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JamieLogical's Live from the Breakaway 10/30 - 11/6


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Not sure your spirit preferences, but the Moscow mule is versatile. Last two trips I was having them with Crown instead of Vodka, of course now I think Crown is on the plus menu for some reason. But you could also experiment with other spirits. 


If you can, can you post the dailies? Curious what nights and times Rock the Pour house happens. We'll be on Breakaway in a few weeks. Trying to book dinners but know Syd's can be hard to get in if you don't plan ahead. 


Have fun

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I woke up this morning to the sound of room service knocking to deliver breakfast. Only it wasn't my door or my breakfast. It was my next door neighbors' and it was an hour earlier than the time I had ordered my breakfast for. I jumped out of bed and threw on my hoodie and opened my door only to find no one there and the cart parked next door. How embarrassing! Only then did I look at my watch and see that it was only 7:00. Oh well. I was able to crawl back into bed and fall back to sleep before *my* breakfast arrived.


I had only ordered coffee and a chocolate croissant. I had entered "1" for both, but the apparently only got the message about the croissant, because my tray consisted.of two coffee cups, two full sets of napkins with utensils, two coffee stirrers, one carafe of coffee, and one lonely, small chocolate croissant sitting in the middle of a full sized dinner plate.


I momentarily considered going out to sit on my balcony for breakfast, like I usually do. But instantly changed my mind up on opening the door to discover it was about 40 degrees out there. I did snap a quick photo, as we were docked in Newport.






After first breakfast and my shower, I headed down to second breakfast at O'sheehan's. I ordered some eggs and corned beef hash, along with my morning juice (in mimosa form). Second breakfast was uneventful and then I headed back to my room to get changed for the spa.




I was familiar with the spa on the Breakaway, so just got my sticker put on my card and proceeded to the locker room to stow my stuff. This is where I started to get mad and not relax as much as I should. When I walked into the thermal spa, there was stuff on all but two of the heated loungers and literally not one single person actually laying on one. There is a sign every four feet saying not to reserve the longers with your personal belongings. I started to stress that by the time I was ready to use a lounger, all of them would be "reserved".


Look, I get that you aren't going to spend your entire time the spa in a lounger. Like me you probably want to use the pool and/or hot tub and spend a little time in one of the saunas and/or salt room. Conveniently enough, NCL provides free lockers in the locker rooms that work just like the safes on the stateroom. You punch in a code, lock up your stuff, come back later and punch in the code again to get your stuff back. It is absurd and selfish to take up a high-demand heated lounger with your backpack and flip flops for 45-60 minutes when other people could be using it.


When I am ready to use a lounger, I go back to the locker room, grab my glasses and kindle, get a cup of water and head over. Why is that so hard for other people to do? I had told myself that if it came time for me to use a lounger and they were all "reserved" I would just remove the stuff from one of the loungers that hadn't actually had a human in it the entire time I was there and deal with the fallout if the human those items belonged to ever did actually show up.


Fortunately, there was no confrontation and I was able to relax and read my book for a while. Then it was back to the room to change for lunch.


This cruise is all port days, except for the very last day, so no MDR or Shanghai's for lunch all week, which is unfortunate and likely to get old quickly. I went to the buffet and had my classic mix of Indian food over pizza. Can't go wrong. Also learned that Mac and cheese mixes well with butter chicken. I finished lunch with a bit of soft serve ice cream.


After my exhausting day of eating and lounging in the spa, it was time for a nap! I headed back to my room to read for a bit and fall asleep.


I woke up around 2:45 and went to the buffet for my afternoon coffee. Turns out that was when everyone was coming back onboard from Newport (last tender was at 3:00), so the buffet was slammed. I ended up sharing a table with another random solo cruiser while I had my coffee.


I then decided to head down to the Atrium for a drink. Specifically a Mr. Worldwide and the Atrium was the only bar that was open that made those. The elevator bank was packed just like the buffet. One finally came in the vacinity of where I was waiting and I got on along with another couple, then a big Asian family got on. The couple that had gotten on complained it was too many people and then got off, complaining that they were some of the first on so they shouldn't have to get off. I was thinking to myself, first of all, it says right on the wall that max capacity is 20. With the Asian family that boarded, we were at 11. Second of all, if YOU are the one that thinks it's too many people, despite being well below capacity, then of course you are the ones that should get off. Why should other people get off to accommodate your issue? So entitled!


