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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday May 10th, 2023

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Today is Clean up Your Room Day, National Small Business Day, and Nationa School Nurse Day

With renunciation life begins. - Amelia Barr

Meal Suggestion for today - Spinach Tortellini
Drink of the Day - Autumn Tini
Wine of the Day - Chateau Ste. Michelle Chardonnay Ethos Reserve, Columbia Valley, Washington Stat
Destination of the Day - Malaga, Spain Granada

Today in History:
1960 US atomic submarine USS Triton completes 1st submerged circumnavigation of the globe

Ship Locations


Sitka, Alaska 08:00 - 16:00


Glacier Bay, Alaska 07:00 - 16:00

Nieuw Amsterdam

Kodiak, Alaska 11:00 - 19:00

Nieuw Statendam

At Sea destination Le Havre, France eta 5-12 


Juneau, Alaska 09:00 - 21:30


Casablanca, Morocco 07:00 - 23:59


At Sea destination Riga, Latvia eta 5-11 


Vancouver, BC Canada 07:00 - 16:00


Hubbard Glacier, Alaska 14:00 - 18:00


Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island 08:00 - 16:00


At Sea Destination Port Everglades eta 5-12






Sandi for Rich

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Thank you for Wednesday's daily reports Sandi and Rich.

It is sunny and 62°F here.

I have just dropped Pauline off next to her friends car and they have gone to the shopping outlet.

3 important days.

I get the champagne version of today's wine amongst my loyalty drinks in our cabin on Royal Caribbean.

Malaga is one of our favourite ports.

I hope everyone is well this morning.






Edited by grapau27
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Good morning friends!  The weather today is 64F and we will experience a high of 84 with mixed clouds and sun.  I really must have been tired because I didn't wake up early today as I usually do.  I heard my back up, an alarm on my phone in the kitchen so as not to wake up DH.  I dashed to turn it off and get busy.  And here we are.


Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report this morning.  Our days to commemorate today are National Clean Up Your Room Day, National Small Business Day, and National School Nurse Day.  I like all of them!  Some of us will clean up today and others will reject that.  I promise to clean something!  A great idea to support our small businesses.  And to the school nurses, a salute!  The quote is brief today.  What do you have to renunciate?  Perhaps someone knows the answer to that.


Our meal suggestion today is Spinach Tortellini.  I would eat that, but DH prefers 5 cheese tortellini and since he's now our chef, what he likes we usually eat.  I'm sure Debbie @dfish has some recipes that will show us how difficult it is to make tortellini. 😆 I honor anyone who goes to that much work!  The drink is called Autumn Tini and it sounds pretty but how does it taste? 🍹 Thanks Dixie @summer slope for giving us directions on making it.  And the Chardonnay is I'm sure a lovely one but I don't like chardonnay too often.  I hope it isn't as expensive as yesterday's French champagne! 🥂 Thank you Ann @cat shepard for the description today.  


Our day in history sounds exciting and memorable.  I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like that much time spent underwater!  Thanks Rich for letting us know about that bit of history though.


Prayers will be said shortly for all on our Care list.  Though it is long we are seeing some improvements in some of you.  I hope the prayers are helping! 🙏 And to those on the Celebration list, congrats to you!  Enjoy your cruises/vacations, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or whatever you can find to bring you happiness.  🥂


The port today is Malaga, Spain.  What a lovely place to visit!  We have had that port twice now already on July 19, 2021 and Oct. 13, 2022.  My photos will be copied and pasted and yours can be too if you go to one of these links and find them.  Good luck!  Here are the links and my photos!





've been to fabulous Malaga three times and have a "few" photos of that scenic locality.  Our visits to Malaga took place in 2017 on Westerdam and in 2018 and 2019 on our beloved Prinsendam.  The first time I took a tour of the fortress with views of the city and the bullring.  You can see the bullring and the Westerdam in this photo from 2017.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIwkjPNluuDElkFG77ON3il?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


The next two visits were self-led walking tours and there is plenty to see, believe me!  One of the most vivid hued buildings is the Episcopal Palace.



