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The Daily for Wednesday 03/30/2022


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Good morning friends!  We decided to take a walk outside today (not a park but our neighborhood) so that is an appropriate day of celebration.  I started to think we wouldn't see any wildlife, but just as we headed towards a narrow pathway between cul-de-sacs DH saw a fox sneaking around back that way so we decided to turn around and go a different way.  We have street lights but that area was totally dark and we didn't know how friendly Mr. Fox would be.  It will be nice when it's lighter earlier.  For doctor's day I will see the eye doctor, leaving here in 30 minutes so have to hurry.  I wish I was in control every day but it doesn't seem that way.  No thanks for the hummus!  A nice quote to think about.  


Thanks for the Daily Rich and much appreciation Roy for the Care and Celebration lists.  Prayers to all on the Daily, my family members, and especially the poor people just trying to live their lives in Ukraine.  Peace please!   Congrats to all on the Celebration list!  Have a wonderful day!


Good to hear things are going well with your aide Carol @mamaofami.  Julie @JAM37I'm glad you're feeling better this morning.  Prayers for you and your family continue.  Ann @marshhawksorry to hear about the broken tooth and too bad you must wait until the 11th.  And let's hope the computer problems clear up so you can make a sale with no issues today!  Glad to hear some of our Daily friends with Covid are doing well now.  @swin26 safe travels to your family, and prayers for you and your Mom as she enters hospice.  Seeing the new baby will make her feel brighter today.  


Avatoru, Rangroa, Fr. Polynesia was listed last time on Nov. 29, 2021.  We were there once so here is what I posted that day.


In 2017 we took a Maasdam cruise to the South Pacific and stopped in Avatoru, Rangiroa.  Apparently the most popular thing to do there is take a tour of the pearl farm.  There were no spots left on the ship's tour (HAL had bought all tickets unfortunately) so we decided to just tender over and see if we could find something to do.  We were met by a group of dancers. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJov_-3ihjo9vKS3yEnBMMi?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199330


I love their costumes!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI0avMmk-U6iMlUa11Imlgl?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199336


This spot was right next to the pier so I guess you could have just waded in and cooled off but that wasn't on our radar.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIjIHl9KDNIjpdsvaWjewGm?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199336


This was the scene as everyone waited for their van to take them to the pearl farm or frantically tried to find a ride there.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ9e-R0ckgdmKkml9ilmqTf?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199342


The ship wasn't anchored very far off.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJG_HJysaEIT82mPBEJhbYo?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199348


Well since there was only one road inland we just decided to walk and see what we could find.  If nothing appeared we would just head back.  Here we go!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLf9JtqCHSNLVj92J5KghUa?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199342


Off to one side was what appeared to be huts over the water such as the big resorts had on other islands.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJQMPjXJsqWuc7IeqJfYL5p?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199346


We kept walking.  This was a typical residence along the road.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIR39efxegWzsK-_WMAojoL?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199349


Five minutes later we came to a T in the road with the Tiputa Pass right in front of us.  This is the place where the twice daily tides create churning water and the bottlenose dophins frolic.  Unfortunately we didn't see a single one.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKDIjPM_wuFqpHDKGWT65BF?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199353


We waited around for a while, like this gentleman did but due to the heat and nothing really happening here we walked back to the pier and tendered back to the ship.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ7YKkWYYCn7V2Uv1E0JzjV?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199357






It would have been a great day to go to the pearl farm, so a word to the wise.  Buy your tour here from the shore excursion people on your ship or chances are you will be out of luck.  Still, I'm glad we stopped here on our South Pacific cruise.  

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2 hours ago, dfish said:

I'm heading to the pool this morning followed by an appointment with the endocrinologist for an incidental finding on the MRI I had for my back. I'll have to remember to wish him a Happy Doctor's Day.    BTW, the MRI did not find anything new with the back.  

Isn't that just the way it is.  I had a back MRI and it appeared to be lymphoma.  CAT scans and bronchoscopy  showed it was probably an old fungal disease histoplasmosis.   It sure put a scare into us for a few weeks.  

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58 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


I won't be walking outside today. I appreciate Doctors especially the one I saw a week ago today. Today is the first day in two weeks that I feel in control of how I can move my body.


The meal sounds interesting. Love the quote.


It is a very dreary day here. It is supposed to reach 77 today but rain is expected.


