoma is the most frequent form of all cancers.   It also grows very slowly and unless left to grow unchecked for a long time, fairly easy to treat.   Prayers for you, Graham.

Thank you for your prayers and good wishes Debbie.

Pauline had a BCC removed from her chest 10 years ago and we very rarely sat in the sun since.


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20 minutes ago, dfish said:

I am so sorry to hear of the death of your friend.  Those emails and phone calls are the hardest to make.  Health can turn on a dime.  The day before my dad died, the staff was talking rehab and making the arrangements.  The next morning they said they only had one more cocktail of antibiotics to try and if they didn't work then all that was left was comfort care.  He died that afternoon.  


19 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda thank you for reaching out to so many Daily-ites!


I'm so sorry to hear of another passing today. It makes my heart heavy for those who grieve. 




13 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's passing.  Good friends and good neighbours don't come along all that often.  Bless her soul and all who knew and loved her.  Take care.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



6 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Lenda,           @Quartzsite Cruiser


Bless you for notifying others. Not an easy task. I hope your memories also help to ease your pain. Hugs and prayers winging their way. 



Thank you all for your kind words. 


The emails are sent, and yes, it was not an easy task.  After 22 years of friendship, I felt it was the least I could do for our friend and her DH.  To make a sad situaton even sadder, her DH had a massive stroke in late June.  While he is phyiscally all right, the stroke affective his ability to find the right words and to communicate.  He is in a memory unit about 65 miles north of where we live in Texas, as he's considered a flight risk.


Our neighbor has been on her own since late June, with only their dog for company.  The neighbors looked in on her and walked the dog when her daughter couldn't be there.  The daughter spend three or fours days a week with her mother.


As I said, it is a sad situation and her death is a blessing.


Now, there are only three other people in the community who were there when we moved in.  Living in a 55+ community has one down side, which is losing friends and neighbors as we age.


Again, thank you for your kind words and support.



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9 minutes ago, kazu said:


Oh, I am so sorry to hear this 💔 So hard to lose a good friend and harder still to be the bearer of the news.  Bless you for doing this ♥️ 


Prayers for her and you going through this and all of her family and friends 🙏🏻 


Thank you.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from sunny Quartzsite.  It's been a busy morning and I'm just now catching up on the Daily.


I try very hard not to babble, with the operative word being try.  I have a lot of buttons that came with a sewing kit years ago, and most do not match anything I have.  Maybe someday, I'll get rid of them.  I inherited two antique wooden buttons carved in the shape of roses, which I had framed and hung in the livingroom.  We enjoy nachos, but have not had them for quite a while.


The Billings quote is a good one.


I'll pass on the drink since it has gin as an ingredient.  I've had lobster mac and cheese in the Pinnacle and enjoyed it, but will not make it.  The wine sounds nice.


We have not been to today's port.  Thank you for the pictures, @rafinmd Roy, @tjcox9, and @StLouisCruisersSandi.


@grapau27 Graham, I had a basal cell carcinoma removed using the MOHS method.  Hope you can get it done sooner rather than later.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, best wishes for Allen's procedure next week.

@Mr. Boston  Glad you got a temporary crown.

@mamaofami  Carol, I'm glad that Sam is home, but what an ordeal to get sprung from the hospital.

@St. Louis Sal  Congratulations on the new wheelchair that will let you do more things comfortably.  The Gleason Foundation sounds wonderful and a great help to ALS patients.  Too bad it took getting that dreadful illness to get the foundation started.

@cunnorl  Good news that your DS likes the doctors, but sorry she will have to isolate for several months.  Sending good thoughts for a complete recovery.

@aliaschief  Hope the time at HMC goes well.

@ger_77 Gerry, sorry for the loss of your cousin's father and your friend's DH.  That is definitely a double whammy.

@smitty34877  Terry, sorry about your car.  Hope that they can fix it without you having to rob a bank.  😉

@JazzyV  Vanessa, hope they will trim the tree as you want it trimmed.


I am not looking forward to the emails I have to write next.   A good friend and neighbor of 22 years died Tuesday night, and I now have to notify several former neighbors.  When we left Friday morning, the plan was for her to go from the hospital to rehab; however, she took a turn for the worse Sunday night.  She had been in poor health for a few years, so this was a blessing.



I'm really sorry to read about your neighbour Lenda.

Sending our deepest condolences to all the family and friends.