This spot is called the Plaza del Obispo.  If you look to your right when standing in that same spot you see this, the Malaga Cathedral's side entrance.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLVf5Do3vNxmFaVncjRhqDY?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




Inside the Malaga Cathedral.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLlMgGDZQBLJBU8wT7P5NSc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium












They mark everything quite well due to the amount of tourists they get here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKmZPSA_FLIItU6TujLxMV8?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




Since the 2017 visit was in August it was pretty hot, so we were relieved to see they covered the pedestrian street with sheer cloth-like overhangs.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLNxfeAWDWxEttR_3P4TyCm?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


A truly enjoyable city to visit.



This morning we plan on walking together outdoors so will want to wait a little while, maybe an hour from now, so the sun will be closer to rising.  Weather is good and it's fun for a change instead of consecutive treadmill workouts, hers and his.  Hope we see some deer or other interesting wildlife out there.


Meanwhile, wishing you a wonderful day this Wednesday!  Be safe and have fun!  But don't forget to clean your room!

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Good morning! Looks like another warm and beautiful day in Florida.
We are keeping our meals simple but have been successful in fussy one’s finishing their dinners. Less than a week to go.

Get home, do some much needed chores and start packing process for our Intensive Spain and France cruises on the Azamara Journey. In August we’ll be heading to Pittsburgh to see oldest son and family. In September we’ll spend two weeks at a beach house on Depoe Bay, Oregon that other son has rented. Then believe it or not I believe we will be home for a few months.

Sandi thanks for the report and kick start. Are you going to be lost or relieved when Rich resumes posting? You’ve done a great job and we all appreciate all the time, effort and enthusiasm you have so graciously committed too in keeping the Daily Fleet Report going.

Have a great day. Bruce



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this was posted in the first drink thread and I thought everyone here would enjoy it.


14 hours ago, GoHawks-43-8 said:

Wow! I looked up the recipe. I don't think there's a booze not in that drink.


Long Island Iced Tea, "I have so much booze. You'll never believe this drink."


Weng Weng, "please allow me to introduce myself and introduce your face to the floor."



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We were last in Málaga a little over a month ago while on the Zuiderdam.  Instead of staying in the beautiful city of Málaga, we took the ship’s excursion to Cordoba, a city that was originally established by the Romans.  The highlight of the tour was the mosque that was the largest mosque in the world a thousand years ago.  When the Muslims were overthrown, the Catholic Church, instead of destroying the mosque as originally proposed, built a cathedral within the mosque.  As a result, the building reflects both religions.



















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Good morning Dailyites.


A cool start to the day, only 3°C, but should warm up to a sunny 20°C (68°F).  Love it!


A good collection of days.  I try to keep my room clean.  I support small businesses.  I salute School Nurses.

Interesting quote.

The meal sounds good, looking forward to seeing recipes.  I hope the drink and wine are tasty too.

I haven't been to today's port, thanks to everyone for sharing pictures.


Prayers for everyone.  Cheers for all the celebrations.


Have a good day.

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Autumn Tini Cocktail:


2 parts Cruzan® Aged Light Rum
1 part DeKuyper® Hazelnut Schnapps Liqueur
3 parts Pear Nectar
Cinnamon, Ground
Cayenne Pepper Mix

In a martini shaker, mix the ingredients with ice and shake. Shake into a martini glass that has been rimmed with a Sugar/Cinnamon/Cayenne Pepper Mix.


Screenshot 2023-05-10 at 6.42.42 AM.png

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With renunciation life begins. - Amelia Barr


Where compassion is the wish that others not suffer, renunciation is the wish that I not suffer. What causes me to suffer? Wanting. Renunciation, then, means not so much giving up things, desires, or a way of life, but giving up desiring itself. But to do so is not so easy.


Edited by richwmn
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Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report.  Today looks like a beautiful day to be driving through upstate New York.  This weekend will be clean the house that the pet sitter doesn’t think we are slobs.  One of the cats will take freshly mopped floors as a challenge and present us with a fur ball.
I received an email from my POC for my 2 pm meeting.  He woke up sick and cancelled.  I’ll hang out at the hotel here as long as I can, get lunch and then head to Ogdensburg.  At least this means I’ll have time to go to an Amish store along the way.