Then the Asian family apologized to ME and I felt so badly for them. They had no reason to apologize. They have just as much right as anyone else to take the elevator and they did nothing wrong.


The Atrium was a madhouse. The bar tenders were literally taking 8 drink orders at a time and working like fiends. I somehow got a bar stool (one of the perks of solo travel is that when people try to leave a gap between themselves and the next party over, I am there to fill it!). I had a couple of Mr. Worldwide's and watched all the people in their Halloween costumes come through.


I then headed to the MIxx bar which wasn't open quite yet and was therefore a little quieter. My brother came and joined me and we had a couple of French 77s before I had to head over to the Bliss lounge for the solo gathering. I was hoping that there would be a group of people heading to the Manhattan Room for dinner from the solo gathering, because there was going to be live music in there from 6:15-7:15. I was not disappointed. I found Ted again and met some other folks and we had a great dinner together. I had the beef barley soup, the shrimp pasta a la vodka, and the Eight O' Clock mint chocolate mousse. I was so happy to see both the soup and the mousse on the menu, as those are two of my absolute favorite MDR items on NCL. Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of my pasta.






After dinner, it was nearly time to line up at Syd Norman's. I had thought 45 minutes early would be sufficient. But when I got to Maltings 55 minutes early, there was already a line all the way to the elevators. I still got a drink from Maltings to keep me company while I waited in line.


Once the doors opened and everyone from the line filed in, there was actually still plenty of seating. I originally sat at one of the counters by myself, but two couples sharing a booth in front of me invited me to join them after we got to talking a bit. We had a really pleasant conversation before the show started. The woman from one of the couples was originally from near where I grew up.


The show was great, as expected. At the intermission, one of the couples I was seated with decided to leave to head over to the costume party happening in Bliss Lounge. So another couple ended up sitting with us for the second half of the show. I didn't get to talk to them at all, as the show started right as I came back from Maltings with another drink.


After the show, I headed up for late night snack, as I wanted to make sure I got there before they shut it down. Had a slice of pizza and some nachos… snack of champions.


I then went and paid my tithes to the casino gods and headed up to bed. Another pretty late night. Good thing I got that nap in!


Day's Drinks: Mimosa x2, Mr. Worldwide x2, French 77, Vodka Sour, Getaway x3, Vodka Sour

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5 minutes ago, JamieLogical said:

I somehow lost my profile pic and whenever I try to upload a new one from my phone, it says the file is too big. I swear I am still me!

my profile "pic" changed from a "P" in a blue circle to a "BI" in a green circle.  The "P" made sense, the "BI" does not. 

I assume today's upgrade has something to do with it.


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3 minutes ago, PATRLR said:

my profile "pic" changed from a "P" in a blue circle to a "BI" in a green circle.  The "P" made sense, the "BI" does not. 

I assume today's upgrade has something to do with it.



I figure I will mess with it when I am home and can work on a computer. My phone isn't giving me a lot of resizing options for photos without downloading an app.


Edited by JamieLogical
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On 10/31/2022 at 8:47 AM, JamieLogical said:

Boarding started at 11:34. And I had a loooong wait on the gangway behind the people in wheelchairs. I assume it was because they all needed the elevators, so the path to the stairs and hallway was blocked. Finally made it through the crowd and had to wait in a short line to get a table at O'sheehan's.




After getting my drink and food order in, my brother's girlfriend found me and joined me for a drink and a salad. Eventually my brother showed up as well, but didn't want any lunch because he ate too many snacks in the Haven waiting area.


I got checked in at my muster station after lunch and enjoyed a Mr. Worldwide (my favorite drink) at the Atrium bar, waiting for the rooms to be ready.






Once rooms were ready I went to mine to drop my backpack and unpack it. My brother texted me to bring him a drink and come see his room (an aft Haven). So I went to Mixx and grabbed us a couple of drinks to bring up to him. Rode the elevator from 6 to 11 by myself on embarkation day!


I hung out with my brother and his girlfriend in their large, swanky aft Haven for a while. I was there when their butler came to introduce herself and we had a nice chat.


