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What would make for a fun new shore excursion?


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Basically, the thread title.


Here's my idea: a puppy mob.  The cruiser comes in, signs a waiver saying that they acknowledge that puppies may nip, scratch, damage clothing, or have bathroom accidents, and the facility is not responsible for it.  Then they're escorted to a grassy area, and sit on the ground.  Then a gate is opened, and a mob of Labrador retriever or golden retriever puppies is released on the cruiser!  (These breeds tend to be very cute and social.)  The cruiser gets, say, 20 minutes to play with them, pet them, cuddle them, rub their bellies, etc.  Basically, anything they want, as long as it doesn't make the puppies uncomfortable.  That's like getting a giant shot of oxytocin (a bonding hormone that gets released during close contact with people or pets).  Plus, their soft puppy fur feels amazing.  There's also an opportunity to donate to the puppy welfare fund at the end.


This excursion is best left to US ports, like Key West or Catalina, since America has very good animal welfare laws.  But I suppose it can work in foreign ports too, provided there's a way to guarantee that the puppies are treated kindly.  While pet adoptions are out of the question on cruises, charity donations can work well.

Edited by LandlockedCruiser01
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12 minutes ago, LandlockedCruiser01 said:

Basically, the thread title.


Here's my idea: a puppy mob.  The cruiser comes in, signs a waiver saying that they acknowledge that puppies may nip, scratch, damage clothing, or have bathroom accidents, and the facility is not responsible for it.  Then they're escorted to a grassy area, and sit on the ground.  Then a gate is opened, and a mob of Labrador retriever or golden retriever puppies is released on the cruiser!  (These breeds tend to be very cute and social.)  The cruiser gets, say, 20 minutes to play with them, pet them, cuddle them, rub their bellies, etc.  Basically, anything they want, as long as it doesn't make the puppies uncomfortable.  That's like getting a giant shot of oxytocin (a bonding hormone that gets released during close contact with people or pets).  There's an opportunity to donate to the puppy welfare fund at the end.


This excursion is best left to US ports, like Key West or Catalina, since America has very good animal welfare laws.  But I suppose it can work in foreign ports too, provided there's a way to guarantee that the puppies are treated kindly.  While pet adoptions are out of the question on cruises, charity donations can work well.

The idea is being used in Maui, Hawaii with cats.  Check out "Cat Cafe Maui".

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29 minutes ago, Silver Sweethearts said:

The idea is being used in Maui, Hawaii with cats.  Check out "Cat Cafe Maui".

Such cafes are popular in Japan.  I saw one in Chicago, even, although it was just through the window.  But I'm a dog person, so I'd enjoy a getting puppy-mobbed a lot more. 😊

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I'm thinking of more exotic things.


Would love it if they offered an excursion to experience a real Roman dinner in Nero's Domus Aurea (Golden Palace) in Rome or maybe somewhere in Pompeii.... (Togas optional).


Or the chance to help prepare a meal with actual items from ancient Rome (there is an existing cookbook), preferably using similar equipment. Anyone know where we can get dormice or peacock's tongue??



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Apart from being on the seas, I cruise mostly to get a sense of foreign culture, language, customs and food.  While I love puppies, I wouldn't go to a foreign petting zoo unless it had local breeds.


Same reason I avoid American fast food shops and dime a dozen souvenir shops in port/mall areas when abroad.  


I'd rather a sense of expanding vision rather than familiar comfortability.



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9 hours ago, LandlockedCruiser01 said:

Basically, the thread title.


Here's my idea: a puppy mob.  The cruiser comes in, signs a waiver saying that they acknowledge that puppies may nip, scratch, damage clothing, or have bathroom accidents, and the facility is not responsible for it.  Then they're escorted to a grassy area, and sit on the ground.  Then a gate is opened, and a mob of Labrador retriever or golden retriever puppies is released on the cruiser!  (These breeds tend to be very cute and social.)  The cruiser gets, say, 20 minutes to play with them, pet them, cuddle them, rub their bellies, etc.  Basically, anything they want, as long as it doesn't make the puppies uncomfortable.  That's like getting a giant shot of oxytocin (a bonding hormone that gets released during close contact with people or pets).  Plus, their soft puppy fur feels amazing.  There's also an opportunity to donate to the puppy welfare fund at the end.


This excursion is best left to US ports, like Key West or Catalina, since America has very good animal welfare laws.  But I suppose it can work in foreign ports too, provided there's a way to guarantee that the puppies are treated kindly.  While pet adoptions are out of the question on cruises, charity donations can work well.

