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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday October 30th, 2022


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18 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

@StLouisCruisersThank you for your reply.  We pay plenty in premiums. And this is not a fly-by-night company.  i am not sure that we are unable to name the company.  It is not a travel agency.  All my insurance is through GEICO, since I was a federal employee. You could look up who they use for home insurance.  

I don’t know whether it is the desk adjuster who is the problem or the company itself.  

I do know it is very frustrating and we don’t know where to turn.  Some here have suggested a public adjuster.  We have looked into that. However, if the insurance won’t talk to us or the contractor, what makes me think they will talk to him.  We’re in South Carolina, the adjuster is in Wisconsin.  It’s not like I can go camp out in his office.

Very frustrating.

Thanks for your prayers.


Thanks for the warning on your GEICO agent.  That is a national company so you'd think they would be honorable and pay for claims when they warrant it like yours does.  Maybe you should try sending letters and emails to the president of the company along with the agent and explain how the agent is refusing to answer calls, emails, etc.  That might get some attention.




13 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

https://www.enjuris.com/south-carolina/insurance-bad-faith/. Terri I found this online about what to do in your state when an insurance company is acting in bad faith.  


Thank you for looking this up for Terri.  This is a great idea too.  It has to be illegal to take premiums and then disappear when they have a claim!  That's robbery.

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Graham.    When I grew up in England, mischief night was associated with November 4 Guy Fawkes.  Tied door knockers back and forth across the street with string, what fun when the bus came down and broke it. knock knock———————

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When the Zuiderdam dock in Puerto Quetzal, we decided to take a tour of Antigua which was a 1.5 bus ride from the port.  The guide talked about the land and the recent earthquake.  We were able to see smoke from the volcano.



Our first stop was Casa del Ron where we had a rum tasting at 10 am. 


I thought I  had pictures of the the church and main square but apparently, after drinking rum on an empty stomach, I forgot to take pictures.  So I will just tell you that after some time in the square we were taken to a jade museum and store.  (I really wish I would have bought that lilac jade pendant.) Finally, a Guatemalan lunch, then back on the bus for the long ride back to the port.


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Good morning from central Texas where the sun is just coming up.  There is a light breeze and it's cool in the 50sF, but will be in the lower 70sF for the next few days, at least in the afternoon.  I'll be heading to Waco to see DH a little later this morning.  Unless something unforeseen comes up., I'm planning on taking care of some things around here the next two days.  The bushes need trimming and the house is way past due for cleaning.  Such fun!


I have never liked candy corn, but DH has eaten it on occasion.  Growing up, we never had Mischief Night.  A long time ago, I learned to make lists, especially for motorhome trips and cruises.  It did n't take me long to put the lists on the computer so I didn't have to write them every time.  Now, I just refine them every so often..


I like today's quote, probably because I'm a reader.


We'll pass on the meal since I do not like tilapia.  We'll also pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice.


We have been to Puerto Quetzal a few times.  The first time we took the transfer to Antiqua, but the other times we just wandered around the port area looking at the various items being offered for sale and listening to the music.


@rafinmd  Roy, I appreciate your putting DH on the care list, but the rehab will probably to lengthy, so you might want to move him to the rotation.  There was some progress yesterday, but it will be slow.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I know insurance companies try to pay out as little as they can, but this ignoring you and the contractor is ridiculous.  I hope things change for the better soon.

@Crazy For Cats  I wonder if your DH and my DH could be distant cousins, since my DG does not like the vacuum or the mop. 🤣

@tupper10  This is what makes the Fleet/Daily so special.  We all try to help others with support or information, like the link you provided Terri @Cruzin Terri.


The first time we were scheduled to visit Puerto Quetzal would have been Good Friday in 2009.  However, that port was canceled since the tour operator said that it would be impossible to get the buses to the port with all the celebrations.  We have stopped in Puerto Quetzal four times on BHBs.  Three times, once on Statendam, and twice on Rotterdam VI we stayed in the port area.  IN 2014 on Veendam, we took the transfer to Antigua.


The pictures of the port area are from our three stops.  This is a nice place for a cold drink, and with the expensive drink, you get an hour of wifi.