We finally got home Saturday morning. To say the last five weeks were stressful would be a huge understatement. On top of that two weeks ago today my sciatica started acting up for the first time in years. Instead of getting better in three or four days it kept getting worse to the point I sat and slept in what was my DFILs lift chair the last five nights we were at DMIL's. (My brother was sure I should be in a hospital because he knows I have a very high tolerance for pain.) So, I broke down and went to an urgent care last Wednesday where they gave me a shot for pain and a prescription for a muscle relaxant. Last night was the first night I didn't have to take the muscle relaxant or anything else for pain and woke up feeling good. I am very thankful for the entire staff at the Care Spot in Winter Springs, FL. They were all just wonderful, empathetic, caring people.


I have been in so much pain that I have only been able to focus on the changes going on in our immediate family. So, I am way behind here, but have continued to pray for all of my Daily family.


The family changes are still in progress and going smoothly, but challenging at times.


Thanks to all of you for "listening" and for your prayers.


Have a great day!


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

I'm sorry to hear you have been in so much pain Julia.

It is good to hear your pain seems to have gone now.

Take care.


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Happy hump day!   I loved today's quote.   I loved geography in school.  Everyone else hated it.  All the reading of books, National Geographic and cruise brochures has built the love I have of seeing new places and can't waiting to see the next. 


@grapau27 thanks for the reason for the I am in control quote.   I knew he did that but never knew we had a day for it.  


Prayers for all on Roy's care list and the people of Ukraine and the heroes in the countries taking in refugees.   Have a good day! 

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37 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  We decided to take a walk outside today (not a park but our neighborhood) so that is an appropriate day of celebration.  I started to think we wouldn't see any wildlife, but just as we headed towards a narrow pathway between cul-de-sacs DH saw a fox sneaking around back that way so we decided to turn around and go a different way.  We have street lights but that area was totally dark and we didn't know how friendly Mr. Fox would be.  It will be nice when it's lighter earlier.  For doctor's day I will see the eye doctor, leaving here in 30 minutes so have to hurry.  I wish I was in control every day but it doesn't seem that way.  No thanks for the hummus!  A nice quote to think about.  


Thanks for the Daily Rich and much appreciation Roy for the Care and Celebration lists.  Prayers to all on the Daily, my family members, and especially the poor people just trying to live their lives in Ukraine.  Peace please!   Congrats to all on the Celebration list!  Have a wonderful day!


Good to hear things are going well with your aide Carol @mamaofami.  Julie @JAM37I'm glad you're feeling better this morning.  Prayers for you and your family continue.  Ann @marshhawksorry to hear about the broken tooth and too bad you must wait until the 11th.  And let's hope the computer problems clear up so you can make a sale with no issues today!  Glad to hear some of our Daily friends with Covid are doing well now.  @swin26 safe travels to your family, and prayers for you and your Mom as she enters hospice.  Seeing the new baby will make her feel brighter today.  


Avatoru, Rangroa, Fr. Polynesia was listed last time on Nov. 29, 2021.  We were there once so here is what I posted that day.


In 2017 we took a Maasdam cruise to the South Pacific and stopped in Avatoru, Rangiroa.  Apparently the most popular thing to do there is take a tour of the pearl farm.  There were no spots left on the ship's tour (HAL had bought all tickets unfortunately) so we decided to just tender over and see if we could find something to do.  We were met by a group of dancers. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJov_-3ihjo9vKS3yEnBMMi?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199330


I love their costumes!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI0avMmk-U6iMlUa11Imlgl?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199336


This spot was right next to the pier so I guess you could have just waded in and cooled off but that wasn't on our radar.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIjIHl9KDNIjpdsvaWjewGm?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199336


This was the scene as everyone waited for their van to take them to the pearl farm or frantically tried to find a ride there.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ9e-R0ckgdmKkml9ilmqTf?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199342


The ship wasn't anchored very far off.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJG_HJysaEIT82mPBEJhbYo?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199348


Well since there was only one road inland we just decided to walk and see what we could find.  If nothing appeared we would just head back.  Here we go!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLf9JtqCHSNLVj92J5KghUa?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199342


Off to one side was what appeared to be huts over the water such as the big resorts had on other islands.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJQMPjXJsqWuc7IeqJfYL5p?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199346


We kept walking.  This was a typical residence along the road.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIR39efxegWzsK-_WMAojoL?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199349


Five minutes later we came to a T in the road with the Tiputa Pass right in front of us.  This is the place where the twice daily tides create churning water and the bottlenose dophins frolic.  Unfortunately we didn't see a single one.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKDIjPM_wuFqpHDKGWT65BF?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199353


We waited around for a while, like this gentleman did but due to the heat and nothing really happening here we walked back to the pier and tendered back to the ship.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ7YKkWYYCn7V2Uv1E0JzjV?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1494199357






It would have been a great day to go to the pearl farm, so a word to the wise.  Buy your tour here from the shore excursion people on your ship or chances are you will be out of luck.  Still, I'm glad we stopped here on our South Pacific cruise.  