My daughters' college had something like this the week before exams:  a rescue set up in the middle of campus, and for $1-2 dollars you could go into the pen for 10 minutes.  I always gave them a couple dollars and told them that treat was on me.  


An extension of this idea:  How about hiking with dogs?  Obviously in a place where hiking is appropriate -- connect with a local shelter and let cruisers exercise a dog while enjoying the sites?  

1 hour ago, cruisemom42 said:

I'm thinking of more exotic things.


Would love it if they offered an excursion to experience a real Roman dinner in Nero's Domus Aurea (Golden Palace) in Rome or maybe somewhere in Pompeii.... (Togas optional).


Or the chance to help prepare a meal with actual items from ancient Rome (there is an existing cookbook), preferably using similar equipment. Anyone know where we can get dormice or peacock's tongue??

I'd love to take cooking classes here or there -- but it needs to be something "real".  I don't want to learn to make guacamole, which is just cutting up 5-6 items and mushing them together.  


Best excursions: Activities unique to the island ... a good mixture of activity and rest.  

Worst:  City tours in the Caribbean.

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10 hours ago, LandlockedCruiser01 said:

Basically, the thread title.


Here's my idea: a puppy mob.  The cruiser comes in, signs a waiver saying that they acknowledge that puppies may nip, scratch, damage clothing, or have bathroom accidents, and the facility is not responsible for it.  Then they're escorted to a grassy area, and sit on the ground.  Then a gate is opened, and a mob of Labrador retriever or golden retriever puppies is released on the cruiser!  (These breeds tend to be very cute and social.)  The cruiser gets, say, 20 minutes to play with them, pet them, cuddle them, rub their bellies, etc.  Basically, anything they want, as long as it doesn't make the puppies uncomfortable.  That's like getting a giant shot of oxytocin (a bonding hormone that gets released during close contact with people or pets).  Plus, their soft puppy fur feels amazing.  There's also an opportunity to donate to the puppy welfare fund at the end.


This excursion is best left to US ports, like Key West or Catalina, since America has very good animal welfare laws.  But I suppose it can work in foreign ports too, provided there's a way to guarantee that the puppies are treated kindly.  While pet adoptions are out of the question on cruises, charity donations can work well.

One of my regrets on my last cruise was not returning to the ship covered with muddy puppy footprints after a visit with huskies at the Tromso Wilderness Center. There were 8 seven month old puppies, and several dozen adult dogs - all eager to meet visitors.

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2 hours ago, Mum2Mercury said:

I'd love to take cooking classes here or there -- but it needs to be something "real".  I don't want to learn to make guacamole, which is just cutting up 5-6 items and mushing them together. 

I've done a cooking class like that---it's covered in my Sensation review.  We made conch dishes, a coconut dessert, and a rum drink.  I had a blast, and the food was more interesting that what's found back on the ship.  Plus, with the rum we drank, half the people napped on the bus ride back. 😊


1 hour ago, TheOldBear said:

One of my regrets on my last cruise was not returning to the ship covered with muddy puppy footprints after a visit with huskies at the Tromso Wilderness Center. There were 8 seven month old puppies, and several dozen adult dogs - all eager to meet visitors.

I went to husky dog sled demos here in Chicago.  You were allowed to play with the dogs between their sled pulls.  The dogs were amazing and super-friendly.  They treated you like a best friend from the first minute.  Needless to say, I ended up with dog saliva on my face and dog hair on my clothes afterwards.  They were adult huskies, so the cute factor wasn't there, but it was still a lot of fun.

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We did dog sledding on the Mendenhall Glacier. They do their summer training up there and over 150 dogs and two litters of puppies which we got to have cuddles with. Yes the helicopter trip, sledding etc were once in a lifetime and memorable on their own BUT cuddling puppies on a glacier with sun on your face - just next level memories! 

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10 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:

I'm thinking of more exotic things.


Would love it if they offered an excursion to experience a real Roman dinner in Nero's Domus Aurea (Golden Palace) in Rome or maybe somewhere in Pompeii.... (Togas optional).


Not sure if it’s still offered, but I did take a similar excursion in Turkey where a tradional meal was served at Apollo’s Temple.  

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10 hours ago, evandbob said:

Same reason I avoid American fast food shops

Just to give an alternative view: I love visiting American fast food restaurants overseas. Fun to see what things are the same, and which are different. One of my favorite memories of Paris was enjoying some McVin, from the McDonalds Champs-Élysées.

