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Issues with getting spouse Diamond status

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Ken it seems like to me you are contradicting yourself.

First you say:

At 18 years old the child reverts to their own points and keeps the adults status for life or until they reach the next level on their own points.


Then you say:

The other thing that I did not add was that I believe that the child has to sail with the parent at a level for them to keep that level.  So if you were Diamond when the child turned 18 but the child last sailed as Emerald they would only retain Emerald status.  


If they keep the adults status for life once they reach 18,  why would they then need to sail with the parent at a level to keep it?  Retaining the last tier that they sailed at contradicts keeping their parents status for life.


Sorry.  You know I respect your posts and information, but this just confuses me. So much of this thread is anecdotal.  I'm going to call C&A and others tomorrow to discuss in detail - as I originally did when my oldest son turned 18 - for an update.  Maybe you can see what you find out.

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1 hour ago, leaveitallbehind said:

Ken it seems like to me you are contradicting yourself.

First you say:

At 18 years old the child reverts to their own points and keeps the adults status for life or until they reach the next level on their own points.


Then you say:

The other thing that I did not add was that I believe that the child has to sail with the parent at a level for them to keep that level.  So if you were Diamond when the child turned 18 but the child last sailed as Emerald they would only retain Emerald status.  


If they keep the adults status for life once they reach 18,  why would they then need to sail with the parent at a level to keep it?  Retaining the last tier that they sailed at contradicts keeping their parents status for life.

This makes sense to me, and I think I've seen the same stated previously, however it was immediately contradicted by @topnole based on other anecdotal reports.

Anyway, assuming @Ourusualbeach is correct, as I said, this makes sense to me since C&A status' are not updated until x days after you complete a cruise. So here is how I reconcile this information (this is all purely hypothetical & theoretical). As long as you are under 18, and travelling with your parents, if your parent's status changes to the next tier, when they go to update your points, and see that you are linked, they will update your status accordingly. If you do not accompany your parents when they cruise and they happen to move up to the next tier (lets say D), there is no reason for them to go into your C&A account to update your points, and therefore your status. So your status remains unchanged (Emerald). Then if you turn 18 before you cruise again, you are still at that same status (Emerald).


So if this is accurate, the idea that kids keep the status that their parents had when they turned 18 would not be totally accurate. It would be that kids keep the status that their parents had the last time the kids' C&A was updated prior to turning 18. Where you only update C&A status of people that actually cruised.


So, we would need someone that has cruised in the past with their kids, who, for whatever reason, then cruised without them where the cruise resulted in them moving up to the next tier. What C&A status shows for the kids? and maybe also how many points? 


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24 minutes ago, RobInMN said:

So, we would need someone that has cruised in the past with their kids, who, for whatever reason, then cruised without them where the cruise resulted in them moving up to the next tier. What C&A status shows for the kids? and maybe also how many points? 


That would be us as well.  There were at least two cruises without our children where we changed tiers.  Their status followed ours.  Their points followed them.  Their status continued to match ours to their age 18.  Their points remained theirs and grew based on their continued cruises with us.


Then over an eight year period when all three each turned 18, as mentioned many times previously, our status remained with us based on our points and their status adjusted to their tier based on their points.


Right or wrong that is how it was.  Been said many times.  So I will call C&A and other contacts at RCCL tomorrow, relay the details of this thread and seek their updated answer from my initial conversation confirming this many years ago when my oldest son turned 18.  If they were mistaken in this, then by your thread position, they should all be sharing our Diamond Plus status instead. We will see.

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46 minutes ago, leaveitallbehind said:

If they were mistaken in this, then by your thread position, they should all be sharing our Diamond Plus status instead. We will see.

No they should not, with the possible exception of your youngest.


You said you were Diamond when the oldest and middle reached 18.  Their status will only reach D+ when they have earned 175 points.


P.S.  You really should leave it all behind.  😄


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This is one subject that has always been so murky and one that has so many contradictory opinions on "how it works", at least to me.


My kids will be lucky enough to all inherit D+ (just by a smidge) - they're probably Emerald or Diamond themselves, but part of why I sailed Royal religiously and also in suites was to graduate my 3 girls to D+.  Those are the rules at least as I understand them and I hope that's how it pans out but in the end it is what it is.


What would be super ridiculous is if their future spouses and kids would also get D+ by nature of only inheriting it from us.  It'd be great, but at some point once status is handed out like candy it'll degrade status itself.





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Degrading the status has been talked about for years in here in respect to kids and partners inheriting the status for life. Especially since for partners it's essentially living with do one pinnacle could pass it on to lots of people if they're a serial monogamist. Hence the jokes when single people reach pinnacle if they want a partner in c&a status. 


But so far it's been years with the policy and Royal hasn't fixed it yet. 


I'm about to hit diamond next month so I no longer care my friend wouldn't let me put his address down to get his status... so I don't care what royal does lol

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18 hours ago, leaveitallbehind said:

Let me clarify my comments for those who have posted after me.  For some, we are saying the same thing.