Thank you for your photos Sandi.


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👍Thank you for The Daily, Rich @richwmnand to Roy @rafinmdfor keeping the Care and Celebration Lists.

We've been to today's port of call as well as other islands in French Polynesia previously before the pandemic. 😎 DH, Auntie and I were in Papeete in March 2020 waiting to board the Maasdam and so looking forward to our cruise.🛳️ Unfortunately, no ships were allowed to dock, and we quickly booked flights back to SF.  ✈️

🙏 Prayers to all in need and, of course, Ukraine! 🙏



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Thanks for the Hump Day Daily, Rich.


I haven’t felt like I am in control for some time and pay homage to Doctors daily (including DH).   Instead of the park, I took a walk in the hospital parking lot as I had to park miles away from the entrance.


Love the Dr. Seuss quote!  Sorry to have dropped off on Monday.  I was all set to multi quote and commiserate when an email arrived in my in box.  It was the nursing home with the applications to be completed - all 38 pages.  I was shocked as she said she wouldn’t do that until we were close.


I spent the afternoon working on those papers, calling the nursing home with questions, etc.  I don’t think I have signed my name this many times since I worked 😉 It was pretty emotional for me as it hits home this is what is happening and our future.


Yesterday I went to drop off the forms and was ushered into the admission person’s office.  She gave me the grand tour, showed me a room that was empty (about to be occupied) and explained things to bring, etc.  Then we went back to her office and did the interview and completed the paperwork.  Turns out my delivering the paperwork was fortuitous as they are having an admissions meeting today.  She thinks Jose will be 4th on the list.  If that is the case, that’s a big improvement over where he would have been on Wednesday when he was added.  I left with a manual / handbook to read and absorb.


Then I returned Marley’s prescription dog food to the vet to be given to someone who needed it.  It’s expensive food so it might as well go to someone who needs it.  Pretty painful visit, though.  After those 2 visits I was drained, emotionally and physically.


@JAM37 glad to hear you finally had a pain free night.  May they continue.


@mamaofami so glad that the new aide is working out!  Hallelujah! 


@smitty34877prayers continue for Tana.


@marshhawk I hope the MRI helps resolve your DH’s issues.  OMG at the day you had with technology.  You have more patience than I.  Good luck with your dentist appointment today.


@Crazy For Cats Bon Voyage!  🚢 🛳 🚢 


@swin26 - safe travels to you.  My prayers for you and your Mom.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Wednesday, everyone !!!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 when/where needed.

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Today is my birthday so it fits as I can be a control freak, and lately I’ve been saying “I’m not a doctor but I play one at home” with all the issues DH has been having. And who doesn’t like a good walk in the park. Favorites include Central Park and the Augarten in Vienna. 

I was here in DC that 3/30/81 day. I was leading a conference on Fire Safety and the Handicapped at GW, it was my 34th birthday and DH mother died in Belle Glade Fl.  Oh, and the President was shot and taken to GW Hospital. Other than that it was a quiet day. That was a Monday and on that Friday my DF died. What a week 🤪

Prayers 🙏 for all needing them and cheer 🎉 for those celebrating. Susan

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Good morning, all! Being in control is one of my favorite illusions. I don’t see a doctor until Monday, and while we’re on the island, every walk is like a walk in the park.

Yesterday was a productive day. I had a Zoom meeting with the safari operator in South Africa who had given us credit for the safari we missed in 2020. He has added us to a five day small group safari to Kruger out of Maputo on the Grand Africa this fall. The camp has excellent reviews on all the sites I looked up. We need to pay for the flight to Cape Town, which he’s booking for us. I’m getting very excited about going again!

Tonight we have friends coming over for a hotdog roast and movie night with popcorn. I’m looking forward to that, too.

Happy Wednesday, everyone. Popcorn and a movie would be even better aboard a BHB!


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11 minutes ago, Suslor said:

Today is my birthday so it fits as I can be a control freak, and lately I’ve been saying “I’m not a doctor but I play one at home” with all the issues DH has been having. And who doesn’t like a good walk in the park. Favorites include Central Park and the Augarten in Vienna. 