A weaver at work.



Just a small portion of the vendor's area



A sampling of the entertainment available in the port area







This is a small sample of the pictures I took in Antiqua.  They are working on restoring the town, but there were many ruined buildings, and IIRC, most was earthquake damage.



A pretty fountain in the main square



A couple of churches







An interesting arch at the end of the main street



Two colorful residents



The Statendam in 2015





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Good morning everyone. Not a fan of mischief night. For several years we had our mailbox explode every mischief night. There was nothing the police could do.When I taught in the Bronx, NYC at a junior high school, the kids thought it was great fun to toss egg at everyone and everything.

I’ve been having falling asleep and last night was up till 2am so I just awoke to 41 degrees at almost 10am. Off to a show at the clubhouse tonight.

Stay well everyone,


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1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:

Good morning.  Up early today because of working on my checklist.  We have DGD's upcoming birthday party and all holidays -- Thanksgiving, Xmas Eve, and Xmas Day -- at our house this year.  Lists and more lists.

Nope to candy corn and tilapia.  Yes to everything else -- though it's doubtful we'd ever have all the ingredients for the Haku Cocktail.  🍸


Wishing everyone a good day today.  DH is pretty pumped up because he won a tournament at Torrey Pines.  He also won his senior division at our club this year, so this has been a good golf year for him.  Happy husband, happy wife.  😊


Thanks once again to all our contributors here and thinking of those who are experiencing difficulties.  Many are out traveling again, but we have here many with struggles.  Praying that all have a pleasant day.

Excellent news about your husband's golf successes this year.


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38 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

On Good Friday, 2016 the Westerdam arrived in Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala.  Tours to Antigua for the Good Friday celebrations were completely sold out so we were forced to hang out at the port.  I had some friends on board from Australia who went there though and they came back to report on it to me.  They also gave me some beautiful photos to ooh and aah over.  This is what it looked like from the ship.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIiqmMxetUkV1-bNccT9qGq?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1460143067




We made the best of our time there and walked around the nicely landscaped thatched roof "terminal" area.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLekwaZDZAbUlNCzUxVJBEY?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1460143133




I guess these statues look like Mayan warriors.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLuQ8Tli4p-8yVsvBnWp1z_?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1460143144


We wandered through a park-like area near the terminal.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIN5-K4MFDCFNzWX9myJSWF?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1460143204




We saw a tree with thick thorns on it, the national tree!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLTVwgJ54Ng6Li8Hw2H4C57?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1460143213






Inside the terminal.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJrTOLD4knVX_YYCjXv9Hfj?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1460143253


My friend Jenny from Australia gave me a few photos of Antigua and a volcano seen on the way there.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI4RZDs3U7EIQ_6Xop1JKwO?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1461177399


The Easter week celebration in Guatemala is called Semana Santa, where they honor the crucifixion and subsequent resurrection of Jesus Christ.  They use flowers to make these beautiful designs on the street.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKvXt6sOsPrZGByLkZ0ECKv?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1461177405


















I'm so sorry I missed all this!  If you can ever get to Antigua during Easter week, make sure you don't miss it!

Great photos Sandi.


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Good morning . It is only 43 but the sun is shining with cloudless skies.I never liked candy corn,have not been to the port and dislike tilapia. I do like the quote.

Thank you everyone  for your support and encouragement. Lou and I have worked our way through the doom and gloom phase and are now just working on looking on the bright side.I will just be glad when it is behind us.

@Quartzsite Cruiser,  Lenda as a retired PT I can tell you that  progress is often mighty slow and often involves two steps forward,  one back. I hope Steve as individual  sessions daily as well as group sessions. I often found the patients would  be very much supporting each other. Only someone in that situation  themselves can truly understand. 

@Cruzin Terri, I am so sorry  this has  occurred  with your insurance  company and hope there is a resolution  soon.



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29 minutes ago, highscar said:

Graham.    When I grew up in England, mischief night was associated with November 4 Guy Fawkes.  Tied door knockers back and forth across the street with string, what fun when the bus came down and broke it. knock knock———————

Historically it was November 4th and bonfire night is November 5th.