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37 minutes ago, dfish said:

I am so sorry to hear of the death of your friend.  Those emails and phone calls are the hardest to make.  Health can turn on a dime.  The day before my dad died, the staff was talking rehab and making the arrangements.  The next morning they said they only had one more cocktail of antibiotics to try and if they didn't work then all that was left was comfort care.  He died that afternoon.  

So sorry Debbie.


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14 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

I'm really sorry to read about your neighbour Lenda.

Sending our deepest condolences to all the family and friends.



Thank you, Graham.  While, we are fairly private people, it is nice to know that the Dailyite family is there when you need an extra boost or to celebrate with you.



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2 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Thank you, Graham.  While, we are fairly private people, it is nice to know that the Dailyite family is there when you need an extra boost or to celebrate with you.



I absolutely agree.


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Gerry @ger_77and Lenda@Quartzsite Cruiser, I'm so sorry to come back on here this afternoon and see you've had such sad days.  It's really odd...between Covid and just getting older, we seem to hear of lost loved ones just about every day.  None of us have been used to this, so it's a big adjustment for all of us.  

Prayers and loving thoughts for both of you and for the friends and families who suffered loss.

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Tried responding to Graham but the computer wouldn’t let me. I have had three Mohs surgeries on my nose and they were easy and healed well. I also had a dermatology appointment this morning for three more spots on my nose and the way things have been going lately, I was sure they would be basal cells but no and he froze them. Just a suggestion, ask to be put on a cancellation list.

Prayers also for Roy needing radiation. I went through that in 2015. Not fun, but not awful.

Edited by mamaofami
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4 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser I am so sorry about your friend and neighbor.It is a difficult  job to tell others such sad news.


My DSIL(great grandma) just sent  Camilla picture to me with eyes actually open




Thank you!  That little face is exactly what I needed today!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Cruise Critic seems to be punishing me for not posting for so many days. It has kicked me off line 3 times while I read this thread. Our 7 day Coastal Cruise was nice but for reasons unknown to me (other than being 80 years old) I was exhaused most of the time and am still quite tired.


I am so sorry to read that our dailyite family has been suffering the loss of long time friends and relatives. Even though we know that it may be for the best it still hurts. May God grant you rest and the peace that passes understanding.



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39 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

Gerry @ger_77and Lenda@Quartzsite Cruiser, I'm so sorry to come back on here this afternoon and see you've had such sad days.  It's really odd...between Covid and just getting older, we seem to hear of lost loved ones just about every day.  None of us have been used to this, so it's a big adjustment for all of us.  

Prayers and loving thoughts for both of you and for the friends and families who suffered loss.


Thank you.  Our friend's daughter said before her mother died that she was at peace as her mother's suffering was almost over.  That has helped us accept her death and realize it is for the best under the circumstances.  Still, we'll miss her.


32 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Tried responding to Graham but the computer wouldn’t let me. I have had three Mohs surgeries on my nose and they were easy and healed well. I also had a dermatology appointment this morning for three more spots on my nose and the way things have been going lately, I was sure they would be basal cells but no and he froze them. Just a suggestion, ask to be put on a cancellation list.

Prayers also for Roy needing radiation. I went through that in 2015. Not fun, but not awful.


The one MOHS I had was also easy and healed well.  You can barely see the scar since as the doctor said, he made the incision in a wrinkle.  See, wrinkle's are good for something afterall.  😁  The waiting for the path'ologist's report after each small sample was removed is what took a while.



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14 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser I am so sorry about your friend and neighbor.It is a difficult  job to tell others such sad news.


My DSIL(great grandma) just sent  Camilla picture to me with eyes actually open





Terry, thank you for your kind words.  And thank you for the picture of Camilla, with her eyes opened.  It's just what I needed, too.  Seeing a life at the beginning with all the wonders it has in store for her is such a bright spot.


5 minutes ago, lazey1 said:

Cruise Critic seems to be punishing me for not posting for so many days. It has kicked me off line 3 times while I read this thread. Our 7 day Coastal Cruise was nice but for reasons unknown to me (other than being 80 years old) I was exhaused most of the time and am still quite tired.


I am so sorry to read that our dailyite family has been suffering the loss of long time friends and relatives. Even though we know that it may be for the best it still hurts. May God grant you rest and the peace that passes understanding.




Thank you Jane.  Get some rest, and let us know how you feel afterwards.  Getting old is not for the faint at heart, but the alternative is not what we want yet.