I was here in DC that 3/30/81 day. I was leading a conference on Fire Safety and the Handicapped at GW, it was my 34th birthday and DH mother died in Belle Glade Fl.  Oh, and the President was shot and taken to GW Hospital. Other than that it was a quiet day. That was a Monday and on that Friday my DF died. What a week 🤪

Prayers 🙏 for all needing them and cheer 🎉 for those celebrating. Susan





Happy Birthday Susan! May your new year be filled with laughter, love, great health and a cruise!



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Thought I posted this this morning.  Guess I didn't hit send. 

I try to stay in control most days.  Will cart ride around our eco park this morning.  Not interested in the meal, and haven't been to the port.

I really really like the Seuss quote.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Stay safe.

Buttershots Old Fashioned:

1 1/2 parts Jim Beam®
1/2 part DeKuyper® Buttershots® Schnapps
4 dashes Angostura® Bitters
3 Maraschino Cherries
(2 for muddling, 1 for a garnish)

Muddle cherries and bitters in a rocks glass. Add ice, bourbon, and DeKuyper® Buttershots® Schnapps. Stir. Top with a cherry as garnish.



Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 12.54.17 PM.png

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Good morning and thanks all!  The wine and dinner sound wonderful!  Had really good hummus last week from a shop that makes it from scratch.   
the longer I live the more I realize I have No control!  Lol!  DS was now a close contact so he is hoping he’s lucky.  DH had his booster yesterday and is sleeping it off. 
Carol, good news so far on your aide! 
Julia, hope you feel better!  
Sandi, loving those photos, hope one day we get there!  I am so grateful for where we have visited!
Susan, happy birthday! 
Jacqui,  hugs, glad Jose is moving up the list, but reality is truly painful.

3 hours ago, GTVCRUISER said:

Happy Hump Day 🙂  from San Diego 


Gorgeous!  Are those jacaranda? 

Edited by bennybear
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19 minutes ago, Suslor said:

Today is my birthday so it fits as I can be a control freak, and lately I’ve been saying “I’m not a doctor but I play one at home” with all the issues DH has been having. And who doesn’t like a good walk in the park. Favorites include Central Park and the Augarten in Vienna. 

I was here in DC that 3/30/81 day. I was leading a conference on Fire Safety and the Handicapped at GW, it was my 34th birthday and DH mother died in Belle Glade Fl.  Oh, and the President was shot and taken to GW Hospital. Other than that it was a quiet day. That was a Monday and on that Friday my DF died. What a week 🤪

Prayers 🙏 for all needing them and cheer 🎉 for those celebrating. Susan

Hope  you  have  a  wonderful  Birthday.


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5 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.  

This next one incorporates some roasted sweet potato and apple.   Really, you can probably make this to be anything you want.   https://asimplepantry.com/hummus-recipes-winter-hummus-bowl-kale-sweet-potato-apple/





of all the three or four I like the looks of this one the best.


Thanks for your daily photos of food.  I think a photo helps me decide what I like or not like


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5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Hump Day Daily, Rich.  I like to think I am in control but often wonder.  A big salute to Doctors and other health care workers, especially at this stage of my life.  I think it may warm up enough this morning so I'll be able to take a walk in the park.  I love the Doctor Seuss quote.  Looks like I've been to Rangoria just once on the 2018 Crystal World Cruise.  I'll pass on the hummus.  My alternative is Chilled Apricot Soup with Snow Egg, Blackened Chicken Caesar Salad, and Mango Blueberry Crisp as served on MS Zaandam March 30, 2017:


Today’s care list:

Strength for Jacqui as she mourns Marley and waits for a suitable facility for Jose
Sailingdutchy, and aliaschief with Covid
Strength for Marshawk and DH
Tana with persistant pneumonia
kplady awaiting knee replacement Friday and DH recovering from prostate procecure
StLouisCruisers Eye issue
Rosby DH in hospital
Buddy still having trouble getting food down despite slow improvement
From the rotation:
Welfare of furloughed crews
Heartgrove older sister with aggressive cancer
St, Louis Sal with weakening legs and panic attacks


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Vietnam veterans
Eurodam in Everglades

Noordam in service April rather than May
5 BHB with passengers
Jose on a waiting list for a good facility
4 days for GTVCRUISER (Zuiderdam 4/3 to 4/13)
Bon Voyage Crazy for Cats (Eurodam 3/30 to 4/10)
 Quartzite Cruiser (Koningsdam to 4/3) and NorseH20 and dchip (Zuiderdam to 4/3),Aliaschief and Dwaliaschief (Rotterdam to 4/3),   Lady Hudson (Anthem OTS to 4/3), Overhead Fred   sassy-one (Nieuw Statendam to 4/6), and  Vict0riann(4/9) , Live4cruises and AV8rix (Koningsdam to 4/10)  at sea
Sam’s new aide doing great
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



Can you  explain what  the  word  HUMP  means.