As a child, you share the same tier level status as your parents.  If they are Diamond. so are you regardless of how many cruises you actually have taken.  No mistake made in status.


At age 18, your points actually earned create your own account and you are no longer linked to or sharing status with your parents.  Your actual points earned now determine your actual tier status.  In the OP's case, that would be 76.


The C&A mistake made here IMO is that the OP is being recognized as - and getting benefits from - Diamond status, which as a child she shared with her parents, but has only earned 76 points from cruises she has actually been on.  Therefore the comment about her really being Emerald, and not Diamond.


Her husband has been by marriage merged into her account and now shares her total points of 76, correctly making him Emerald.  After their next cruise they will both  - by their earned point total - be Diamond.


Her benefit as Diamond at 76 is technically incorrect and should based on her own earned points in her account be Emerald.


That is not correct, as I understand it and as posted by many people.


A child keeps the tier status that they had from their parents, but revert to the own points.  So if she had 3 points, she would still be Diamond, but a LONG way from D+.


The same for a spouse.  The spouse gets AND KEEPS the status, but reverts to their actual earned points.


I think a call to C&A desk will get this fixed and husband will be Diamond alsl.


Yes, it is a strange system.

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8 hours ago, Another_Critic said:

No they should not, with the possible exception of your youngest.


You said you were Diamond when the oldest and middle reached 18.  Their status will only reach D+ when they have earned 175 points.


P.S.  You really should leave it all behind.  😄


Agree - long, repetitive thread.  And in reality I did LIAB years ago when my kids all turned 18.  🙂  It was a somewhat facetious comment as I don't really agree that they should be D+, but if it is a life long status share, then what the heck, why not? 


But to be sure I will see what C&A says - at this point my own curiosity has the best of me.  I like to understand how things are supposed to be from the source.




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26 minutes ago, SRF said:


That is not correct, as I understand it and as posted by many people.


A child keeps the tier status that they had from their parents, but revert to the own points.  So if she had 3 points, she would still be Diamond, but a LONG way from D+.


The same for a spouse.  The spouse gets AND KEEPS the status, but reverts to their actual earned points.


I think a call to C&A desk will get this fixed and husband will be Diamond alsl.


Yes, it is a strange system.

Appreciate the comments, but just to be clear, it is the OP, who at 76 pts. is listed as Diamond, which she has kept for a number of years past her age 18 from her parents status.  Her husband, who at 76 pts (10 of which is his with the balance matched to her) is listed as Emerald.  She wants him to share her status.


My kids when they all turned 18 over a number of years long ago all reverted on their own account to their actual tier level based on their actual points.  Up until that point they shared our higher status.  But one of them based on their actual pts. resulted in a lower tier.


The debate has been over which is the correct way everyone should have been calculated and recognized at age 18.  C&A told me my kids were done correctly at the time my oldest turned 18, but that seems to be in question based on the OP's situation. 


So the question is, is it a lifetime status share until the next tier is individually reached - or - status shared untill18 with tiers then based on their own pits at age 18?


As mentioned, I am going to call C&A for an update with my family's experience to confirm.

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Just now, leaveitallbehind said:

Just to be clear, it is the OP, who at 76 pts. is listed as Diamond, which she has kept for a number of years past her age 18 from her parents status.  Her husband, who at 76 pts (10 of is with the balance matched to her) is listed as Emerald.  She wants him to share her status.


My kids when they all turned 18 over a number of years long ago all reverted on their own account to their actually tier level based on their actual points.  Up until that point they shared our higher status.  But one of them based on their actual pts. now is in a lower tier.


The debate has been over which is the correct way everyone should have been calculated and recognized at age 18.  C&A told me my kids were done correctly at the time my oldest turned 18, but that seems to be in question based on the OP's situation.


As mentioned, I am going to call C&A for an update with my family's experience to confirm.


Appreciate the comments.


Your experience with your children is different that almost everyone I have seen post about this.


Everyone else (at least the vast majority) their children kept their parents tier status.  And many have posted that the tier status transferred to their spouse/significant other.


No, they do not keep the points, but most others have kept the status.  This has been pointed out in MANY threads.

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1 minute ago, SRF said:


Your experience with your children is different that almost everyone I have seen post about this.


Everyone else (at least the vast majority) their children kept their parents tier status.  And many have posted that the tier status transferred to their spouse/significant other.


No, they do not keep the points, but most others have kept the status.  This has been pointed out in MANY threads.

Then I guess my call to C&A will be valid, at least for my oldest who reverted to Emerald. Albeit 20 years ago! 😉

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To bring some levity to this conversation.  Many years ago, when this same topic was discussed, there was a lady who got divorced from her spouse.  The husband piggybacked to the wife's tier, even though he did not have the points/nights to qualify for that tier.  The wife was so pissed off 😬at the x-husband and called C&A and got the relationship separated and he was demoted to his actual earned level.  True or not, that is what it was reported.😊


As the saying goes "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned."