Both nights as well as Halloween and mischievous night can be troublesome.



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Thanks for the fleet update and general info.


Let’s look at the quote of the day, “Sleep is good, but books are better.” Who is this George R. R. Martin. Does R R stand for Rapid Reader? And doesn’t it matter who are sleeping with? Just a thought.

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30 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from central Texas where the sun is just coming up.  There is a light breeze and it's cool in the 50sF, but will be in the lower 70sF for the next few days, at least in the afternoon.  I'll be heading to Waco to see DH a little later this morning.  Unless something unforeseen comes up., I'm planning on taking care of some things around here the next two days.  The bushes need trimming and the house is way past due for cleaning.  Such fun!


I have never liked candy corn, but DH has eaten it on occasion.  Growing up, we never had Mischief Night.  A long time ago, I learned to make lists, especially for motorhome trips and cruises.  It did n't take me long to put the lists on the computer so I didn't have to write them every time.  Now, I just refine them every so often..


I like today's quote, probably because I'm a reader.


We'll pass on the meal since I do not like tilapia.  We'll also pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice.


We have been to Puerto Quetzal a few times.  The first time we took the transfer to Antiqua, but the other times we just wandered around the port area looking at the various items being offered for sale and listening to the music.


@rafinmd  Roy, I appreciate your putting DH on the care list, but the rehab will probably to lengthy, so you might want to move him to the rotation.  There was some progress yesterday, but it will be slow.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I know insurance companies try to pay out as little as they can, but this ignoring you and the contractor is ridiculous.  I hope things change for the better soon.

@Crazy For Cats  I wonder if your DH and my DH could be distant cousins, since my DG does not like the vacuum or the mop. 🤣

@tupper10  This is what makes the Fleet/Daily so special.  We all try to help others with support or information, like the link you provided Terri @Cruzin Terri.


The first time we were scheduled to visit Puerto Quetzal would have been Good Friday in 2009.  However, that port was canceled since the tour operator said that it would be impossible to get the buses to the port with all the celebrations.  We have stopped in Puerto Quetzal four times on BHBs.  Three times, once on Statendam, and twice on Rotterdam VI we stayed in the port area.  IN 2014 on Veendam, we took the transfer to Antigua.


The pictures of the port area are from our three stops.  This is a nice place for a cold drink, and with the expensive drink, you get an hour of wifi.



A weaver at work.



Just a small portion of the vendor's area



A sampling of the entertainment available in the port area







This is a small sample of the pictures I took in Antiqua.  They are working on restoring the town, but there were many ruined buildings, and IIRC, most was earthquake damage.



A pretty fountain in the main square



A couple of churches







An interesting arch at the end of the main street



Two colorful residents



The Statendam in 2015





Thanks for the nice photos Lenda.

Continuous prayers and best wishes for you and your husband Steve.


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Just so you all understand.  GEICO farms out their home insurance.  They do not sell it directly.  Our home insurance is through Homesite.  We get a break by having our Auto, Home and Umbrella under GEICO.  We have never had to file a claim until now. 

I may contact GEICO and express my displeasure at the treatment I have been receiving from the company they use for Home Insurance if things don’t change this week.


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Off to church in a few minutes, but Roy, I wanted to let you know that my  cousin Vicki died yesterday afternoon, so you can take her off the cares list.  The family here will get together here one day soon to celebrate her life.  

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3 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Off to church in a few minutes, but Roy, I wanted to let you know that my  cousin Vicki died yesterday afternoon, so you can take her off the cares list.  The family here will get together here one day soon to celebrate her life.  

Sorry to hear about your loss.

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4 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Off to church in a few minutes, but Roy, I wanted to let you know that my  cousin Vicki died yesterday afternoon, so you can take her off the cares list.  The family here will get together here one day soon to celebrate her life.  

Sending you and her family our condolences.It will be good to get together to celebrate her life.

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Good afternoon. We disembarked our boat this morning then went on a walking tour. We have a pickup tomorrow morning at 11 AM for a flight to Amsterdam and connecting flight to Atlanta. The weather is beautiful and of the city is bursting with people. Two school break and tomorrow is a holiday.