I hope everyone has a good day today.


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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. My room clean up will have to wait until Saturday.  Hats off to small businesses and school nurses. I’ll be renouncing work soon and will be traveling to today’s port..Thanks for sharing all of the pictures.  The meal and wine suggestions sound very good.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events today!

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I think you can tell a lot about a person by the type of port pictures they post.  I’ve realized mine are either nature or food.  Malaga was a beautiful port.  We took a wonderful tapas walking tour organized by a RC member.  First, to the marketIMG_6092.thumb.jpeg.f91c49b38468ffa09c3b8c0b2e7119ec.jpegSalt codIMG_6091.thumb.jpeg.8855918c42d9846237f25a3667359bb2.jpegJamón IbéricoIMG_6094.thumb.jpeg.603f34be8430b5471d16513ffe31cf6c.jpegOlives, garlic, artichokes, sun dried tomatoes IMG_6097.thumb.jpeg.cd2d13accc3befe87719faf3ee4c0f5e.jpegWe went to three different restaurants with delicious food and drink.  This is our table at our final stop, notice all the the wine lining the walls.IMG_6111.thumb.jpeg.2e2a82ed314172bd1a1e36bc70593ec8.jpeg


Positive thoughts to all who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

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Good morning. It is cool so far at 47 degrees but will be 75 later. We have not been to the port but the pictures are great,thanks to all. Spinach tortellini is popular here with pesto sauce or in a soup. My family laughs at my quest to keep things clean around here which is not easy! I think I need Tina @0106 to explain the quote. And  just thinking about the submarine being underwater that long reinforces my claustrophobia.


@cruzn single, I am so sorry that you have such an ordeal now and in three weeks will undergo more surgery. I can see nothing but blurry colors without my glasses and feel for you trying to manage without yours. Sending hugs and prayers.

@puppycanducruise, I was sorry to read that your Bertie Wooster is injured and hope he agrees with the rest period for healing.

@Rowsby, I love the memorial bush planted for your husband, thanks for the picture.

@luvteaching, belated Happy Birthday to your DH and congratulations on the birth of your great granddaughter.

Tana’s aide just arrived and the day will truly get underway. She tells me she feels a little better overall and wanted to try a few steps with the walker earlier. It was a three foot walk but more than she has been able to do in three weeks. We have portable oxygen to make the process less cumbersome. She reminded me that her last job before the pandemic was as a school nurse. 


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Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Sandi.


I need to clean up more than my room so I guess I better celebrate the day 😉 Hurrah for small business - I happily support as many as I can.  And School Nurse day is well deserved.  I hope @Nickelpenny sees this special day 🤞


The quote is admirable but challenging for many of us.  Hmm - I do have spinach so I’ll see what Debbie has concocted for us today.  And, another white wine!  Looking forward to Anne’s description.




Malaga was always a favourite port for DH and I.  (He actually got his hair cut there on the longer cruises and the barber remembered him!).  We’d been to the sights outside of Malaga when we were visiting Spain for 2 weeks so we always took advantage of our time there to soak up the ambience and enjoy special tapas.  When I return in 2024 I will happily do a tapas tour again with Laura who knows all the good spots with very different tapas 👍 




Having a hard time typing & keeping the Ipad from falling as there is a dog head in my lap LOL. Sorry Ivan - but it’s not for long 😉 Still way to cold in the morning - below freezing.  😬 What the heck is going on?  Going to try to get some serious cleaning done today inside and try to do a bit of stuff outside keeping my one arm straight/semi- straight and assess the situation.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and cheers to all those celebrating.




Have a great Wednesday, everyone !!!!!

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  The weather today is 64F and we will experience a high of 84 with mixed clouds and sun.  I really must have been tired because I didn't wake up early today as I usually do.  I heard my back up, an alarm on my phone in the kitchen so as not to wake up DH.  I dashed to turn it off and get busy.  And here we are.


Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report this morning.  Our days to commemorate today are National Clean Up Your Room Day, National Small Business Day, and National School Nurse Day.  I like all of them!  Some of us will clean up today and others will reject that.  I promise to clean something!  A great idea to support our small businesses.  And to the school nurses, a salute!  The quote is brief today.  What do you have to renunciate?  Perhaps someone knows the answer to that.


Our meal suggestion today is Spinach Tortellini.  I would eat that, but DH prefers 5 cheese tortellini and since he's now our chef, what he likes we usually eat.  I'm sure Debbie @dfish has some recipes that will show us how difficult it is to make tortellini. 😆 I honor anyone who goes to that much work!  The drink is called Autumn Tini and it sounds pretty but how does it taste? 🍹 Thanks Dixie @summer slope for giving us directions on making it.  And the Chardonnay is I'm sure a lovely one but I don't like chardonnay too often.  I hope it isn't as expensive as yesterday's French champagne! 🥂 Thank you Ann @cat shepard for the description today.  


Our day in history sounds exciting and memorable.  I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like that much time spent underwater!  Thanks Rich for letting us know about that bit of history though.


Prayers will be said shortly for all on our Care list.  Though it is long we are seeing some improvements in some of you.  I hope the prayers are helping! 🙏 And to those on the Celebration list, congrats to you!  Enjoy your cruises/vacations, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or whatever you can find to bring you happiness.  🥂


The port today is Malaga, Spain.  What a lovely place to visit!  We have had that port twice now already on July 19, 2021 and Oct. 13, 2022.  My photos will be copied and pasted and yours can be too if you go to one of these links and find them.  Good luck!  Here are the links and my photos!





've been to fabulous Malaga three times and have a "few" photos of that scenic locality.  Our visits to Malaga took place in 2017 on Westerdam and in 2018 and 2019 on our beloved Prinsendam.  The first time I took a tour of the fortress with views of the city and the bullring.  You can see the bullring and the Westerdam in this photo from 2017.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIwkjPNluuDElkFG77ON3il?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


The next two visits were self-led walking tours and there is plenty to see, believe me!  One of the most vivid hued buildings is the Episcopal Palace.



This spot is called the Plaza del Obispo.  If you look to your right when standing in that same spot you see this, the Malaga Cathedral's side entrance.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLVf5Do3vNxmFaVncjRhqDY?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




Inside the Malaga Cathedral.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLlMgGDZQBLJBU8wT7P5NSc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium












They mark everything quite well due to the amount of tourists they get here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKmZPSA_FLIItU6TujLxMV8?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




Since the 2017 visit was in August it was pretty hot, so we were relieved to see they covered the pedestrian street with sheer cloth-like overhangs.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLNxfeAWDWxEttR_3P4TyCm?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


A truly enjoyable city to visit.



This morning we plan on walking together outdoors so will want to wait a little while, maybe an hour from now, so the sun will be closer to rising.  Weather is good and it's fun for a change instead of consecutive treadmill workouts, hers and his.  Hope we see some deer or other interesting wildlife out there.


Meanwhile, wishing you a wonderful day this Wednesday!  Be safe and have fun!  But don't forget to clean your room!

Nice photos of a lovely port Sandi.

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  The weather today is 64F and we will experience a high of 84 with mixed clouds and sun.  I really must have been tired because I didn't wake up early today as I usually do.  I heard my back up, an alarm on my phone in the kitchen so as not to wake up DH.  I dashed to turn it off and get busy.  And here we are.


Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report this morning.  Our days to commemorate today are National Clean Up Your Room Day, National Small Business Day, and National School Nurse Day.  I like all of them!  Some of us will clean up today and others will reject that.  I promise to clean something!  A great idea to support our small businesses.  And to the school nurses, a salute!  The quote is brief today.  What do you have to renunciate?  Perhaps someone knows the answer to that.


Our meal suggestion today is Spinach Tortellini.  I would eat that, but DH prefers 5 cheese tortellini and since he's now our chef, what he likes we usually eat.  I'm sure Debbie @dfish has some recipes that will show us how difficult it is to make tortellini. 😆 I honor anyone who goes to that much work!  The drink is called Autumn Tini and it sounds pretty but how does it taste? 🍹 Thanks Dixie @summer slope for giving us directions on making it.  And the Chardonnay is I'm sure a lovely one but I don't like chardonnay too often.  I hope it isn't as expensive as yesterday's French champagne! 🥂 Thank you Ann @cat shepard for the description today.  