                                                                       Thanks  Jim.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

I'll try to be in control today. A salute to doctors! Sadly the plantar fasciitis and knee pain won't allow a walk in the park today. Great quote.

I'll pass on the meal. wine and drink.

I haven't been to today's destination. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers


We started out with a wintry mix and school delays this morning, but it's going up near 60 today. 


@kplady Praying for a successful outcome with your knee surgery on Friday.

@grapau27 Great to hear that Pauline is back to her normal self! 

@swin26 That sounds like a delightful meeting for your Mother.

@dfish Good luck with the Endo appointment; hopefully it's nothing.

@Crazy For Cats Bon Voyage!

@aliaschief It's good to hear you're both feeling better, and that the ship is taking good care of you.

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for Tana; I can imagine it's hard to stay encouraged.

@JAM37 I'm glad you got relief for the sciatica; it sounds awful! I hope the family issues settle soon.

@mamaofami Good news on the aide.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear of the computer issues with sales and of the broken tooth.

@StLouisCruisers I hope the eye doctor can put you at ease about the symptoms you had.

@kazu I know going through this process regarding the nursing home must be so hard - Hugs. It sounds like the waitlisting isn't too long.



Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine and it's refugees and helpers. A toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone and wear your mask if needed.

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32 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the Hump Day Daily, Rich.


I haven’t felt like I am in control for some time and pay homage to Doctors daily (including DH).   Instead of the park, I took a walk in the hospital parking lot as I had to park miles away from the entrance.


Love the Dr. Seuss quote!  Sorry to have dropped off on Monday.  I was all set to multi quote and commiserate when an email arrived in my in box.  It was the nursing home with the applications to be completed - all 38 pages.  I was shocked as she said she wouldn’t do that until we were close.


I spent the afternoon working on those papers, calling the nursing home with questions, etc.  I don’t think I have signed my name this many times since I worked 😉 It was pretty emotional for me as it hits home this is what is happening and our future.


Yesterday I went to drop off the forms and was ushered into the admission person’s office.  She gave me the grand tour, showed me a room that was empty (about to be occupied) and explained things to bring, etc.  Then we went back to her office and did the interview and completed the paperwork.  Turns out my delivering the paperwork was fortuitous as they are having an admissions meeting today.  She thinks Jose will be 4th on the list.  If that is the case, that’s a big improvement over where he would have been on Wednesday when he was added.  I left with a manual / handbook to read and absorb.


Then I returned Marley’s prescription dog food to the vet to be given to someone who needed it.  It’s expensive food so it might as well go to someone who needs it.  Pretty painful visit, though.  After those 2 visits I was drained, emotionally and physically.


@JAM37 glad to hear you finally had a pain free night.  May they continue.


@mamaofami so glad that the new aide is working out!  Hallelujah! 


@smitty34877prayers continue for Tana.


@marshhawk I hope the MRI helps resolve your DH’s issues.  OMG at the day you had with technology.  You have more patience than I.  Good luck with your dentist appointment today.


@Crazy For Cats Bon Voyage!  🚢 🛳 🚢 


@swin26 - safe travels to you.  My prayers for you and your Mom.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Wednesday, everyone !!!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 when/where needed.




I am both very glad and very sorry you are close to having a spot for Jose. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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2 minutes ago, irishjim said:

Can you  explain what  the  word  HUMP  means.

                                                                       Thanks  Jim.


Wednesday came to be know as hump day. Wednesday, the middle of the workweek, is the hump people get over to coast into the weekend.

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31 minutes ago, Suslor said:

Today is my birthday so it fits as I can be a control freak, and lately I’ve been saying “I’m not a doctor but I play one at home” with all the issues DH has been having. And who doesn’t like a good walk in the park. Favorites include Central Park and the Augarten in Vienna. 

I was here in DC that 3/30/81 day. I was leading a conference on Fire Safety and the Handicapped at GW, it was my 34th birthday and DH mother died in Belle Glade Fl.  Oh, and the President was shot and taken to GW Hospital. Other than that it was a quiet day. That was a Monday and on that Friday my DF died. What a week 🤪

Prayers 🙏 for all needing them and cheer 🎉 for those celebrating. Susan

Happy birthday Susan.


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