In France they set clocks back an hour last night and the extra hour was very appreciated. We had some cheese, several cold meat cuts, salad and of course wine for lunch. Would love a nap but trying to hold off so I can sleep well throughout the night.


Thanks for the reports, list and post.

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Re the insurance inactivity, some have commented that flood insurance vs homeowners insurance is a problem--which caused the problem first--was it the water or the other storm elements?  One more way for insurance to delay payment--each one says the other is responsible.

My prayers for those ailing; we seem to have several Central Texas neighbors who are recovering.

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@Vict0riannI am so sorry about your cousin's passing.  Deepest sympathy to you and your family.

I am late because I went to visit my DB in the hospital.  He has a staph infection but no gowning so it wasn't MRSA.   He probably will be kicked out to rehab tomorrow.  He talked about wanting to go straight home so I called DSIL and have her a heads up.  He has no business being at home in his shape.  

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports @richwmn.   I like candy corn a few pieces at a time.  Few kids in the neighborhood so probably little mischief.   Both sleeping and books are great.   I am amazed so many don't like Tilapia.  The first experience I ever heard of it was riding horses in upland Maui and our guide pointed out some crummy looking channels where Tilapia is farm raised.    I am not a big fan of farmed fish or shrimp.   The cocktail looks refreshing and the wine looks like worth looking for when in Chile.   I have been to Puerto Quetzal in March 2017 on the Oosterdam on a Panama Canal cruise.   We did not take a tour after reading some comments about locals pushing big rocks in the road to stop the buses for a while.  We did go to a nice palapa restaurant at the port and had a could of terrific local beers. Picture is of DS who did the cruise with me.  Thanks for all the photos of what we missed.   Prayers for all on our care list, Lenda and Terry, people mourning in South Korea, the people of Ukraine and those cleaning up from Ian.    We had a beautiful sunrise this morning.   Have a wonderful day!  image.thumb.jpeg.98a6eae7c5618e1605b4c900c75cc99b.jpeg 

sunrise 103022.jpg

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39 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Off to church in a few minutes, but Roy, I wanted to let you know that my  cousin Vicki died yesterday afternoon, so you can take her off the cares list.  The family here will get together here one day soon to celebrate her life.  

I'm sorry to hear your sad news about your cousin Ann.

Sending you and your family our condolences.


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47 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Off to church in a few minutes, but Roy, I wanted to let you know that my  cousin Vicki died yesterday afternoon, so you can take her off the cares list.  The family here will get together here one day soon to celebrate her life.  


Ann, I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for Vicki and her family and friends. Hope that wonderful memories help to ease your pain. 


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Good morning from SE AZ. Chilly this morning but it always warms up nicely in the afternoon. So this totally sums up what fall is like in Tucson:



I like candy corn but just a few, too much and it’s too sweet. 


DGD spent the night last night and it was so nice to have her around. Her high school homecoming and dance was on Friday and that’s all she could talk about.  Oh, the life of a 15 year old. 

I am interested in today’s recipes. We don’t buy tilapia but do buy swai, which we like more and isn’t as fishy. 

I had to look up today’s port because I thought everyone was talking about Antigua the Caribbean island but now know that there is a town in Guatemala. 

Have a great day everyone!


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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Off to church in a few minutes, but Roy, I wanted to let you know that my  cousin Vicki died yesterday afternoon, so you can take her off the cares list.  The family here will get together here one day soon to celebrate her life.  

Ann, I am so sorry for your and your family’s loss. Condolences. A celebration of life will be a beautiful way to remember. 

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We went to visit our future cat.  After we were in a play room with her for a while someone from the staff came in and asked what we thought of her and were we interested in adopting her.  We said we were very interested.  They said that once an adoption is under way and the meet and greet has occurred, then they put the cat on to the schedule for a spay/neuter surgery.  I went to the front desk while they looked on the schedule.  She will have the surgery next Monday and I will be able to pick her up on Tuesday. She will be spayed, have her rabies shot and  be micro chipped, all for $99 plus tax. Now I need to go buy some scratch pads and possibly a cat tree of some sort.  


There were a lot of other animals having visits today. Hopefully they all get adopted. 

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