I then went back up to my room for a quick nap before sailaway, but my luggage had been delivered, so I unpacked first. I slept a little longer than I intended, but did make it up to Spice H2O for a bit to meet some people.


The solo Meet & Greet was being held at Maltings at 5:30 and I had dinner reservations at 6:00, so I just stayed at Spice long enough to drink two mojitos and chat with a nice couple on their first Norwegian cruise.


I then went back to my room to quickly change for dinner and made it to Maltings at 5:30. It was good timing, as we were just sailing past the Statue of Liberty.




My brother found me there and we went across the hall for dinner. I had made all my dinner reservations online, but being in the Haven, my brother didn't see the need to do that. So when I told him I had a 6:00 reservation at La Cucina, he had the Haven concierge work their magic to get himself and his girlfriend added to my reservation.


I had originally booked La Cucina when one of the Platinum vouchers needed to be used for La Cucina or Moderno. I could have changed it once onboard, but it was fine sticking with La Cucina. I had the Shrimp Ravioli and the Veal Marsala. Both were good and the lemon cheesecake for dessert was excellent. During dinner we also passed under the Verinzano (sp?) Bridge and we ran outside to take a few photos.










After dinner I paid my daily tithes to the casino gods and then I headed to O'sheehan's to try to watch the Bills game. When I got there, the didn't have it on and it seemed there might be a mutiny. Turns out there were 200 Rochesterians who had taken a bus from Rochester to the cruise and then were going to the Jets game the Sunday we disembark, before heading home. So all 200 of those people, plus myself and some other Bills fans were ready to take the bridge, if necessary.


When they finally turned the TVs on, they originally put on a basketball game and people were losing their minds, but they did get the Bills game in just in time for kickoff.


I spent the duration of the game chatting with Mike to my right, who was one of the Bills fans from the bus. He is a Bills season ticket holder and his son was at the game in his stead.


To my right I chatted with Ted, who I had met at both the Spice H2O sailaway and Maltings. Since we are both solo, we decided we might use our Platinum vouchers for each other, so he may meet up with me at Le Bistro on Tuesday night.


After the Bills game, it was up to late night snack right as they were closing things down in the buffet. Then off to bed.


Day's Drinks: Moscow Mule, Mr. Worldwide x2, Mojito x2, Vodka Cranberry, Blind Russian x2 

Please tell what's in the Mr. Worldwide? At Syd Normans can you walk in after the show begins ?

Edited by 2boyzmom
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3 hours ago, JamieLogical said:

I somehow lost my profile pic and whenever I try to upload a new one from my phone, it says the file is too big. I swear I am still me!


There were CC system problems today.  Some may still need fixing.
See if your account is "normal" later, or maybe tomorrow before spending too much time on this... and especially while on a cruise!  ENJOY!


And thanks so much for posting.


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1 hour ago, 2boyzmom said:

Please tell what's in the Mr. Worldwide? At Syd Normans can you walk in after the show begins ?

Yes you can walk in at any time.  The rush to get there early is because seating is limited.  It’s set up like a bar with booths and tables so if you come later you can stand to the side or at the bar until someone gets up to leave.

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I had a lazy morning and got off to a slow start. I was too late for breakfast in the MDR, so I went to O'sheehan's. Again. I actually briefly contemplated the buffet for breakfast, but when I got to the top of the stairs, I could hear how many people were in there so I just turned right around and headed down to O'sheehan's.




After breakfast I went to the spa where I had a really lovely conversation with a couple in the lobster pot and then I ran into the husband of one of the couples I had sat with at Syd's the night before and had a nice conversation until we finally both agreed we had had enough of the heat.


There weren't nearly as many "reserved" heated loungers, so I had no trouble getting one to lounge on and read my book for a while.


For lunch I went back to the buffet and had a slice of pizza, a quesadilla, and some chicken korma. Hung out there for a bit and read my book checked my emails and then had some soft serve ice cream. I also took a few pictures of Portland from the ship.












Then it was up to my room for a much-needed nap. After the nap I went to the buffet for a cup of coffee and then it was onto my noble quest for alcohol.