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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Vanessa, hope they will trim the tree as you want it trimmed.


I am not looking forward to the emails I have to write next.   A good friend and neighbor of 22 years died Tuesday night, and I now have to notify several former neighbors.  When we left Friday morning, the plan was for her to go from the hospital to rehab; however, she took a turn for the worse Sunday night.  She had been in poor health for a few years, so this was a blessing.




Lenda, so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend and neighbor. It is very kind of you, though hard, to notify former neighbors.

Also, they didn't make it down to my house so maybe they'll be back, although it looks like rain for several days.


@smitty34877 Thank you so much for that picture of precious Miss Camilla!

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Gosh, I decided to delete cookies on Chrome for CC so I wouldn't have to continue to sign in all the time.  That didn't work out very well.  Now I can't log in at all on Chrome and had to move over to Edge to visit CC.  I should have just left it alone.  🤔


Sorry to hear of those friends and relatives @ger_77and @Quartzsite Cruiserlost this week.  Even when they are no longer suffering I know it's hard to accept.  Those that go unexpectedly are the hardest.  Prayers for everyone who knew and loved them.🙏 


And I appreciate that photo of Miss Camilla with her eyes open.  All that beauty sleep worked!  She's gorgeous!

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32 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Gosh, I decided to delete cookies on Chrome for CC so I wouldn't have to continue to sign in all the time.  That didn't work out very well.  Now I can't log in at all on Chrome and had to move over to Edge to visit CC.  I should have just left it alone.  🤔

I think when people are deleting cookies and then CC works it is just a coincidence.  

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Good afternoon, all! Sorry to be so late to the party. We had our flu shots this morning, then packed up and are on our way to Salt Spring. At least, we’re sitting at the ferry terminal with a four hour wait and then on our way - if the winds don’t cancel the sailings. At this point, they’re merely making everything late.

Thank you all for your response to my Etsy site! It’s very exciting. It’s also a bit of a learning curve. Things were disappearing off the site, but I was getting no notifications. DD realized that she had set up the email for the account with her secondary email, instead of with mine. We learn as we go. @cat shepardwhen she stayed with us this summer, DD heard so much about my Dailyite family that I’m sure she would be honoured to be an extended part of it!
 @grapau27Im sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Hopefully with it being caught early all will be well.

@Quartzsite CruiserI’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Having to break the news to others is even harder.

Happy Thursday. I’m sitting here looking over the grey sea and feeling the wind buffet the car. I can pretend I’m crossing the Pacific on a BHB!. -



Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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About 75 hours from now we'll be boarding our flight to Barcelona through London and then boarding the Eurodam on the 30th. Can't believe it's really happening!  We flew into Adelaide once to board a Greyhound bus for an 11 hour trip to Coober Pedy to see the opal mines. Looking back it may have been a crazy thing to do.😊



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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


Lenda, so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend and neighbor. It is very kind of you, though hard, to notify former neighbors.

Also, they didn't make it down to my house so maybe they'll be back, although it looks like rain for several days.


@smitty34877 Thank you so much for that picture of precious Miss Camilla!


54 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Gosh, I decided to delete cookies on Chrome for CC so I wouldn't have to continue to sign in all the time.  That didn't work out very well.  Now I can't log in at all on Chrome and had to move over to Edge to visit CC.  I should have just left it alone.  🤔


Sorry to hear of those friends and relatives @ger_77and @Quartzsite Cruiserlost this week.  Even when they are no longer suffering I know it's hard to accept.  Those that go unexpectedly are the hardest.  Prayers for everyone who knew and loved them.🙏 


And I appreciate that photo of Miss Camilla with her eyes open.  All that beauty sleep worked!  She's gorgeous!


Thank you both for your kind words.  While the emails were difficult, I knew they would want to know since we were all a very close group for many years.  It was the least I could do for my friend, and I know she would have done the same if the roles were reversed.



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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Gosh, I decided to delete cookies on Chrome for CC so I wouldn't have to continue to sign in all the time.  That didn't work out very well.  Now I can't log in at all on Chrome and had to move over to Edge to visit CC.  I should have just left it alone.  🤔




On my desktop - I'd had trouble with Chrome  during sailaways just before the pandemic shut everything down. Switched to Edge and have been there ever since. Only spots of trouble - and that not often or long lasting. I'm actually more surprised when I do have a problem. I do have to keep the page refreshed if I wish to post or react though - but that seems to be more on CC's side.

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