Our day in history sounds exciting and memorable.  I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like that much time spent underwater!  Thanks Rich for letting us know about that bit of history though.


Prayers will be said shortly for all on our Care list.  Though it is long we are seeing some improvements in some of you.  I hope the prayers are helping! 🙏 And to those on the Celebration list, congrats to you!  Enjoy your cruises/vacations, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations or whatever you can find to bring you happiness.  🥂


The port today is Malaga, Spain.  What a lovely place to visit!  We have had that port twice now already on July 19, 2021 and Oct. 13, 2022.  My photos will be copied and pasted and yours can be too if you go to one of these links and find them.  Good luck!  Here are the links and my photos!





've been to fabulous Malaga three times and have a "few" photos of that scenic locality.  Our visits to Malaga took place in 2017 on Westerdam and in 2018 and 2019 on our beloved Prinsendam.  The first time I took a tour of the fortress with views of the city and the bullring.  You can see the bullring and the Westerdam in this photo from 2017.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIwkjPNluuDElkFG77ON3il?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


The next two visits were self-led walking tours and there is plenty to see, believe me!  One of the most vivid hued buildings is the Episcopal Palace.



This spot is called the Plaza del Obispo.  If you look to your right when standing in that same spot you see this, the Malaga Cathedral's side entrance.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLVf5Do3vNxmFaVncjRhqDY?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




Inside the Malaga Cathedral.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLlMgGDZQBLJBU8wT7P5NSc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium












They mark everything quite well due to the amount of tourists they get here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKmZPSA_FLIItU6TujLxMV8?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




Since the 2017 visit was in August it was pretty hot, so we were relieved to see they covered the pedestrian street with sheer cloth-like overhangs.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLNxfeAWDWxEttR_3P4TyCm?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


A truly enjoyable city to visit.



This morning we plan on walking together outdoors so will want to wait a little while, maybe an hour from now, so the sun will be closer to rising.  Weather is good and it's fun for a change instead of consecutive treadmill workouts, hers and his.  Hope we see some deer or other interesting wildlife out there.


Meanwhile, wishing you a wonderful day this Wednesday!  Be safe and have fun!  But don't forget to clean your room!

We fly into Malaga regularly and stay about 10 minutes drive from the port at Benalmadena at our favourite hotel Vincci Aleysa.





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Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Gaily and Fleet Report. 

Looks like another nice day. Working from home today. 

I have a small business. My room is not clean because I am packing for my cruise!

I want to wish my sister Karent a very happy birthday as we prepare to sail off in just 18 days. 

I noticed on the Navigator App that they are putting in the activities for each day of the cruise. So excited!

Thinking of all of you. 

Have a safe and healthy day.


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the fleet Report/Daily 

Good days. I’m trying to keep my room here clean; I got the guest room and poor BFF is sleeping on the sofa. The quote is hard to do. I like the meal and will pass on the drink and wine. I haven’t been to Malaga - thanks for the pictures. 

I had a short trip out for lunch today, now back with legs elevated. I’ll try to do more daily. As it’s my 5th trip here, I’m not missing out on too much sightseeing. BFF is currently doing some laundry; the appliances here are so different. 

Prayers for those in need, especially post surgery and with chronic illness. Cheers for those with something to celebrate.


Today’s lunch of schnitzel and frites. We’ll have a light supper after this!


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Sandi & Rich, thank you for today’s R & D! Rich, I can not believe your grand adventure is nearing its end. I appreciate the thoughts you shared on your thread. 

Eva, thank you for capturing our cares & celebrations. I only hope Vanessa can enjoy this much deserved vacation a bit more. 

It is another lovely morning here, but the humidity is creeping up slowly but surely. I  have a mani-pedi this morning, then Bindi walks, HIIT and then dinner with one of the instructors at my former gym and her husband. It should be a fun reunion. 