First stop was the Atrium Bar for a Mr. Worldwide, but I couldn't get a seat at the bar this time. So after finishing that drink in one of the comfy chairs by the windows, I headed up to O'sheehan's were I did find a seat at the bar. I had a great chat with the woman next to me and later a gentleman to my right. We were all traveling solo. I also ran into @grapgicsguy who gave me a Platinum Latitudes pin.




It was the time for my reservation at Le Bistro. I wasn't sure whether Ted would join me, but he did and we had a lovely dinner. I had the French onion soup and the filet. Ted had the French onion soup, the escargot, and the lamb. On our way out, we found the two people I had met at O'sheehan's having dinner together there too!






After dinner I headed to Maltings to get a drink with the intention of heading to Syd's to watch the Karaoke, but I ended up staying most of the night at the bar chattin with Ted and Sheri and Ed, two other solo cruisers I had met at dinner the night before. Also, my brother's girlfriend happened upon us and we chatted with her a bit too.


By the time I finally made it into Syd's, the Karaoke was almost over, but I managed to meet another solo sailor at the bar there and chat some while I enjoyed two Blind Russians.


At this point I had had way too much to drink. I found Ed and Sheri at Shaker's on my way to the aft elevators. I had planned to get late night snack and then pay my tithes, but by the time I left Shaker's, it was too late for a snack. Also, I had gotten the hiccups and it took much longer than usual for me to get rid of them.


I burned through my cash at the casino and then I headed to some much needed sleep. I was super hungover in the morning.


Day's Drinks: Mimosa, Kir Royale, Mr. Worldwide, Moscow Mule, Passion Lime Cooler, Ginger Mojito, French 77 x2, Getaway x5, Blind Russian x2

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On 11/1/2022 at 3:46 PM, JamieLogical said:

I somehow lost my profile pic and whenever I try to upload a new one from my phone, it says the file is too big. I swear I am still me!

I was helping my cousin try to checkin on the NCL app too, and that stupid picture was the bane of my existence!! The effort I had to go through to get a pic that met their criteria was ridiculous.

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I woke up with a horrendous hangover. Looks like 15 drinks is over the limit for me. Despite wearing my Rebound Patch and making myself some drunk water (Liquid IV packet) before bed, I felt like death warmed over. My room service breakfast showed up at 8:00am and I promptly claimed right back into bed after bringing it into the room.




I had grande plans to visit the spa in the morning, since I had an afternoon excursion. Those plans quickly changed and I genuinely started wondering if I would even make it to my excursion. But around 10:45, I finally started feeling well enough to take my shower and head down to O'sheehan's for lunch at 11:30, so I could be ready to board a tender at 12:30. Unfortunately, I couldn't take more than able three bites of my Reuben and a few potato chips.


My meeting time for my excursion was 1:15 and my ticket said to allow 45 minutes for tendering. Ever the rule abider and instructions follower, I got to the tender line right at 12:30. The line was fairly short and we didn't have to wait too long to board. Then we cast off quickly too, despite only being about 1/4 full, if that. So I thought I was going to be early enough to peek into some of the shops by the pier. However, once we got to the other end, we idled for about 20 minutes because there was nowhere for us to dock. There were only two spots for the lifeboat tenders and they were both occupied. Once we finally parked, they wouldn't let us off, because one of the big ferry tenders was loading up and there was an endless stream of passengers coming down the ramp to board that. It was a narrow ramp, so they didn't want to allow two-way traffic. So we sat for another 10-15 minutes before they let us off. I still got to the meeting point for my excursion right on time, but it was a good thing I allowed for the full 45 minutes!


There were several excursions loading into busses at the same time, so I could see where someone might get confused and get on the wrong bus. This tiny older woman from NYC who was on her first cruise latched onto me, since I was easy to spot with my purple hair. So I became her escort for the excursion, which was fine by me! She was great to talk to.


Our tour was the Acadia National Park loop road and a trip to the top of Cadillac Mountain. I had done the same tour before with my husband the first time we cruises to CA/NE back in June of 2018.


It was very different this time of year. Also, our tour guide wasn't as good as last time. But I did enjoy the views from the top of the mountain for as long as my cold tolerance would allow.










Since the last tender was leaving at 4:00, we were all on the last tender back to the ship. The ride was uneventful except that I made dinner plans with my brother and his GF while aboard. We had already planned to meet up for Rumors at 7:20 (show was at 8:15) so if we were going to do dinner, we needed an early reservation.