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46 minutes ago, nelblu said:

To bring some levity to this conversation.  Many years ago, when this same topic was discussed, there was a lady who got divorced from her spouse.  The husband piggybacked to the wife's tier, even though he did not have the points/nights to qualify for that tier.  The wife was so pissed off 😬at the x-husband and called C&A and got the relationship separated and he was demoted to his actual earned level.  True or not, that is what it was reported.😊


As the saying goes "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned."

When I booked my mother the system linked us and dropped my wife and linked my mother. We fixed it but my mother kept her Diamond status that she got from the link.

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46 minutes ago, leaveitallbehind said:

When they each turned 18, between 12 - 20 years ago.

It was to late. You need to create the account before the turned 18. After the age of 18 there is no link to permanently change the status. Status is rarely downgraded.


The reason they didn't get you status because it wasn't done when they were minor childern.

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14 hours ago, smplybcause said:

Especially since for partners it's essentially living with do one pinnacle could pass it on to lots of people if they're a serial monogamist.


The relationship points go away once the accounts are no longer linked, and they would no longer be linked once the relationship ends (i.e., "spouse or significant other"), so the "serial monogamist" should not be able to create a string of Pinnacles, no matter how "serial" that monogamy may be. 😉

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20 hours ago, nelblu said:

To bring some levity to this conversation.  Many years ago, when this same topic was discussed, there was a lady who got divorced from her spouse.  The husband piggybacked to the wife's tier, even though he did not have the points/nights to qualify for that tier.  The wife was so pissed off 😬at the x-husband and called C&A and got the relationship separated and he was demoted to his actual earned level.  True or not, that is what it was reported.😊


As the saying goes "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned."


As has been pointed out many times, under the current program, once separated the spouse keeps the tier level, but reverts to their own point level.


So a person is D, links a spouse or significant other, and that person becomes D with no points.  They take one 4 night cruise, then separate.  That linked person will remain D, but with only 4 points, so a LONG way from D+


And yes, if the person with D and 4 points links someone to their account, that person also becomes D.

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24 minutes ago, SRF said:


As has been pointed out many times, under the current program, once separated the spouse keeps the tier level, but reverts to their own point level.


So a person is D, links a spouse or significant other, and that person becomes D with no points.  They take one 4 night cruise, then separate.  That linked person will remain D, but with only 4 points, so a LONG way from D+


And yes, if the person with D and 4 points links someone to their account, that person also becomes D.

The policy as per the first 2 paragraphs is just messed up, but to me the implications of the 3rd is just totally whack. They should re-think that, especially as posted earlier how Celebrity does it. Why would RCI be so different in that respect. You shouldn't be able to create a never ending linkage (passing on) of high C&A status.

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My daughter is now 21, has earned her own Diamond points and is classified as Diamond. My son is 18, has his own Diamond points but carries my Diamond+ status. I wasn't Diamond+ before my daughter turned 18. It irks her that her younger brother has the higher tier on his card and gets one extra drink voucher!  

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33 minutes ago, MellowMel said:

My daughter is now 21, has earned her own Diamond points and is classified as Diamond. My son is 18, has his own Diamond points but carries my Diamond+ status. I wasn't Diamond+ before my daughter turned 18. It irks her that her younger brother has the higher tier on his card and gets one extra drink voucher!  

As an oldest child, I feel her pain.

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My very recent experience.  Cruised on Odyssey in February.  My boys (21 and 18) were listed as Emerald. Their accounts showed 46 points which should have only been Platinum without inheriting our status on their respective 18th birthday.  My youngest would have made Diamond if Jan. 2021 cruises would have happened.  They are now officially Emerald any way you add it up since they earned 12 points each on the 6 day, double point promotion.  My wife and I on the other hand blew through Diamond in our 24 point JS.  That just means the boys need to do it the E.F. Hutton way....earn it!

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On 3/24/2022 at 10:17 AM, leaveitallbehind said:

As mentioned, I am going to call C&A for an update with my family's experience to confirm.

Let us know how you make out.  Hopefully they get your kids updated to Diamond and Diamond Plus.

In our experience, our son kept our D+ status when he turned 18.   His birthday was March 1st, 2020. We had a cruise booked departing that same day.  Sometime in mid-2019, I realized that we were really not that far off (50 pts or so) from Diamond+ and we already had some cruises booked that means we would be even closer by March 1.  We decided the benefits to Ethan would be worth me taking a couple solo cruises to get some more points to get us there and luckily I had the casino offers with comp rooms to do it.  So I took one for the team and I ended up getting to 183 pts by January 2020.  

By the time we sailed on March 1, 2020, my son was showing as Diamond Plus with 183 pts.  A little while later, his account updated to show his actual earned points but still shows the Diamond+ I reached before he turned 18.


Here are the screenshots of our 3 accounts.  My son (EW) is now 20.His account currently shows 65 pts and Diamond+.  Ours are 320 and Diamond+. Hubby actually has 36 less earned points then me, but his shows the full amount.


It has always been my understanding my son will always be Diamond+ but will need to earn the full 635 pts to get to Pinnacle.










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