@RedneckBob do you have a cousin Rich who lives on the East Coast of Florida?  He has his own restaurant. He is hosting a Mother’s Day celebration!












Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Get well & stay well everyone!



Chateau Ste. Michelle 2019 Chardonnay Ethos Reserve, Columbia Valley, Washington State

I used the 2019 vintage, since it should still be fairly easy to order. I find it interesting that the vintner is the only distributor of this wine that ships to me. I am not sure if our Washington Dailyites can find it for less at home, but it might be worth looking for it. The tasting notes aren’t really descriptive. So it might be oaky. The vintner offers it online for $40.00.

Winemaker fact sheet

2019 Ethos Reserve Chardonnay
• Winter temperatures were average preceding the 2019 growing season, resulting in little to no vine damage, and bud break occurred normally.
• The abundance of snow in February provided ample soil moisture. Warm spring temperatures created excellent conditions for canopy growth and early fruit development.
• Summertime temperatures were mild with very few periods of excessive heat, followed by cooler fall temperatures, ideal for developing beautiful fruit flavors and aromas.
• Columbia Valley vineyards lie in the rain shadow of the Cascade Mountains and receive just 6-8 inches of rainfall annually.
• Warm, sunny days and cool evenings create ideal conditions for aroma and flavor development in the ripening grapes.
• The grapes were sourced from 46% Lawrence Vineyards, 41% Canoe Ridge Estate and 13% Celilo Vineyard.
• The juice was fermented for three weeks in stainless steel.
• Cool fermentation with very fruit forward yeasts were carefully monitored to preserve the crisp fruit characteristics.
• Aged sur lie for 10 months in 45% new oak, 35% 1-year old oak and 20% neutral oak.
“This wine is a labor of love that requires months of tasting hundreds of individual barrels of Chardonnay. Fermented with 100% natural, uninoculated yeast and aged 10 months in French oak, Ethos is crafted in an elegant style designed to entice your sense and captivate your spirit.” -

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10 minutes ago, Denise T said:

Good morning, everyone. Thank you for the Gaily and Fleet Report. 

Looks like another nice day. Working from home today. 

I have a small business. My room is not clean because I am packing for my cruise!

I want to wish my sister Karent a very happy birthday as we prepare to sail off in just 18 days. 

I noticed on the Navigator App that they are putting in the activities for each day of the cruise. So excited!

Thinking of all of you. 

Have a safe and healthy day.


Happy birthday to your lovely sister Karen Denise.


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Wednesday May 10 care and celebration list


Crabby Patti caring for DF  who is no longer ambulatory

Jazzyv with terrible knee and back pain

Cunnorl recovering from surgery 

Cruzn single recuperating but uncomfortable

Vict0rian’s DH Pat recuperating 

Tupper10 with post op pain but doing ok

Alberta wildfires, 30,000 evacuated



Too many shooting victims every day

Citizens of Ukraine and the Sudan 

From the rotation:


RMLincoln’s DH’s sensitivity to glaucoma meds

Marshhawk ‘s leg and feet cramps

Marshhawk’s dh with continuing nose issues 




National nursing week May 8 to 14 in Canada

National teacher appreciation week 


Tana responding to medication

Cruzn single stepson with successful non cancerous tumour removal

NextOne not needing any procedures, July cruise is on!

Luvteaching DH making progress on mobility

Surgery date for smitty34877 DH

Father David on a pilgrimage for 3 weeks (May 21)

Bennybear feeling better

Mamaofami’s dh pneumonia free

Mamaofami with good oncology report

Rafinmd fleshing out September and November cruises

RMLincoln good eye report  surgery date for other eye

vict0rian’s DH Pat itching to go home



Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming


Welcome back



5 days SusieKIslandGirl (Nieuw Statendam 5/14 to5/28)






Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12), 

Sharon in AZ (Volendam to 5/17) at sea

Marshhawk (Nieuw Amsterdam to 5/21)

Jazzyv cruise Germany vacation to 5/28

Cruising sister (Nieuw Statendam to 5/28)

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