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6 hours ago, Aquahound said:

Not sure if it’s still offered, but I did take a similar excursion in Turkey where a tradional meal was served at Apollo’s Temple.  

I did a comparable excursion during my Birthright Israel trip in 2006.  We were served a meal in a large Bedouin tent.  It was decorated like the nomad tents Bedouins normally use, although electric fans and cable lights were hooked up to a generator outside.  The food consisted of fire-baked pita bread, lamb kebobs with pickled vegetables, some honey-based dessert (I forgot what exactly), fruit, and mint tea.

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On 2/15/2023 at 10:14 PM, LandlockedCruiser01 said:

Basically, the thread title.


Here's my idea: a puppy mob.  The cruiser comes in, signs a waiver saying that they acknowledge that puppies may nip, scratch, damage clothing, or have bathroom accidents, and the facility is not responsible for it.  Then they're escorted to a grassy area, and sit on the ground.  Then a gate is opened, and a mob of Labrador retriever or golden retriever puppies is released on the cruiser!  (These breeds tend to be very cute and social.)  The cruiser gets, say, 20 minutes to play with them, pet them, cuddle them, rub their bellies, etc.  Basically, anything they want, as long as it doesn't make the puppies uncomfortable.  That's like getting a giant shot of oxytocin (a bonding hormone that gets released during close contact with people or pets).  Plus, their soft puppy fur feels amazing.  There's also an opportunity to donate to the puppy welfare fund at the end.


This excursion is best left to US ports, like Key West or Catalina, since America has very good animal welfare laws.  But I suppose it can work in foreign ports too, provided there's a way to guarantee that the puppies are treated kindly.  While pet adoptions are out of the question on cruises, charity donations can work well.

My first thought was of puppy mills in order to always have puppies in the "cute" stage. Then what happens to all of those dogs who are no longer cute? Other than that, it's a pretty good idea.

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31 minutes ago, mammajamma2013 said:

My first thought was of puppy mills in order to always have puppies in the "cute" stage. Then what happens to all of those dogs who are no longer cute? Other than that, it's a pretty good idea.

I had the same concerns when I came up with the idea.  That's why I think it's best to limit this kind of excursion to US ports.  Better animal welfare protections.


As for dogs who age out of cuteness, they can be made available for adoption without the "mob" part.

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19 hours ago, wcook said:

Just to give an alternative view: I love visiting American fast food restaurants overseas. Fun to see what things are the same, and which are different. One of my favorite memories of Paris was enjoying some McVin, from the McDonalds Champs-Élysées.

Years ago I visited McDonalds on a houseboat outside the St. Louis Arch.  Although we (obviously) have McD's at home, it was fun because it was different.

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On 2/16/2023 at 7:59 PM, wcook said:

I’d love a “hard hat” tour if the restocking process in port. 

Watch any T.V. show on cruising the most played out and stale part of cruising shows . ''Fifty thousands million dozen eggs'' they never miss the egg report.

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On 2/16/2023 at 7:58 PM, wcook said:

Just to give an alternative view: I love visiting American fast food restaurants overseas. Fun to see what things are the same, and which are different. One of my favorite memories of Paris was enjoying some McVin, from the McDonalds Champs-Élysées.

Americans have three rights in Europe free access within Europe ,the right to see the U.S ambassador and the right to go to the bathroom in McDonald's. 

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My idea of a different excursion would some hunting or shooting related activity. Driven bird hunting, clay target shooting, pigeon shooting, wild boar hunting, waterfowling or some other similar activity. Couldn't be offered in all countries but I believe would be very popular on excursions in those that allow it. 

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2 hours ago, K32682 said:

My idea of a different excursion would some hunting or shooting related activity. Driven bird hunting, clay target shooting, pigeon shooting, wild boar hunting, waterfowling or some other similar activity. Couldn't be offered in all countries but I believe would be very popular on excursions in those that allow it. 

That would be hard to pull off.  America is an oddball on the world stage with its firearm laws: in many states, owning a rifle is as normal as owning a car.  But lots of countries make obtaining a firearm very difficult.  So how would a tour operator get licensed to issue rifles to people who aren't even local citizens?  And what about accidental injuries?


If these excursions get made, it's best to leave the hunting to clay targets or pest/invasive species.  I don't like the idea of hunting for sport/entertainment.  Let the locals hunt animals for food instead.

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