It's good to be king (in the Haven), so they were able to get us reservations at Cagney's for 5:30. I ran up to the buffet for my coffee (which was late and desperately needed). Then down to my room to change. Got to Prime Meridian right as they opened at 5:00 and had my first drink of the day! Technically it was two drinks by the time we were seated for dinner.


I had the lobster bisque and grilled fisherman's platter. I liked my main, but not my sides (potatoes au gratin and onion rings). My brother didn't like his sides either.

My brother's GF hated her steak and I felt sorry for her. They both ordered the same main (medium rare ribeye), but my brothers came out much better somehow. We all liked the chocolate cake, at least. It thought it a little ironic that I only went to Cagney's because it was more the kind of food my brother likes and I was the only one who ended up liking my food.










I had used my Platinum voucher to cover myself and my brother for dinner (had used my other voucher the first night for his GF, so this way they still get another specialty dinner) and the voucher includes a free bottle of wine. None of us drink wine, but my new friend Ted loves wine, so I asked if I could just get a closed bottle of wine to take to Ted. They were happy to accommodate.


So, after dinner I still had some time before needing to line up at Syd's. I planned to take Ted's wine to his room, but as I was cutting through deck 8 to the forward elevators, guess who was walking right in front of me. It was Ted on his way to the Latitudes cocktail party, which I had completely forgotten about. I gave him his wine and he ran it up to his room and put on a sweatshirt, because it was pretty chilly on the ship for some reason.


I waited for him on deck 6 so I could got to the first 20 minutes of the cocktail party with him before meeting my brother. The part was in the Spiegel Tent and it was PACKED! We got to see several of the officers and hear a sales pitch from the Cruise Next guy. The major news was that NCL is now offering a veteran's discount. Took them long enough to catch up with the other cruise lines!




I couldn't stay long, but I had one drink and then it was off to wait in line at Syd's. I got there about 7:25, 50 minutes before the show, and the line was already to the elevators again.


When they let us in, my brother and his GF were already seated. Apparently they were brought down a crew elevator and through a secret door by the Haven Concierge, so they could get seats before the huddled masses.


The show was great! A little short, but with as tired as I was, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.






After the show, I went right outside to Maltings and chatted with Ted some more, along with Jane and T who I knew from the first show in Syd's a few nights prior and the spa. Then Ed showed up and he, Ted, and I all agreed to meet up for dinner at La Cucina the next night.


I insisted that I was cut off after two drinks at Maltings and I headed to the casino to drink some water and pay my tithes. Then it was early to bed because I wanted to avoid another hangover and also because we needed to move the clocks forward an hour overnight.


Day's Drinks: French 77 x2, Kir Royale, Getaway x2

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I am packing for my upcoming cruise on Sunday.  I know this is subjective, but was it chilly inside - specifically the casino?  Some ships just love to run that air conditioning, so I want to be prepared. 

We’re a totally different itinerary (heading south to New Orleans) but I’m going to assume they don’t adjust the interior  temps too much.


Thanks for the great review!

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53 minutes ago, JamieLogical said:

Looks like 15 drinks is over the limit for me.

@JamieLogical You are my idol.  15 drinks???  The last time I did that was the last night of a cruise in 2019.  I remember it like it happened yesterday which is funny because yours did happen yesterday.  All kidding aside. I know I can only speak for myself.  Your "Overview", Pictures and thoughts of your cruise are excellent and appreciated by all that read them.  Not many folks know how much time it takes to do what you are doing.  Thanks for giving us some much needed entertainment.


Cruise well and enjoy every moment. 

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1 hour ago, ChicagoBarb said:

I am packing for my upcoming cruise on Sunday.  I know this is subjective, but was it chilly inside - specifically the casino?  Some ships just love to run that air conditioning, so I want to be prepared. 

We’re a totally different itinerary (heading south to New Orleans) but I’m going to assume they don’t adjust the interior  temps too much.


Thanks for the great review!


It was chilly on deck 8 for some reason last night. That's why Ted went to grab a sweatshirt. He was only wearing a T-shirt and jeans prior to that. I have mostly been comfortable in the halls and at the casino. Always feel like I am stepping into a fridge when I come out of the thermal spa suite, though!

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